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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Isn't there a PC fan-remake with audio ripped off directly from the ps4 demo?
Nov 5, 2017
Its a deftly executed little slice of horror that presented interesting concepts from a director well known for fucking with audience expectations and attention to detail taking his first stab at a horror game. It was also a lead-in for a AAAA soft reboot of one of the most influential yet neglected IPs in gaming. As it is now, its simply a well-made bite of horror with some genuinely chilling imagery and inventive ideas that influenced a lot of horror games that came after.
It was a Playable Teaser for a Silent Hill game being directed by Hideo Kojima, poised to be a grand return for the SH series.

And then shit hit the fan, Kojima left Konami, Silent Hills was cancelled, and Konami tried to scrub PT from existence to make people forget about it.

It was also sorta kinda one of the first major horror games to implement that kind of gameplay.
It's one of the best horror experiences I've ever had in gaming. That's why we care so much.

Thanks for the replies. I had no idea Kojima was attached to it. I've been playing Death Stranding and that's super out there so seeing him connected with a horror game must be something else. Now I can totally see why everyone would like to hold onto this demo for as long as possible.


Has seen more 10s than EA ever will
Jun 4, 2018
First thing I'm gonna try and do is transfer via ethernet or something. I'm determined to make it work


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017


Unless Sony outright blocks it from running on the system I'm sure someone will eventually come up with a new method of re-downloading it or transferring it.
Last edited:
Nov 2, 2017
Birmingham, AL
I really wish everyone would just move on from P.T.

It's never gonna be more than a demo that should've released. Keeping it around is just torturing yourselves. And even if the fans get what they want and it becomes a real game, it'll never live up to expectations and never have Kojima involved.

Just rip the band aid off. It'll be easier.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I really wish everyone would just move on from P.T.

It's never gonna be more than a demo that should've released. Keeping it around is just torturing yourselves. And even if the fans get what they want and it becomes a real game, it'll never live up to expectations and never have Kojima involved.

Just rip the band aid off. It'll be easier.

The demo itself is one of the better horror experiences of the last decade. Why does everyone keep saying "move on from P.T." like the people who are interested in it are sitting around waiting for Silent Hills.


Mar 8, 2018
Why are people saying to "move on"? This isn't about moving on, because most people who want the demo to transfer over already knows the game is never coming back. They just want it to be playable on PS5. It's not that hard to understand.


Oct 27, 2017
Hopefully a method is found for the PS5, it would be a shame if this is stuck on PS4 systems. I still have a fan made UE4 PT version I've yet to try that works with VR for added scariness. I still have yet to even "complete" the PT demo for the PS4, too scared. Trying it at higher resolutions or VR will be left for later years.


Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 10, 2018
PT is still one of the best gaming horror experiences ever made. Which is astounding considering it's just a demo.

So yeah, I'm never "moving on". Ridiculous notion lol


Dec 11, 2017
So it looks like the author of SUWI has updated it recently to fix the Squid problems folks have been getting:

SUWI 2020 Download P.T.

Redownload P.T. Silent Hills on PS5, PS4 Pro, PS4

But the problem for me still exists where every time I try to download it gets blocked via antivirus (both Kaspersky and Windows Defender). Same problem as I reported over a year ago:

Man hacks the camera in PT to terrifying results.

Thaks both! Also, every time I try to download Suwi it gives me a Trojan virus warning and blocks the download, from several different links. After I downloaded it Kaspersky deleted it. Is this a false positive? Or does anyone have a safe version they know of they can link to? EDIT: Never mind...

I mean, if Eurogamer can report this method I would assume it's safe, but then why is it flagged by multiple AVs as containing a Trojan?


Oct 27, 2017
We know? cuz I downloaded it and tried it once, then deleted it but I'd like to try someday...
Yes! The guide has been passed around the thread:

How to redownload P.T. Silent Hills -

Note from Wololo: This tutorial on How to Redownload P.T. Silent Hills was initially published by /Talk member Orangpelupa, as part of our monthly tutorial contest. OrangPelupa won the February/March mods award (a $10...

Does this no longer work on PS4s? I sold mine a while ago, but have a friend who is keeping it. I may just log into his ps4, redownload it using this method, then transfer over to my ps5 if I buy one next year


Dec 11, 2017
Ah screw it. I just installed it on my laptop and ran it. P.T. is downloaded! Now running the virus scans on my laptop just in case...


Dec 6, 2017
I'll try transferring from my PS4 then. By the way, do you have to transfer everything or can you kind of go through and untick some things? I imagine a 1TB PS4 transferring in full for a 600gb PS5 isn't gonna go all that well


Oct 25, 2017
Dont know why Konami wants to kill this thing so bad.
If it were up to me i would update it and charge people $9 to download it.
Better than wiping it off the face of the earth.
May 24, 2019
Dont know why Konami wants to kill this thing so bad.
If it were up to me i would update it and charge people $9 to download it.
Better than wiping it off the face of the earth.

It's an ad for a game that didn't get made. Why would they want to keep it around?
If anything, it points people to Death Stranding.

Deleted member 56995

User requested account closure
May 24, 2019
PT was my GotY 2014, and one of my favorites of the generation, here's hoping it can be continued to play for generations to come.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Philadelphia, PA
Goodbye PT.
I would've taken a revival of this over Death Stranding.

That implies that Konami would actually want to make it in the first place. They still own the Silent Hill IP regardless of the fact they are doing nothing with it and considering Kojima's falling out with Konami, I'd doubt there would be any case for Konami to willingly outsource the project to Kojima Productions over Death Stranding for that reason alone.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 28, 2017
I'll be genuinely surprised if you're not able to use a workaround just like you could on PS4.

Sucks for everyone who wasn't able to download it originally though. =\


Oct 8, 2018
I don't understand what problem people have with others thinking highly of PT. It's really, really good horror.


Nov 12, 2017
I really wish everyone would just move on from P.T.

It's never gonna be more than a demo that should've released. Keeping it around is just torturing yourselves. And even if the fans get what they want and it becomes a real game, it'll never live up to expectations and never have Kojima involved.

Just rip the band aid off. It'll be easier.

I don't really care if it ever gets turned into a full game. Obviously a full game with expansion of its ideas would be great, especially if Kojima and co were back on board, but as a standalone release it's very good and no reason why it shouldn't be kept around.


Oct 27, 2017
Just to put this not compatible theory to rest, the new web site has an API which it is accessing to determine the backwards compatibility state of a game. You can see the requests it makes if you have the developer panel open in your browser.

Anyway if you put in one of the IDs used for P.T it returns a compatible result:

And to verify it's actually working as intended, if you put the ID of a known incompatible title like Hitman Go it returns not compatible:

So P.T is very much playable on the PS5 through BC as long as you have it on your PS4 and can transfer it.


The Walnut King
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
Just to put this not compatible theory to rest, the new web site has an API which it is accessing to determine the backwards compatibility state of a game. You can see the requests it makes if you have the developer panel open in your browser.

Anyway if you put in one of the IDs used for P.T it returns a compatible result:

And to verify it's actually working as intended, if you put the ID of a known incompatible title like Hitman Go it returns not compatible:

So P.T is very much playable on the PS5 through BC as long as you have it on your PS4 and can transfer it.


Oct 27, 2017
Just to put this not compatible theory to rest, the new web site has an API which it is accessing to determine the backwards compatibility state of a game. You can see the requests it makes if you have the developer panel open in your browser.

Anyway if you put in one of the IDs used for P.T it returns a compatible result:

And to verify it's actually working as intended, if you put the ID of a known incompatible title like Hitman Go it returns not compatible:

So P.T is very much playable on the PS5 through BC as long as you have it on your PS4 and can transfer it.


Unfurling New Wings
On Break
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Just to put this not compatible theory to rest, the new web site has an API which it is accessing to determine the backwards compatibility state of a game. You can see the requests it makes if you have the developer panel open in your browser.

Anyway if you put in one of the IDs used for P.T it returns a compatible result:

And to verify it's actually working as intended, if you put the ID of a known incompatible title like Hitman Go it returns not compatible:

So P.T is very much playable on the PS5 through BC as long as you have it on your PS4 and can transfer it.
Glad to see further evidence pointing towards this. It's what I've presumed all along, because why bother going out of their way to prevent it being transferred? The only hang up would have been if it wasn't compatible for some reason.