
Oct 26, 2017
I'm actually legitimately terrified he'll literally tell his supporters to start shooting.


Oct 25, 2017
OP you're assuming he will accept the results of the election agree to a normal transition of power..


Mar 10, 2018
Someplace Far Away
The landslide momentum needs to be used immediately, quickly and brutally to abolish the filibuster and the electoral college. We'll survive the lame duck period, although he's going to do everything he can to hang on, sow discord and just plain frighten people.

Dan Thunder

Nov 2, 2017
He'll probably try and spend the time desperately trying to write off the debts that businesses have been afraid to call in whilst he's been president and creaming off any taxpayer dollars his family can get hold off.


Dec 25, 2017
Remember how painful/surreal it was watching Obama and Michelle introducing Trump and Melania into the White House? Now picture Trump doing the same for the Bidens.

I think he'll refuse to do it and someone else will introduce Biden.

Trump may leave the country before that comes.


Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?
Apr 22, 2018
Tampa, Fl
The landslide momentum needs to be used immediately, quickly and brutally to abolish the filibuster and the electoral college. We'll survive the lame duck period, although he's going to do everything he can to hang on, sow discord and just plain frighten people.
The Electoral College is written into the Constitution and requires an amendment to the Constitution to change. Not gonna happen.

As for his lame duck period. Any executive order he passes will get held up in court near immediately and by the time they go to court, Biden will be president and just overturn them.

Any military order he gives with out a real threat is going to be ignored or at least executed so slowly as to allow them to be canceled under Biden.

Only thing he could actually do that might have any real standing is appoint a bunch of ambassadors and pardon a lot of people.


Oct 28, 2017
LOL, I can't tell if you're a troll or just a defeatist. He'll lose, he can't do anything about the ballots because it's the states that control that, not the Feds.

Dems get the Senate, the WH, keep the House, and have a shitton of things ready to go day one. 2020 is bad. 2021 is going to be great.
youre the voice of hope i want in my head


Oct 28, 2017
I wouldn't be at all shocked if after the Tweet Storm to end all Tweet Storms he shifts to his post-presidency grift and completely ignore the presidency at that point. Well, aside from trying to pardon any every one of his lackies.
Oct 25, 2017
He wont lose. The mail in ballots will be invalidated and the US will scream and moan but nothing will change. America is Trumps bitch and will stay that way. Its 2020, the worst timeline.

lol nah

he was probably going to lose anyway but covid has really done a number on this campaign in the last week

it looks like he's actively trying to lose now. no stimulus? who knows what the economy is going too look like in four weeks. the only thing keeping the stock market up was the hope that another stimulus was eventually coming. now that it isn't before election day, who knows what will happen. and the market sure doesn't like a scenario where no one knows what to expect.

he's tanking right now to lose to start his own media/news company 100% i feel like. he sees it as easy money because his followers are his until the end and will eat up his garbage and give him money for it.

i know we went through this in 2016 but hillary clinton never polled this high. there was always a huge segment of undecided voters. the margins were always close to the margin for error in the polling. all biden has to do is kneel a few times and drain the clock. and trump keeps throwing interceptions and making it easy.


Oct 26, 2017
You're worrying about things you can't control. Focus on getting your friends and family to vote first so that election night can be an unambiguous landslide.


Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 27, 2017
Louisville, KY
I was thinking about this, and it might actually be a good thing that we won't know the results on election night. If it takes two weeks, or even a month, then that's theoretically less time for Trump's lame-duck bullshit.


Oct 25, 2017
I would worry more about Trump trying to call the election on the 3rd if he's even slightly ahead and no state has actually been called. He'll definitely drive home the fact that anything beyond the 3rd should not be counted and should be considered fraud.

If Biden is actually ahead on election night, then I worry his followers will start attacking, stating it a coup by the Democrats and they only kill to keep the country safe. That's the real big concern. Actually, my concern right now is armed civilians at polling placing driving people away on election day, but also someone trying to vote getting shot.

Chrome Hyena

Oct 30, 2017
He will bitch, he'll moan, he'll cry, he'll claim fraud and come Jan 20th I do imagine he will be the first president to not take a picture with the incoming admin/shake their hand etc.


May 25, 2018
He'll spend those last two months doing he best to undermine the ACA and golfing and I would guess he won't do a single press conference.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
If Trump loses in a landslide, like there's such a historic rebuke that he's unable to steal the election through chicanery, then I think will he will sulk like the little toddler that he is, go to his vacation home in Florida, throw a hissy fit, sign off on whatever judicial program Mitch McConnell wants to do, and literally say "fuck the American people, if they don't want me then they're not going to get anything," And try to death spiral the economy.

There is a glimmer of hope, however slight, the Trump -- in his perpetual indolent weakness -- resigns the presidency for the final 2 months, Pence gets sworn in, and Pence proactively pardons Trump for any federal charges "as a pre-emptive measure to protect him from the radical left mob." I don't think it'll go well for either of them. While I want Trump brought to justice for corruption, Trump resigning in the face of defeat, declaring how unfairly he was treated, and then Pence trying to shield him from retribution of being the worst president of all time, whatever, as long as there's a peaceful transfer of power and the adults can take over and put us back on track.

The big fear for Trump is that his creditors are going to start calling. Once his hotels aren't worth a damn to stay in anymore, they go belly up immediately.


Oct 25, 2017
If Trump loses in a landslide, like there's such a historic rebuke that he's unable to steal the election through chicanery, then I think will he will sulk like the little toddler that he is, go to his vacation home in Florida, throw a hissy fit, sign off on whatever judicial program Mitch McConnell wants to do, and literally say "fuck the American people, if they don't want me then they're not going to get anything," And try to death spiral the economy.

I agree with this but, he's a coward *and* he knows he's in serious legal jeopardy *and* he owes money to people to whom you shouldn't owe a dime. Where does he go?

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
I agree with this but, he's a coward *and* he knows he's in serious legal jeopardy *and* he owes money to people to whom you shouldn't owe a dime. Where does he go?

He'll be desperate, which is scary. We've seen Trump being desperate over things like poll numbers and approval, we haven't seen him desperate over his personal wealth yet.

After the presidency, I think he'll try to double down on the grift. The problem I see for him is that he makes money from poor people who can't afford to spend nights at his hotels and who he doesn't want at his hotels. Trump isn't like a mega church pastor who is able to stomach being around poor people as long as they tithe $100 week at their churches. Trump can't be around the sorts of people who have donated to his campaign, and once the benefit of staying at a Trump property is gone (e.g., access to the president of the United States, preferred treatment by the US Gov, etc), their money is going to dry up.

Who knows who he'll turn to, or what he'll do.


Oct 26, 2017
What if he decides not to leave.

If he loses the election, per the 20th Amendment of the Constitution, his term will end on Jan 20, whether he wants it to or not.


It is legitimately alarming, the complete avoidance when asked if they will commit to a peaceful transfer of power.


Oct 27, 2017
I am starting to get the feeling that if he loses he will resign and just peace out. He has no interest in actually ruling and if he knows he's lost I don't think he will feel any incentive to actually do any work in the last few months he has left.