Deleted member 30681

user requested account closure
Nov 4, 2017
There absolutely is need for a need OS.
We have stared at the same, horrible UI for so long...
I don't buy a console to stare at a UI, and I think the PS4 UI, despite lacking at launch is good enough where it is. Maybe add minor things to it, but I think that UI just transferring over is fine as is. It's simple, and it gets the job done.
I don't buy a console to stare at a UI, and I think the PS4 UI, despite lacking at launch is good enough where it is. Maybe add minor things to it, but I think that UI just transferring over is fine as is. It's simple, and it gets the job done.

There are A LOT of problems...

  1. Folders, it's a joke...
  2. Last played game is always first, but not always the one you want to play!
    I want to keep everything organised, not in the order I played it last time.
  3. The notifications menu is a JOKE.
    Party notifications, downloads, throphy notifications...
    Everything is together. I want a seperate download section.
I like the Xbox UI way more, it's not perfect. But looks really cool.
And you can change the appearence much more on XBOX.
But I hate xbox, because I like PS Exclusive's more (but that's off topic!)


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
Xbox was much worse
They stripped all the good shit from the 360
Fuck we couldn't even do party chat in the begining. OG PS4 was a much better launch imo

Both systems have come a long way.


Oct 25, 2017
They can update the UI without having to completely overhaul or build a new OS. Since architecture isn't going to be radically different going forward I would fully expect next system OS's to be extensions of current ones.

So improved features and operations and not having to start from scratch.

Yall need to start think like mobile phones/PCs as this is where consoles are at now having similar architecture between generations

Deleted member 30681

user requested account closure
Nov 4, 2017
There are A LOT of problems...

  1. Folders, it's a joke...
  2. Last played game is always first, but not always the one you want to play!
    I want to keep everything organised, not in the order I played it last time.
  3. The notifications menu is a JOKE.
    Party notifications, downloads, throphy notifications...
    Everything is together. I want a seperate download section.
I like the Xbox UI way more, it's not perfect. But looks really cool.
And you can change the appearence much more on XBOX.
But I hate xbox, because I like PS Exclusive's more (but that's off topic!)
These are all problems that can be fixed with the existing UI without having to change the whole thing. If Sony decides to do so is yet to be seen, but assuming they can I'd rather they fix them and carry over the current UI. I also wouldn't assume that a new UI would mean Sony would address these issues.

Personally I just like the simplicity of the PS4 UI. You sign in and the games are the first thing you see, and if the game isn't on the front page you can easily go to your library and find it using the search feature. It's not perfect but it's not bad either.

The notification issue I can understand yeah.


Oct 27, 2017
Give me 3 second boot times over a console OS trying to emulate a PC and getting progressively more bloated as the generation moves on.


Oct 28, 2017
Although the OP mentions 'launch' we can actually do a lot of those things now.

But I agree. I'd like to see a bare-bones basic OS centred around gaming. PlayStation 3's XMB, essentially just text, was really quick and smooth.


Oct 27, 2017
England, UK
I don't know about barebones but there's a lot of feature-creep bloat in the PS4 UI I could do without. There must be a middle-ground between the speed and simplicity of the Switch UI and the 'everything and the kitchen sink' UI of Xbox/PlayStation.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
I want my console interfaces lean and maybe even mean. Most of that other stuff just duplicates features I'd rather use my phone or main computer to do.

Folders and other game organization tools are about the only thing I really need.


Nov 27, 2017

I like the PS4 OS :)

I personally think the XBOX One OS is garbage. It's all different strokes though, heh.

Mind you, the PS4 OS ain't perfect. It has issues that annoy me. And they can make it faster.


Oct 25, 2017
I hope they redesign the UI to be a bit more 'fluid' looking-- I'm pretty burnt out on the side-scrolling deal.


Prophet of Regret
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Hopefully Sony/MS use their current OS's as a base and build the new ones off of it. I see no real reason to rebuild from scratch this time, since they're going to be running on the same architecture.

I do want to see some pretty major design overhauls on the new OS's. I don't particularily like the PS4 or XB1 ones. They're both feel busy and not particularily well organized IMO.


Oct 27, 2017
Since the architectures will be similar between generations, I'm hoping they can just reuse most of the OS and slap on a fresh coat of paint.


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle WA
I have a Roku. So I just want a game and Blu Ray player out of my console. I want it to be fast and clean. OG PS4 OS is stuttery and busy. I don't even care about trophies.

Giga Man

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
So the people in here saying they don't need/never used any of these features never used suspend/resume, folders, and external storage? I find that hard to believe.

Yeah, the Switch OS is great, but it's not perfect. If you like to horde tons of games on your console at once, there's no folder system to organize them in, and the sorting feature they just added is barely a start. Save data is locked to the console and you can't save it on your SD card, and external hard drives drives aren't even supported.

By the way, fitting username, OP.


Oct 28, 2017
Yup. I think the layperson has an unfairly negative opinion of declaratively built UIs vs imperatively built UIs because we've all sat through some janky, unoptimized interpreted javascript interfaces. (Which this is not).

Although, funnily enough the launch Xbox One UI was janky HTML (and there's still a few holdouts here and there). Thanks WinJS...

The details pages on the Xbox / Windows Store are now HTML too instead of native XAML, with some dodgy interactions with the surrounding native chrome. It's all a bit of strange mess.


Oct 30, 2017
Sony have been adding to the UI for a couple of years now and I assume it will carry over to the PS5, with some changes here and there. Starting over from scratch seems pointless and a waste of time.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I really enjoy a minimalist UI design, but I still like advanced features and versatility being tucked away behind a minimalist front-end.

I'm really hoping PlayStation and Xbox are both just retaining their current UIs and continuing to expand on them as opposed to introducing whole new ones with the new consoles. If we do get whole new ones, I hope they really put some effort into being feature-rich right away.


Nov 12, 2017
As long as it's blazing fast, has a blazing fast shop, it's got folders and no fucking ads I'm good.


Oct 26, 2017
While I like the PS3 OS over the the PS4 I absolutely hate the Xbox One OS. Having one of the original Xbox's the OS over time has caused it to move around slower and slower over time as Microsoft keeps beefing it up.

A barebone OS on a console is my preferred choice, leave as much power and space possible for games, I only need text and maybe a icon for games (Obviously the store is its own front but for the main page).
Oct 27, 2017
Since they're using AMD again and not doing as big a change as from PS3 I see no reason why PS5 OS can't be built using PS4 OS as the base, just with new features.


May 17, 2018
Xbox One released without the ability to play music and games at the same time in full screen. As long as they don't lack anything that basic, I'm good.

Kage Maru

Oct 27, 2017
I didn't have an Xbox at launch but I remember hearing friends bitch about how bad the OS/dashboard was.

I thought the PS4 was fine at launch, definitely an improvement over the PS3 OS.

Hopefully both don't plan to start over again and have a solid OS day one. I'm more concerned about how much ram they plan to reserve for the OS. I would hope the current 3GB figure would be enough.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
It's likely going to be the exact same as PS4/XB1 is right now. The reasoning behind this is that the new consoles are simply better versions of Xbox One/PS4 similar to Xbox One X and PS4 Pro.

Companies are not going to make an entirely new OS when the new one works fine.

If you are worried about an OS then don't buy a PlayStation product. Remember, MS is and has been focusing on a modern console, meanwhile the PS4 has always been stuck behind a decade from services to basic online applications. It's a mess.
Oct 25, 2017
I am going to guess most of that stuff will be available at the start on the new consoles. As long as it has Suspend/Resume then the other stuff is whatever to me though.


Nov 22, 2017
I've been staring into the boring, yet incomparably efficient, abyss that is the Switch UI for so long that I think I'm fine with this as a new normal. I really don't use any of the extra stuff anyways. Although, ironically, I'd be more interested in things like themes on a portable.


Oct 26, 2017
Helsinki, Finland
Give me 3 second boot times over a console OS trying to emulate a PC and getting progressively more bloated as the generation moves on.

SSD will help with that.

If you have one folder it's no problem.
But at the moment you have create a dozen of them, it will get really messy.
"I want to play game X Y, which folder should I look in? In action, in Shooter or in adventure?"

I've never had that problem, as I've set the folders like this:

Play - current rotation
Epic - big single player games
Co-op - local multiplayer
Oct 25, 2017
For Playstation, I would be tight, period. Makes no sense to strip from what the PS4 build on. Improve it and change UI elements? Fine. But to start bare? We got's a problem.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
I'd be happy with the PS5 OS literally just being the PS4 one but updated to run on the new hardware.


Oct 25, 2017
XB is all good if they roll the current UI over but make it faster and 4K.

PS5, is like to see an overhaul. Just doesn't feel as full fledged and intuitive as XB1 OS


Nov 1, 2017
I'm all for a UI update, but I hope XB1 keeps the same OS and apps are there day one. Going back to not being able to play podcasts in the background will make a huge number of games I play waaay more boring.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm pretty worried about that. Honestly, I just wish Sony would keep the same OS. It's fine right now, just keep adding to this one. But if it's doable and no new massive features are planned for PS5's OS... please just build off the current one. Or at least just launch with all the current features. Please.

Xbox OS has a ton of cool features I hope they'll keep, but I sure as hell want them to redesign the whole UI itself. It's just a slow, clunky mess for me.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
If they didn't have these I think only some internet articles would notice. I never heard of anyone actually using them after the amount of articles I saw before it had them

Hell what even is dnla?

Basically stream media to PS4 over network. I used it to stream podcasts from my phone instead of using a USB drive.