Which of these describes you?

  • I never back out from online matches, no matter what

    Votes: 142 34.1%
  • I’ll back out from matches if conditions are unfavorable (Map/Connection/Items, etc.)

    Votes: 142 34.1%
  • I’ll tough out poor conditions and finish the match

    Votes: 103 24.8%
  • I’ll back out on a whim

    Votes: 51 12.3%
  • I’ll rage quit if things don’t go my way

    Votes: 31 7.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 38 9.1%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
if there's no lag, i'll keep playing.
Even if i keep being beaten, cuz I ain't no scrub.
At least I'm also learning along the way.

Beth Cyra

Oct 26, 2017
I don't think I've ever quit outside of IRL emergency.

Granted I'm terrible at online so I'm usually there because I'm just playing due to my love of a character (Yang, Mercy, Tsubaki, Sub/Frost) so losing isn't that big a deal to me.

Deleted member 4552

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Every one on one get should have a vote to quit option.

If both players choose it's no penalty and ends the game.

There is no reason to be stuck in an u playable mess because the ping meter was wrong.


Dec 12, 2018
Don't play many online games, but the only time I've ever abandoned a Dota 2 match would be if it's out of my hands e.g. internet goes down, or if there's kind of an emergency. According to Dotabuff in about 7000 games I've only abandoned 9 times.

I don't dislike people quitting games because stuff can come up. Life works like that, nothing to get mad about. Internet issues, IRL stuff, whatever. But people who rage quit are cocks. Might not be as bad in 1v1 stuff, but in Dota 2 you're just ruining a game for 9 other people because you're an angry cunt.


Oct 25, 2017
I play a ton of Rocket League and the only reason I ever back out of matches is when I join a match halfway through, the score is like 7-0, and my two teammates are AI because at that point it's just a waste of time.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes I have. I have backed out of Smash matches that put me in 1v1 with no items etc. I just don't find that fun. Give me the chaos.


One Winged Slayer
Mar 12, 2019
I never quit, but I'll sometimes forfeit or end the set if those are options. Like in SFV, Tekken, or Smash, I'll deny a rematch if the connection is terrible, win or lose.

In anything else, if the odds or conditions are too rough, I just consider it practice mode and experiment, or wait for the connection to time out.

I proudly wear my green name in DBFZ haha
Oct 27, 2017
During a match? Never. I'll tough out laggy connections. But if it's like player matches and there isn't a set amount of matches I'll just do best of 3 and call it good. Ain't got time for long sets.

Gunny T Highway

Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
If the connection is pretty much nigh unplayable I will back out of it. There is no need to waste my time to tough it out playing through a slideshow.


Nov 10, 2017
I'll stick it out if the people are cool. If the players are being dicks and calling me names then I'm out.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't leave ranked and people who do are fuckos, regardless of reasoning. Social/Quick Play/Casual game modes? If my teammates have no business playing that game, I'll leave and join another match.

Cup O' Tea?

Nov 2, 2017
If somebody abuses me in Rocket League, I just start kicking goals for the opposition. It's way more fun than just backing out of the game.


Dec 11, 2018
I will back out if the game is so fucked, it's unplayable. Like, I was playing a round of a game which I won't name, that ran at 3fps, had people fucking teleporting by mistake and more.


Oct 25, 2017
If I am not having fun, I'm out. If the match is almost over I'll stick it out though.


Oct 27, 2017
I tend to stick it out no matter what.
Even if my team is getting destroyed, I want my opponents to earn their win. I'm not going to just give up and give them a free win.

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
in extreme lag yes. Only other times were when people were being abusive and muting them doesn't change the fact that you're playing with shitty people.


Apr 9, 2019
usually finish only time I really leave is if

a) something that I need to do at that moment comes up
b) the game is lagging to the point where its unplayable (and the game doesnt have a penalty for leaving, if it has one like CS ill just stay)


Oct 28, 2017
You think people who quit an online game should be banned from said game? You DETEST them? That's insane.

This is an example of someone who makes online gaming far too seriously. Why should I care about my teammates over my own enjoyment? I'm always a team player and I love playing the objective, but once it gets frustrating, I am perfectly fine with leaving. It's not selfish to prioritize your mental health/priorities in life because...my teammates might feel bad? Absolutle nonsense.

I should clarify, if you back out whilst playing a solo or social multiplayer that's fine and do what you have to because that's what it's there for. It's no biggie and team mates can start again.

If you back out of a ranked team game then in say halo or gears then that's three people you've put out at a disadvantage for the next 10 minutes and essentially you've wasted there time for that period. I appreciate some people just have to, but if people quit all the time then essentially that game is pretty much unplayable and it kills the multiplayer in that game. I should clarify and say that I don't play single player games, I only really play competitive multiplayer.

Quitters spoil competitive multiplayer, and most of the time that I see people quit is when the score goes bad for them. I've had games like that, and I just slow down and enter a more support role, prioritising a win over personal score. We've turned around from a loss to a win in the last few minutes lots of times so doing badly at the start is not always indicative of how the game will finish.

Now mismatched multiplayer is a bug bear of mine, and I've thought about creating a thread discussing that very topic. Halo 5 is a real bitch for putting new players into a ranked game with high ranks. That's not fun for anyone.

The creators of Halo and Gears obviously agree with me otherwise quit penalties wouldn't exist.

You may think this is over serious but multiplayer is where I get my kicks. I'd hate for quit culture to be rife. I could imagine only having 1.5 hours in the evening to play after a hard days work only to have a large proportion of the games spoilt because of quitters.

If players can't commit to a ten minute interval just keep out of ranked play.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll play one but only one. I won't run it back no matter if I win or lose. I do try to finish whatever it is. I even do this in games where like Halo your team drops and its just a few of us I still try because it can be fun to turn it around even when you're overwhelmed. It becomes a game of its own. For me, winning under adverse conditions can be enthralling, but for fighting games if its just shitty lag I just tough it out cuz I don't like having disconnections and stuff on my record and it doesn't bother me enough to not finish it out because sometimes its even just funny. I won't do it twice though and I'll avoid the laggy person after that too if I can see their name.


Oct 27, 2017
South Australia
Casual lobbies on CoD are the only online games I back out of. If I'm the only one playing the objective or there's a constant cycle of random shit in the air and I'm dying on spawn repeatedly then I'll bounce out and find another lobby.


Nov 23, 2017
I don't back out. But if I get super frustrated I'll turn off the game right afterwards and I might not revisit it for days.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
Sometimes I quit games because of the match connection. Like playing Destiny the other day I could see my opponents were from Brazil (they had stuff like BR in their title) and they were lagging all over the shop. I quit that game pretty quick.

In other instances, I've left games because of scenarios I felt were unfair. For instance I was playing D2 comp with a friend, plus a random, against a team of three. We lost pretty badly, but we stuck it out. I match again and it puts us against the same players, no problem, take the loss and match again. This time it's clear that our random team mate has over 50% of our teams total deaths, so he's tanking our score. Next up, the same 3 players, the same rando on our team, no thank you. I quit out as soon as the match started.

Sometimes I've quit out because of harassment. I remember playing battle born with some guys before and they were being jerks, blaming me for something (even though, if I recall I was the only one doing okay on our team at the time). It just came down to them being a group of friends and me being solo, so they were looking for someone to blame. Anyway, they were very rude on the mic so I just told them 'good luck 1 man down, that'll help turn this game around' and quit.

In rare instances I'll leave just because I'm not having any fun. In those instances I don't mind that I'm being beaten or whatever's happening in the game, but I just find the mechanics of the game frustrating. For instance getting spawn killed over and over in Destiny 2, or getting repeatedly killed by killstreaks in a Call of Duty game.

I probably quit out of a match (for one of these various reasons) around once per week.


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
I usually tough it out until the end of the match. Do my best and hope for better next round.

The only time I quit is if I enter a game, and it's EXTREMELY lopsided immediately. Like 30 seconds in your team is being spawn camped and you're dying before you can think about what to do next. At that point it is objectively a waste of time, so I'll back out of those and find a new server.

I don't play any 1v1 online games. So I can't give any anecdotes on that.


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
I don't back out of ranked Rocket League matches, but what really gets to me are the players that become incredibly toxic early on because we're a goal or 2 down with plenty of time to catch up.

At that point I debate leaving but stick it out.
I won't lie. I've definitely been a part of Rocket League teams in the past that have trolled the opposing team until they rage quit.


But I've run into plenty of people in RL that are next level toxic, just uncalled for nonsense. Like really mean spirited shit. It's probably why I stopped playing.


Oct 27, 2017
Depends on situation. If we are not doing as good as opposing team, I won't back out and at least finish the match. But if my teammates are a-holes to each other (not in a friendly banterwise but negative/pompous) or being toxic/arrogant towards new players, I rather play with someone else instead. It's not black and white situation always.


Oct 31, 2017
You're a clown if you back out of ranked team matches. I'm glad some games ban people for this. Same goes for people who refuse to communicate in team based games.

Play casual if you can't commit to the match time or can't handle a loss.


Gotham's Finest
Oct 28, 2017
I only ever back out when the connection is really terrible and it's pointless to continue.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
i only leave matches after they end, no mid match rage quits here even in the worst of lag

however if the doorbell rings or one of my roommates needs something i sometimes do, irl > whoever im fighting


Oct 27, 2017
One reason I only ever play fighting games online is that matches are so short that it's never an issue where I feel I have quit, the fight will be over soon enough. I avoid games where matches are long and I'd be letting others down if I wanted to go.


Attempting to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 27, 2017
Austin, Texas
I've ragequit in DBFZ if the connection is really rough plus backed away from a match that has a bad connection.I wish I could say I was one of those honorable guys that always plays the whole match. I'm really only like that in games with good netcode (+penalties for quitting) like those NRS fighters

But my completion rate was definitely no where near coward status (pink or whatever color they gave ya for being a %#@@) in the anime FGs


Dec 10, 2019
I'll only back out of casual game modes that allow quitting. If it's a ranked mode I'll never quit as it's not fair to my team.


Oct 28, 2017
The only time I'll back out is if it's literally unplayable (like I'm frozen in place and the entire lobby has desynced) for a long period of time, or if someone is hacking. Won't quit otherwise, that's fucking lame


Oct 25, 2017
I try to finish every game I join.

But sometimes you'll get a shit game on a shit map with a shit connection against people who are just shitting all over you non-stop. In that situation, I save myself the inevitable tilt and just quit and do something else.


Oct 25, 2017
I will never RQ, but if it's laggy or you're an idiot who teabag or taunt i will not rematch win or lose. (I only play fgs online)


Oct 27, 2017
Only if something irl comes up and I have to physically stop playing. Otherwise I just see it through to the end.


Oct 30, 2017
I hate joining a game and then seeing the scoreboard where my team is leaving and it's 0-150. Matchmaking is the worst thing to happen in FPS.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Wow, some pretty selfish people on page 1 of the thread, but page 2 seems like more of a redemption.

IMHO quitting in online, is always going to affect other people, by definition. Most of the time negatively, and they have thoughts/feelings too.

Most people will have some extreme circumstances where they quit, but imho quitting wherever /whenever because the current game doesn't match your definition of fun is a very selfish perspective.

I want to describe an analogy with how people don't view other people in the internet as real...and coupled with anonymity it leads to a lot of the shitty behaviour and posts on forums, twitter's etc...but I don't have the words or the energy....so I guess, ironically, I'm quitting this thread.

Joe White

Oct 27, 2017
There are few exceptions, but otherwise I don't back out from online matches. Those are:
  1. Team of friends decide to change servers, then I go with them​
  2. We encounter harassment towards me or my friends, then report+block+quit
  3. Invasion in Souls-game; I've progressed too far from the last bonfire and the invader looks&acts like its going towards some Youtube collage, then there might be some network issues​
Oct 25, 2017
If I actually start the match, I'll never quit halfway through. But some times I accidentally accept a 1 bar connection, so I'll just close the game during the loading screen.