
Oct 26, 2017
I changed my mind,Asgard is pretty awesome after all...so far.

Just finished the Fenrir fight
I think it's okay if you critical path the story here, but the wealth collectibles are insanely tedious, and the "reward" for them is ludicrous for the time invested. I also feel like
the whole experience is a massive missed opportunity for god powers in both combat and traversal. Could have been a super fun side area to feel like a god in. The closest they get is the nice animation and sound effect from leaping off Odin's tower, but even then I wish it ended with you landing on the ground like a badass rather than a swimming pool. Instead you feel very much like the same human you are in England, rather than an Aesir.


Oct 28, 2017
Jesus Christ. I'm 55 hours in and just started my first alliance questline. Please tell me they're not all gonna take an hour or two.
How did you manage that lol? The main meat of the game is going through all the alliance quests in different regions, plus the two dream sequence areas. I do the alliance quest line for the region + pick up all the armor/weapons/ability upgrades in each location. Then move on to the next.
Same question. What have you been doing in those 55 hours? At this rate, you are going to get burnt out even before midway.

I know a lot of us are OCD about collecting everything in an area before doing the main quest, myself included. But the quest missions actually take to you a lot of places with collectibles, you would have gotten them while doing the quests anyway, so if you cleaned up beforehand, you're essentially covering the same area twice. I agree the best way to play this game is follow the quest line, pick up collectibles on the way, then clean up any remaining side stuff before moving on.


Oct 27, 2017
So I think I'm done with this game. For some reason my manual and auto saves aren't showing up (ps5 version). Only saves from 15 hours ago. Lost so much time!
For some reason I keep on getting sync issue with cloud saves with this game. I think an old cloud save overwrited my console saves. So bummed out right now.

I was starting to peter out on the game anyways. Especially with Cyberpunk coming out in a few days.


Oct 26, 2017
80 hours and 100% all main zones. I'm done, I'm not bothering with the platinum this is just getting too boring. Chasing down all the members of order doesn't even feel worth it, let alone fun at all.

modern story is in a great spot now, Eivors story is clearly just DLC. Because that ending was fucking stupid for the final region.

watching my brother play syndicate though while playing this and it's clear cutscene direction on all these new games is sooooooo weak compared to the old games. They need to stop making these games so big, it's actually just becoming worse each iteration they go. Too much bloat, a lot of nothingness in the world. Also Valhalla and odyssey are the farthest away from assassins you can literally be. Seriously it's like the order are the assassins and you play people in their selfish world and the actual assassins story is being told from the side.Assassins creed now at this point is about as on point as the name Tom Clancy. It's just used for marketing.

Maybe the next one is when we get to finally get to some good old stuff. But I have no idea where this is going to go since we now have mythos in modern day from a certain religion.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm thinking about putting this game down while I play Cyberpunk and hoping that by the time I pick it back up, they will add meaningful DualSense features. Any chance of that happening?


Oct 25, 2017
80 hours and 100% all main zones. I'm done, I'm not bothering with the platinum this is just getting too boring. Chasing down all the members of order doesn't even feel worth it, let alone fun at all.
I only had a dozen or so left when I finished the game. If you look up a guide, you don't even need to bother finding all of the clues because they'll tell you exactly where the order member is.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
You know looking back having finished the game i couldn't really tell you who were templars or the order other than one character. It just didn't even seem to be an important at all. Rather just another mechanic brought over for the sake of it.


Oct 26, 2017
You know looking back having finished the game i couldn't really tell you who were templars or the order other than one character. It just didn't even seem to be an important at all. Rather just another mechanic brought over for the sake of it.

Guessing the one your mentioning is the only one that has a huge role in the story and with Sigurd?

If so......I agree, there are a lot of tacked in systems just for the sake of tying it to the creed or the assassins.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Guessing the one your mentioning is the only one that has a huge role in the story and with Sigurd?

If so......I agree, there are a lot of tacked in systems just for the sake of tying it to the creed or the assassins.
Yeah, that was the only one that really stuck out. Tbh it hadn't really occurred to me until now that the thread never seems to get picked up from there. I think that's part of the reason I've ended with quite a negative perception of it. I cant shake this feeling that it wanted to be two different games at once and harmed both as a result.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, that was the only one that really stuck out. Tbh it hadn't really occurred to me until now that the thread never seems to get picked up from there. I think that's part of the reason I've ended with quite a negative perception of it. I cant shake this feeling that it wanted to be two different games at once and harmed both as a result.

Yes, I'm hoping we go to more settings that are actually based in stealth and assassins. Eivor feels insanely out of place and everything he literally does is not tied to the assassins it's fucking weird. Also his story didn't even end! He has no ending unless I missed something. The final region is soooo rushed and left such a bad taste in my mouth after completing. It's like oh grats you unified England......but you really didn't. We have an Asuras Wrath situation here where we will have to pay to witness Eivors story ending


Oct 28, 2017
Man the ending(s) of this game really left me disappointed. If you're gonna make your game 60+ hours, at least stick the landing.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Yes, I'm hoping we go to more settings that are actually based in stealth and assassins. Eivor feels insanely out of place and everything he literally does is not tied to the assassins it's fucking weird. Also his story didn't even end! He has no ending unless I missed something. The final region is soooo rushed and left such a bad taste in my mouth after completing. It's like oh grats you unified England......but you really didn't. We have an Asuras Wrath situation here where we will have to pay to witness Eivors story ending
Yup, I'm totally thinking the ending for this is in dlc. And I mean if I'm being honest, yeah the pulled the same with Kassandra/Alexios in Odyssey but at least that had a defined conclusion to their story. Here it literally does feel like the msq doesn't end.p

I don't plan to stick around for whatever they plan next either. I'll have to watch someone else play the dlc or something cause with hitman coming out in January I cant see myself returning to this for my stealth fix
No where near the ending but that was my issue with Odyssey too
Oh man. If you thought odyssey ended flat, I wouldn't disagree necessarily but just wait until you see the new bar they set here


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
This game has a serious problem with showing you wealth on the map that you cannot actually get until you do a quest that gives you access to it, and they don't tell you this in-game until you go and look it up online to see why you can't get into a specific area for it. I never had this problem with other AC games but in this one there have been three or four wealth chests that I literally could not get and found out online that I had to complete a quest to get them. That shouldn't be a thing. Don't show me the gold wealth spot on the map if I can't actually get it until I do a quest.


Oct 25, 2017
This game has a serious problem with showing you wealth on the map that you cannot actually get until you do a quest that gives you access to it, and they don't tell you this in-game until you go and look it up online to see why you can't get into a specific area for it. I never had this problem with other AC games but in this one there have been three or four wealth chests that I literally could not get and found out online that I had to complete a quest to get them. That shouldn't be a thing. Don't show me the gold wealth spot on the map if I can't actually get it until I do a quest.

The weird part is that while I understand them showing all the time for completions' sake, why not just have them get revealed as an excuse to give you a reason to take a quick detour/go back to an old region to clean up if you missed it during the quest?

Maybe tie in a follow up quest or two in the same region to make it seem like you're really cementing alliances and keeping to your word, rather than one-off 'complete the 5-7 quests and rarely, if ever, visit some of the regions again'.

....Somewhat relatedly, they really, REALLY messed up the parkour in this game - it's slower AND less responsive than Odyssey, and introducing random, not-easily-identifiable non-climbable surfaces is such a major backtrack that makes the climbing back into busywork/trial and error.

It's especially prevalent during the Layla animus-glitch sections (the sluggish/hard-to-control parkour stuff, at least)


Oct 26, 2017
The weird part is that while I understand them showing all the time for completions' sake, why not just have them get revealed as an excuse to give you a reason to take a quick detour/go back to an old region to clean up if you missed it during the quest?

Maybe tie in a follow up quest or two in the same region to make it seem like you're really cementing alliances and keeping to your word, rather than one-off 'complete the 5-7 quests and rarely, if ever, visit some of the regions again'.

....Somewhat relatedly, they really, REALLY messed up the parkour in this game - it's slower AND less responsive than Odyssey, and introducing random, not-easily-identifiable non-climbable surfaces is such a major backtrack that makes the climbing back into busywork/trial and error.

It's especially prevalent during the Layla animus-glitch sections (the sluggish/hard-to-control parkour stuff, at least)

surprisingly I loved the anomaly's........ but I do agree that they felt insanely clumsy


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
the higher end ones need to be done by clues don't they since hytham gives a story quest?
You gather clues to major members by dispatching the minor members. Once you've done all the minor members in one group, the game will tell you exactly who the corresponding major one is and let you mark them on your map.

Finding all of the Zealots is a major pain though, and for that I would definitely recommend using a guide.


Apr 7, 2019
This game just runs like ass on my laptop half the time, have to turn down all the effects or it's just janky as hell. This is why I hate PC gaming. I just want my shit to work.
Old post but figured if it was still relevant to ask your specs. I got a laptop with a 2060 85w ,8gb ram and 9750H and i get around 40fps stable with everything maxed except volumetric clouds and AA since day one.


Oct 26, 2017
You gather clues to major members by dispatching the minor members. Once you've done all the minor members in one group, the game will tell you exactly who the corresponding major one is and let you mark them on your map.

Finding all of the Zealots is a major pain though, and for that I would definitely recommend using a guide.

That was actually easy lol, even without them hunting me down I managed to come across them really easily


Jan 20, 2018
Does the terror skill even work I feel like the lower rank enemies dont turn tail even if I wipe an entire group of elites in front of them.


Oct 28, 2017
How far am i from the end? Would like to finish the story before Cyberpunk later this week.

I just rescued Sigurd from Fulke

Better take the next 3 days off if you want to finish it before Cyberpunk. You still have a lot to do.
I'm at the same spot, but I don't feel like there's a lot left to be done?
I pledged to every ally Randvi would let me choose on the map. The only regions left are Eurvicscire, Glowecestrescire, Hamtunscire. Does the main quest take you there? And does it take you back to Norway?
Also finished all the Aseir stuff and unlocked the trophy, so I believe that portion of the game is done.


Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
I'm at the same spot, but I don't feel like there's a lot left to be done?
I pledged to every ally Randvi would let me choose on the map. The only regions left are Eurvicscire, Glowecestrescire, Hamtunscire. Does the main quest take you there? And does it take you back to Norway?
Also finished all the Aseir stuff and unlocked the trophy, so I believe that portion of the game is done.
The main quests take you to every major region, so yes. And also yes to that last question.


Oct 26, 2017
Asgard is a fine locale and it looks pretty but the reason why it sucks for me are the characters. Every single Aesir has a terrible voice actor and the lines they got make them all look and sound like complete idiots. Let us also not escape the fact that you are basically a Norseman in Asgard even though your character is a god and you have absolutely no divine powers. They did a terrible job with this.


Nov 7, 2017
Gothenburg, Sweden
Ooh yeah, I can imagine, but at that point I had already resigned to the fact that the main story is an extremely poorly paced mess. I really dug the atmosphere of that region.
That's an issue i have with the game in general. Most of these arcs are really good on their own. But when you mesh all of them together like this it's supermessy.

I mean, right now i'm doing this arc. And it might be great but i am so set on finding out more what happens in the main story i'm mashing the circle button in conversations... And i hate myself for doing that.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Does this game use the special features of the dualsense in any way?
If yes, is the implementation good?


Oct 28, 2017
Feels like the game just jumped the shark...

Eivor is in a dumb constume trick or treating

Just so you know :
There is a bug with the costume that can make it stay on forever. Once you're finished with the region quest line, if the cape doesn't remove itself, try changing cape and donning it on and off several times from Ravensthorpe.

Worked for me but apparently it's not working at 100%. So you might end up having this cape for the rest of the game (or at least until a patch fix it).


Oct 27, 2017
This game has a serious problem with showing you wealth on the map that you cannot actually get until you do a quest that gives you access to it, and they don't tell you this in-game until you go and look it up online to see why you can't get into a specific area for it. I never had this problem with other AC games but in this one there have been three or four wealth chests that I literally could not get and found out online that I had to complete a quest to get them. That shouldn't be a thing. Don't show me the gold wealth spot on the map if I can't actually get it until I do a quest.
There's at least one mystery in one county that won't be playable until you finish another mystery in another county.

Funny thing is, there's a cleaner solution to that problem that already exists in the game: there are two mysteries pertaining to animals being controlled by people, and Eivor has unique dialogue based on which one you complete first.
Jan 10, 2018
Ok, what's going on with the ending...

So I discovered the Yggdrasil machine and made it through all the drama with Basim and Sigurd. Then I finally got back to Ravensthorpe and there was this high-note sequence with loud epic music and Eivor becoming Jarl. It ended with a slow camera that zoomed out on the longhouse and then a fade-to-black screen. But.... then the game just continued and I had one area left it seemed. Also Basim is now the one using the animus... What the hell is going on?!
Sep 24, 2020
Ok, what's going on with the ending...

So I discovered the Yggdrasil machine and made it through all the drama with Basim and Sigurd. Then I finally got back to Ravensthorpe and there was this high-note sequence with loud epic music and Eivor becoming Jarl. It ended with a slow camera that zoomed out on the longhouse and then a fade-to-black screen. But.... then the game just continued and I had one area left it seemed. Also Basim is now the one using the animus... What the hell is going on?!
That's just it lol, same thing for me yesterday which I thought was funny.