
Oct 30, 2017
I used to not understand this logic, but recently I've been starting to double dip. For the past 12 years, I was exclusively a console gamer, but am now primarily a PC gamer. I owned nearly every major console that was released. Sometimes I want to go back and play games from those consoles, but they're shoved away in my basement somewhere and getting them out to plug them back into my TV every time I want to play them is too much of a hassle for me. Due to this issue, I have begun to double dip on my favourite games from those systems on PC because it's so much faster and easier to just download them from Steam or GOG. So basically, it's more of a convenience thing and so I don't have to worry about backwards compatibility in the future. That being said, once I move my collection over to PC, I doubt I'll double dip again.


Oct 27, 2017
I did this for a few games recently (Overwatch, Destiny 2) when I switched from PC to PS4 as my primary place to play games. I have done it a few times for Switch indies so I could have a portable version of a game I love. I might do it again for Dead Cells. But it's not something I make a habit of.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL

If people like a game on X platform, but it becomes available on Y *mobile* platform, people will double-dip for the opportunity to continue playing a game they love on the go.

If people are playing on X console at 30fps or some such and it comes out on PC (or otherwise superior hardware in the future, maybe via backwards compat) where they can play with superior settings, mods, and at far higher frame rates, people will double-dip to enjoy playing a game they love in the most spectacular way possible.

If people are playing on X console but greatly prefer the opportunity to play with a different kind of controller or input (say, on a KB&M), being able to play on PC where they can do so natively might be all the reason they need to double-dip.

If people are playing on X platform but would rather play on Y platform where all of their friends are, that will be ample reason to double-dip.

Does that help?


Oct 27, 2017
Different platforms is the only reason i double dip

So either next gen or my primary platform changed causes me to double dip


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Bought a game on it's launch console

Bought the game again when it got ported to a portable/switch

Maybe saw the game in a super cheap steam sale so I bought a 3rd time for potential pc mod stuff

For me that is a logical train that may lead me to buying a game 3 times. This is especially true if the console the old version was on isn't backwards compatible with current stuff.

For me personally I own the first 5 mega man x game and mega man x 8

I've bought most of the x games again on wiiu eshop/psn to have access to them on more modern consoles so I don't have to pull out an snes/ps2 to play them

I'll be buying them a third time in the legacy collection on switch. I could potentially buy them a fourth time down the road if they get some heavy discount on steam for potential mod support from fans.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I definitely do. Though I was guilty of this with GTAV. I had the PS3 version already, but bought the PC version from a sale since I thought maybe that would motivate me to finish the game (it didn't). If I had already completed the game on PS3, I wouldn't have bought it the second time. And I have bought rereleases for games that are very old, like the recent Monkey Island 3 rerelease, is a double dip after 20 years not after 2 or so. I don't have my original copy anymore and it would probably be more difficult to get running compared to the Steam release. Especially since I don't have an optical drive to put the disc in. But other than that I wouldn't double dip, like with a simple gen transition fuck no.

If I really want to support a developer and their game with some extra, I gift copies to my friends. Like there's probably no one left in my Steam friendlist who doesn't have Deus Ex Human Revolution and Witcher 2 by now. I think it's nicer to give to others than just hoard for myself.

Edit: I stopped playing GTAV originally on PS3 since I didn't have a HD tv yet, I was still rocking a CRT so any text was almost impossible to read.
Edit 2: Another example of double dip that's easy to understand. The first version you bought doesn't properly work, like let's say Skyrim on PS3 so you get a version that works. Though I guess it could be argued that game/developer shouldn't be supported in that manner if they don't care enough to fix their shit and are still ready to release potentially broken products.
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Dan Thunder

Nov 2, 2017
If it's a game you're going to play again why not get the best version out there?

To me there's little difference between that and buying the same film on VHS, DVD, Blu-Ray and then 4K.

Plus, unlike films there are often tangible benefits beyond a sharper image and better sound. A better frame-rate, refined controls, tweaked gameplay, paid DLC included as part of the package.


Oct 27, 2017
Because good games can be played again and again. People go see movies over and over. How many times have you eaten at your favorite restaurant?

If someones favorite game is Skyrim, they probably played it last gen first. So of course you're gonna want to buy the remastered version, especially if you didnt own all the dlc previously. Plus its been years and many people dont leave old consoles laying around.

Skyrim releases again on VR. VR is amazing truly makes you feel like you're in the game.

Skyrim Switch is the only way to play it portable, which has many of its own benefits.

Is Skyrim my favorite game? No. But if Final Fantasy Tactics was released on PS4/Switch I would definitely buy both versions for different reasons.


Nov 7, 2017
Sometimes it just happens. I bought Bayonetta when I only had PS3, again when I got a 360 for it's superiority, and it came with Bayonetta 2 on Wii U.

I hit Quad Dip on Switch, which is really the easiest double-dip machine to justify with it's portability.

Bayonetta 1+2, Enter the Gungeon, Dragon Quest Builders, and Mario Kart 8 were all "worth" the extra investment for portability.

Alot of upcoming ports, like Cosmic Star Heroine, I will "double-dip" having never played through first copy, just because now it's on hardware I might actually play them on.


Oct 25, 2017
I think that the problem to understand each other in this lies in the fact that people like OP and me probably don't replay games(me for sure), once a game is finished we pass to something else, while those who double dip like to replay games so they are willing to re-buy them for the most convenient console.
you might be on to something. some people are mentioning that they are rebuying them before they finish though... hmmm...


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
Ok. I get this, but isn't this like ordering five plates of the same dish, but you only ate 4? Sure youre supporting the chef, but doesnt that feel wasteful?
I have Yakuza 0 on PS4. Now that it's coming out on PC I want to replay it again with crazy resolution and inevitable mods. It is what it is. Maybe not the most prudent purchase but it's anoyher way to spend a long time with a great game for $18.


Oct 28, 2017


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
Because good games can be played again and again. People go see movies over and over. How many times have you eaten at your favorite restaurant?

If someones favorite game is Skyrim, they probably played it last gen first. So of course you're gonna want to buy the remastered version, especially if you didnt own all the dlc previously. Plus its been years and many people dont leave old consoles laying around.

Skyrim releases again on VR. VR is amazing truly makes you feel like you're in the game.

Skyrim Switch is the only way to play it portable, which has many of its own benefits.

Is Skyrim my favorite game? No. But if Final Fantasy Tactics was released on PS4/Switch I would definitely buy both versions for different reasons.
These are all good examples. The key here is that a lot of people love to replay their favorite games (much like a lot of people love to rewatch their favorite movies).

So playing their favorite games in a different way or mode is a big thing. I like Skyrim but not love it. I still rebought the thing for VR because it's a completely different way to play the game (only after it went on sale though) and it is quite interesting in that regard.
Oct 25, 2017
In my case it's either a re-release of an old favorite for a newer platform with some improvements or it's a PC port of an older console game I like with the benefits in terms of performance, graphic fidelity, choice of input method and platform agnosticism that PC entails. Bayonetta was the most important one for me.


Oct 26, 2017
Plenty of reasons that can happen honestly.

New versions of the same game with improvements or updated content, buying on PC to be able to keep it longer than the lifespan of a console, portability, wanting to replay it on the platform you're using the most atm.

It's also not really insular to gaming, people buy stuff to use and/or to keep as a collection-item twice or more in plenty of other hobbies as well.

Andy Mac

Jun 28, 2018
In my case it's either a re-release of an old favorite for a newer platform with some improvements or it's a PC port of an older console game I like with the benefits in terms of performance, graphic fidelity, choice of input method and platform agnosticism that PC entails. Bayonetta was the most important one for me.

Ha! Thanks for the reminder! I need to pick this up on Switch!


Deleted member 35011

User requested account closure
Dec 1, 2017
Depending on the price, I'm more than willing to pay for the convenience. I bought a lot of PC ports of games I had for older consoles like say, Metal Gear Rising, because I love being able to replay games without needing to reconnect an older console to TV. Plus graphical improvements and all that.


Apr 19, 2018
There are some good reasons to double dip, but the two biggest reasons are probably poor impulse control and a tendency toward herd mentality

Andy Mac

Jun 28, 2018
It's straight up bizarre to me how much money is spent on identical and near identical product, yes.

Not if there are several years between purchases and those purchases are in completely different formats.

People are framing it as if someone buys Skyrim in November 2011 and then has enough money for a new game 2 weeks later and says "you know what, I think I'll buy Skyrim again".

If I bought Skyrim in 2011 and loved it then my options right now if I want to play Skyrim again are.

1 - Find a PS3 and play it on that
2 - Play the new and improved version on PS4 (with expansions included also)
3 - Play the Switch version
4 - Never play Skyrim again.

If option 1 isn't possible for me then I have to never ever play the game again or engage in the "bizarre" behavior of buying the game one more time on PS4 or Switch.

Same for "I quite fancy playing Skyrim on my commute or my lunch break or on my flight next week". I can either not do that or be "bizarre" and buy the game again.

Andy Mac

Jun 28, 2018
So does nobody confused about "double dipping" here ever replay or revisit their favourite games?

Just everything is "play it once and never again"?

Is there an absolute favourite game from the PS1 or PS2 era that you'd see being upgraded for the current (or next) generation or being ported to Switch that would make you say "I would pay to play that again"?

Or do folks still keep their old consoles around so they can just bring them out and play their favs easily?


Oct 25, 2017
For me, it all comes down to price

I've only gotten like one chapter into Yakuza 0 on PS4, yet I still double dipped on PC because it was only $13
Feb 10, 2018
The only game i dipped on is cod4 and san Andreas because of pc gaming friends, and with SA I had it on PS2 but liked it so much got it on 360 too.

Deleted member 3010

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I double dipped very rarely back then, only to get different versions of my favorite games , like RE2/RE4 for example or remasters of games I really liked.

But the Switch made me double dip on a ton of PS4 games I already have for one specific reason: I finish the games.

Since my GF moved in, I often find myself using the TV or the PC a lot less. Games stacks and I choke on one to play the new, more hype new release before finishing the previous one. With the Switch I carry it to my work, play portable at home when the TV is being used or on the bed. I imagine that, once I have a child with her, the portability value will increase a LOT. It increased my play time tremendously.

So yeah, that's why I double dip nowadays.


Oct 27, 2017
We see this so often:


and my favorite:


I feel like I am not understanding. So please help me understand. These people are comfortable with buying the same game twice, thrice, and sometimes even q.... qu....q-

...You get what I mean.

Why buy the same game so many times? Especially if the content is usually the same across versions? I feel like that is a waste of money*. Are you planning on resale? Sharing that copy with a friend? You cant play both at the same time. Why?

Anyways, I'm sure you all have your own reasons. I'd like to hear it. Thank you.

*Why not buy DLC for the game, buy another game, buy another copy of the game and share it with someone who doesn't own the game? And yes, I realize everyone is different and that buying a video game is technically a waste of money anyways. All rights reserved. By reading my post, you agree to buy me a STEAM® game of my choice or gift me $5 to my STEAM®/PSN® accounts. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. I've always wanted to type that and I don't know why. I look forward to all of the games. Thanks.

You have been flagged by Rockstar for blasphemy. You can lift this flag by pre-ordering Red Dead Redemption 2.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
I double dipped on the Street Fighter Collection (PS4 and Switch) because I wanted to play with my stick online at home on PS4 but there's no way I'm passing up on having all of the Alphas and SF3 games on a portable console. First time I've ever double dipped at launch I think. Got them for a good price.

Deleted member 12833

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Yea, don't get it either.

I have trouble even buying a game in one platform over the other if it's not cheaper. Double dipping is out if the question must of the time


Tic-Tac-Toe Champion
Oct 25, 2017
It depends on release timing. If I beat a game on one platform and then it comes out on another, sometimes I'll double dip for a different experience or because I want to replay it and get the achievements all over again on another platform. I also do it to support a developer, though these days when I want to double dip something that's on PC, I gift it. I've gifted Trails of Cold Steel 1+2 to a few friends.


The Fallen
Nov 6, 2017
My double dips have been for games with updated version with more contents, EXCEPT for the PS4 version The Ezio Collection which have LESS contents, but if you want Platium Trophies for Brotherhood and Revelations without doing online trophies, is the only way.

I have double dips for OLDER version of game I own, only for the PoP:SoT Trilogy at the moment, but I may do it for more games later


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
I do it sometimes. And I'm going to do with it Valkarie Chronicles 4. Xbxonex and switch.
Oct 31, 2017
There's no "phenomenon" to begin with.
The "double dipping crowd" is an incredible small niche, probably statistically irrelevant.
A minority even among those who love to claim to double dip (but then they realize at the last minute they don't really want to pay a second time for a game that already became boring to them).


Oct 25, 2017
San Diego, CA
I usually double dip, or triple dip in some occasions, when the game has a delayed release for my console of choice. Does a remaster count as a double dip?

Sometimes it's just because I love the game so much that I want it on everything. I think I own FF7 and Super Mario RPG on every available version, and I'll most likely keep buying them. This is mostly due to a poorly conceived notion that if I keep supporting SMRPG, they'll finally make a sequel.


Oct 31, 2017
I also kinda feel like it's a waste of money. Not sure if I've ever done it but I'm often tempted to now that I got a Switch and an Xbox. But as much as I enjoy the hardware itself I already own the games and can play them so I try to resist trying to rebuy games.


Oct 25, 2017
Played New Vegas on PS3 - loved it. Saw the GOTY 360 version going real cheap much later - bought it and loved it again. Got a decent gaming PC - GOTY Steam version going cheap - you see where I am going with this. If you like a game and are up for a replay of it then doing it on another platform is a great way to do it.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll only double dip if it's a remaster on a new console like The Last of Us I bought it on PS3 and then the remaster on PS4.


Oct 25, 2017
The only time I would buy a game twice is when before it was only on console with the usual performance problems and it then comes out on PC with 60+ fps and better graphics and I want to play it again without those problems.
Otherwise I don't even replay the same game twice, so buying the same game twice without any real changes to it is not really my thing.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I'm selective about it. I own several of my SNES games on the Wii VC because I don't want to risk the cartridges, I'm gonna buy Dark Souls Remastered and Zone of the Enders MARS despite owning both games because they have improvements over the versions I already own, I have Okami on PS2, the digital version on PS3 and the physical copy of the PS4 version because I wanted Okami on a modern console, and I bought Sonic Mania Plus on Switch despite owning the PS4 digital version because it's a physical copy, can be played in handheld, and comes with some goodies.

Though now that I think about it I bought an old fat PS3 and modded it for Tales of Vesperia and now that game's coming to the West and I'm going to buy it, so I might just have a problem.

Deleted member 9486

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I get it when it's a remaster (or PC version that runs much better), when it's out in a portable or when a port adds significant content. I can also get things like virtual console type release of classics and many don't keep old consoles or don't keep them hooked up at least.

Otherwise, yeah I don't get it. Well, I get the idea of supporting devs I suppose. Just not my cup of tea as I'm not a charitable person in general and especially not toward makers of consumerist products.


Oct 27, 2017
I bought Sonic Mania three times. I'll buy the Plus DLC three times. I want them to make more of it and I have disposable income so I'm going to burn it on convincing the powers that be that more Mania style games need to happen.

Also, I've bought Ocarina of Time more times than I care to admit because it's literally the perfect game.


Oct 25, 2017
Ok. I get this, but isn't this like ordering five plates of the same dish, but you only ate 4? Sure youre supporting the chef, but doesnt that feel wasteful?

Many are bad with money management. & donating money to corporations instead of, idk, Red Cross or Prevent Blindness is kind of twisted.


Oct 27, 2017
I find myself kind of acquiring games on steam since playstation consoles going forward will likely not be BC.

Certain games in higher res or rereleased in higher fidelity like Resident Evil 4, which is one of my favorite games, I've bought multiple times.
The lack of noises from Sony about BC does make format shifting anything I can more appealing to me. I've done it with a lot of titles I owned on PS3 or 4 first. Next up I'll be looking to double dip on the Yakuza series at some point now that's it's coming to PC, especially since they are reasonably priced.


Oct 25, 2017
Why are trophies odd vs achievements?

Because achievements give you a total numerical point value, which is awesome, and they have leaderboards, which are also awesome (especially now that 360 games count towards it, making it a really cool unified platform), whereas trophies are weird and arbitrary and don't have cool leaderboard competition things. I also really enjoy how Gamepass factors into this: play X # of games from GP (or during sales and other competitions), get chances to win prizes. It's a really cool way of giving you goals when you're not sure what you want to play. I think Microsoft is handling the idea really well.

Like, let's be clear, this is absolutely my personal preference. I think people who want to earn trophies are weird. Like Steam, I don't think it's a great system.

But like, personally, I saw Abzu on Gamepass last night, so, after a hard day's work, I sat down, played through it, and got all 1000 GS. It was an awesome experience. But then I looked at my leaderboards, and a friend of mine is 165 GS ahead of me, so I wanna keep playing there today. What I might do is go ahead and play more Age of Empires DE, since Xbox achievements aren't just 360 and X1, they're PC too.

The lack of noises from Sony about BC does make format shifting anything I can more appealing to me. I've done it with a lot of titles I owned on PS3 or 4 first. Next up I'll be looking to double dip on the Yakuza series at some point now that's it's coming to PC, especially since they are reasonably priced.

I was gonna buy Kiwami 2 and Yakuza 6 on PS4, but as soon as I heard that Yakuza 0 and Kiwami were coming to the PC, I basically immediately dropped all plans to buy on Playstation. I don't trust Sony to have my best interests as a consumer at heart. I don't think the Playstation 5 will run Kiwami 2 or Yakuza 6. And like... fuck that, right? Plus, I've talked about this before, but Sony has banned my friends for issuing chargebacks when Sony randomly turned Plus renewal back on; Microsoft and Valve support have been WAY nicer to me whenever accidents occur or whatever. Sony's support has always been a bag of dicks. I once tried to cancel a preorder and basically got told to go fuck myself.

So like... yeah, I'm hedging my bets now. I only buy PS4 games on disc, only if they're exclusives, keep all my payment information off of the Playstation store, and am actively avoiding any multiplats on Playstation.
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Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Different platforms often give a slightly different experience.

For example, my most recent triple-dip was for the Crash N. Sane Trilogy, and it's because I wanted it on day 1 (PS4), wanted to play it on-the-go (Switch) and wanted to play in native 4K/60 (PC).

I also sometimes double-dip on games I really like to support the dev. Not usually at full price, but still, buying a developer's games is pretty much the only meaningful way to show your support.