
Feb 17, 2019
Crazy that a japanese manga is the one piece of media that depicted the vikings as the super efficient death squad they were. One of their most valuable trading goods were people, slaves, mainly women that they caught during the raids.

And they were smart about it as they often attacked villages along rivers that had little to no army to defend themself with. I don't know how you can depict viking as these lovable people that just wanted to find a home, especially those that actually went on raids.
Jan 10, 2018
The question is how far they'll go to depict these raids. Will people stand by and cry when we put a torch to their houses? Most likely not but it will probably make people feel a bit conflicted.

Penny Royal

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
QLD, Australia
It's almost as if when you attempt to portray anything as complex as humans in a simplistic goodies/baddies way it will miss lots of things about said people.

I grew up in Essex and learned a LOT about the Vikings who sailed up the river Blackwater and raided the small collection of hovels that would later become my home town - but they can't have been so bad, as the oldest church in the town has the lid of a stone sarcophagus that's been dated to one of the viking invasion periods, and is of one of the vikings who settled nearby.

Fart Master

Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
A dumpster
Assassin's Creed games are generally so historically inaccurate that you might as well consider them to be fantasy. But yes, the Vikings were not very nice. I'm assuming they'll either ignore this issue entirely or come up with a way to try and paint the main character as a 'good' Viking.
Uh lol it's not just you obviously but AC has always been fantasy/science fiction so I'm not really sure why you'd state this like it's a opinion or something.

Deleted member 2595

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
Uh, Vikings aren't the "villains" you think they are.
They kicked a lot of ass in England and other countries, but they were not worse than any other civilization at that time, including people from England. Invasion, raiding, war and all that stuff was pretty much standard, it wasn't a "viking thing".
This was the impression I got.

It's not that Vikings weren't a generally nasty and problematic group... it's that the entire world was at that point. Every single nation was pretty barbaric, as human civilisation was in its infancy across most of the world.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The whole franchise relies on the idea of doing wrong things for a supposed greater good. I struggle to think of a single main character that has immaculate morality.


Oct 27, 2017
But Ubisoft gave us a plot that made us empathize with their Pirate cause, and feel like their the good guys. So, this is to be expected.

I thought we all knew the aim of every AC game is to be Anti-Government/Anti-Establishment? It's been in every AC since the start.
(That we shouldn't trust the powers that be, everything they tell us is a lie etc etc etc.)
They could literally make a game about Saddam Hussein, Muamar Gadafi and Idi Amin being good but misunderstood guys, and we would all still eat it up.


Oct 31, 2017
There is no good vs bad, it's all about conquering lands and power and wealth, no matter what nation kingdom they're from.


Oct 26, 2017

Were the Vikings really so bloodthirsty?

The Viking story has fascinated people for centuries. But as a major exhibition opens at the British Museum, have we got them wrong?

Vikings did gruesome stuff like so many other armies in a time when war crimes = war. But they were also an advanced society with its own community cultrue, trading, and so on


Oct 27, 2017
Everyone was brutal at that time. Vikings are popular, so you play as them. Better Vikings than saxons and their religious fanaticism.


Oct 27, 2017
The point is that you are representing the invading force. It is difficult to sympathize with the Vikings even if they were not objectively worse than the Saxons.

Imagine a game in which you are a Mongol devastating China or a Spanish conqueror against the Incas.


Oct 28, 2017
I think the framing some of you guys try to use is too complex to shove it into a simple black and white category.

By today's standards there's no one coming good out of anglo saxon- viking relations.


Oct 27, 2017
The point is that you are representing the invading force. It is difficult to sympathize with the Vikings even if they were not objectively worse than the Saxons.

Imagine a game in which you are a Mongol devastating China or a Spanish conqueror against the Incas.
Thats the thing thats making it hard for me to relate.. and Im saying this as a dude that's played and finished every AC game (except Origins) and playing an Invading force this time.. not sure I want to sit through a story /cutscenee trying to justify this.

Cliff Steele

Oct 28, 2017
Felt the same when I saw the pillaging gameplay. I mean... Wtf Vikings were indeed fucking assholes and it's kinda tone deaf to sell this as a gameplay point.

Poison Jam

Nov 6, 2017
Ubisoft seem to struggle with getting their messaging down on what tone their games are going for. Valhalla presentation cutting from talk about farmer vikings to showing bloodshed and putting villages to ruin, and the absolute clusterfuck that is Watch Dogs Legion.


Oct 27, 2017
As a mental exercise in how the Viking power fantasy was created, try to imagine the same basic plot but you are a Spaniard who has just discovered the New World.

It gets awkward, right?


alt account
Dec 13, 2018
Nah the brits are always the bad guys.

Seriously though, yeah the Vikings were absolutely not "good guys"
Oct 27, 2017
That problem was already in the predecessors.

Why do I have to massacre all those people unprovoked just to get a chest with an obsolete item in it to complete a checklist?


One Winged Slayer
Dec 29, 2018
Totally, it feels extremely dumb to say "we're farmers yet we want to conquer the entire land", of course the saxons aren't good either but it's hard to believe we're the good guys when we're leading an invasion.


Oct 28, 2017
There were not particularily bloodthirsty or anything. They were just mostly merchants (yes, "Viking" means merchant) in need of a new home and of riches and decided to obtain them by spilling blood (wich they were very good at). Not unlike almost all other civilisations did over the millenias all over the world. Sure, they were not "good", but they were not "bad" either. They just decided to conquer england, to the detriment of the folks there.

The main reason why history painted their actions are monstrous and whatnot is because the history in question was almost exclusively written by monks. And monks weren't particularily fond, surprisingly, of a bunch of pagans constantly targeting churches and monasteries because those places where full of precious stuff and were barely defended if at all. The Vikings didn't care for another religion's holy places because why would they ?

Vikings at that time where pragmatic thieves, mercenaries and conquerors. No more no less.

And i mean... The people they invaded where the descendants of other invaders. Saxons and Angles, both already coming from the same area than the danes we'll play. Honestly, at that time, england was fair game for everyone to invade, Romans, Saxons, Angles, Normans... The Danes were just the next group going at it.


Oct 27, 2017
That trailer made me feel weird as well.

I mean okay, raid that vilalge, but do you HAVE to burn it to the ground?

The player character is just running, unchallenged, not even that much going on - shooting FIRE ARROWS at random rooftops!


Poorly executed, to say the least.

Deleted member 2172

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
Just like many things in life, it is not a case of simply good guys and bad guys. Try and move past this short sighted view. I apologise if this comes across as rude but its a little tiring see so much being boiled down to good/bad (most recently in TLOU2's case)
Jul 24, 2018
Same as how Japanese fiction depicts the Shisengumi as lovable rouges especially its Commander Kondo Isami in a lot of anime and cinema. They gotta add some nuance to history to make a compelling drama I imagine.


Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
I'm sure these evil kings that you fight all have standing armies in conveniently dehumanizing masks and helmets, rather than tenured vassals and serfs put into uniform for a season.

This problem is baked into the franchise. No matter how heroically they dress it up, you can't really have the genocidal gameplay loop of the Assassin's Creed games and not think about how villainous your badassery really is. The main activity in all these titles is stabbing some random sentry in the neck just because he had the misfortune of standing guard on the wrong roof.

Yes, you are the baddie. But it feels so good doing it.


Prophet of Regret
Feb 22, 2019
It'll definitely be heavily sanitized, but I personally don't mind it. To me, the historical settings of Assassin's Creed were always more virtual tourism than educational. So, under that perspective, there's nothing to be gained from either forcing the player to do horrible shit or avoiding interesting settings and time periods because the main agents are all scumbags.

Just started Odyssey tonight, played it for about 4 hours, and I'm really enjoying it so far, way more than I expected. It's my first of the new Assasin's Creed games, and the setting is great. I'm definitely not missing any of the horrible crab in there, I just want to climb Zeus' dick and explore the island.

Even if I hate it after a few more sessions, I feel like it was already worth it for those initial hours.

I enjoyed Odyssey a surprising amount, given my irritation with much of the Ubi/modern AAA open world stuff. I too loved the opening island. I'd suggest not focusing too much on side content, as the game is vast and will begin to overstay its welcome.

and they all were voiced by John Cusack



Jan 1, 2019
Yeah, they were barbaric pirates..

How were the Pilgrims portrayed in relation to the Native Americans in AC3?


Oct 25, 2017
It's weird that Ubisoft are saying that they're trying to tell the 'true story' of the Vikings. Yes, they were people looking for fertile land and prosperity for their people, but it doesn't change the fact that they were an invading force that raped and pillaged across Britain. Makes me curious about how they're really going to portray Alfred the Great.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, they were barbaric pirates..

How were the Pilgrims portrayed in relation to the Native Americans in AC3?
Hmm are you assuming Anglo Saxons are the Native here ? Because they sought greener pastures as the Roman Empire started to crumble, like the Vikings, they were also raiders

Dr. Mario

Oct 27, 2017
This was the impression I got.

It's not that Vikings weren't a generally nasty and problematic group... it's that the entire world was at that point. Every single nation was pretty barbaric, as human civilisation was in its infancy across most of the world.
Eh, yes and no. A lot of this focuses on the conquest of Britain, where you could say well they were colonizers, and for better or worse they acted like every other colonizing group. They also engaged in wars with other kingdoms, and acted like armies would in that time.
But the vikings were also simply notorious raiders and plunderers, who would venture deep into civilized and peaceful worlds to pillage and loot and make off with bounty, women and slaves. See something like Dorestad, which was a thriving city minding its own business until the Vikings sacked it. If you say the world (or northwestern Europe) at this time period was nasty and problematic, it was mostly because of Vikings, and not despite of it. You could of course argue that the Viking raids led to more fortifications which in turn led to actual city forming, but still.


Oct 29, 2017
are these vikings really just misunderstood?
Actually they aren't. Vikings raided and pillaged and murdered and raped like any other tribe or country that invaded another since the dawn of mankind. The thing that is maybe misunderstood is that not all Scandinavians were vikings. Lots of them established trade routes and outposts and settled peacefully on foreign lands. They also fought a lot on their own ground for territory and land, again like many other tribes, kingdoms and 'nations' before and after. So, nasty shit happened to vikings as well, like being forced to move because on your parcel not single crop will grow so you either fight for land in your country or set sail and look for another. But I'm not sure what you mean by "real viking" vs "evil guy". Real vikings are the evil guys.

We will see in the final product how they're portrayed but I don't count on much historical accuracy, as always. Which is fine, though.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
That tonal disparity was already seen in the first CGI trailer they showed. They were slaughtering all villagers and burning their houses down and then suddenly a woman ran right in front of Eivor and another Viking by his side and the first thing that other Viking tried to do was kill that woman, but Eivor held him back and let her run. What a noble guy. Too bad for the other women and children he was not able to protect from his men at the very same time.


Oct 27, 2017
The point is that you are representing the invading force. It is difficult to sympathize with the Vikings even if they were not objectively worse than the Saxons.

Imagine a game in which you are a Mongol devastating China or a Spanish conqueror against the Incas.

Or, you know, modern day Americans. No joke.
I'd say a lot of people might find it incredibly easy to identify with the protagonists in this game.

Deleted member 2595

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
Eh, yes and no. A lot of this focuses on the conquest of Britain, where you could say well they were colonizers, and for better or worse they acted like every other colonizing group. They also engaged in wars with other kingdoms, and acted like armies would in that time.
But the vikings were also simply notorious raiders and plunderers, who would venture deep into civilized and peaceful worlds to pillage and loot and make off with bounty, women and slaves. See something like Dorestad, which was a thriving city minding its own business until the Vikings sacked it. If you say the world (or northwestern Europe) at this time period was nasty and problematic, it was mostly because of Vikings, and not despite of it. You could of course argue that the Viking raids led to more fortifications which in turn led to actual city forming, but still.
Interesting, thanks for the insight.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
Bollocks. They all supported it.

This lame attempt to dodge the problems is basically a more historical version of a Conferate who says well he doesn't own slaves himself.

It gonna play a Viking then do it properly and accept they did shitty things, don't make a farce of it to dodge criticism.
And the game would be unsellable.

there is zero reason to make them historically accurate. Did the lost Vikings face this type of criticism.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
The thing that made Vikings different from other raider people was the speed. They came from the sea/river in a flash, landed, charged in a rage, destroyed small towns, got all the slaves and loot they could and then ran away before any regular army could come. And all that from one day to the other and they could appear in any water adjacent area. Against a regular army they were nothing special. But they were annoying as fuck with their hit and run and their movement speed was terrifying.

And even after that most of them just got integrated into local societies like most raider people.

The mogols were way better. They charged at you at alarming speed through the plains and they could face any regular army, they could strike from afar or close and they could maintain sieges and the likes. I'd love a game where you control a Mongol raider at their peak. Shit was brutal.


Oct 27, 2017
Let me play the noble knights who defend England against these barbarians. They have cooler armor anyway. And they were the best faction in For Honor as well :-)


Sep 11, 2018
That's why I can't take the narrative seriously, don't try to sugarcoat Vikings and pretend I'm a good intentioned farmer that is trying to do good by burning stuff down, I think that gamers are more than accustomed with playing as a morally grey character, but expecting this from Ubi-no politics-soft is too much.


Aug 1, 2019
This "controversy" is super weird. Assassin's Creed games always had your allies being morally gray and your enemies seem totally evil at first only for you to see that it wasn't exactly like that, unless that has changed completely in origins and odyssey. Taking marketing speak as word of god is misleading, if they want to have nuances in their portrayals they probably want those to be part of the narrative experience, so there's no need to give that away in the trailers.

Also even ignoring that, the Vikings were probably not all the same, so depicting your group as maybe not as bad as the usual perception would have you assume is hardly sanitizing. The protagonist is still setting fire to things, but reframing these attacks as a settling effort instead of "they're invading just because" doesn't seem completely unrealistic from a historical perspective.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't think Vikings are that misunderstood. They left Norway due to over-crowding/lack of fertile lands to find England with trading and easy plunder. So plunder they did.
Not that misunderstood, you say, immediately before saying they came from Norway. Ubi did exactly the same thing at the start of the segment last night: "We really looked into the history of Viking invaders in England. They left Norway because..."

England's vikings were almost entirely from Denmark. Hence the Danelaw, not the Norselaw. Vikings from Norway mainly raided in Ireland and Scotland. The Vikings TV show made the same error, probably just because most people think Norway is cooler than Denmark. It's one of many reasons why The Last Kingdom is the better show about Vikings, and it's making me sad that AC is deliberately repeating the same shitty historical errors in favour of appealing to common misconceptions.


Dec 6, 2018
I enjoy the Assassin's Creed games for the historical tourism rather than historical accuracy......I see these games as fantasy ones set in real historical locations....and that's fine for me.