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Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Yes, it is next to Accessibility Options on the title screen, but I think the option is only available to select once the game has tried to connect to the default server and fails or something like that. It's not always there, but I was able to see it once last night. It was already set to the lowest ping server for me.

You need to let the game sit there in the loby untouched for a good while to get disconnected.
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
Calgary, AB
I didn't think you were talking about the "no one cares" side, I only brought up my efforts to play well because in the back of my mind I'm thinking "everyone cares, don't screw their game up". You saying it's "no big deal" was more of what I was interested in, and that's a relief. Some games we'd die early and I'd just close the game because I didn't even shoot anyone, I must have screwed the whole team, pressing play was a mistake.
And thanks for the tip, I'm going to change my stats to useless stuff too haha.
The other thing I've realized (and more and more people seem to be too) is, because the kill stats are locked to a character, if someone takes your main or alternate, you may end up with someone you've never played before. That'd mean that, even if you're 100+ kills, multiple victories, your stats will show as 0 kills. Don't judge a book by its cover, yadda yadda.

My basic approach is, if I'm in a game with people who know what they are doing, I'll follow them, try to support safely (flanks, prioritize my health and safety for revives etc.) and if I'm with people who seem lost, take the lead and try to go more cautiously. You never know when you'll end up in the top 3 and see two teams fighting and, even with less skill, be able to opportunistically take out a last man standing as a group.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone have any tips for a relative BR noob who's solo queuing? PC, if that matters.

I'm generally quite good at FPS competitive modes, but I'm not very good at this at all. I'm trying to make sure I move with my squad, I ping all useful things, but I'm losing most fire fights and most games it takes ages to find any enemies.


Oct 25, 2017
I fkn love this game

I ended up playing with my buddy who just got the game, it must have been his 3rd, 4th, 5th match maybe. Our other friend was only a little more experienced (level 6-7).

Had a fairly quiet time looting until we got pinned between 2 squads near Skulltown. I died. The other experienced guy died. And it was just our super newbie friend left in the middle of 2 squads having an ult filled firefight. I wrote off the match there, but he stayed in it by hiding behind a rock and waiting.

The two squads were still fighting right near our spawn banners and the timer was going down. With about 10-15 seconds to spare on our banners our newbie friend sneaks up to them, extracts our banners and got out without being seen.

We spawned in (somehow uncontested despite a small circle at this point) and did our best to pick up the leftover loot from already looted areas when we got jumped again. This time newbie and the other guy got knocked, and I had a flatline and a EVA with no reserve ammo. I somehow ended up killing all 3 of the squad that attacked us with like 3 bullets to spare. Felt like a god.

Fortunately they had great loot, including a yellow chest (finishing an enemy gives you shields back). With one squad left my team managed to kill one, distract another for me to down them, but taking off my entire shield and a bunch of health in the process. Took the risk and did the finish animation. Got the shield back, and outgunned the last guy.


Now that's what I'm taking about. Good stuff.


Oct 27, 2017

Can I get this in the Commo Rose please?

No matter how obvious the situation this seems to escape 90% of teams I'm in.

*quietly types note into A Very Particular Google Sheet*



Oct 25, 2017
he's the only character that really hinges on other people wandering into big obvious objects. everyone else can use their powers much more actively

Me and a friend who have like 10 wins already ran into this legend for the first time recently. This guy had these explosives tucked away behind every little corner and it was extremely effective. I think just the fact that he can do that and you have to slow down your gameplay around him makes him effective. He's very good at punishing a rush.


was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
to the best of my knowledge, the only gameplay differences between characters are their 1 passive, their tactical, and their ultimate. there are no unstated differences between them in any other regard
This is correct, all characters move at the same speed, have the same mantling abilities, etc.

Other than some hitbox differences, character kits are the only real differences between them.

With that said, we'll probably get a character in the future where their passive is wall-running/increased mobility, etc.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
Anyone have any tips for a relative BR noob who's solo queuing? PC, if that matters.

I'm generally quite good at FPS competitive modes, but I'm not very good at this at all. I'm trying to make sure I move with my squad, I ping all useful things, but I'm losing most fire fights and most games it takes ages to find any enemies.

Drop into the blue zone and other hotzones until you get good at winning gunfights.

Don't drop onto the airship, that shits dumb and gets you split up from your team.

Also, focus on learning how to use these weapons.
  • R301
  • Wingman
  • Spitfire
  • Devotion
  • G7
Basically, you want an all around fully automatic weapon as your primary. These are versatile and effective. Avoid SMGs if possible, they're weak and lack versatility. For your secondary you want something with a bit more range, so the G7 fits the bill.

Other weapons can be situationally useful, though I think the Hemlock and Prowler are pretty bad overall. Shotguns are okay, but trying to create scenarios where you can use them can get you killed easily.


Oct 25, 2017
I can not get into the game on xbox... unable to connect all over as it tries 9 different connections over and over....


Oct 27, 2017
This is correct, all characters move at the same speed, have the same mantling abilities, etc.

Other than some hitbox differences, character kits are the only real differences between them.

Same speed, but bigger characters like Gibraltar can "feel" slower when you're playing as them, due to their longer strides. You "bob" at a lower rate than, say, with Wraith.


was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
Drop into the blue zone and other hotzones until you get good at winning gunfights.

Don't drop onto the airship, that shits dumb and gets you split up from your team.

Also, focus on learning how to use these weapons.
  • R301
  • Wingman
  • Spitfire
  • Devotion
  • G7
Basically, you want an all around fully automatic weapon as your primary. These are versatile and effective. Avoid SMGs if possible, they're weak and lack versatility. For your secondary you want something with a bit more range, so the G7 fits the bill.

Other weapons can be situationally useful, though I think the Hemlock and Prowler are pretty bad overall. Shotguns are okay, but trying to create scenarios where you can use them can get you killed easily.
The G7 is low key the best gun in the game. Hits hard, spamable, accurate at long ranges. Properly kitted out it's a beast and it's won me a couple of games against players who only had automatic weapons and shotties.
Oct 28, 2017
Is it just me or does the shooting in this game feel like absolute garbage? Maybe I just need to fiddle with the settings a bit to make it into something playable. I plan on giving the game another shot later, but that first impression was pretty bad.


Jan 25, 2019
1 squad left, got an item that makes me self-revive and BOOM took the enemies down to come first. ADRENALINE RUSH!


Oct 25, 2017
Is there a active discord? Also wish there was a LFG tool in the game so you can find people that wana stick together.


Oct 25, 2017
Drop into the blue zone and other hotzones until you get good at winning gunfights.

Don't drop onto the airship, that shits dumb and gets you split up from your team.

Also, focus on learning how to use these weapons.
  • R301
  • Wingman
  • Spitfire
  • Devotion
  • G7
Basically, you want an all around fully automatic weapon as your primary. These are versatile and effective. Avoid SMGs if possible, they're weak and lack versatility. For your secondary you want something with a bit more range, so the G7 fits the bill.

Other weapons can be situationally useful, though I think the Hemlock and Prowler are pretty bad overall. Shotguns are okay, but trying to create scenarios where you can use them can get you killed easily.

Thanks very much.

Right now my main gripes is teammates doing weird things, like not moving toether when pinging a location, running off separately, etc... once I get a bit better and don't feel like a drain I'll look for some regular team mates I think.

Deleted member 11069

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Playing with folks from the Era discord kinda ruined the game with randoms for me.
A lot less fun now to watch everybody just do dumb shit (8 out of 10 games)


Oct 25, 2017
Same speed, but bigger characters like Gibraltar can "feel" slower when you're playing as them, due to their longer strides. You "bob" at a lower rate than, say, with Wraith.

I would have sworn Gibraltar was slower, but in truth I did find myself keeping up with characters like Wraith and Lifeline.

That's a really interesting effect.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Bunker used to be the most amazing starting point for me. My squad would be almost guaranteed level 2+ armour for all, but now it's hot as fuck,it seems like everyone drops there. In one of the last games I played we were sandwiched between 2 other teams in that narrow corridor and that was straight after we down a full squad.

It was nice while it lasted. Looks like we're going to have to look at alternative areas to drop into.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone else getting frequent disconnects RN on PS4? Can't even start a game?


Oct 25, 2017
I would have sworn Gibraltar was slower, but in truth I did find myself keeping up with characters like Wraith and Lifeline.

That's a really interesting effect.
A similar effect occurs in racing games if you dont have enough scenary. Can feel like you're going slow at 100 mph if youre not passing enough objects


Oct 26, 2017

*quietly types note into A Very Particular Google Sheet*


Could you also add these few things to this mysterious Google sheet if they are not there already:
- Hold to sprint
- Show connection ping

Also does anyone know how the game decides the servers if team have people from EU and NA?


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Ive received some really nice messages on Xbox live playing this. A few 'GG's and one today from a chap who I carried all the way to the final 2 who thanked me for helping him and apologised for getting killed so many times.


Oct 27, 2017
The SMG's are very disappointing, a whole clip into someone at close range and you still need to switch guns to secure the kill


Oct 25, 2017
It's crazy that this game is still #1 on twitch. Not even just #1, but it's near double the next couple games most of the time.


Nov 15, 2017
Ok, so Caustic is extremely underrated

His gas is like a smoke screen only he can see through

He can drop a gas pod, shoot it, and then stand in it to be invisible to enemies

Ive played 2 games with him so far and ive won both

5 kills and then 7


Oct 25, 2017
Why generic soldiers? Just pick who you want to play, but they don't have abilities. Blackout may not confer bonuses based on which character you pick, but you could hypothetically have a server of 100 Frank Woods doppelgangers, and it'd still work out.
Gibraltors hit box is bigger so generic soldiers would unify hitboxes. But I guess they could just let people pick whatever (most would pick the smaller characters, which presumably is everyone but Gibraltor)


Oct 25, 2017
Is there a way to request healing from Lifeline? I've played with a couple of people now who just will not use their ability for whatever reason, even when I'm one shot away from going down. I just spam pings and jump a bunch, hoping they get the message.
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