Dan Thunder

Nov 2, 2017
I don't and won't pay more than £45 for a new game. After day one, I wait until they hit £30 to buy.

I'm pretty much the same. I'll go up to £50 for a launch title if it's something I've been really anticipating but anything else has to drop to £30 at the absolute max before I'll purchase it, even then it has to be a game I'd always planned on getting. Anything else I'll probably wait until it's under £20 on a PSN sale.


Jan 11, 2018
It's already the case here in Canada. 79.99 and has been this price for a couple of year already. Add both fédéral and provincial tax(quebec) a single game cost us 90$

It was 59.99$ back then like the usa


Nov 2, 2017
Nottingham, UK
I'm in the "charge what you think your game is worth" category. But ultimately I'll be buying for what I think your game is worth.

For example i won't be buying a sports game or franchise multiplayer shooter for £40-50+, not with all the dishonest non-transparent microtransactions. You're gonna wanna half that.

Give me a God of War or a Witcher 3, however, and I'll pay more because i think they deserve it. No bullshit, just great games. Take my money.

Saying that, I don't think prices will change. There will just me more "editions".

Deleted member 10737

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Oct 27, 2017
nope. i already pay a ridiculous amount of money, considering the exchange rate between our money and the dollar. if things get more expensive i'll just buy more games used.


Oct 29, 2017
Given my current backlog, I see myself buying a lot more games when they get cheaper on summer/winter sales going forward.
I would only pay full Price if I really, really, really want that game.


Nov 6, 2017
Please, i already pay 70 euros for my digital releases, thats like 85 USD or something like that.


Nov 4, 2017
Games go on sale too quickly and drop in value to drop $60 at launch nowadays( speaking for myself of course). The industry has trained me to wait 6 months and grab the game for half the release MSRP. Still haven't bought God of War or Spider-mn yet( looking for holiday deals). Most I've paid for a game recently was a sealed copy of Mario Odyssey for $40 off a local FB classified site.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
To all the people saying 'sure I already pay more than that anyway in my currency' you DO realize that an increase from $60 to $70 usd would cause your prices to go up too, right? In Canada it could go from $80 to $95-100, for instance.
They didn't the last time it happened in USA.

Also, already paying 59€ (67,86$) for new games if I can't be arsed to find a sale, so no problem.


Animator at TeamTo
Nov 30, 2017
Here, in France, we already pay our games 69.99 euros... soo you know, it will be more like 80 euros here ><


Oct 29, 2017
I actually think that they should increase the prices. Creating videogames is so God damn hard and it takes so much time. Once you' worked for a videogame company, you understand the industry and value games more.


Nov 2, 2017
I'll wait for a sale. May just wait to get next gen all together. Maybe a few years into the console's life cycle...


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
if you want to charge 100$ for your games just to discount then to 20$ three months later because people are not buying it then be my guest

i'll keep waiting for sales like i always did.


Oct 27, 2017
Some games might try but I continue to see a trend in DLC and other ways to get extra money instead.

empty feat

Oct 29, 2017
Yorkshire, UK
I wonder if AAA games increasing price would make more people see the value in smaller budget projects, or if "indie games" would still be expected to be £10 or less.

Deleted member 25108

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Oct 29, 2017
Next gen games arent going to be any different from what we have now. The true experience is not in a $60 game and hasnt been since the middle of last gen.


Nov 27, 2017
Yup, im ready. I maybe buy 2-3 brand new retail games per year. Every other game i buy is years old and cheap. I can justify a $70 game a few times a year.


Oct 25, 2017
Wasn't GTA IV $70? Or was the price only increased in Europe? So it can be done but only for special games like a GTA VI. I can't see it happen for all games without a major backlash especially when more games are being sold as GaaS nowadays.

You can't justify increasing prices while you keep pumping DLC and microtransactions into the games, and you are out of your mind if you think publishers are going away from microtransactions if they can increase the prices of the game a mere $10. As we recently knew about the size of that market for Ubisoft and EA that will never happen in the near future.

Also if they increase the prices they risk having even more people taking the smart approach, wait 2 months and get the same game for 50% less considering how aggressive the price drops for games are nowadays even on digital stores i.e. Shadow of the Tomb Raider and NBA 2K19 discounted 1 month after release.

Personally I don't have a problem to pay even $80 for a game I really want but only if they don't introduce any kind of extra monetization and keep supporting it with the same kind of content they do right now. Not ever going to happen though even if they do it it would be just for a couple of years then we would be stuck with $80 + $40 in extra content...

Deleted member 32374

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2017
I don't pay $60 now, beyond the odd game once every couple of years. Persona 5, Fallout 4, that kind of game.

The base price needs to rise though. Unless you are a fan of the currently system of a base experience for $60 and the true, expanded experience for $100. Which I think isn't awful, on the whole but man does it get a ton of hate. Don't like it? Pay more for base game.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Games are cheaper now than ever before. Not concerne.


Dec 18, 2017
AAA titles like RDR2 or CoD are already 70 € in Europe for standard edition, this goes up to 100/130 € for maximum edition. Imagine that.

Deleted member 6730

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Since games tend to not hold their for value very long all you have to do is wait a couple of months and most games will be at a cheaper price.


Oct 27, 2017
Man we paid $70 for some NES games. $80 for a lot of SNES games. Really we should be paying that or more if we take inflation into account. For me price is not going to be an issue. If I want it I'll pay for it.


Dec 27, 2017
The cost of software and application development has grown exponentially so I'm ok with it so long as the software is worth it. Publishers have been recouping costs by chopping games up and selling (cash grabbing) as dlc anyway. So if that means less of that and more complete games at launch then great. I'm all for cosmetics as dlc tho.


Oct 28, 2017
Nope. Never pay full price, since 99 of 100 full prized games aren't worth it anyway. So after all it doesn't matter to me. And console exclusives you can play for a few bucks, just get them used and sell them a few days later.


Aug 26, 2018
Nah. I'll probably just switch to a delayed buying schedule and wait a few extra months to buy the games insanely cheap. Most games drop to $40 after a week or two now.

Now that I've lost the Amazon Prime 20% discount, I'm going to be buying a lot less games. I usually never even play them anyways (I usually lose interest after 10 hours these days). My backlog is huge. $70 would push me away even further.


Aug 28, 2018
Wasn't GTA IV $70? Or was the price only increased in Europe? So it can be done but only for special games like a GTA VI. I can't see it happen for all games without a major backlash especially when more games are being sold as GaaS nowadays.

You can't justify increasing prices while you keep pumping DLC and microtransactions into the games, and you are out of your mind if you think publishers are going away from microtransactions if they can increase the prices of the game a mere $10. As we recently knew about the size of that market for Ubisoft and EA that will never happen in the near future.

Also if they increase the prices they risk having even more people taking the smart approach, wait 2 months and get the same game for 50% less considering how aggressive the price drops for games are nowadays even on digital stores i.e. Shadow of the Tomb Raider and NBA 2K19 discounted 1 month after release.

Personally I don't have a problem to pay even $80 for a game I really want but only if they don't introduce any kind of extra monetization and keep supporting it with the same kind of content they do right now. Not ever going to happen though even if they do it it would be just for a couple of years then we would be stuck with $80 + $40 in extra content...
Might be. I remember buying the game on second hand, like 2 years later, for 55€ and that was considered like a good deal for that game