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Oct 17, 2018
What criticisms are we allowed to publicly express of Biden? Zero? Alright then.


Shinra Employee
Oct 28, 2017
San Francisco
Maybe Bernie is just salty Biden didn't bring him a six pack too.

In any case, this is expected, we should continue to push Biden to the left.


Oct 25, 2017
how do you come to terms with the contradiction that a majority of even biden voters support m4a/weed legalization though?

when you say it like that it kind of seems like he doesn't need to pivot to those positions because people who already voted for him... already voted for him. when he did not support those positions.


The GIFs of Us
Jun 25, 2020
the wilderness

Holy shit!

Oct 25, 2017
But Biden is talking about those things. Maybe it's enough and maybe it's not enough. He is winning, so his mix is working. Bernie should really spend his time talking about how the person he endorsed is doing that rather than publicly critiquing whether he's saying it or not.

And note to people saying he should have held off on an endorsement to get concessions: Bernie isn't saying Biden isn't going to do these things. He's saying Biden isn't talking about what he is going to do enough.
There's no reason why that's true. He can be winning because of things like the fact that's he's liked more than trump not to mention the fact that backlash against Trump's handling covid is exactly the kind of scenario that could sink even a more popular incumbent.

Given the lingering issues of the electoral college, voter suppression and the nessecity of getting the senate a defensive approach is clearly riskier than a solid poll lead lets on.

madame x

May 15, 2020
when you say it like that it kind of seems like he doesn't need to pivot to those positions because people who already voted for him... already voted for him. when he did not support those positions.
but.... are those people enough to win a general election? in key states?

we all know being able to win a primary does not mean being able to win a general election.

Deleted member 3896

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm glad that Sanders helped shape Biden's progressive platform but looking at how poorly he did in the primaries gives me pause about the wisdom of taking his advice concerning campaigning.
Oct 25, 2017
Bernie losing making people question the value of leading with pocketbook issues in an election (they really could be a bigger focus) makes zero sense to me.

Use some critical thinking instead of Bernie = Loser if you want to be giving good takes on electoral strategy
Oct 30, 2017
Biden needs to stop with the Covid criticism 24/7. I suspect it just doesn't resonate with a lot of Americans.

With what Americans, the right-wing that sucks off Trump? Who the hell cares about them, they deny reality already, we have millions bear witness to the deaths of their loved ones, and the death hasn't stopped. It's the hugest failure of Trump's presidency that he has sabotaged a proper response to every step of the way so don't let up.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Weird thread where everyone seems to be talking past each other, even more than usual, because OP conflated their views with the actual news, when the news itself is about messaging and campaigning, not the platform.

Looking in from the outside, saying Bernie lost and has little input to give seems incredibly reductive. Yeah, he might not give you a magic formula to get everyone on board, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have valuable insights on reaching out to certain demographics.


Oct 25, 2017
but.... are those people enough to win a general election? in key states?

we all know being able to win a primary does not mean being able to win a general election.

probably not. but even in the primary, the promise of medicare for all and weed legalization wasn't enough to get the candidates who actually supported those policies a win over... the guy who didn't even campaign. look, again, all i'm saying in my own acerbic and bitchy way is that i don't believe in the concept of "all a candidate has to do is adopt all my preferred policy positions and they'll win in a landslide" (and again, it's not an argument that he shouldn't adopt those positions, because he absolutely should because they're the best for the country.)

(frankly, in this particular race, i really don't think it'd matter much - The Youths and The Lefts and whatnot have already made up their mind about b*den and there's nothing he could say to change their minds. if he came out this afternoon and said he wanted to implement cory booker's marijuana justice act and bernie's medicare for all plan he'd just be accused of lying to try and get votes. it would be nice if he did and followed through though!)


Oct 25, 2017
Weird thread where everyone seems to be talking past each other, even more than usual, because OP conflated their views with the actual news, when the news itself is about messaging and campaigning, not the platform.

Looking in from the outside, saying Bernie lost and has little input to give seems incredibly reductive. Yeah, he might not give you a magic formula to get everyone on board, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have valuable insights on reaching out to certain demographics.

that's because everything on this website is a stand in for rehashing the primaries. If we listened to the folks saying "who wants to listen to a loser", there would be nobody left to run any campaign anywhere.


May 10, 2018
This is a valid criticism and everyone saying Bernie needs to stop is wrong, frankly.

Shouldn't have picked the most vulnerable candidate for "electability" purposes. Absolutely boneheaded move.

I hope Joe wins and will be voting for him, but please do not tell me there's no problem and nobody needs to be calling this out.

I agree that the Latino outreach is lacking, but honestly Bernie would be even worse for the Latino vote in swing states like Florida, as he's unapologetically socialist.
Bernie Sanders lead with Latinos all over the country.

And don't discount Trump's support either. Remember he had 29% of the Latino vote last time around, which while it seems low, is about 29% more than everyone expected him to have.
Oct 25, 2017
probably not. but even in the primary, the promise of medicare for all and weed legalization wasn't enough to get the candidates who actually supported those policies a win over... the guy who didn't even campaign. look, again, all i'm saying in my own acerbic and bitchy way is that i don't believe in the concept of "all a candidate has to do is adopt all my preferred policy positions and they'll win in a landslide" (and again, it's not an argument that he shouldn't adopt those positions, because he absolutely should because they're the best for the country.)

(frankly, in this particular race, i really don't think it'd matter much - The Youths and The Lefts and whatnot have already made up their mind about b*den and there's nothing he could say to change their minds. if he came out this afternoon and said he wanted to implement cory booker's marijuana justice act and bernie's medicare for all plan he'd just be accused of lying to try and get votes. it would be nice if he did and followed through though!)
it seems like most people in the primary were concerned about electability there's obviously momentum at play.

It's not like biden voters voted AGAINST legalization. By the simple additive principle he could not be trash on it and increase his support.

madame x

May 15, 2020
probably not. but even in the primary, the promise of medicare for all and weed legalization wasn't enough to get the candidates who actually supported those policies a win over... the guy who didn't even campaign. look, again, all i'm saying in my own acerbic and bitchy way is that i don't believe in the concept of "all a candidate has to do is adopt all my preferred policy positions and they'll win in a landslide" (and again, it's not an argument that he shouldn't adopt those positions, because he absolutely should because they're the best for the country.)

(frankly, in this particular race, i really don't think it'd matter much - The Youths and The Lefts and whatnot have already made up their mind about b*den and there's nothing he could say to change their minds. if he came out this afternoon and said he wanted to implement cory booker's marijuana justice act and bernie's medicare for all plan he'd just be accused of lying to try and get votes. it would be nice if he did and followed through though!)
i think you would be surprised at how many youths/lefts would plug their nose for biden if he adopted even one or two left/bernie policy platforms.

moving past that though, if biden even messaged on the platform that is on his website and focused on as bernie said, "boilerplate issues" as his main message, and talk actual policy and how that would actually affect human lives, he would be doing better in the polls, and he would energize his base more and get the people who *woiuld* vote for him but might not on election day because they just aren't that passionate. why? because hes talking about issues that matter to them.


Oct 25, 2017
At this point, I just hope there are enough voters sick enough of Trump to vote for Biden instead. And enough Trumpers disenfranchised by him that they vote third party. With most people already entrenched on how they plan on voting in November, the only real sway we have now is getting as many people to vote, vote early, vote early by mail, and get to the polls on election day if they didn't vote or mail in early.

Deleted member 23212

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Biden needs to be forced into leftist concessions now, otherwise he'll just win and realize he doesn't have to do shit because he already won with his mediocre policies. He won't be able to be held accountable once he's already in office.


Oct 27, 2017
Bernie is right that Biden's campaign needs to be doing a lot better with Latino outreach. And it's frustrating that after months of this still being an issue they have not really yet moved on it.
I mean it's campaigning 101. They've been too on the defensive and afraid of leading with large scale policy.
Biden's campaign is not playing defense at all. Even in terms of the states they're running in they've definitely been on the offensive. The Trump campaign is the one on the defensive so far. I'm sure they did not expect having to spend in places like Ohio.
Biden needs to stop with the Covid criticism 24/7. I suspect it just doesn't resonate with a lot of Americans.
What in the's the most important issue right now, and one that Biden leads on by double digits! Covid certainly resonates with more people than Trump's law and order play.


Oct 25, 2017
But if he talks about those things people may expect him to do them.

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Source: (sub walled)

Kind of seems like he shouldn't have endorsed without getting Biden to definitely push for these things first. Also seems like that "task force" once again doesn't have a lot of power.

That was my take months ago. Bernie should have wrung serious concessions out of Biden before endorsing (if he even endorsed at all, I felt that the endorsement right during the Tara Reade allegations was pretty repulsive tbh). Running an anti-Trump campaign, which is what Biden has done so far, rather than a serious policy one, might work... but it depends a lot on the hate for Trump getting voters to the polls in the right places. Enthusiasm for Biden is just not there, but perhaps by telling Americans what a Biden presidency would do for them would change that? Also, Biden's numbers among blacks and Latinos are really bad. I saw that one coming a mile away, and he's not really doing anything to fix that, either...


Oct 30, 2017
I said this back after the Florida Democrat primary, Biden is doing worse with Latin Americans than with Hillary in 2016.


Oct 27, 2017
This is a valid criticism and everyone saying Bernie needs to stop is wrong, frankly.

Shouldn't have picked the most vulnerable candidate for "electability" purposes. Absolutely boneheaded move.

I hope Joe wins and will be voting for him, but please do not tell me there's no problem and nobody needs to be calling this out.

Bernie Sanders lead with Latinos all over the country.

And don't discount Trump's support either. Remember he had 29% of the Latino vote last time around, which while it seems low, is about 29% more than everyone expected him to have.
I don't know what his numbers with FL Latinos in particular were, but I imagine not good considering how badly Bernie was blown out in the Florida primary. Bernie led strongly with Latinos in Nevada and California but that doesn't translate everywhere.

I agree people shouldn't underestimate Trump's Latino support. There's every reason to think Trump will do better with Latino voters this year even if he still loses overall.


Jan 25, 2018
Bernie Sanders lead with Latinos all over the country.
Young Latinos sure, but with ALL latinos everywhere in every state it's not true. Based on exit polls, Biden won Latino voters in FL and NC, and pretty much tied with those voters in AZ with Bernie. Bernie certainly did better than Biden in CA, NV and TX. It depends on which state you look at.


Oct 25, 2017
I agree that Biden needs more Latino outreach, and maybe a few big proposals...but Biden is clearly running a stability campaign in a time of severe instability, which makes sense.
Biden needs to stop with the Covid criticism 24/7. I suspect it just doesn't resonate with a lot of Americans.

Is this a joke? COVID is a huge issue with Americans right now.


Oct 27, 2017
Weird thread where everyone seems to be talking past each other, even more than usual, because OP conflated their views with the actual news, when the news itself is about messaging and campaigning, not the platform.

Looking in from the outside, saying Bernie lost and has little input to give seems incredibly reductive. Yeah, he might not give you a magic formula to get everyone on board, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have valuable insights on reaching out to certain demographics.

Yeah - and I imagine it's a hard balancing act. Trying to get Bernie voters motivated while trying to keep the larger Biden coalition together.

I definitely don't know what approach is best.


Oct 30, 2017
Young Latinos sure, but with ALL latinos everywhere in every state it's not true. Based on exit polls, Biden won Latino voters in FL and NC, and pretty much tied with those voters in AZ with Bernie. Bernie certainly did better than Biden in CA, NV and TX. It depends on which state you look at.

You can look at the polls and say he won, but if you compare numbers and see Trump leading Cuban voters in Florida.

It's going to be a tight race in Florida


Oct 30, 2017
Joe Biden lost the democratic primaries twice and in this one urged people to vote in person during the beginnings of a pandemic.
But we shouldn't listen to the other 'loser' who told people not to vote cause he actually cares about people.


Oct 25, 2017
You can look at the polls and say he won, but if you compare numbers and see Trump leading Cuban voters in Florida.

It's going to be a tight race in Florida
Florida Cubans are their own thing and traditionally lean R. Biden needs to make inroads there but his latino outreach should be focused on other latinos in the state IMO.

Joe Biden lost the democratic primaries twice and in this one urged people to vote in person during the beginnings of a pandemic.
How is that relevant to this thread?


Oct 30, 2017
Florida Cubans are their own thing and traditionally lean R. Biden needs to make inroads there but his latino outreach should be focused on other latinos in the state IMO.

How is that relevant to this thread?
People are crowing that Bernie Sanders is a 'loser' and thus he shouldn't be regarded.
Oct 30, 2017
Latinos are not a monolithic block. In Florida, it is Cubans, who are mostly Conservatives, who are not responsive to Biden nor Democrats. Because they link liberal/progressive/socialist ideas with Castro communism that they fled.
I'm aware of this.

But I also don't think this is the norm in terms of polling.


Oct 27, 2017
He will still get the blame from a lot of democrats if Biden loses to Trump "We lost because you radicalized our youth and that scared the suburb moms!"
Aug 12, 2019
The man who has lost two presidential primary campaigns, one to the most unfavorable Democratic candidate in recent history (Clinton) and could only manage 30% of the Democratic vote this primary while sometimes losing every county in some states is some pot calling the kettle black shit.

Also, I'm watching TV RIGHT NOW and every other ad is Biden talking about a path to universal health coverage and $15 minimum wage.

I mean, Biden also lost two presidential primaries until he basically had the most beloved recent Democrat in recent history by a decent portion of the party alley-oop him with a legacy after picking him to be the "safe more conservative VP" to reassure skeptical voters and he still managed to not perform spectacularly until the endorsements really started racking up in his favor. Biden even lost California to Bernie and came pretty close to losing other states because of Bernie after those endorsements. Bernie also proved how much fundraising a candidate not backed by corporations could actually raise and raised an impressive network of volunteers and younger enthusiasm (yes they did not turn out to vote to overcome older generations, but there was still increased young voter turnout). Since then we've seen a number of Left wing candidates pushing his same agenda take wins throughout the US in the primaries.

Like Bernie lost at the end of the day in both 2016 and 2020, had a variety of unneeded missteps, and he failed to make some of the proper outreach he could have with Black communities in particular. Those are all just pretty standard statements of reality. That does not mean his voice in anyway is not still relevant here because this was still a pretty hotly contested primary in the beginning and his policy still resonates with a fairly large portion of people in the US even if it's not a majority. Bernie definitely knows some valid points about the electorate and Biden positioning so heavily around anti-Trump with little of his own enthusiasm or proper indications of how he's going to make things better for Americans and not just how he's not going to be Trump for the short and long term has always been an apparent weakness of Biden's. And that's exactly an area where Bernie saw success and enthusiasm, so him pushing a valid criticism that Biden should be doing more to emphasize that angle for that still solid portion of voters shouldn't really be an issue.


Oct 30, 2017
love to see the Politics Understanders out in force with the extremely good "don't listen to anyone that's lost a primary, they're just HATERS AND LOSERS" take

you see, I thought "you should appeal to the voters I was popular with in the primary through the messages I appealed to them with, because right now you're not really doing that and it's showing up in the polls and I'd like you to win so That's No Good" was a pretty good suggestion, but, as always, I defer to the Eleven-Dimensional Chess Players among us. I, alas, think only in three dimensions, as it turns out