
Oct 25, 2017
Actually, I have never even located a gun inside a car while I was standing outside of it, so I can only say what I think I would do in that situation.
mmhm. Okay, so to give you the benefit of the doubt, here's a more useful question.

You see a fellow cop pointing a gun to the head of an unarmed civilian who has done absolutely nothing wrong. What is the correct procedure on that one?


Oct 27, 2017
My man acted smart.

Just yesterday I saw another video of an incident that could have easily gone wrong on Twitter.

I'm just happy that more people are figuring out how to manage a situation like this.

But then again I am very sad that we've reached the point where I have to congratulate people for making it out alive from a police encounter...

Edit: Here's the Twitter clip



Oct 25, 2017
His heart had to have been pounding like crazy in that situation, really impressive that he was able to be as outwardly calm as he was. I don't understand how anyone can see shit like this and not understand or care about how much more difficult it is just existing while black. I'm white and seeing stuff like this is fucking terrifying, especially because I know this kind of thing would never happen to me based on the first two words of this sentence.


Oct 27, 2017
He's literally here to defend cops. Was just in the thread about the 26 yr old in Boulder Colorado picking up trash in HIS apartment complex where HE and the cop pulling a gun and threatening to shoot him. Here comes Minx saying "this is old. Thread here", seemingly annoyed at the news. fuck outta here with your bullshit. My father was a NYC detective (highest ranked) in Washington heights. I don't know him well, but of the few times we've talked he's told me, "don't trust ANY police officer." There are LITERALLY no good cops. And you are definitely not one. You came in here, watched that bullshit, and start you're "not all" bullshit. THATS my problem with you motherfuckers. You are a gang backed by the state.

Any good law school will tell you on the first day something along the lines of "Fear the cops. They can do anything they want and you can't stop them, laws be damned." And this is part of the training for a career that will frequently involve working alongside the police regularly. It's not unlike being a lion tamer in some ways.
Oct 27, 2017
It all stems from white fear allowing police to grab unchecked, absolute power. American police are not a protection, but a bludgeon used by the powerful to maintain the status quo. The exceptions are the "good cops", which are merely anecdotes describing behavior they should have at all times. Reality is, unless you're rich and powerful, interacting with the police is going to make your life worse at best.


Alt account
Jan 10, 2019
Train your police officers better.

The use of weapons is out of hand. The cops over here use their gun max 3 times a year, and thats all officers counted together.

Deleted member 50454

User requested account closure
Dec 5, 2018
Train your police officers better.

The use of weapons is out of hand. The cops over here use their gun max 3 times a year, and thats all officers counted together.

Reminds me of this American guy reacting to UK rapper JME getting pulled by the cops:

UK cops aren't angels either, mind, but you generally don't have to worry too much about getting gunned down when they pull you over.
Nov 17, 2017
Did I take the cop's side? For fucks sake I called him shitty, twice. I'm saying that in a bad situation the kid put his life at risk even more by responding like that to a cop pointing a fucking gun at you
I mean, when you have a scenario like this and your first thought is to blame the guy for not acting how you would prefer him to act when a cop is pointing a gun in his face yelling conflicting things, you may not directly be defending the cop but you aren't of the black man's side for sure.

Is there any reason that out of everything in this video that's what bothered you? The cop being "shitty" just seems like an aside to you in the original comment, the guy filming seemed to bother you way more because he "escalated" the situation (even though the cop is responsible for escalating things and the video if anything saved the man's life.)

I'd like to see how you would react when a cop has a gun in your face and is practically trying to trick question you to find an excuse to execute you in the spot. That guy did the right thing by keeping his hands in view and refusing to do anything because the cop clearly jumps to "he's got a gun" when he tries to comply with his orders. But some people always want to point out how the black man didn't do everything perfectly and that's why things were bad and clearly not the racist cop who is actually FULLY responsible here.

These police don't deserve our respect, we aren't responsible for deescalating the aggression of racist police officers. If you're not black, you would have trouble understanding what it's like to be in this situation. We can't trust police to act rationally in these situations and we can guarantee that complying with them will not result in us being killed. It's 100% about self-preservation, survival. If that means filming things and making a racist cop look stupid, then it's totally the right thing to do. How dare you make this about the conduct of the black man in this situation?

Gavin Stevens

Team Blur Games
Oct 27, 2017
Telford, Shropshire
Can't wait for this to happen on the regular in the UK, now that lord cunt bubble himself Farage has been given so much power. I'm still totally amazed at how many people voted for the Brexit party, but then when I look at my Facebook, it essentially has everybody going "get those brown people out, i don't care what else he says or wants". Well done guys.

The worlds a sick place. For a minute there a few years back, I thought we were actually moving away form this bullshit. But here we are. Trumps in charge of the biggest power in the world and the UK is slowly going down the drain too.

Fuck it all.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
My thing about the defense force in general is how somehow it gets flipped where the cop is the victim? "He didn't know....the guy was being unprofessional...the civilian was escalating the situation". Newsflash, dealing with belligerent people is literally in the job description...nobody gets arrested smiling and tap dancing. Failing the game of simon says doesn't mean you get executed

And god forbid it's a murder situation, everyone is supposed to be all calm and stop overreacting and painting all cops with the same brush which is telling because they see the humanity in the cop (one mistake shouldn't ruin a career! you don't know the stress he was under!), then a father, son, friend, member of the community shot up handcuffed, and left to die. They? They are just things.

Mr. X

Oct 25, 2017
so this kid didnt even have a gun? So the cop made it up on the spot in order to shoot him? holy shit. There needs to be systematic complete undoing of the police system and build it back up from scratch with new policy and training.
He had a ar-15 in the backseat which, by Arkansas law, he can have without permit in his car (can't be in front seat).


Jan 14, 2019
He was out for blood. That is so fucking scary, nothing you can do about it.

I wasn't scared of cops in Russia or the Philippines, but I think the US might do it...


Oct 26, 2017
"Not all cops" is a shit excuse when even "the good ones" don't hold their own accountable.
How do you feel about the cops that just nonchalantly stood there while their friend nonchalantly yelled "he has a gun."
His buddies saw their pal aiming a gun at the head of a dude with his hands in the air and just stood there watching. There's a cop in here right now unable to call his brother-in-arms out. This ain't it, chief.
They are obviously scum as well. That's still not all cops.


Fen'Harel Enansal
Mar 30, 2018
I'm always baffled at the levels of police brutality citizens of my country have suffered just because they were exercising their right to protest the government and did so, but the US police is still forever leaps and bounds above and beyond all of that, wow. How do you ever feel somewhat kinda safe in this hellhole of a country, I wonder.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
They are obviously scum as well. That's still not all cops.

I understand what you're trying to say. If there are an estimated 1 million cops in the US, and even one of them is considered "good", then "not all cops" are bad. However, when an institution built upon racism employes hundreds of thousands of racists, domestic abusers, trigger-happy murderers who want an excuse to end life legally and get a paid vacation for it - then there is a fucking problem. Every single day a new video is out displaying horrible abuses of power from the police, and rarely if ever are they held accountable for their actions. The good cops you swear exist out there sure are a quiet bunch, because it doesn't seem like they work very hard to stop their institution from wrongful murder. Every "Blue Lives Matter" sticker you see is a directly racist response to "Black Lives Matter", and its popularity should be clear enough to display what the US police force is really all about. Dismissing it as "well, some of them can be good" is a complete bullshit mentality that puts you in a neutral position that you clearly aren't affected by, all while black people are murdered (or almost) every single day for simply existing.

Deleted member 3058

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The Cop fucking told him to shut the car off and the dude moved his hand to do just that. The Cop "freaking out" is all on him and none of the driver's fault.
Exactly. The cop gave him an order that would have required that he move one of his hands out of view.

As soon as he began to comply with that order the cop screamed "He's got a gun!".

If he continued to comply with that order the cop could have "feared for his safety" and shot him. The cop tried to premeditate his murder but thankfully he realized what was up and stopped complying.

It literally saved his life.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Exactly. The cop gave him an order that would have required that he move one of his hands out of view.

As soon as he began to comply with that order the cop screamed "He's got a gun!".

If he continued to comply with that order the cop could have "feared for his safety" and shot him. The cop tried to premeditate his murder but thankfully he realized what was up and stopped complying.

It literally saved his life.
That should be the new goto move. Eat a misdemor charge and save your life. Cause they be looking for an excuse shouting random and contradictory instructions.
Oct 31, 2017
Paris, France
The balls and the nerves this boy got , damn ! Can't believe Western cops is still a thing, hope some change is coming down the line, no citizens should be terrified by there lawmen. We speak about a country sending soldiers away in the sake of "freedom" for f*** sake.

Deleted member 3058

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017


The Fallen
Oct 5, 2018
He was out for blood. That is so fucking scary, nothing you can do about it.

I wasn't scared of cops in Russia or the Philippines, but I think the US might do it...
Well in the Philippines cops are mostly very friendly. They walk around on beats instead of driving patrol cars. People frequently approach them and ask for directions and things like that. In the US cops are only not in their cars when they harassing, beating, arresting, or ticketing you.

I know there is a merciless drug war going on in the philippines right now. I'm not saying the police dept there is great or whatever. but any given cop you meet on the street there will be nice and helpful to you, be you a filipino or a foreign tourist
Oct 25, 2017
Osaka, Osaka
And then white people wonder why we don't trust them.

Dude wasn't even dangerous.

It wasn't even a "cop has a stressful job and cant be too sure".

He's literally just looking for some excuse to shoot this dude and get away with it.
And why would he even begin to believe that'd be an easy thing to do?
Because he knows damn well that it's how the system is designed.

Yeah, folks view guns one way until a black person might have one.
We get a different 2nd amendment. Thats why the didnt like Malcolm. He said we had the same rights.
Last edited:


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Smart and cool under pressure. Unfortunately his parents or someone must have taught him that. Sad world we live in. I hope that cop gets fired or reassigned to a desk job. Clearly he wanted a reason to shoot.

We're taught how to act around cops as soon as we're able to start walking. We're given rules on how to conduct ourselves when we go outside, into stores, during school, and at work. We are constantly policing ourselves in order to not have white people call the cops on us because we know that could mean death.

And then people have the fucking AUDACITY to ask why didn't we just do "xyz" when confronted by people who will use any excuse to kill us, and know they will be defended by others because of inherent biases against us and for the cops.

It's fucking tiring.

Fuck the police and everybody who defends them.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
I understand what you're trying to say. If there are an estimated 1 million cops in the US, and even one of them is considered "good", then "not all cops" are bad. However, when an institution built upon racism employes hundreds of thousands of racists, domestic abusers, trigger-happy murderers who want an excuse to end life legally and get a paid vacation for it - then there is a fucking problem. Every single day a new video is out displaying horrible abuses of power from the police, and rarely if ever are they held accountable for their actions. The good cops you swear exist out there sure are a quiet bunch, because it doesn't seem like they work very hard to stop their institution from wrongful murder. Every "Blue Lives Matter" sticker you see is a directly racist response to "Black Lives Matter", and its popularity should be clear enough to display what the US police force is really all about. Dismissing it as "well, some of them can be good" is a complete bullshit mentality that puts you in a neutral position that you clearly aren't affected by, all while black people are murdered (or almost) every single day for simply existing.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
I love how all the "good cops" stood around while the "Bad apple" tried to setup a murder.


Oct 26, 2017
This behaviour was shocking, gun drawn shouting "he's got a gun" when he's clearly not, then telling the guy to move his hands down out of sight to turn off the car; looking for any excuse. Good on the victim for keeping his hands visible. All I ever see from US police is escalation of incidents, guns drawn, it's so bizarre.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
This behaviour was shocking, gun drawn shouting "he's got a gun" when he's clearly not, then telling the guy to move his hands down out of sight to turn off the car; looking for any excuse. Good on the victim for keeping his hands visible. All I ever see from US police is escalation of incidents, guns drawn, it's so bizarre.

As a black American, I'm sad to say this isn't shocking at all. It's it's another day at the office.