Which Javelin is your go to choice/main when playing Anthem?

  • Ranger

    Votes: 199 20.2%
  • Colossus

    Votes: 254 25.8%
  • Storm

    Votes: 330 33.6%
  • Interceptor

    Votes: 200 20.3%

  • Total voters

Deleted member 47843

User Requested Account Closure
Sep 16, 2018
Shoot the electric orbs that spawn around the circle and you can hover all you want

Yep, I mostly only run that one if I play with my buddy. He takes care of the orbs with his ranger (unless a rando is set on doing it), I hover low in the circle and crowd control the spiders with my Storm.

Playing with three randoms it's often just chaos of them all running around leaving me to try to stay in the circle alone and shoot the orbs. It works, but takes for ever with just one person in the ring, and can be a near lost cause if they're not even staying on the ramp and are letting me get overran with spiders while trying to deal with the orbs. It's amazing how many people in GM1 don't know how to do the main activity people are grinding for loot.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Reddit is like that because they straight up abandoned communication. You can argue a lot of what started first, but since the loot fiasco Bioware stopped responding (Worse, they said that they want to implement tweeks in the incoming MONTHS for the loot situation) and then the Reddit became really negative. I dont think they even responded to the component bug yet.

Deleted member 47843

User Requested Account Closure
Sep 16, 2018
Reddit is like that because they straight up abandoned communication. You can argue a lot of what started first, but since the loot fiasco Bioware stopped responding (Worse, they said that they want to implement tweeks in the incoming MONTHS for the loot situation) and then the Reddit became really negative. I dont think they even responded to the component bug yet.

While true, I don't know what people expect them to say/do.

There literally no endgame content beyond hoping for "god rolls" on loot. There's really little reason to want those god rolls as there's no raid, nightfall or other content that requires it to complete--I don't think most find doing GM2/3 versions of the legendary contracts, three strongholds and free roaming a mostly empty world hoping to stumble across public events all that compelling of a "reward" for grinding out god tier loot.

Thus chasing loot for good rolls for it's own sake is really the only end game for now. So if they up the drop rates to what it was when it glitched and was raining loot they risk people getting builds they're happy with and walking away from the game as there's nothing else for them to do. Only so many people that walk away from the game will come back to it. But the drop rates are so bad now it has people walking away in droves as well. Maybe they can find a happier middle ground, but in any case the real problem with the game is the lack of endgame content to grind toward. Loot only really keeps a larger player base playing if there's a meaningful reason to grind for better builds--i.e. a raid and other tough, quality content that's worth grinding to be able to complete.

In general, I think this AAA looter shooters will always have a hard time with the end game. It's just hard to make enough AAA production value level content to keep hard corps players satiated. It's much easier with say AA or A level production values like Warframe, WoW etc. as it's less costly and time consuming to pump out new story content, new strikes/raids etc. than it is for games with top tier AAA production values (bugs aside) like Anthem or Destiny. Destiny has the benefit of the PVP stuff to keep people who like that playing longer, but moot for those of us that only play PVE.

In any case, this game probably needed at least another year in the oven to get the bugs ironed out, the story more polished and to have a lot more end game content ready at launch. But I also understand that EA wanted it out given Bioware had been working on it for 6+ years. At some point you have to shit or get off the pot. I just hope EA gives them time to fix it as I think they can do a Taken King/Forsaken type turnaround if given the time and resources. It seems this probably sold way less than Destiny 1 and 2 at launch given how much worse reviews were though (and the bad demo impressions pre-launch where as the Destiny Betas were well received), so who knows if it has the player base to justify EA continuing to invest in it. I love the core gameplay though, so I'm hoping they can keep enough base and get the game in a good place in 6 months to a year with some decent smaller content drops before (like each Destiny games first two mini-expansions, good temporary events etc.).


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
While true, I don't know what people expect them to say/do.

There literally no endgame content beyond hoping for "god rolls" on loot. There's really little reason to want those god rolls as there's no raid, nightfall or other content that requires it to complete--I don't think most find doing GM2/3 versions of the legendary contracts, three strongholds and free roaming a mostly empty world hoping to stumble across public events all that compelling of a "reward" for grinding out god tier loot.

Thus chasing loot for good rolls for it's own sake is really the only end game for now. So if they up the drop rates to what it was when it glitched and was raining loot they risk people getting builds they're happy with and walking away from the game as there's nothing else for them to do. Only so many people that walk away from the game will come back to it. But the drop rates are so bad now it has people walking away in droves as well. Maybe they can find a happier middle ground, but in any case the real problem with the game is the lack of endgame content to grind toward. Loot only really keeps a larger player base playing if there's a meaningful reason to grind for better builds--i.e. a raid and other tough, quality content that's worth grinding to be able to complete.

In general, I think this AAA looter shooters will always have a hard time with the end game. It's just hard to make enough AAA production value level content to keep hard corps players satiated. It's much easier with say AA or A level production values like Warframe, WoW etc. as it's less costly and time consuming to pump out new story content, new strikes/raids etc. than it is for games with top tier AAA production values (bugs aside) like Anthem or Destiny. Destiny has the benefit of the PVP stuff to keep people who like that playing longer, but moot for those of us that only play PVE.

In any case, this game probably needed at least another year in the oven to get the bugs ironed out, the story more polished and to have a lot more end game content ready at launch. But I also understand that EA wanted it out given Bioware had been working on it for 6+ years. At some point you have to shit or get off the pot. I just hope EA gives them time to fix it as I think they can do a Taken King/Forsaken type turnaround if given the time and resources. It seems this probably sold way less than Destiny 1 and 2 at launch given how much worse reviews were though (and the bad demo impressions pre-launch where as the Destiny Betas were well received), so who knows if it has the player base to justify EA continuing to invest in it. I love the core gameplay though, so I'm hoping they can keep enough base and get the game in a good place in 6 months to a year with some decent smaller content drops before (like each Destiny games first two mini-expansions, good temporary events etc.).

The biggest problem, and this is pure opinion on my part, is that Bioware is treating this launch like the game people got is "ok, but not great." They are communicating as if things are fine, but just a bit bumpy. This is not the case. I know its been done to death, but comparing to Fallout 76 where, although it had some abysmal technical problems, the whole game was there. What people got with Anthem is a shell of a game, with no purpose other than to get bigger numbers so you get bigger numbers (That, as we discovered in the past few days, dont actually represent what is going on under the hood.) All the activities of the game, including main missions, are just the same set of four or five "scenarios" repeated ad nauseum.

People are angry because they are not aknowledging the game is a disaster. In my point of view, Bioware should come clean with what happened with the game, and give it an actual, tangible future. No, not that pathetic roadmap with made up things and half of it "locked". At this poing, its histerical to even say this, but even the No Man Sky developers are doing a better job than Bioware, because they went radio silent since there was really nothing they could do in short term. What Bioware is doing now is treating their most ardent, most loyal fans (The ones still grinding for no reason) like children, treating this launch as any other. This game screams to me that it was made on an Echo Chamber, completely divorced from the reality of any new looter shooter of the past 6 years.

Purely hipothetical, but that "Rapid Fire" interview with Mark Darrah, in retrospect, where he says that Andromeda's failure was due to being released in a "packed RPG period" and not because of the technical problems was a huge red flag.

Only time will tell, but I believe this game will have its plug pulled in six months, with only a skeleton crew assigned to fixes.


Oct 26, 2017
Is any class better than other at shooting guns (ie not overall strength, just shooting)? In my mind, that should be where the ranger excels, but all guns feel relatively weak to me other than miniguns so Colossus feels the strongest by far in that regard... Are there components I'm missing that would help?


Oct 31, 2017
Is any class better than other at shooting guns (ie not overall strength, just shooting)? In my mind, that should be where the ranger excels, but all guns feel relatively weak to me other than miniguns so Colossus feels the strongest by far in that regard... Are there components I'm missing that would help?

Well, there are various MW guns for increased damage, so those guns might depends on what other skills you're using. I do agree that Ranger should be the gun king but I do feel colossus is the best overall.


Oct 28, 2017
Is any class better than other at shooting guns (ie not overall strength, just shooting)? In my mind, that should be where the ranger excels, but all guns feel relatively weak to me other than miniguns so Colossus feels the strongest by far in that regard... Are there components I'm missing that would help?
Have you unlocked masterworks yet? I feel like the autocannons are pretty lackluster. Divine Vengeance, Papa Pump and Thunderbolt of Yvenia are amazing.


Oct 13, 2018
The biggest problem, and this is pure opinion on my part, is that Bioware is treating this launch like the game people got is "ok, but not great." They are communicating as if things are fine, but just a bit bumpy. This is not the case. I know its been done to death, but comparing to Fallout 76 where, although it had some abysmal technical problems, the whole game was there. What people got with Anthem is a shell of a game, with no purpose other than to get bigger numbers so you get bigger numbers (That, as we discovered in the past few days, dont actually represent what is going on under the hood.) All the activities of the game, including main missions, are just the same set of four or five "scenarios" repeated ad nauseum.

People are angry because they are not aknowledging the game is a disaster. In my point of view, Bioware should come clean with what happened with the game, and give it an actual, tangible future. No, not that pathetic roadmap with made up things and half of it "locked". At this poing, its histerical to even say this, but even the No Man Sky developers are doing a better job than Bioware, because they went radio silent since there was really nothing they could do in short term. What Bioware is doing now is treating their most ardent, most loyal fans (The ones still grinding for no reason) like children, treating this launch as any other. This game screams to me that it was made on an Echo Chamber, completely divorced from the reality of any new looter shooter of the past 6 years.

Purely hipothetical, but that "Rapid Fire" interview with Mark Darrah, in retrospect, where he says that Andromeda's failure was due to being released in a "packed RPG period" and not because of the technical problems was a huge red flag.

Only time will tell, but I believe this game will have its plug pulled in six months, with only a skeleton crew assigned to fixes.

Yeah, there will always be varying levels of toxicity, but like you, if Bioware fessed up and came clean, and then promised to double down and make it better, than that would dissolve most of the toxicity. A lot of the toxicity stems from the hype, and the fanboying of the game, that became disillusioned and alienated, and left feeling betrayed and swindled. Coming clean, would go a lot way towards relieving those fans.

If I remember correctly, the Division, Rainbow Six devs have done the "coming clean" and have been rewarded for it. Thats not to say Bioware "needs" to do this, cause nothing can replace concrete actions and content, but its a option. But obviously, its not a light action, especially for AAA companies.


Nov 2, 2017
The biggest problem with the game right now is there should be real progression in loot from GM1 to GM2 and then GM3, but there is not. Its the same loot, just maybe with higher percentage percentages for MW and legendaries from kills.

But each of these levels should have been treated just like you were when transitioning from hard to GM1- Where you might get some rare MW weapons from hard, and then you start wading into GM1 which was hard as nails, until you started getting the MW components which drop more frequently there. You should be playing this until you get at least a full MW loadout with some decent inscriptions, and then you move into GM2 where you will be weak until you started getting some higher power level items that only start dropping with any frequency there. Then repeat the same for MW3.

Plus, they need to completely redefine the whole normal to uncommon, rare, Epic, Masterwork, Legendary progression too for all items. It sucks when you play now and get these purple items in GM1 and automatically know they are pretty much trash and don't even want to grab thembecause they aren't masterworks or legendaries, and won't do anything useful for your build since only the masterworks boost your health to a survivable level for the difficulty.

It should be that even white and green drops in GM2 give armor/shield boosts/base damage increase, that would potentially rival the Epic or masterwork items earned in GM1. (they would just have less inscriptions, due to their lower normal/common status, but still could be worthwhile initially as they would allow you to actually survive with their basic armor/shield/damage stats).

I mean this is how things work in Diablo 3- the legendary weapon you might have luckily gotten in level 10 would be a useless peashooter next to a normal level 30 weapon. It just makes basic sense when dealing with loot progression in these games.

Deleted member 47843

User Requested Account Closure
Sep 16, 2018
The biggest problem, and this is pure opinion on my part, is that Bioware is treating this launch like the game people got is "ok, but not great." They are communicating as if things are fine, but just a bit bumpy. This is not the case. I know its been done to death, but comparing to Fallout 76 where, although it had some abysmal technical problems, the whole game was there. What people got with Anthem is a shell of a game, with no purpose other than to get bigger numbers so you get bigger numbers (That, as we discovered in the past few days, dont actually represent what is going on under the hood.) All the activities of the game, including main missions, are just the same set of four or five "scenarios" repeated ad nauseum.

People are angry because they are not aknowledging the game is a disaster. In my point of view, Bioware should come clean with what happened with the game, and give it an actual, tangible future. No, not that pathetic roadmap with made up things and half of it "locked".

I mean no dev is going to come out and outright say that their game is a disaster, and it's not like they've been downplaying bugs and other issues. They've been pretty forthcoming about the broken stuff, said they're not happy with the loot, patch notes have been very detailed etc. That dev response on Reddit last night was pretty lengthy and forthcoming and stated somethings he just couldn't say more about at this time.

We also have to keep in mind that they're not an indie. They're under EA who by all accounts is pretty authoritarian with their devs. They probably have a lot of limits on what they can publicly say. EA isn't going to want them saying the game is a disaster, or saying they needed more time to polish it and EA said no, or that Frostbyte was a pain in the ass for making this type of game and EA forces their devs to use it or all the other stuff we know is probably related to why the game launched in such a state.

In terms of the roadmap, they're probably hamstrung on offering more specifics than that as they have no assurances from EA that they'll get the money, time and resources to do more than that given the state the games in, the reviews its received and the sales almost certainly being way below EAs expectations after 6+ years of development time.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Reddit is like that because they straight up abandoned communication. You can argue a lot of what started first, but since the loot fiasco Bioware stopped responding (Worse, they said that they want to implement tweeks in the incoming MONTHS for the loot situation) and then the Reddit became really negative. I dont think they even responded to the component bug yet.
Bollocks. They said they weren't happy with loot and anyone expecting them to be able to come up with a plan of any worth within a week or so is an idiot. They don't reply for a few days, including a weekend, and it's the end of the world and justifies the meltdowns there? Hardly.

They'll respond when they have something to say. It's really naive to expect them to be able to do loot 2.0 at the drop of a hat. They said it'll take time.

Only time will tell, but I believe this game will have its plug pulled in six months, with only a skeleton crew assigned to fixes.

lol, you wish. TD2 servers must be down or something if you're that stuck for something to do you feel the need to drop back here and tell us how shit you still think a game you don't even play is and how you really think BioWare went about making it and once again how you believe EA are going to bin it in 6 months. If that were remotely even on the cards they wouldn't have been recording new dialogue with the VAs last week - that's for content far down the line.

The biggest problem with the game right now is there should be real progression in loot from GM1 to GM2 and then GM3, but there is not. Its the same loot, just maybe with higher percentage percentages for MW and legendaries from kills.

But each of these levels should have been treated just like you were when transitioning from hard to GM1- Where you might get some rare MW weapons from hard, and then you start wading into GM1 which was hard as nails, until you started getting the MW components which drop more frequently there. You should be playing this until you get at least a full MW loadout with some decent inscriptions, and then you move into GM2 where you will be weak until you started getting some higher power level items that only start dropping with any frequency there. Then repeat the same for MW3.

Plus, they need to completely redefine the whole normal to uncommon, rare, Epic, Masterwork, Legendary progression too for all items. It sucks when you play now and get these purple items in GM1 and automatically know they are pretty much trash and don't even want to grab thembecause they aren't masterworks or legendaries, and won't do anything useful for your build since only the masterworks boost your health to a survivable level for the difficulty.

It should be that even white and green drops in GM2 give armor/shield boosts/base damage increase, that would potentially rival the Epic or masterwork items earned in GM1. (they would just have less inscriptions, due to their lower normal/common status, but still could be worthwhile initially as they would allow you to actually survive with their basic armor/shield/damage stats).

I mean this is how things work in Diablo 3- the legendary weapon you might have luckily gotten in level 10 would be a useless peashooter next to a normal level 30 weapon. It just makes basic sense when dealing with loot progression in these games.

It's been a while since I played Diablo 3 so I'd have to refresh my memory on how that worked, but I'd much rather see something where items all drop around the same level and have the rarities give extra buffs and perks like Borderlands did. Then everything drops at a level you're currently at, and everything is viable and potentially useful no matter what colour it is, and you keep grinding away to get your level up until a cap, then you go into certain activities that have a good boost to loot quality and drop at the currently max level for everything. Right now, pretty much everything that drops for me is shit and useless, I was just collecting legendaries for the sake of it, something to do and raise a little number a tiny bit higher, rather than get stuff that makes me better and able to do more stuff effectively.

It's like there's 2 loot systems fighting each other. One where items are capped at certain levels, and one that has rarities that give extra perks. But they mashed the two together in such a bizarre way that it's all soon pointless and looks really iffy going forwards without a major rethink. It's not a few little tweaks around the edges, the whole setup, and especially within the context of questionable difficulty scaling, is a big jumbled mess.
Last edited:


Jan 25, 2019

Welcome Freelancers! The world of Anthem is about to open its doors to everyone with the Early Access on Feb 15 (3pm UTC / Feb 14) and the Worldwide Launch on Feb 22. Datajoy was supposed to be making and posting this OT but due to some issues it was passed to me so the OT could be posted 24hrs before the launch of the early access. So I took up the challenge of creating all the graphics and text within a fairly short window of time. Some of you may notice me from the Discussion or Demo thread (with Cornbread78 ), I also created the Ability Damage Chart people may have seen floating around. Big shoutout to Guillaume Onyeaghala for all the feedback on earlier versions of this OT too, helped make it what it is.

I had a blast designing this OT so I hope it is useful and informative to everyone new to the game as well as those already well versed in all things Anthem, I'll keep it up to date with information that we learn as time goes on.

FreelancERA Discord
For those looking for a link to the FreelancERA Discord, reply to this thread and you should see it below:
[Hidden content]

Story Spoilers
If you want to discuss the story of Anthem in this OT, please use the spoiler tags. Other game mechanics and loot can be shared and discussed openly, but story content should be discussed in spoiler tags.
[SPOILER="Anthem Story Spoiler"]You suit up in Javelin's[/SPOILER]

Which will turn into:
You suit up in Javelins.
OT Title
The title for this OT was chosen by the community via a poll in the pre-launch discussion thread as I felt it was a more fair option than me just picking one. The winning title 'GaaS Effect' was originally posted by panda-zebra - Congrats :)

I'll try to keep this OT updated if any information in it becomes outdated or if anything needs to be added after the game is updated and we get content drops. We're expecting the first content drop for Anthem in March, which is due to bring a new Stronghold, Rewards, Guilds, Missions and various Quality of Life updates too.

No matter if you're jumping into Anthem during the PC Early Access or 10 hour trial on PC and Xbox, or waiting for the worldwide launch on the 22nd February... I hope to see you all in the world of Anthem and safe flying out there everyone!











Countdown to Worldwide Launch:[/SIZE][/B]



If anyone wants to see some of the more active devs, who answer questions often and such; Lead Producer Ben Irving, Executive Producer Mark Darrah & Lead Producer Mike Gamble. They have been very transparent during the development of Anthem, during its Demo's and in the run up to launch.

For discord?


Oct 31, 2017
Bollocks. They said they weren't happy with loot and anyone expecting them to be able to come up with a plan of any worth within a week or so is an idiot. They don't reply for a few days, including a weekend, and it's the end of the world and justifies the meltdowns there? Hardly.

They'll respond when they have something to say. It's really naive to expect them to be able to do loot 2.0 at the drop of a hat. They said it'll take time.

lol, you wish. TD2 servers must be down or something if you're that stuck for something to do you feel the need to drop back here and tell us how shit you still think a game you don't even play is and how you really think BioWare went about making it and once again how you believe EA are going to bin it in 6 months. If that were remotely even on the cards they wouldn't have been recording new dialogue with the VAs last week - that's for content far down the line.

It's been a while since I played Diablo 3 so I'd have to refresh my memory on how that worked, but I'd much rather see something where items all drop around the same level and have the rarities give extra buffs and perks like Borderlands did. Then everything drops at a level you're currently at, and everything is viable and potentially useful no matter what colour it is, and you keep grinding away to get your level up until a cap, then you go into certain activities that have a good boost to loot quality and drop at the currently max level for everything. Right now, pretty much everything that drops for me is shit and useless, I was just collecting legendaries for the sake of it, something to do and raise a little number a tiny bit higher, rather than get stuff that makes me better and able to do more stuff effectively.
The higher difficulties were basically increase xp gain, item drop chance and gold drop amount. And enemies had higher damage and hp. They did a few reasons to play higher, just with certain drops only on high settings and also the rift stuff they added basically gave people endless reasons to keep pushing.

Anthem needs rifts.
Last edited:

Deleted member 35071

User requested account closure
Dec 1, 2017
i guess the sh*tshow starts at endgame. Because i just hit lvl 28....and im still having a blast with this game
Its gonna be a shame if i hit 30....and start turning sour on this game too. Kinda makes me want to put off hitting 30 as long as possible lol.


Oct 25, 2017
i guess the sh*tshow starts at endgame. Because i just hit lvl 28....and im still having a blast with this game
Its gonna be a shame if i hit 30....and start turning sour on this game too. Kinda makes me want to put off hitting 30 as long as possible lol.

I'm in the same boat at the moment.

That said, from what I've read and seen, I feel like Anthem could benefit from adding a D3 style "blood shard" currency you get from rifts. Something to allow slow and steady progress. Because I think people get mad that they get nothing for their time.


Oct 29, 2017
i guess the sh*tshow starts at endgame. Because i just hit lvl 28....and im still having a blast with this game
Its gonna be a shame if i hit 30....and start turning sour on this game too. Kinda makes me want to put off hitting 30 as long as possible lol.
I definitely liked the game more before I hit 30. There was more mission variety and the loot I was getting was actually an improvement over what I had. Then you finish the game and hit 30, and you repeat the same strongholds and contracts over and over for diminishing returns on loot.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Bollocks. They said they weren't happy with loot and anyone expecting them to be able to come up with a plan of any worth within a week or so is an idiot. They don't reply for a few days, including a weekend, and it's the end of the world and justifies the meltdowns there? Hardly.
They'll respond when they have something to say. It's really naive to expect them to be able to do loot 2.0 at the drop of a hat. They said it'll take time.
lol, you wish. TD2 servers must be down or something if you're that stuck for something to do you feel the need to drop back here and tell us how shit you still think a game you don't even play is and how you really think BioWare went about making it and once again how you believe EA are going to bin it in 6 months. If that were remotely even on the cards they wouldn't have been recording new dialogue with the VAs last week - that's for content far down the line.

Whats division got to do with anything regarding Anthem's current state? And also, mind your tone. I am not calling anyone an idiot in this thread or any post, and you shouldnt as well, even "hypotethical" people. And yes, they should have come up with a PLAN for a LIVE GAME in a week or so. This is not a single player game. It should have those things from the start, not hopefully months from now. Loot 2.0 implies there is loot 1.0, which is barely the case in the game.

And also, I played about 50 hours of Anthem. So yeah, I can go in this thread and reply every 2 posts as long as I want to, so stop backseat modding.

Doing a few voice lines so they can remix the same stuff for more 50 contracts is not the same as "content." What will happen with this game is the same as battlefront 2. A skeleton crew just remixing the things that are already in the game for a year or two more before abandoning. Andromeda had the SAME "We will support it with DLC" and it was all canned in four months after the reception. They barely fixed the game until they washed their hands of it. And Andromeda was a far, far better game in critical reception than Anthem currently is.


Jan 2, 2018
Still liking the game but they need to add content. I'm just grinding the same stronghold over and over. And once i a while do freeplay.
but that is not going to keep me playing the game. I love the gameplay and corntole.


Oct 27, 2017
Haven't played since the weekend, and don't currently feel like going back; not until there's a better chance of getting loot that I don't already have, or loot that has useful stats for me. Or new content.

Gamer @ Heart

Oct 26, 2017
Whats division got to do with anything regarding Anthem's current state? And also, mind your tone. I am not calling anyone an idiot in this thread or any post, and you shouldnt as well, even "hypotethical" people. And yes, they should have come up with a PLAN for a LIVE GAME in a week or so. This is not a single player game. It should have those things from the start, not hopefully months from now. Loot 2.0 implies there is loot 1.0, which is barely the case in the game.

And also, I played about 50 hours of Anthem. So yeah, I can go in this thread and reply every 2 posts as long as I want to, so stop backseat modding.

Doing a few voice lines so they can remix the same stuff for more 50 contracts is not the same as "content." What will happen with this game is the same as battlefront 2. A skeleton crew just remixing the things that are already in the game for a year or two more before abandoning. Andromeda had the SAME "We will support it with DLC" and it was all canned in four months after the reception. They barely fixed the game until they washed their hands of it. And Andromeda was a far, far better game in critical reception than Anthem currently is.

Your point about the cutscenes is spot on. Why would they expect people to be excited for more CS of their mediocre half told story. 'content' people will watch once before they have to run what will most likely be 95% similar to something they've done dozens of times. I wonder if they will at least avoid the destiny trap and give you something new to shoot at.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
First couple of hours in GM1 after hitting 30 and decided to do the stronghold..

Couldn't resist poking fun as was so ridiculous after expecting this upped difficulty. On the whole finding it much easier than I was finding hard at 25-28.


Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
I shouldn't laugh but this was pretty amusing.

However, an art themed panel would be pretty neat to hear about as the environment design is beautiful.


Hyun Sai

Oct 27, 2017
First couple of hours in GM1 after hitting 30 and decided to do the stronghold..

Couldn't resist poking fun as was so ridiculous after expecting this upped difficulty. On the whole finding it easier than I was finding hard at 25-28.

Heeh, that's the "no bug" bug of the Tyrant mine lol. At least when that's happening your teammates may not screw up ah ah ah.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Heeh, that's the "no bug" bug of the Tyrant mine lol. At least when that's happening your teammates may not screw up ah ah ah.
Ah that's it is it? Certainly explains why it was so quiet lol. Thanks

As a fresh-to-30 Storm with a handful of MW's to my name, any that are worth keeping an eye out for?

Anton Sugar

Oct 27, 2017
My cycle is:
  1. Go to reddit
  2. See posts about people getting legendaries
  3. Convince myself I, too, can get a legendary
  4. Play for an without getting anything useful
  5. Stop playing


Oct 26, 2017
First couple of hours in GM1 after hitting 30 and decided to do the stronghold..

Couldn't resist poking fun as was so ridiculous after expecting this upped difficulty. On the whole finding it much easier than I was finding hard at 25-28.

GM1 and Hard are barely any different now after the patch.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
My cycle is:
  1. Go to reddit
  2. See posts about people getting legendaries
  3. Convince myself I, too, can get a legendary
  4. Play for an without getting anything useful
  5. Stop playing
haha you know this, they make it seem so simple... set you luck to 0! set your luck to 276! switch javelins every run! never do the same activity twice in a row! RNG messes with people's heads.

And also, mind your tone... so stop backseat modding.
sound on...
chill, baby, chill.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
If anyone can find anything in Anthem that works correctly/as it should/at all, please let us know...


After keeping my armor and shield the same, then testing both those values at different power levels, It seems that your javelins power level is directly proportionate to how much damage your javelin can take. The lower your javelins power level the more hits you can take. So if our armor and shields were to stay the same, we would take more damage as we progress in power. Even though armor does still add a tiny tick for survivability of the shield. This may be linked to how on Storm, the health and shield bars always seem to be the same.


Oct 25, 2017
I really dislike the new universal masterwork components. Trying to get the masterwork component of the class I'm playing as got even worse...sucks.


Oct 25, 2017
So Heart of Rage is the hardest Stronghold, right? Because those Furies can eat my dick.

E: Just the Furies I guess. The rest seems manageable. But what's with the shitty Monitor loot? And no chest...? What's the incentive to stick around after the Furies?
Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017
So Heart of Rage is the hardest Stronghold, right? Because those Furies can eat my dick.

E: Just the Furies I guess. The rest seems manageable. But what's with the shitty Monitor loot? And no chest...? What's the incentive to stick around after the Furies?
Monitor definitely drops loot. Are you doing the story mission or stronghold version of Heart of Rage?


Oct 28, 2017
Stronghold. Compared to the Titan the Furies, it didn't seem worth the time. It's a slow and gated fight.
The same reasoning applies to the other strongholds too. They could have done so much more to incentivize repeating/finishing dungeons. Like unique armor sets or a couple guaranteed masterwork (although scar armor sets have been datamined).


Oct 25, 2017
The same reasoning applies to the other strongholds too. They could have done so much more to incentivize repeating/finishing dungeons. Like unique armor sets or a couple guaranteed masterwork (although scar armor sets have been datamined).

So it's a known criticism? Maybe they'll fix it. Or introduce a penalty timer for quitting or something.