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Oct 28, 2017
This feels like less a demo and more an actual beta. Performance issues, bugs, etc. Calling it a VIP demo is doing them no favors in setting expectations.

Resident Guru

Oct 28, 2017
Anthem boots to a black screen for me. I can't figure it out. I see the pop up for Dolby Vision on my LG OLED and I hear the in game audio but that's it. This is connected via PC with Ryzen 1700X and 1080ti. Drivers and windows fully updated. Tried running straight to TV and also through my receiver. All other games work just fine. Anyone have any ideas?


Oct 27, 2017
Other than running a bit wonky I haven't had to many technical issues. But overall it is incredibly generic feeling. I don't know why but its not at all speaking to me artistically and certainly not the gameplay


Oct 25, 2017
My entire experience of Anthem this whole day on both the PS4 and PC versions of the VIP demo all boiled down to this....

As we speak now I'm currently stuck in endless loading screens for both demos. I took these pictures 5 minutes ago and it's been like this since the servers went up. What a disaster. EA better sort their shit out and extend the VIP demo, this is a disaster of epic proportions. 😂 They had one job, ONE FUCKING JOB!
To be fair, making a demo was not their one and only job lol


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Oh no, I hoped they would have fixed flying on Mouse but from what people are saying this whole "The stress test didn't have updated kb/mouse mode and will be in the demo" wasn' real?. I can't play until I get home. Please no.

For fuck sake.

Fingers crossed.

This build is six weeks old. They've already stated that the kb/mouse controls have been refined in the latest build but the demo is using the old controls.


Oct 25, 2017
East Coast
This is like Mass Effect insanity crossed with Destiny and flying. Looks cool at 60fps. Not sold yet though. Rest of it seems so tired and tried.


Oct 25, 2017
I still can't leave Tarsis. I choose a mission and exit then get stuck on ~90% loading. It just stays there forever. Not a good first impression.


The Jackrabbit Always Wins
Oct 25, 2017
New York
I can't get past the expedition launch loading screen. I've tried 5 times now with different settings.


Oct 27, 2017
Managed to play the demo, despite all the fiasco.

It's buggy but the gameplay is outstanding.

And it's HARD


Alt Account
Nov 14, 2018
Anthem game designers looking at online programmers and EA servers causing negative judgment on the game and tainting the word of mouth of the public:



Aug 17, 2018
STILL getting the infinite title screen hangup on XB1X. 8 hours after launch. What a bad "demo" to introduce most people to the game.


Jan 24, 2019
fun demo and amazing graphics , i did notice my PC using a total 660w while playing this demo which means it's so not ready for release


Oct 25, 2017
Can't get past the title screen on Xbox One, but I was able to get in on PS4 and complete a mission with some of my PSN friends. Like the way the game feels. It'll just matter how much I enjoy the gearing.


Oct 27, 2017
Cancelled preorder. Still going to give this a chance but will wait until a few weeks post launch and what endgame entails


Oct 27, 2017
Ea and Origin are a joke. I can't find where you can link or unlink PSN or XBL accounts.
You can't

It's awful

Sign into the Anthem website, click on your account Icon on the top right corner of the page which will bring up two options 'sign out' and 'account settings'.

Click on Account Settings

It's literally the first page that pops up after clicking it. From here you can 'Revoke' access to accounts.

If you want to link an account, I'm pretty sure you have to load up an EA game to do this.. I'm not sure, mine has been connected to my gamertags since 2008 and I haven't messed with it.

They really need to update their shit.


Jan 10, 2018
Pretty pissed off atm, was hoping to get that sweet skin they showed off yesterday but if things carry on as they are on Xbox I'll probably end up not being able to play the vip demo full stop.
Oct 25, 2017
Watching a friend play the demo, they got the unlock javelin screen after coming back from an expedition (freeplay), but then came back and they were back at lvl 11, no XP gained, and couldn't choose their second javelin.
Still had all their loot though.

Anybody else have something similar happen to them?


Oct 27, 2017
Squad wiped on stronghold mission, got stuck on 90% mark on XB1X. Got back in, couldn't resume my progress on the mission, and I had a number of rare drops too...

Think that's going to be it for me today.


Jan 29, 2018
Pretty pissed off atm, was hoping to get that sweet skin they showed off yesterday but if things carry on as they are on Xbox I'll probably end up not being able to play the vip demo full stop.

I thought you received that simply by just having the VIP demo access? I could be remembering incorrectly though.

Never the less, waiting now to play on Xbox.. where I pre-ordered the game for $80.

Playing the Demo on PC currently though, where I got VIP access for free somehow despite having not touched my PC EA account in 8 months or so. Good job EA. LOL.


Oct 30, 2017

The VIP demo is out now. Having dabbled in it, I now feel comfortable sharing my impressions from the open alpha. I guess I'm technically breaking my NDA, but considering I haven't noticed anything about this demo that's changed my mind on anything yet I don't really think I am.

I don't want to make one of those long, annoying paragraphs about how I'm a hardcore BioWare fan who has always been there Day One since such-and-such game on such-and-such date and I've met so-and-so in real life and blah blah blah, but you can fill in all those blanks if you so desire. When I booted up the open alpha last month I was apprehensive. Anthem's genre has never interested me. Was I the target audience here? Would BioWare Edmonton bring enough of their trademark storytelling and -- more so than that, really -- their commitment to strong characterization to keep me engaged? Would the plot feel truncated and/or rushed to suit the project's needs? Even the prospect of becoming "Iron Man" didn't quite resonate with me. To say I had some reservations here would be an understatement.

Amidst a couple of scattered moments of relative brilliance, the slice of story I had the chance to sample did very little for me. I didn't feel connected to my character because of the bizarre time skip from the first mission to the next. Concessions were clearly made to keep to a certain pace. I did enjoy the mission navigator character a little bit and I was impressed by the animation quality to an extent I hadn't anticipated. I had an alright time flipping through initial codex entries. On its own this game's lore probably wouldn't compel me to purchase it, but if I knew it was a BioWare game (which obviously it is) and all other things being equal I'd have faith that it would captivate me eventually. In fact, I'm sure the lore will captivate me eventually; I'm just not sold on the approach to narrative.

That left me with the world and its gameplay therein. I figured if I could feel attached enough to the pretty environments and their overall loop, I'd trust that whatever story content actually exists here, I'd settle for appreciating BioWare writers' tendency toward great characters. They've rarely let me down in that regard. And the world here is indeed rather pretty. The VIP demo seems to be giving me even more grief than the open alpha did, though, from frame stuttering to crashes. Weird. Additionally, I was very, very disappointed with the piece of Fort Tarsis us open alpha players got to experience, and regretfully that has not changed. The sound design is so terrible that I don't feel engaged with what is, by all accounts, the only place in the game where I can get lost in character conversations, make a few narrative choices on occasion, and chill.

So what about the gameplay? Flying is cool. I'd rather be piloting a Gundam, which is neither here nor there I suppose, but this is still great. Alas, nothing else has grabbed me. The shooting mechanics are solid, I guess, but I don't really care. I don't play games to shoot stuff with guns unless I'm enjoying other aspects therein. I'm still predicting a rote core gameplay loop based on what we've seen thus far, and it would be great to be mistaken but that's definitely a wait-and-see. And I would be remiss not to mention the fact that this is, you know, a multiplayer game with an emphasis on squad coordination. My impressions are that... that's a... thing that exists, I guess. It was my #1 reservation from the moment Anthem was announced, so I doubt I need to elaborate here. It's clear as crystal if I wanted to play Anthem it would be in spite of my general disinterest in online multiplayer.

I think there's a decent, maybe even great, game tucked in here for the right audience. I've spoken with folks who loved the open alpha and I'm sure they'll hold hope after the demo. (Ironically, most of them don't have access to the VIP version, but I do.) If relaxing with some internet buddies and grinding for loot in order to take down the Next Big Thing is your jam, this game is definitely for you. If you're more of a classic-to-contemporary BioWare fan but you like that idea enough to play through the available content for its story material, this game is probably for you. If the term "multiplayer loot shooter" doesn't cause you to involuntarily wrinkle your nose and feel taxed just clicking on a thread, this game might be for you. I hate to come down harshly on folks like Casey Hudson and Jonathan Warner. I really hate to come down harshly on Mark Darrah. So I'm trying to present my impressions with the slant that almost everything I've criticized comes from the perspective of a player that ultimately does not feel like the target audience after all. I think there are some big objective issues here as well -- Fort Tarsis is a hot mess and there's a lot of work to do on systems stability before launch and not a lot of time to do it. But most of the rest of my statements are 100% Quinton issues.

"I'm cancelling my preorder" posts have always made me roll my eyes. Who cares? Move on. Go talk about something else. Something that gives you joy. As a result, I've endeavored to do more with this lengthy little monologue than drive by with a one-liner I'd roll my own eyes at. Regrettably, I am cancelling my Anthem preorder. What I'll do from here is I will listen to fellow BioWare fans like Ralemont and see how they end up feeling about the game's vanilla story content, as well as whatever additions to it pop up going forward. I'll keep an open mind. I'll be thrilled to bits if, six months or a year or even further down the line, I merrily pick up a copy of the game, pop it into my PS4, pick up my controller and jam. Right now I don't see that happening, so I'm going to go talk about something else. Something that gives me joy. I've got a big backlog of Switch and PS4 games I don't feel nearly as apprehensive about. Some I might love, some I might loath, some I might feel indifferently toward. But they're all parts of genres that are up my alley.

Inquisitor Lavellan signing off -- here's to you, Dragon Age 4.
Good impressions, thanks.


Oct 25, 2017
Evening people joining. Lmao it was fine until I was trying to load the first expedition and now just struck loading now


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I find the Javelin customization as fun as the gameplay itself. So far the only thing I don't like is the performance. Can't get a stable 60fps on my system :\


Oct 27, 2017
Tried jumping into the javelin, waited forever for this loading bar to get to 90% and now its stuck lol. Going to try a restart. On PS4


Oct 27, 2017
The game made my sound cut out completely on PS4. Like I had to reboot my console. That's a new one.

Resident Guru

Oct 28, 2017
Anthem boots to a black screen for me. I can't figure it out. I see the pop up for Dolby Vision on my LG OLED and I hear the in game audio but that's it. This is connected via PC with Ryzen 1700X and 1080ti. Drivers and windows fully updated. Tried running straight to TV and also through my receiver. All other games work just fine. Anyone have any ideas?

I figured out a solution. I had to disable hdmi deep color for the hdmi port used by my PC. Hopefully they push out a fix for this soon.
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