Oct 27, 2017
I think 3 major camps of negativity have merged:
• Existing issues (matchmaking, anticheat, features)
• 5.2 balance
• No roadmap

And the longer we are not getting any communication about the issues, the bigger they grow. The community may be toxic, but instead of calming it down DICE just keeps adding fuel to the fire. Toxic people will always spread negativity, but if developers do even the average job at community management/communication, toxicity will be contained and the majority of the community will not be affected.

Battlefield does not have better or worse community, it is largely made of the same bodies as other playerbases. What Battlefield has is the poor communication and the stubborn inability to react to the feedback.

This telemetry shit is the go-to response to dodging any reasonable discussion when it comes to balance. I do as the crystal guides. I don't even remember when was the last time a map received a major change, all I remember is Panzerstorm early last year got more trees or trenches.


Oct 25, 2017
I hope Chapter 6 adds 2 maps from the get go. The aforementioned Solomon Islands and an Urban Map, like the Battle of Manila (Cuz DICE scoped out Manila).

A lot of the stuff DICE says just scream excuses. Telemetry, data, and feedback? Yall got plenty of that. "5.2 sucks, revert it." is legitimate feedback. It might not be the descriptive feedback they want, but it's feedback nonetheless. I honestly feel that the Pacific Update significantly lessened the toxicity and people were sated with the new additions. Just a few more changes/updates and BFV would've been perfect. But then 5.2 happened and the toxicity came back full force, especially since the core community still remembers the absolute failure of the previous TTK Update and DICE's promise to not do it again. Then DICE decides to renege on their promise and go ahead with the 5.2 as previously discussed internally. which is bs.

DICE claims there is more to the bigger picture that we don't know of. And how can we.


Oct 25, 2017
I think it's fairly simple...

If you have a good relationship with the community and good news in general to share, you have a successful game and something to build from. Your subreddit won't be alight with posts and memes mocking you.

DICE spends an inordinate amount of time mocking and blaming the community when other games have figured out it's better to just focus on the good. DICE has no idea how to manage their relationship with the community. This is increasingly a dealbreaker as games move to a live model that relies on continuous monetization. More need to communicate means more opportunities to show how incapable you are. DICE is largely acting like a studio trying to live in the halcyon days of expansion packs and boxed games.

DICE LA is now no longer under DICE and no longer even going to be called a DICE studio. That is a direct rebuke of Stockholm's leadership from EA. There is no scenario where DICE goes on to success if they fail to learn from BFV and Battlefront 2. I hope they figure it out but the decision to repeat the TTK disaster in the middle of the game's largest upswing does not inspire confidence.


Oct 25, 2017
Every game in the Pacific boils down to who has the better air support. And more often than not, I have bad pilots. Usually everytime I try to maintain air superiority (I would say Im average to slightly above average pilot), my team on the ground cant do do shit. Im honestly so tired of being insta destroyed by the 500 lb bombs as a Tanker. Even if I survive, theyll just come back 30 sec later to do it again. Rarely anyone uses FF to deter the pilots and if they do, they can survive.


Oct 25, 2017
The corsair should be 20% faster than the Zero, and the Zero should turn quicker than the Corsair. Really, really simple change that would make air battles actually interesting. You could do the same thing for the euro fighters. They should also take the bombing reticle away from anything that isn't napalm.

There is no point to the tanks. The moment you get flared, you're dead to the planes.
Oct 27, 2017
People do not realize how important the D tower is on Mercury Outpost.

Those 6 pounders are vital. You can keep either A or E (depending on what side you are) out of commission so easily with them. At tower level 1 it takes 3 shots to down the tower and if you're constantly there, they'll never have a chance to get them to level 2, let alone 3.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
I think 3 major camps of negativity have merged:
• Existing issues (matchmaking, anticheat, features)
• 5.2 balance
• No roadmap

Put me in camp 1 and 2. Although 3 is very annoying I'm the kinda person who is comfortable playing the base content pretty regularly if it's good.
But also add in camp 4, wherein I think Battlefield V is just a straight up badly designed game, mainly the maps for Conquest, almost all of which are fucking awful and no amount of meta rebalancing will fix them.

Serious question, did DICE loose a bunch of map designers or something? Flawed it may be in other ways, I thought Battlefield 1's Conquest map designs were far more consistently fun, diverse, and interesting than Battlefield V. DICE's first Battlefront also wasn't overly horrendous, with exception of the bottlenecks. Battlefront 2 however has fucking dogshit maps, and Battlefield V isn't much better.


Oct 25, 2017
Fjell was made by someone that hates good gameplay. Easily spawn camped, like 5 planes per side on a map where infantry tightly group up.


Dec 12, 2017
Put me in camp 1 and 2. Although 3 is very annoying I'm the kinda person who is comfortable playing the base content pretty regularly if it's good.
But also add in camp 4, wherein I think Battlefield V is just a straight up badly designed game, mainly the maps for Conquest, almost all of which are fucking awful and no amount of meta rebalancing will fix them.

Serious question, did DICE loose a bunch of map designers or something? Flawed it may be in other ways, I thought Battlefield 1's Conquest map designs were far more consistently fun, diverse, and interesting than Battlefield V. DICE's first Battlefront also wasn't overly horrendous, with exception of the bottlenecks. Battlefront 2 however has fucking dogshit maps, and Battlefield V isn't much better.
I find it really hard to say, because the way players behave on the maps has changed so much. I don't think there was ever quite as much resistance to playing the objective as there is here. Some of that is map design - all the foliage, rubble and buildings to hide in hasn't helped. There obviously wasn't time to fine tune the maps for different modes either.

There's some glaring mistakes with the wide open vistas that encourage players to stay with their back to spawn or the out of bounds line, but the maps that don't have those flaws will still have most players treating the flags as something to shoot towards rather than capture. Operation Underground has been useful at showing how many players will happily defend one flag against a team that has two, winning the game isn't that important for most players any more.

I don't think tinkering with the game will fix it now, I'm not sure what will.


Oct 25, 2017
Serious question, did DICE loose a bunch of map designers or something? Flawed it may be in other ways, I thought Battlefield 1's Conquest map designs were far more consistently fun, diverse, and interesting than Battlefield V. DICE's first Battlefront also wasn't overly horrendous, with exception of the bottlenecks. Battlefront 2 however has fucking dogshit maps, and Battlefield V isn't much better.

I don't think many people at DICE are working on BFV and if they are... Yikes.


Dec 11, 2017
Serious question, did DICE loose a bunch of map designers or something? Flawed it may be in other ways, I thought Battlefield 1's Conquest map designs were far more consistently fun, diverse, and interesting than Battlefield V. DICE's first Battlefront also wasn't overly horrendous, with exception of the bottlenecks. Battlefront 2 however has fucking dogshit maps, and Battlefield V isn't much better.

All level designers from Battlefield 2 is still there

The only level designer that has left recently that i know of is Jeff Gagné


Oct 28, 2017
The only real bad map in BFV is Marita.
I've been enjoying most of BFV maps, especially the big ones like Panzerstorm or Pacificstorm are highlights imo.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
I never really post in this thread but I lurk. In my opinion, Battlefield V is absolutely beyond the pale.

The maps are terrible - mostly bland settings, too many interiors, poor player visibility, etc. The weapon balance has been entirely ruined with 5.2. Vehicles went from being useless to nearly unstoppable. Promised mechanics like soldier dragging and being able to kamikaze being cancelled stripped out the most ambitious and exciting new features that were promised. There's a massive content drought. Firestorm was released and abandoned. Staples like Rush aren't available. Promised features like vehicle customization still aren't in the game two years after their reveal. The new "it's not spotting" spotting mechanic was an embarrassing and patronizing reversal of their promise to omit spotting from the game. What's worse is that DICE shows no willingness to rectify these issues, at least not in any reasonable timeframe. They've completely lost the plot.

I have been a devoted fan of the franchise ever since Battlefield 1942 but after years and years of DICE shitting the bed, I'm tired of changing the sheets and pretending like it's okay. This isn't the same studio that shipped Battlefield 1942. Hell, this isn't the same studio that shipped Battlefield 4 and even that was a dumpster fire for months until DICE LA came to put out the flames.

After being burned by both Battlefront games, Mirror's Edge: Catalyst (thanks for messing up the sequel to my favorite game of all time, DICE!) and the last few years of Battlefield games, I really don't see any reason to support their studio anymore. They aren't making good, content rich, functional games and when it comes to Battlefield, they aren't treating their community with a great deal of respect. Why should I continue to wait for them to decide they're ready to kick it into high gear? Why should I continue to patronize a studio that sees me as nothing but an insignificant figure on their data tables? My voice doesn't matter, the vocal majority of the community doesn't seem to matter so why should I bother supporting a studio that seems deeply committed to burying their heads in the sand when there are other studios making other games that they clearly care about while valuing the input of their community?

I want nothing more than to enjoy Battlefield again. It was my favorite FPS franchise* (*next to Halo and Call of Duty pre-2014 ) for over a decade and now it's just an aimless and confused mess of disjunct features and mechanics that lack any cohesion or semblance to Battlefield's lineage in a desperate bid to entice fans of other FPS franchises, fans who never had any intention of migrating to another franchise and certainly would never migrate to a game as poorly supported and mismanaged as this. DICE hasn't just failed to capture the attention of general audiences like they so desperately wanted to, they also alienated their core fanbase along the way.

If the voice of their community isn't enough to inspire change, maybe the silence of their community will. I don't have any intention of playing, discussing or engaging with Battlefield in any way, shape or form until DICE decides that they're ready to take responsibility for the mismanagement of this product and promise massive, sweeping improvements. If that day doesn't come, then I suppose I'm just done with the Battlefield franchise. It won't matter to them, surely, but it sure disappoints me to say it.
Last edited:
Jul 15, 2018
I want nothing more than to enjoy Battlefield again. It was my favorite FPS franchise* (*next to Halo and Call of Duty pre-2014 ) for over a decade and now it's just aimless and confused mess of disjunct features and mechanics that lack any cohesion or semblance to Battlefield's lineage in a desperate bid to entice fans of other FPS franchises, fans who never had any intention of migrating to another franchise and certainly would never migrate to a game as poorly supported and mismanaged as this. DICE hasn't just failed to capture the attention of general audiences like they so desperately wanted to, they also alienated their core fanbase along the way.

Spot. On.
Oct 27, 2017
Oct 27, 2017
Outpost is just Conquest with extra steps.

I would play The Last Stand. It is a fast 32vs32 BR and I loved it, but fuck you DICE I am not playing GO for 2 hours for like 8% chance of going to The Last Stand. Someone built a damn nice mode in BF, and someone else fucked it all up by never allowing me to play it. What a joke, I don't even know why they ask for feedback or collect data if nothing ever improved: Firestorm, GO, Matchmaking or Last Stand. Entire sections of the game are abandoned.


Oct 27, 2017
If the voice of their community isn't enough to inspire change, maybe the silence of their community will. I don't have any intention of playing, discussing or engaging with Battlefield in any way, shape or form until DICE decides that they're ready to take responsibility for the mismanagement of this product and promise massive, sweeping improvements. If that day doesn't come, then I suppose I'm just done with the Battlefield franchise. It won't matter to them, surely, but it sure disappoints me to say it.

Great post.

I'm done with the game a second time. They managed to get me to buy it again (used, thankfully) when they rolled out the Pacific maps, but that fun was short-lived due to the sheer incompetence of DICE Sweden. They took something that was fun, and actively ruined it. It takes a special kind of poor management to alienate your hardcore fans right after luring them back in.

Moving forward, I hope we see more out of DICE LA with BF. I'll need a lot of convincing before I drop another dime on this franchise.


Nov 3, 2017
Like with a lot of game modes, depends on the team.

Some of the most fun matches I've had recently have been in outpost, especially when you have a squad or two who actually wants to defend the towers or go on proper flanks, instead of just blindly running into the meat grinder.

Being able to spawn only on your squad leads to 2 possible outcomes. By far the most likely one is the eventual spawn camping of the enemy team due to no balance, the other rare outcome should teams be balanced is just a game of ring around the rosey


Nov 2, 2017
I never really post in this thread but I lurk. In my opinion, Battlefield V is absolutely beyond the pale.

The maps are terrible - mostly bland settings, too many interiors, poor player visibility, etc. The weapon balance has been entirely ruined with 5.2. Vehicles went from being useless to nearly unstoppable. Promised mechanics like soldier dragging and being able to kamikaze being cancelled stripped out the most ambitious and exciting new features that were promised. There's a massive content drought. Firestorm was released and abandoned. Staples like Rush aren't available. Promised features like vehicle customization still aren't in the game two years after their reveal. The new "it's not spotting" spotting mechanic was an embarrassing and patronizing reversal of their promise to omit spotting from the game. What's worse is that DICE shows no willingness to rectify these issues, at least not in any reasonable timeframe. They've completely lost the plot.

I have been a devoted fan of the franchise ever since Battlefield 1942 but after years and years of DICE shitting the bed, I'm tired of changing the sheets and pretending like it's okay. This isn't the same studio that shipped Battlefield 1942. Hell, this isn't the same studio that shipped Battlefield 4 and even that was a dumpster fire for months until DICE LA came to put out the flames.

After being burned by both Battlefront games, Mirror's Edge: Catalyst (thanks for messing up the sequel to my favorite game of all time, DICE!) and the last few years of Battlefield games, I really don't see any reason to support their studio anymore. They aren't making good, content rich, functional games and when it comes to Battlefield, they aren't treating their community with a great deal of respect. Why should I continue to wait for them to decide they're ready to kick it into high gear? Why should I continue to patronize a studio that sees me as nothing but an insignificant figure on their data tables? My voice doesn't matter, the vocal majority of the community doesn't seem to matter so why should I bother supporting a studio that seems deeply committed to burying their heads in the sand when there are other studios making other games that they clearly care about while valuing the input of their community?

I want nothing more than to enjoy Battlefield again. It was my favorite FPS franchise* (*next to Halo and Call of Duty pre-2014 ) for over a decade and now it's just an aimless and confused mess of disjunct features and mechanics that lack any cohesion or semblance to Battlefield's lineage in a desperate bid to entice fans of other FPS franchises, fans who never had any intention of migrating to another franchise and certainly would never migrate to a game as poorly supported and mismanaged as this. DICE hasn't just failed to capture the attention of general audiences like they so desperately wanted to, they also alienated their core fanbase along the way.

If the voice of their community isn't enough to inspire change, maybe the silence of their community will. I don't have any intention of playing, discussing or engaging with Battlefield in any way, shape or form until DICE decides that they're ready to take responsibility for the mismanagement of this product and promise massive, sweeping improvements. If that day doesn't come, then I suppose I'm just done with the Battlefield franchise. It won't matter to them, surely, but it sure disappoints me to say it.
Bam. Well said.


Oct 27, 2017
I blame the maps being ass on the philosophy that they must work across all game modes.
Jack of all trades, master of none.
It REALLY needed to master its BnB Conquest.


Oct 28, 2017
I blame the maps being ass on the philosophy that they must work across all game modes.
Jack of all trades, master of none.
It REALLY needed to master its BnB Conquest.

The maps are fine. They are not perfect but they are fine. The mother of all issues i have with this game is this fucking patch 5.2.

It's the reason the game isn't installed anymore. And it's the reason it will stay that way until they reverse it (if they do).

(and Conquest always was a shit mode either way)


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
I'd enjoy the maps more if I felt like the topographical variances were diverse enough to seriously impact the positioning and traversal of both soldiers and vehicles, capture points were built as interesting and uniquely designed points of interest and thus provide their own unique little battles, there was sense of moving and shifting frontlines where capturing a point felt like a major milestone in the progression of the match, capture points where positioned far enough apart and in topographically sensible locations to prevent cheap and easy cross firing between multiple capture points, and so on and so forth.

It's a terribly difficult (and probably subjective) thing for me to articulate and perfectly quantify, but yeah. I just find almost all the maps horrendously flat, topographically boring, tight in capture point location, boring in capture point layout, and just generally no flow. Hamada and Panzerstorm are probably the best Conquest maps. Iwo Jima and Pacific Storm are great as Breakthrough maps (which has several advantages over Conquest in BFV's form). But that's about it.


Oct 25, 2017
I want nothing more than to enjoy Battlefield again. It was my favorite FPS franchise* (*next to Halo and Call of Duty pre-2014 ) for over a decade and now it's just an aimless and confused mess of disjunct features and mechanics that lack any cohesion or semblance to Battlefield's lineage in a desperate bid to entice fans of other FPS franchises, fans who never had any intention of migrating to another franchise and certainly would never migrate to a game as poorly supported and mismanaged as this. DICE hasn't just failed to capture the attention of general audiences like they so desperately wanted to, they also alienated their core fanbase along the way.

If the voice of their community isn't enough to inspire change, maybe the silence of their community will. I don't have any intention of playing, discussing or engaging with Battlefield in any way, shape or form until DICE decides that they're ready to take responsibility for the mismanagement of this product and promise massive, sweeping improvements. If that day doesn't come, then I suppose I'm just done with the Battlefield franchise. It won't matter to them, surely, but it sure disappoints me to say it.

I have been playing with the same group since BF: 1942 and this is exactly how we feel... I don't think we will be buying BF: 6, whatever it is (I will have a very hard time resisting if its Vietnam), and I hate to say that. BATTLEFIELD is (or, was) easily my favorite shooter. We bought it every release with Premium because we knew what we were getting for content was going to be worth it.

As a game developer who has worked for large companies (Nintendo, Sony, Disney), I have a very strong hunch that DICE isn't being allowed to make the game that they want to make due to some outside management. I could be totally wrong, but I hope I am not. What BF: V has become is an absolute embarrassment for the BATTLEFIELD name and the changes don't align with what we all know DICE is capable of. They have failed to ship features that we have been waiting on since launch, features that are visible as "Coming Soon" in the menus and the lack of anti-cheat and team balancing is astonishing, since it was present in past BF games.

Changing the TTK a year after release is the BIGGEST amateur move I have seen another studio make in years. It is mind blowing that they thought that was a good idea... Our studio actually had a meeting about it (We have a lot of BF fans here). It's completely unacceptable and weird that a AAA developer such as DICE would have made such a move. ON TOP OF THAT, they changed the TTK 2 weeks after having a free to play weekend! Like, WTF... People just bought your game because they enjoyed it, and now you go and completely change it on them.

I could go on and on, but I am done complaining about and playing BFV.
Oct 27, 2017
Mods, MODS!

ERA BF community decided to not talk about this game until something changes. The guilty pleasure of trash-talking this game is counter-productive, we doing the silent treatment now.

Lock it up!


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
The worst thing about this untested bullshit TTK changes is how it messes up muscle memory.
Midrange engagements just don't feel right since 5.2., everyone knows that even DICE (i hope so). I can se them tweak it in the right direction, but the fact the community has to be vocal AGAIN for literally nothing is a giant waste of time and energy on both sides.

The timeperiod between the release of Operation Underground til 5.2. was amazing.

Yeah, totally that. I wasn't able to point my finger, but it's totally that. Adding to the muscle memory, is that weapons don't work how they should. It's like you have this big gun that looks like a rocket launcher but it shoots bubbles. Something like that


Oct 25, 2017
Let's hope they don't do another major December change right before going on vacation for a few weeks and let the toxicity fester during that time.


Oct 25, 2017
Considering how toxic the community has been this last month that's the smart thing to do.

Letting them know you don't like something isn't toxic. A few hyperbolic posts aimed at guys like Braddock isn't representative of the feedback given which DICE has largely ignored. If you purposefully avoid constructive feedback and tough questions then you can expect to be relentlessly mocked by your subreddit. Well run games understand this.

Most people that have a bad experience just leave and never say anything. It's a well known phenomenon in the service industry, which is why BFV is the first in the series to hide the playercount.

But sure, nothing is wrong. It's the community.

Deleted member 135

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Letting them know you don't like something isn't toxic. A few hyperbolic posts aimed at guys like Braddock isn't representative of the feedback given which DICE has largely ignored. If you purposefully avoid constructive feedback and tough questions then you can expect to be relentlessly mocked by your subreddit. Well run games understand this.

Most people that have a bad experience just leave and never say anything. It's a well known phenomenon in the service industry, which is why BFV is the first in the series to hide the playercount.

But sure, nothing is wrong. It's the community.
Both can be an issue. The community is being giant assholes across the board right now. DICE fucked up with 5.2.

Both of these are true.


Oct 25, 2017
The community is being giant assholes across the board right now.

Making lighthearted memes and whatnot, mocking the TTK, bugs, DICE communication etc... is not being an asshole. It's feedback. There is no universe where DICE gets to continually release bad games and give bad service yet receive praise and adoration from the community (or financial success). This is the same situation every other business has to deal with, so I don't know why the standards are different here. You can't just change the core of a game a year after release and then stubbornly stick with it when it's poorly received. The change itself wasn't even executed well.

Telling the community you are going to do something again which was already universally rejected the first time despite another round of protests is being an asshole, now that I think about it. That's a pretty big 'fuck you' as far as shooters go. It would be understandable if this was the first time this was attempted, but it's not.

DICE created the sea of negativity surrounding the game. They spiked the football when the game was on the upswing for no reason. The community was positively glowing after the 1-2 combo of Underground and the first half of the Pacific despite a bunch of issues. Someone thought they were being really clever by pushing this through between big updates but it didn't work. It was poorly thought out and rushed, two things that should never describe a change to core gameplay.

This game is a mess compared to other shooters. They can't just leave it as is and pretend that it never happened. So I hope they find a way to get the right decision makers in place to keep the franchise in a good place moving forward. What has happened on BFV is the opposite of leadership.


Oct 25, 2017
Telling the community you are going to do something again which was already universally rejected the first time despite another round of protests is being an asshole, now that I think about it. That's a pretty big 'fuck you' as far as shooters go. It would be understandable if this was the first time this was attempted, but it's not.
It's insulting.


Nov 3, 2017
Both can be an issue. The community is being giant assholes across the board right now. DICE fucked up with 5.2.

Both of these are true.

dice sold us a product not nearly worth the 60$ price tag and over a year after release still plays in many ways like a pre alpha. of course theres going to be negative feedback. Theres only a small minority thats "toxic"


Oct 25, 2017
They shouldnt have bothered to make Firestorm to begin with. Theyre just chasing trends just like Bioware and Anthem. And look where it got em. The time and resources spent on Firestorm cpuldve been used to improve and make BFV better. Right now, Firestorm is pretty much a dead mode (the promised updates never came) like Grand Operations.

Firestorm pretty much died when Apex Legends was announced and released. As that quickly took over
dice sold us a product not nearly worth the 60$ price tag and over a year after release still plays in many ways like a pre alpha. of course theres going to be negative feedback. Theres only a small minority thats "toxic"
Dont forget the scam that is called the Deluxe Edition.


Oct 26, 2017
Telling the community you are going to do something again which was already universally rejected the first time despite another round of protests is being an asshole, now that I think about it. That's a pretty big 'fuck you' as far as shooters go. It would be understandable if this was the first time this was attempted, but it's not.

DICE created the sea of negativity surrounding the game. They spiked the football when the game was on the upswing for no reason. The community was positively glowing after the 1-2 combo of Underground and the first half of the Pacific despite a bunch of issues. Someone thought they were being really clever by pushing this through between big updates but it didn't work. It was poorly thought out and rushed, two things that should never describe a change to core gameplay.

Yep, this exactly. Not only did this exact thing happen a year ago, but they had weeks of literally everyone telling them what a horrible idea it was this time around as well. And what came of all that feedback? They pushed it through anyway then peaced out on vacation for a month and let it fester. I bet they thought the backlash would just die off while they were away and everyone would come around.

That's also not even considering the fact that they ruined a thing people loved and played for a year, and a thing they sold the game with free weekend events just weeks prior to 5.2 and then pulled the rug out from all these people.

I really cannot think of a bigger 'fuck you' to the community than this one.


Nov 2, 2017
Mods, MODS!

ERA BF community decided to not talk about this game until something changes. The guilty pleasure of trash-talking this game is counter-productive, we doing the silent treatment now.

Lock it up!
No need to lock. I for one already voted by uninstalling upon release of 5.2. I really had hope DICE was turning the corner with the pacific release then they took a dump on it and left the community with a rotting pile of turds for a month. As much as I would hate myself for doing it, I would reinstall if DICE can Figure out what BFV is, because in this state, it's not the BF I want to play. I don't think DICE really cares if this board is active or not. I get the principle, but I enjoy popping in here every now and again.


Oct 28, 2017
It can't be said often enough: this TTK changes are so stupid. This game is a game for nobody in this state... it's just sad. They shouldn't bother to tweak it, just completely revert it.
I was so close to buy the new CoD today...


Nov 16, 2017
Does anyone here have any opinion on the Conquest style mode in COD Modern Warfare? I'm wondering if that can scratch my itch for a bit.


Nov 2, 2017
Does anyone here have any opinion on the Conquest style mode in COD Modern Warfare? I'm wondering if that can scratch my itch for a bit.
It's killstreak after killstreak and the high TTK is punishing trying to move from point to point. It's like 40 dudes sitting in Windows/doors scoped in on the routes. Wasn't my cup of tea and I really tried to give it a fair shake. I play solo though, so if you have a squad, you may have fun.