
Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017

The pair explained that they would love to give Superman the Steve Rogers treatment, believing the success of the Captain America movies shows that you don't have to "dirty [Superman] up" in an effort to create a compelling narrative for the character.

"I certainly think that Captain America shows that there are certainly ways to do a really good Superman movie in this day," Feely explained.

They right..... for a character so simple and pure it is amazing how often people get superman wrong. And don't come in with that bullshit Kill Bill speech, one it couldn't be more wrong and 2 look who is giving it.

data west

Oct 25, 2017
Since the start, between the DC movies and Injustice, stop making Supes fucking edgy to make him appealing. Ignore people who talk about how he's a 'boring boyscout'. Work around him.

All Star Superman, arguably the greatest cape comic book arc of all time, no grim edgy shit. Just Superman being Superman
Oct 27, 2017
In this age of cynicism I think a good, hopeful Superman movie as a counterpoint could be just what people need.


Oct 27, 2017
Someone nail this response to Snyder's forehead.



Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?
Apr 22, 2018
Tampa, Fl
That's why I prefer Superman's nickname of "The Man of Tomorrow" over any others he's had.

He's supposed to be an inspirational figure. An example of what we could be if only we would act like that.

It's why I never liked it when people try to point out for Man of Steel that " by killing Zod he learns that killing people is the wrong thing to do"

The man was raised on a farm in Kansas. I'm pretty sure he knows killing is wrong just like I do

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, a Superman that's just... Superman... would be perfect. It worked for Chris Reeves. Just have him be who he is, we don't need a gritty, realistic or cynical version of him. He's far more valuable as a moral compass than a Jesus analogy, too.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
That's why I prefer Superman's nickname of "The Man of Tomorrow" over any others he's had.

He's supposed to be an inspirational figure. An example of what we could be if only we would act like that.

It's why I never liked it when people try to point out for Man of Steel that " by killing Zod he learns that killing people is the wrong thing to do"

The man was raised on a farm in Kansas. I'm pretty sure he knows killing is wrong just like I do
My favorite superman cover, cause it nails who Superman is


Oct 29, 2017
Yep. I used to be someone that hated the idea of a "perfect" Superman, but Steve Roger's arc proved me wrong. Literally just make Superman like MCU Captain America. That's it.

"B-b-b-b-ut MUH FLAWS"

THAT IS YOUR CHARACTER'S FLAW. Too righteous and and idealistic to the point where it causes conflicts with other heroes and gets challenged when the world throws dirt in his face.

Deleted member 6730

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The Captain America movies are basically what Superman should be.

Superman being "too corny" for film is such an outdated way of thinking.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
All Star Supes is purest Supes, the recent movies even make his costume oily black like when Christopher Reeve was evil Superman.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, a Superman that's just... Superman... would be perfect. It worked for Chris Reeves. Just have him be who he is, we don't need a gritty, realistic or cynical version of him. He's far more valuable as a moral compass than a Jesus analogy, too.
Superman is a man first, everything else second. Clark is the true hero and he would be one with or without powers. There's a reason he's a journalist when he could simply be a hero at all times. It's because he believes in the human values he was raised with. He's inspirational and genuine.


Fight Sephiroth or end video games
Oct 28, 2017
Sure, but also, there's nothing wrong with feeling that Superman's real superpower being that he was raised by a couple of white Kansas farmers doesn't really float anymore, either. A good movie is a good movie. The problem isn't the idea, the problem is that the movies have been shitty.


Oct 27, 2017
Didn't we have nice guy Superman in Superman returns?

In the end it's all about execution. Don't think either approach is inherently flawed

Donald Draper

Feb 2, 2019
First page and already a bunch of Snyder responses lol.

Why does Nolans name never get brought up anyway? He came up with the pitch for Man Of Steel, came up with the story and produced it. Nolans fingerprints are all over it.

data west

Oct 25, 2017
The kind of people who say a Superman movie would be boring because 'he's too powerful' are the kind of people who have never read a Superman comic book




Oct 26, 2017


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
People have been saying this for the longest time.

These guys would nail it. Give them a good director.


Oct 27, 2017
i think, while generally accurate that you dont have to fundamentally change superman, there's a big difference between Supes and Captain America

Cap at the end of the day is just a dude with super juice in him. We see him weak, we see him frail, we see his struggle. The reason for his strength of character, his modus operandi "I don't like bullies" is explained and we see him as a victim to the thing he ultimately fights against. He's also literally from the 1920s (in a way, so is Superman,) so that quaintness and those boyscout charms come built in with the cryo-time-travel shenanigans. Supes is basically god-tier universal level alien being with a miraculous heart of gold. Granted, yes, Chris Reeves and Richard Donner pulled it off... it's doable, but it's not easy and I don't think Captain America is the template necessarily.


Jan 1, 2018
This applies to Shazam too. The big red cheese is supposed to be even more of a a bastion of goodness than Superman but they went with Geoff John's version who was mostly a dick

data west

Oct 25, 2017
i think, while generally accurate that you dont have to fundamentally change superman, there's a big difference between Supes and Captain America

Cap at the end of the day is just a dude with super juice in him. We see him weak, we see him frail, we see his struggle. The reason for his strength of character, his modus operandi "I don't like bullies" is explained and we see him as a victim to the thing he ultimately fights against. He's also literally from the 1920s (in a way, so is Superman,) so that quaintness and those boyscout charms come built in with the cryo-time-travel shenanigans. Supes is basically god-tier universal level alien being with a miraculous heart of gold. Granted, yes, Chris Reeves and Richard Donner pulled it off... it's doable, but it's not easy and I don't think Captain America is the template necessarily.
Superman being God-level just brings a new set of problems different from Captain America. Superman's power makes him basically an atomic bomb trying to do good without destroying innocent people. His strength attracts would-be monsters to where he is but if he were to leave, lower level criminals would take over the city.

as shitty as the 360 Superman game was, it has the absolute perfect analogy for Superman. Superman's health bar is the City's health.


Oct 25, 2017
Not a perfect soldier but a good man

Tucci nailed it so well

Just give Supes something comparable.

I used to be down on both him and Cap but now I get it. m&m could fix supes for sure because they've already made the best one.

(Still don't get the appeal of the hulk thoooo)


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Simple and pure is for idealistic comic books. Bringing that to live-action makes Superman seem like a naive simpleton.

I mean, that's the drama though. Purity and simplicity conflicting against unyielding corruption and destruction that doesn't fight fair. That's why Superman was so interesting for so long, it represented an ideal of how things should be versus how they are.

And none of the movies deal with that. Which is dumb.

Seriously a Superman vs Brainiac, in this social climate, would be massive.