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Oct 27, 2017
With her scene and with Gamora being distraught after killing illusion Thanos in IW they do capture that abusive parent or not, feelings are complicated.
Yes, good callback. I would love one more film about Thanos down the road. Would be something to follow him as the lead during the end of his planet.

I'm hoping there's some sort of opening left for him to come back as an 'enemy of my enemy' ally character.


Oct 25, 2017
Thor is for sure not done. Even with a trilogy of his own and four Avengers films like Cap/Iron Man, Thor only really got super reinvigorated and found his "spark" with Ragnarok and IW/Endgame, he feels like he's in his stride and needs another few movies, either with the GOTG or a Thor 4.


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Oct 26, 2017
Tampa FL
As someone who did not like Infinity War, Endgame won me over so hard. Creative, emotional, and satisfying end to the overarching MCU story.

-Fat Thor rules
-Hulk dab rules
-The third act is the greatest thing the MCU has ever done.

I would go further in saying that the 3rd act is arguably one of the most satisfying movie experiences ever!


Alt Account
Dec 18, 2018
Anyone else think it was weird that Cap passed the torch to Sam? Not that I didn't like it but I thought it was odd that he doesn't have one last emotional conversation with Bucky. He's basically leaving him behind.
Bucky just got completely ignored, they reverted Captain America to his pre-Winter Soldier characterisation. I get he wants a quiet life but he just abandoned him.


Oct 26, 2017
Was I the only one confused by Clint & Nat? I thought Nat & Banner was the thing? Like I can see Clint's most loved thing being Nat, but I was a bit confused with how Nat veiws banner vs clink
Oct 28, 2017
I thought the time travel plot was perfunctory and the movie quickly dropped any pretense of explaining how it worked, the rules or anything like that. And that's why I think I didn't feel all that invested in what was happening. Also, before they leave to get the stones Cap tells everyone this is the fight of our lives and I was like... ehhh.

On the subject of Cap, his character got shafted. He has a couple good individual moments, hero scene and a poignant ending but on a character level his arc is flat. At least Thor was taken into and interesting and unexpected direction.

It's Tony's movie through and through
Oct 27, 2017
Thor is for sure not done. Even with a trilogy of his own and four Avengers films like Cap/Iron Man, Thor only really got super reinvigorated and found his "spark" with Ragnarok and IW/Endgame, he feels like he's in his stride and needs another few movies, either with the GOTG or a Thor 4.

There's a rumor that Taika is on board for another Thor film, apparently it's been pitched to Marvel according to Tessa Thompson.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone else think it was weird that Cap passed the torch to Sam? Not that I didn't like it but I thought it was odd that he doesn't have one last emotional conversation with Bucky. He's basically leaving him behind.
I think it was meant to be implied that Bucky already knew what Cap was about to do and they'd talked beforehand.
Oct 27, 2017
Just curious, with past Thanos learning about the future events couldn't he just stick with his current timeline and change the snap in his timeline?

Or was he unaware of the stones being returned back? Or was it greed that all stones would be collected already?
Oct 25, 2017
Someone in the theater said they were mad that they fucked up Cap's character. She didn't think Cap would have done that.

For me I think the movie lays out clearly that Cap tells others to move on but he himself can't and never has... he's a hypocrite in that sense but finally gives in to it at the end. And who could blame him for indulging this one selfishness after all he's done, is kinda where I'm at.

I understand the sentiment, but I think Tony's death can be seen as a life-changing event for Cap.


Oct 25, 2017
Just a little reminder that the screenwriters for Endgame wrote First Avenger, Winter Soldier, Civil War and Infinity War. They knew where they were going with Cap. They didn't write Age of Ultron, but it also fits well with this.
Oct 25, 2017
Just curious, with past Thanos learning about the future events couldn't he just stick with his current timeline and change the snap in his timeline?

Or was he unaware of the stones being returned back? Or was it greed that all stones would be collected already?

Past Thanos is dead. So is Prime Universe Thanos. They killed two Thanoses (Thanosi?).


Oct 25, 2017
Just curious, with past Thanos learning about the future events couldn't he just stick with his current timeline and change the snap in his timeline?

Or was he unaware of the stones being returned back? Or was it greed that all stones would be collected already?

It was him seeing live how his future plan will actually fail despite doing everything as he wanted and that made him angry to the point of wanting to kill everybody now.


Oct 30, 2017
I had the most interesting Endgame experience last night. In an IMAX 2D screening, right before the movie started the message "Please put on your 3D Glasses".

What followed was absolute fucking pandemonium. People started screaming and running for the exit, everyone yelling about what the hell is going on. Then the movie started all blurry, people were returning with fistfuls of 3D glasses that were being thrown around the theater. Eventually a theater person came and said "Sorry guys, we''ll get it started in 2D". But I'll never forget what that felt like. It was like the god damn Red Wedding. An absolute nightmare of confusion and the terror of realizing your Avengers: Endgame experience is going to be less than ideal

LOL that's amazing.


Oct 25, 2017
Natasha is gone for good. Her movie is definitely going to be a prequel of somekind, possibly explaining her origins in Russia.

Bart is also never coming back. He has a family, a family he lost and got back and he ain't going to waste that second chance. I don't see him ever doing superhero stuff again, especially with all that talk about how he became a monster.

I can see Rogers getting a cameo here and there. A really cool angle would actually be to get him to become the new director of SHIELD. That way we'd always know he's still there, working behind the scenes, but he wouldn't have a substantial role any more. The dude is literally 106 years old by the end of Endgame, though, so I can just as easily see him passing away from old age before the next Captain America movie.

Thor isn't going anywhere. Thanks to Ragnarok they finally got his character right and the last two Avengers movies really added a lot of depth. I don't know if he'd stick around with the Guardians of the Galaxy for more than one movie, but now that he's free of the throne he can just about go anywhere and do anything.

As for Banner, notice how he wasn't human once the whole movie? I don't think we'll ever get a Hulk solo movie but I think this whole Professor Hulk angle is Marvel's way of keeping Hulk around for as long as possible regardless of how old Mark Ruffalo gets. As long as he continues to be available for mocap and voice overs, he can continue playing Hulk for another ten years easy.

I do think Chris Hemsworth and Mark Ruffalo are the only folks from the first five years that are sticking around, though. I think everyone else is just done now.
The issue with standalone hulk film is that Marvel doesn't have a lot of rights associated in making it (or didn't last time there was any talk of it) as it's universal that owns it and gets the final say. The other thing being universal may hold the theme park rights to Hulk too. And all this is an issue because Marvel and Universal don't get along anymore.

So yea a standalone Hulk isn't happening for a long time, and that time being until Marvel and Universal agree on something or until MCU is dead.
Oct 25, 2017
So, I guess Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 feat. Fat Thor is about finding Gamora.

Seeing where Thor ended up did put all of the "They should get Waititi for GotG3!" stuff in another, funnier light. Still glad they got Gunn back, but now I'm super curious if Gunn's script for v3 has Thor in it or not. It has to have been based around the Gamora stuff in IW/EG, but how nailed down was Thor's future I wonder. Then again, I don't remember when he finished the script vs when Ragnarok released and 'fixed' the character.


Oct 25, 2017
Clever costuming, Iron Man and Cap's final films both have them in costumes that resemble their classic early looks in the comics.


Oct 28, 2017
Southeastern PA
Best comic book movie ever. Movie of the century.

I was so not ready for Iron Man dying. I cried for the rest of the movie after that, and then the funeral scene made me cry even more. This movie deserves to be the highest grossing movie. I'm going to go several times to help make sure.
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Oct 25, 2017
Bart is also never coming back. He has a family, a family he lost and got back and he ain't going to waste that second chance. I don't see him ever doing superhero stuff again, especially with all that talk about how he became a monster.

He's going to train Kate Bishop Hawkeye in a Disney Plus streaming series. May make a few cameos in future MCU films, but won't likely be anything big like he has already.
Oct 27, 2017
Seeing where Thor ended up did put all of the "They should get Waititi for GotG3!" stuff in another, funnier light. Still glad they got Gunn back, but now I'm super curious if Gunn's script for v3 has Thor in it or not. It has to have been based around the Gamora stuff in IW/EG, but how nailed down was Thor's future I wonder. Then again, I don't remember when he finished the script vs when Ragnarok released and 'fixed' the character.

He's gonna have to add/retract a few things from his current script. I mean, he still has a lot of time left before they even begin production on Vol. 3. He has to direct Suicide Squad 2 first.


Oct 25, 2017
Ya know. Now those "Thor Ragnarok director to take over GOTG3" rumors make more sense if someone got wind of Thor and GOTG being a thing and making conclusions.

I could have seen a path where Thor joining the GOTG was on the cards and if the James Gunn stuff didnt sort itself out they could have made Thor 4 but with the GOTG cast playing a major role instead of "GOTG vol 3"
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