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Oct 26, 2017
100% of people who say the NSA would be sickened or shocked by their search history are wrong.

It's the people who don't humble brag about their creepy histories who truly have something fucked up to hide.


Oct 28, 2017

Yeah, you really don't. I started giving fake DOBs to every non-important site I sign up to. Only places that get my real one (if required) are things like banks and some shopping sites. Even then, fucking everything gets hacked these days.

It's incredibly easy from one leak for the nasties to know your emails, passwords, DOB, where you live and so on. No wonder so much reverse engineering goes on. Even just knowing your DOB helps reset many password/access accounts.

OP is being a bit nonsensical though.
I knew I still wasn't the only one left using "pwned"

I got made fun of for using that in previous thread


Oct 27, 2017
google amazon apple Facebook Twitter

They all know what you're doing and the smaller companies do too. We are past the tipping point.

Everyone and anyone knows and keeps track of all your boring shit and daily life and interests, hobbies and ramndom activities.

Stop being outraged that they are just admitting to it.

You want to get off the grid? Then don't have a fucking phone (which is the equivalent of the microchip implant in your brain, the shit we saw in sci-fi movies).

Burn off your fingerprints, hunt and kill your own food (or grow your own plants you vegans)

Otherwise it's not just the NSA, all these tech companies know more about you than your loved ones, probably even you
I think I have SOME privacy. Like does everybody on Reset know my real name, address, DOB etc? If so, PM me to prove it lol


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
People said this same stuff ten years ago, and I have yet to be impacted by Google and Facebook knowing what I like.
Big data collection affects election results. Assuming you live in the US, I'd say you got impacted a fair bit more than you might think. Not everything is a 1-1 direct consequence.

That kind of thing has happened for literal centuries. Fake astroturfing ads have existed in print, radio, and tv for many many years. Groups would send out leaflets spreading lies and sowing dissent. At some point you really should put down the beer and read a history book Zog.
It hasn't been done on such a scale before. It's just not comparable.


Oct 27, 2017
I heard that there used to be these big books that they would just drop off at everyones door once or twice a year. Inside these books, was EVERYONE'S name, address, and phone number. Just SITTING THERE, IN A BOOK, for all to see. Crazy how that was just so normal way back in time. I wish someone dropped a book of racist facebook posts so we can all see how stupid our neighbors are.

Darryl M R

The Spectacular PlayStation-Man
Oct 25, 2017
My Instagram targeted adds are pretty good. I end up saving the add or following the brand.


"This guy are sick" of the One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I don't think it's a suprise that our data is being tracked I think what's going to be more interesting is if society will accept that information being used more and more.

For instance, job interviews pulling search histories and discussing them, medical insurance checking if you've suspected you've had a condition and denying medical care becaus you didn't notify them, court rooms using web traffic as character witness, advertisements in your home and personalised speciffically to you, your work checking your current network activities during sick leave to ensure you are ill, rental agencies monitoring who is living at an address and enforcing action if unknown people are living there for too long.

The most annoying one at the moment is sharing information for profit. The amount of phone calls and emails I get have likely been the result of some company I have required to sign up to to recirve a service sharing my details for cash which is a completely common practice as long as the legaleese is in order. If that practice is legal now I wonder what kind of info on us will be up for sale in the future, and what info companies are interested in the most.


Oct 27, 2017
I bought a vacuum from Amazon years ago, after that I got nearly weekly emails about vacuum sales and new and upcoming vacuums...I still to this day get random vacuum recommendations. No Amazon, I'm not a vacuum collector, I bought one once so I could sweep my carpet. As long as their prediction algorithms are this bad I'm not too worried about it.


Jun 28, 2018
"I think we should take steps to protect our privacy and limit our exposure to those profiting off our data..."

" said on the internet! Gotcha!"

Honestly, there's plenty of room in the middle between "If you care about privacy, you should really live off the grid in a cave that acts as a Faraday cage," and "Have fun with all my data, NSA, lulz, IDGAF."

Deleted member 2595

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
I bought a vacuum from Amazon years ago, after that I got nearly weekly emails about vacuum sales and new and upcoming vacuums...I still to this day get random vacuum recommendations. No Amazon, I'm not a vacuum collector, I bought one once so I could sweep my carpet. As long as their prediction algorithms are this bad I'm not too worried about it.
Google go way deeper. Literally everywhere you go, every search you make, your habits and hobbies, all get gobbled up and crunched

Like it's not malevolent so I don't care but it could get malevolent in the blink of an eye


The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
I think OP has been affected by Alex Jones deplatforming. Can anyone point him to where he can buy some Brainforce?


Sep 6, 2018
臺灣 「 臺北市 」
I heard that there used to be these big books that they would just drop off at everyones door once or twice a year. Inside these books, was EVERYONE'S name, address, and phone number. Just SITTING THERE, IN A BOOK, for all to see. Crazy how that was just so normal way back in time. I wish someone dropped a book of racist facebook posts so we can all see how stupid our neighbors are.

Please go further on this sentiment; how, honestly I ask, is this parallel in this specific regard? A "census" is not abusing a users' lack of a wish to read the Terms of Service to advantageously collect data they are not aware is being monitored or used for targeted advertising.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
You know people make a big deal but I'm over here just doing my thing. Video games, YouTube/twitch, porn. It's whatever. Have fun with that data google.


Oct 27, 2017
Google go way deeper. Literally everywhere you go, every search you make, your habits and hobbies, all get gobbled up and crunched

Like it's not malevolent so I don't care but it could get malevolent in the blink of an eye
I've yet to see anyone explain this part. Like what do you mean? Do you expect some google employee to black-mail you? Are we looking at a Sandra Bullock's 'The Net' type scenario?


Oct 28, 2017
I've yet to see anyone explain this part. Like what do you mean? Do you expect some google employee to black-mail you? Are we looking at a Sandra Bullock's 'The Net' type scenario?
2016 presidential election

I'm un-ironically telling you to google it and to learn how the internet played a part in that


Oct 27, 2017
Please go further on this sentiment; how, honestly I ask, is this parallel in this specific regard? A "census" is not abusing a users' lack of a wish to read the Terms of Service to advantageously collect data they are not aware is being monitored or used for targeted advertising.

Junk mail? The original targeted ad, the horror.

Deleted member 2595

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
I've yet to see anyone explain this part. Like what do you mean? Do you expect some google employee to black-mail you? Are we looking at a Sandra Bullock's 'The Net' type scenario?
Well China is already flying towards a social currency and thought police authoritarian state using these exact tools. Say a certain party's name in a chat room and armed guys will appear at your door that week.

Ofc we're in the West and far from that, but in the UK there have been minor steps in that direction, e.g. the "Snooper's Charter" that Theresa May pushed through a few years back.
Between what I research for work, play for my kids on youtube (endless Peter Gabriel for my dancing 2yr old), and my penchant for looking up whatever obscure random shit that crosses my mind, I imagine whoever is listening must be very confused. But, yes, it is still unsettling to know how in your business all these companies are. The only 'defense' is hoping you don't stand out, I suppose. Shoaling's not much of a comfort if you think about it too much, though. Someone always gets eaten~


Oct 25, 2017
As much information as I freely give to Google, you'd think they'd be way better at targeted advertising and their article/youtube video recommendations. Instead I am plagued by near daily "More hints that Avengers 4 will undo the events of Infinity War!!" articles and Kimbra music videos.


Oct 25, 2017



Force of Habit
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
People not worried about advertising, advertising is the art of trying to shift someone's opinion of something. Companies and more sinister organizations used to rely on lobbying to move policies in their favor. Now they can be more discreet as it gets easier and easier to mold public opinion. Yeah the threat of my private information no longer being private is there, but that's not my worry. My worry is that the sensory input I receive from my environment is becoming more and more specifically controlled by people that obviously don't have my interests at heart.


Nov 2, 2017
Its like the other big truth where identify theft is concerned. Right now, no matter how "careful" you have been, there are endless entities out there with your name, address, license, social security number, credit/debit card numbers, passwords, etc. all at pretty easy access.

The question is not REALLY whether your information is out there in some other party's hands. It is. Accept it. You are just one of billions in the same boat

The real question is, are any of these party's actively actually using your information against you in some way, which happens at an exponentially smaller percentage . THIS is when you become an identity theft victim. But don't think your social security number is this super secret thing


Sep 6, 2018
臺灣 「 臺北市 」
People not worried about advertising, advertising is the art of trying to shift someone's opinion of something. Companies and more sinister organizations used to rely on lobbying to move policies in their favor. Now they can be more discreet as it gets easier and easier to mold public opinion. Yeah the threat of my private information no longer being private is there, but that's not my worry. My worry is that the sensory input I receive from my environment is becoming more and more specifically controlled by people that obviously don't have my interests at heart.

Just imagine if people had a more holistic viewpoint in all of this, considering the companies who are involved do not micro-manage this information in the slightest. What is a "worldwide web computer algorithm," am I right?


Oct 25, 2017
Man I pity the poor sod who has to go through my search history.

Nothing but games . music . sexy xenomorph pics and furry porn.

Deleted member 20603

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Equifax had all my financial data and practically gave it all to hackers. Thanks ass-hats

I care less about who knows I watch Eva Notty


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Oh Eff off. There's a difference between being a Ludite and wanting some basic security for yourself. Hell, the only reason that we even ended up in this situation with Google, Apple, and et cetera is because of dumbasses like you screaming "it doesn't matter." Go back and crawl into your hole.

I like being tracked in some ways. I get to sync all of my devices and I get ads for the stuff I like when drops in price, concerts I enjoy and events near me. It's super convenient.