
Nov 11, 2017
Better performance, better controller, ability to play with friends, portability, etc... there's tons of reasons to double dip. I am a huge fan of handhelds so I've bought a few ports on Switch even though I already played them on Wii U or other consoles.


The Fallen
Jan 11, 2018
I must admit I find it a bit weird as well. Not that I don't understand it - I do - but sometimes it seems like a person will buy a game on literally every platform it's available. If they want to support a developer that's great but even if it's a small percentage at least some of those saying it I think are doing it to sound cool. Like, hey I have enough disposable income to buy this niche game four times. It's not my first thought when somebody says they are triple dipping, but sometimes it does creep into the back of my mind.

For me, I just don't do it. I mean, I own Final Fantasy VII/IX for the PlayStation but I bought the digital PS4 versions. Granted I mainly did that because I wanted the Platinum trophies for them, but generally scenarios like that are the only time I've double dipped.


Dec 8, 2017
So I can play it on multiple consoles, and show support for devs I like. It's really not that hard to understand.

One of the weirdest things people in this hobby do as far as I'm concerned.

People like you who make snide remarks like this are the "weird" ones. This is a non issue.
Oct 28, 2017
Beerse, Belgium
I can understand it if we are talking different generations with more benefits (say, a game on Xbox 360 is released again on Xbox One X with better resolution/framerate and more extra's)

literally buying the same exact game multiple times is wasteful but in the end, everyone does what he/she wants with their money

i also find it ironic to read threads complaining about the greedy nature of certain distributors/developers and then another thread about "double/triple/… dipping", somehow that doesn't gel with me


Oct 26, 2017
I did that for Dragon' Crown. First played it on PS3 then I decided to play it on Vita. Never finished either version.


Oct 25, 2017
I find myself purchasing a game and loving it, then it gets released on PC or on Switch or on a newer generation and I want to get it again. I have purchase some games to pass out to other people though. Evil Within is a good example as I have two copies that float around with my friends who have not played it yet.

There is nothing wrong with people that want to support or show love to a game this way. It makes sense to me especially for generation leaps or play changes such as handheld.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm guilty but it's only ever really been if graphics improve on a port later on or the online audience. Always on sale for the double dip never full price.

Mass Effect

One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
A Prime example of double dipping is buying remasters. Are you saying it's strange to pick up a superior version of a game you like?

I do this quite a lot with mutliplat games that have PC ports. Example: Mass Effect is a technical nightmare on 360, so I rebought it on PC (for super cheap no less) for much better performance and mods.

Did the same thing for Okami recently, and numerous other games over the years. It's also nice not having to hook up a bunch of old-ass systems to replay your favorite games.

And then you have other reasons to rebuy the game depending on the system. For Switch, it's portability.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I bought Hollow Knight twice and put 40 hours into it both times. I like having games I love in multiple places and I also enjoy supporting good developers so they can continue to make good stuff.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't understand it except in the case of the Switch. Having a game portable is huge. For everything else? Nah. Like, just wait til it comes to PC. Ya'll complain about backlogs all the fucking time but will buy the game on PS4 then PC? Chill out lol.


Mar 28, 2018
I find it even more weird when people buy the same console twice or thrice for different rooms, some of these guys are rolling deep.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I'm not a fan of double dipping, but I've done it few times in the past.

Sometimes I buy a game on Steam / GOG that I already bought years ago, because I don't want to hassle with installation from CD/DVD and compatibility patches for Windows 10.

The other time I bought Stardew Valley on PC, but actually never got time to play it. Bought it again on the Switch, because I wanted to play it on handheld mode. It was a good decision.

Recently I bought Kingdom Come: Deliverance on PS4. Didn't liked game performance on my PS4, so I decided to jump into PC version instead. I don't have a strong setup, but it has much better performance and will have dedicated mod support in the future, which is always a plus. I'm planning to sell PS4 copy, though.
Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017
I've only done it for 2 games

- deus ex HR
- witcher3

In both these cases, I was a huuuuge fan of the franchises already so I did plan on supporting the devs as much as I could.

For deus ex hr, I wanted the steel case edition, but they didn't have it for PC if I recall correctly, so I ordered it for 360 and also bought the game on steam.

For witcher 3, bought it directly from GOG and last year I bought the goty edition from steam. Why? Cause I loved the game so much and also cause.. My PC died and gog galaxy didn't have cloud saves when it did and I lost my 200 hour save file (so close to finishing blood and wine :( ).

As I type this, now I'm remembering that I also bought sf4, sfxt, usf4 for pc as well(owned them on 360), I also love street fighter, except for 5 which is awful :(


Oct 25, 2017
I've done this for several different reasons. I *usually* do this to play an older game that I really enjoy on current hardware, or I'll do it for games that initially only had a PC release (or maybe for games in Early Access) and eventually get released on consoles...if I prefer to play them on consoles. Another World is probably the one game I've purchased the most times in this respect, although I've also purchased Castlevania: Symphony of the Night for every system it's been released on.

I'll also occasionally do it to show more support for a specific developer.

In the case of Puyo Puyo Tetris, I purchased it four separate times. Initially, I imported a physical copy for Xbox One, as I didn't expect it to come to the U.S. I bought my Switch for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Puyo Puyo Tetris, and I prefer digital copies of games when possible, so I purchased it digitally for Switch. Knowing that rights for Tetris can be odd and not really trusting Nintendo fully with digital purchases, I bought a physical copy for Switch as a backup. Since I hated the fact that Switch didn't have a proper d-pad on its Joy-Con, however, I also bought a physical PlayStation 4 copy.

Sometimes, I'll use multiple reasons to justify a purchase. For example, for Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon, I wanted an Xbox One code, but those were delayed. As such, forgetting that it was coming to Switch, I bought it on Steam, because I wanted immediate access to it. I was displeased with the screen-tearing, though, and a friend of mine mentioned that he didn't have screen tearing in the Switch version. I immediately bought the Switch version to play the game without screen tearing, as it was only $10, and I didn't mind showing additional support for Bloodstained.

Deleted member 25606

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
I do it because consoles up until now have never had cross the board BC like PC has had, and you could mod games to work, maybe they lose stuff to time but I am a console only gamer so you get things like Sony breaking it unless there is a rerelease.

But I don't even like doing that but some games I like that much. If they Re-Released Saints Row 3 and all DLC for PS4 with no upgrades but a good port I would buy it all day 1. And I am not a collector so I don't have old gear lying around. So I don't like double dipping but I needed SOTC on PS4.

I don't understand buying and owning multiple copies, even all the times I owned all the consoles I would do comparisons and buy the version that seemed best, I don't need to play third party games on multiple consoles.

I also get the switch people. I don't have one and I don't like to portable game. I like the TV console setup, but I get why if you do portable game it's got to be nice having Bayonetta and DOOM and Zen Pinball on the go.


Oct 27, 2017
I mostly only ever "-dip" if I'm buying a game on a newer console. I've re-bought Super Mario Bros countless times and most recently repurchased Skyrim possibly for the 4th or 5th time... even then i try to find a way to sell the old version in an effort to fund the new version I'm getting (ie, I no longer have a physical version of Skyrim on the 360 nor the XBOne). This mentality may now change since things are trending to digital.

I mean, who else has their boxed VHS editions of the Star Wars Trilogy and is holding out on getting them in DVD or Blu-ray because they find it weird to rebuy a product?


Nov 17, 2017
Sometimes it makes sense, e.g getting a portable version of a favourite game or buying a hugely improved upgraded version but often games are obsessive, crazy people.


Oct 26, 2017
I'll double dip to "upgrade" to a better version. For example, I bought GTA V on PC and converted my 360 save to PC so I could continue on with superior graphics. Same with Fallout 3, New Vegas and Borderlands.

I didn't have to buy Minecraft for Windows 10, but I would've if it wasn't given to Java players for free. I also converted my save from Java to play the better version (parts of which were also transferred from 360).

I wish more games supported this properly. I'd consider buying Captain Toad, Hyrule Warriors and a few others I'm not thinking of if I could transfer my save.


Oct 28, 2017
Double dipping its like replaying a game, but you left behind the other platform, now triple or quadruple seems like a waste of money to me.


Nov 1, 2017
I find myself not only double or triple dipping from time to time, but now I'm buying a physical copy of every game I ever bought digital.

Not a new copy, mind you, but if I find a good deal, I get them new. Yesterday I bought new physical copies of Dishonored 2 and Halo Wars 2 for a total of 20 bucks.


Oct 25, 2017
Ok. I get this, but isn't this like ordering five plates of the same dish, but you only ate 4? Sure youre supporting the chef, but doesnt that feel wasteful?
Not if it's a good game. I bout Tomb raider 2013 five times and played it four times. Bout it originally on steam, then bought it on ps3, then bought the digital ps3 version to replace my physical copy, then bought the remastered version on ps4, then bought the digital remastered version on ps4. The game was just that good.

Deleted member 925

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
You do realize that people do this outside of gaming, and have for a long ass time. Movies, music, comics, books, collectibles. This is not exclusive to gaming and people will purchase something again if they enjoy it, want to show support, and if it's an upgraded version of something they already own and they see additional value.

It's not weird, you're just overthinking and caring about something that doesn't really have any affect on you.


Oct 28, 2017
I made a whole thread on double/triple dipping but here's a few of my personal reasons:

Battlefield 1/Titanfall 2. I originally purchased these games the month they launch for Xbox One. While I enjoyed them initially, I ended up dropping them. I repurchased both on PS4 for significantly lower price on sale (which Battlefield 1 having all of the DLC) because I had purchased a PS4 much later than the original purchase of those games and I ended up having a good handful of friends that had the game on PS4, and didn't even own a Xbox One. So rebuking them gave new life for the game for me.

Sonic Mania. When it releases on Tuesday, I have every intention to rebuy this game. I originally bought it on the Switch, and as you know it was a digital release only. I'll buy the $5 DLC on Switch so it can be portable but I'm definitely buying it again on PS4 or Xbox One so I can have it physical. And I'm slightly tempted to get it digitally again on Xbox One, because of Xbox One's great BC feature, I can have Sonic 1-3&K, Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, Sonix 4 and Mania ALL on one console, that's pretty sweet no matter how you look at it.

Switch's portability, there's several games I plan on buying again so I can have them portable on the the Switch that I previously purchased either on PC, Xbox One or PS4.

Having the game on a modern platform. It's not fun dragging the Wii U to just play one or two games. Same goes for my old Xbox 360 games that's not BC with Xbox One. Yeah I can play MVC3 on my Xbox 360, but that will cause me to hook it up all over again when it's infinitely easier to just buy the new digital version on PS4 with a much better populated online service.

I waited too long between re-releases. This is totally on me. There's a few games where I purchased them, but waited to long to play them and low and behold, a new port got released on better hardware. Again for the sake of convenience (in this case Rayman Legends from Wii U to Switch) I repurchased the game.

I just want a better version of the game. This was true for Pokken Tournament and Bioshock Collection. Pokken added a ton of new characters and DLC which made the original indefinitely inferior. Plus again, online population. While I played through all of the BioShock games extensively, I repurchased them via the Bioshock Collection and replayed them all. I played the original BioShock on my PC and it ran at like 15 FPS, so actually playing the game on a good framerate and non potato graphics pretty much made it a fresh experience. And replaying 2 and Infinite with better graphics and framerate plus the DLC I missed was great too.

I realized far too late that PC gaming isn't for me. So games like SkullGirls and Duke Nukem 3D I have repurchased on PS4 because I just couldn't get into those games on PC. I can't remember the last time I opened Steam and I have a non gaming PC. So there's a good handful of games I repurchased on console that I have on Steam because I would get way more use out of them on console than on PC. Plus it's annoying plugging up the laptop to the TV, awkwardly using the trackpads and looking upward, or having games that straight up won't send a signal to the TV, dealing with corded controllers, it's just a huge unnecessary hassle.

Rebuying a physical game, digitally. I recently did this with Puyo Puyo Tetris as I found myself playing that game in short bursts and found it bbn pretty stupid to change the card just to play for 10 minutes and switch it out with another game.

But probably the dumbest one of all, is when I double dipped in one of the Kingdom Hearts collection games because I accidentally repurchased it because I thought I didn't have it.


Nov 20, 2017
Logic usually goes like this:

"I already love this game. But I love the new format it's being released on more than the old one."


Oct 25, 2017
I'll generally double dip if the new port offers something I want. Take Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. I rarely play battle mode, but did I want to be able to take that game with me? Hell yeah. (This is a large part of why the Switch is doing so well even with late ports.)

The biggest stretch I think I've ever had was buying a cartridge of Majora's Mask despite having the VC version just to play it on the original controller. It did feel better though.

Deleted member 3888

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
buying on systems accessible or already owned by the person because that's the system they have hooked up and don't have bc, it's... really not hard to understand

you also have people who want to pay multiple times to support their favorite dev

Deleted member 25606

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
I'll double dip to "upgrade" to a better version. For example, I bought GTA V on PC and converted my 360 save to PC so I could continue on with superior graphics. Same with Fallout 3, New Vegas and Borderlands.

I didn't have to buy Minecraft for Windows 10, but I would've if it wasn't given to Java players for free. I also converted my save from Java to play the better version (parts of which were also transferred from 360).

I wish more games supported this properly. I'd consider buying Captain Toad, Hyrule Warriors and a few others I'm not thinking of if I could transfer my save.
This helps too, when I got my PS4 the first game I bought was Diablo 3 and I played it heavily at the time and I was able to transfer all my PS3 saves and characters forward, and I didnt co-op that on PS3 so my characters were clean and I only play season on PS4 so it was a no brainer. And if the right deal comes along I will probably rebuy it digitally and get rid of my physical copy to save space which is at a premium in my small building.

Easy Rider

Nov 2, 2017
It's pretty simple, you have to buy the game again for the convenience to play it on different hardware.


Oct 28, 2017
I have double dipped on a number of games (last time was Rise of the Tomb Raider, which I got for Xbox One, PS4 and Xbox 360) and there's always two reasons for me to do it: support the devs and add to the collection.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
In the case of Switch, it's for portability. In the case of PC, it's for the better framerate.


Dec 17, 2017
Playing different player bases or superior netcode/input delay is a big thing for fighting games. I usually end up buying both a PS4 and PC copy of games; PC for online purposes since most games have less input delay on PC, making delay-based netcode much closer to offline than console version (and is usually my training mode copy because of convenience) and PS4 for offline meetups and playing people who don't have access to the PC version.

For other genres, new hardware or portability is always a big factor in rebuying the same game.


Oct 25, 2017
Because most of the time the newer versions are a little bit better. It's why I own four versions of RE4 and will buy it again on the Switch for the portability.


Nov 26, 2017
I can understand when it comes to special games someone really loves, but doing it with multiple titles? Weird


Oct 27, 2017
I've only done it if the game I really enjoyed gets released on new hardware, has new/all content included and is on sale. Street Fighter 4, Skyrim, Sleeping Dogs, the Arkham games and Tales of Symphonia are the ones that I can remember doing it for off the top of my head.


Oct 27, 2017
At least personally, I've been picking up the Japanese versions of games like DQXI, Atelier and VC4, and then purchasing them a second time when the English release comes around to support that effort (since it's how I got into those series in the first place).

That's about it for me, unless it's an enhanced port like 5 years down the line or whatever.

... Oh actually, I bought like 5 copies of the Valkyria Chronicles PC version and gifted it to friends.


Oct 28, 2017
Whenever someone says double dipping it's not the first thing that comes to mind.

Still, if you wanna buy the game on multiple consoles go for it. I've bought games on PS4 and switch this gen.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
South Central Los Angeles
Recently double dipped with Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection. Already had it on PS4, where most of my fighting games are. But I also got it for the Switch, because I want to be able to have the option of playing classic Street Fighter in handheld mode.

I imagine I'll do that with several titles across the platforms. It's about having the game available for different modes of play for me.