Which of these describes you?

  • I never back out from online matches, no matter what

    Votes: 142 34.1%
  • I’ll back out from matches if conditions are unfavorable (Map/Connection/Items, etc.)

    Votes: 142 34.1%
  • I’ll tough out poor conditions and finish the match

    Votes: 103 24.8%
  • I’ll back out on a whim

    Votes: 51 12.3%
  • I’ll rage quit if things don’t go my way

    Votes: 31 7.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 38 9.1%

  • Total voters


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I once kept playing a game during an earthquake, while other people were evacuating from the house.
It was a relatively weak earthquake though, I would have probably gone afk if it was stronger.

I've never willingly quit a game in my life. I don't care if we're losing, there's toxic people, it's "not fun", etc... (I have also never had toxic behaviour or insulted people over an online game, but I guess that's not the focus here).
If the game has a surrender system, it's a 1v1 game and it's mathematically impossible for me to win, then I'll press the surrender button. I have won a fair number of matches where I had 1% chance of winning though, so I'll always take that chance. (Also, I won a couple matches of Hearthstone where my opponents technically had a mathematical victory and failed to see that, so even if it's mathematically impossible I might stay).

My disconnections have always been due to unforeseen circumstances (blackouts, loss of connection).


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think any of those poll options apply to me, but I'll happily leave/forfeit if the game has become too lopsided to be fun.

I only really play ranked games nowadays so I just ff if it's an inevitable loss?
Pretty much this, and honestly I wish more people would do the same. Noone wants to sit through 3-4 minutes of a dead game just because one guy is too proud to forfeit.

One of my biggest complaints with CoD ranked (at least up to BO4) is that there's no way to forfeit. That's 5-10 minutes of waiting if you get unlucky (although you can at least leave after 2 other teammates have now).

I don't back out of ranked Rocket League matches, but what really gets to me are the players that become incredibly toxic early on because we're a goal or 2 down with plenty of time to catch up.

At that point I debate leaving but stick it out.
This also sucks, and rocket league is rife with it.

My own rough parameters for forfeiting in RL are:
- 4 goals down
- 3 goals down in the last minute
- 2 goals down and a teammate left

I mean sure I've won games from 4 down before, but hey it's just a game. You win some, you lose some.


Oct 29, 2017
In competitive games I never back out. Only if the whole team agrees to throw the match. I'm so annoyed by leavers who back out after one lost round (out of many) and wish them a 24h ban if they don't come back.


Oct 27, 2017
When you search for a game in Rocket League and it puts you in a 5-0 match with you on the losing side. So unfavorable conditions I guess.

If it's less than 5 goals I might probably take it as a challenge tho, but yeah.. sometimes you only have like a minute to catch up.


Oct 25, 2017
If you join any team based game in a ranked mode and leave: you get banned. Rightfully so.

Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I'll never back out unless something comes up in real life that I need to put down the controller for. I've finished games of Rocket League where I was on the losing side of a 10+ goal difference but I'll always play to the end of the match because there's always a chance of turning it around. Those game where you do manage to turn it around and snatch a win from what looked like certain defeat are the reasons I play competitive multiplayer.


Feb 7, 2018
In a fighting game? Never. The matches at most will last 3 minutes, and I can bare with some "meh" for 3 minutes.

In a shooter? Rarely. I'll tough out through a lot in COD(I'll stay through some 1v6 matches just to ruin perfect K.D while trying to stay positive on my end), but some instances are too annoying to push through, i.e playing an objective mode and having 3 people back out cause the enemy team was straight slapping us. I'd take the loss, but sticking through a match of Domination with 1 or 2 other teammates fighting against a full team(usually a party instead of randoms) who have like 3 top tier kill streaks on reserves for back to back use is just too much, especially as a solo player.

Iron Eddie

Nov 25, 2019
I am terrible at fighting games but I will never quit unless it's unplayable like a bad connection. I'm sure some will say it's because they have a bad connection or the odds are too stacked against them like half their team leaving but how many will admit they backout because they don't like losing?