Which Javelin is your go to choice/main when playing Anthem?

  • Ranger

    Votes: 199 20.2%
  • Colossus

    Votes: 254 25.8%
  • Storm

    Votes: 330 33.6%
  • Interceptor

    Votes: 200 20.3%

  • Total voters


Oct 28, 2017
I completely agree! It looks like until level 30 at least, Armor and shield components are worth their weight in gold when it comes to survivabilty!

I also noticed that you can apparently stack the masterwork and epic version of a component at the moment?? So you could stack the ranger's combo augment with the tip of the spear masterwork combo augment to get 100% bonus combo damage. If this is an intended feature, that opens up new avenues to boost your damage! It will make it even more interesting to balance survivability and damage output.

Just to update.. got a Ranger MW Component to drop. Victor's Resolve (Increase blast dmg by 50% and lower impact by 20%). Armor and Shield have 2164 each.


Oct 27, 2017
I really want to love this game but damn if this isn't a complete mess. My performance now is worse than before the patch, I had instances where I could hover forever (away from waterfalls, mind you), my ultimate glitched, etc.
Such a shame. The foundation is there but this needed at least another year in the oven.


Oct 26, 2017
May I ask why so many people are choosing the Quickplay option instead of just picking the mission then hitting start?

I've never used it and don't know what the difference is.


Oct 27, 2017
May I ask why so many people are choosing the Quickplay option instead of just picking the mission then hitting start?

I've never used it and don't know what the difference is.

If you mean actual missions, then it because they can't be repeated. In terms of Strongholds, I prefer jumping in and helping out teams, rather than starting a fresh run.


Oct 27, 2017
Pre-installed this last night and now I don't know if I even want to bother with it.


Oct 25, 2017
Extract of the Aaron Flynn interview with Jason from Kotaku.

If their ambition was to make their worst game to date, they did it.

JS: Alright, so we need to wrap up things soon, but some final thoughts. So Anthem is coming early next year; you got to be involved with its development from the very beginning. Why did it take so friggin' long?
AF: Oh, boy!
JS: (laughs) Because it started in 2012!
AF: Yeah, when your ambition is really high, and when you want to please fans, and at the same time you want to do something that is different than you've done before—these are tough problems, and you tackle lots of stuff. Also, Anthem was behind other titles for a while, so it was incubating and doing that for a while.
JS: Lower priority in shipping things.
AF: And then we want to make sure we get everything, that everybody gets it right and everything, so a lot of it's that, too. That's what it comes down to, right? You just want to make sure you just get the ingredients right at first, and then you can go into full production.
JS: Did the core idea change over time?
AF: I mean, not since I left; it was the same premise, and it's a delightful, amazing premise; it's super cool.
JS: So, as early as 2012, the idea was like outline only, this co-op game, you're shooting aliens and all that?
AF: Yeah, I don't know if they've come out and said all that—
JS: Whatever they've shown, what we've seen so far—
AF: You know, I'll have to leave it to Casey to talk about—

About Frostbite.

AF:Yeah, it was, actually. We had been wrapping up [Mass Effect 3] and just shipped Dragon Age 2, and we know that our Eclipse engine that we shipped DA2 on wasn't going to cut it for a future iteration of Dragon Age. At the same time—
JS: Right, making an open world on there.
AF: Right—
KH: What were the specific limitations that you were running into?
AF: Open world, the renderer wasn't strong enough: those were the two big ones. We thought about multiplayer as well, kind of in the backs of our minds, so we thought the next engine should at least not—we shouldn't start with the next engine as being incapable of doing it, because—since that decision was going to come later, let's at least see if something was going to allow that. Eclipse wasn't; it was single-player only.
And then the [Mass Effect] Trilogy was ending, so we thought to ourselves, "Well, we're going to need a new engine for that." So we really just talked internally about whether we were going to have—we had three options, we said: are we going to burn Eclipse down and start something new internally; are we going to go with [Unreal Engine 4]—or the next version of [Unreal Engine 3]; I can't remember if UE4 was announced or not—or were we going to go with Frostbite? And Frostbite had been developed at DICE and had shown some really promising results on the rendering side of things, and it was multiplayer. And so we said "Well, that's an interesting candidate." And when it came down to it, we talked to folks and we really liked the Frostbite option, and—again, back to this idea of being part of a community—there were more and more teams who were considering Frostbite and we were jumping in, saying "Well, why don't we take the plunge; we've got to do this—"
JS: "We'll be the guinea pigs."
AF: Yeah! "Yeah, we'll do it." It was a decision that I made after hearing all of the technical deep dives in probably late 2011, I would say; about then.
JS: So just a little bit of context just in case people aren't familiar: the Frostbite engine was developed by DICE to make battlefield games, and you guys had a lot of well-documented struggles with it because a lot of the tools weren't there yet; a lot of the technology was designed for first-person shooters, and you guys were trying to make entirely different games. So, in retrospect, after the struggles that you guys had to go through on [Dragon Age:] Inquisition, on [Mass Effect:] Andromeda, now on Anthem—who knows what's going on?—Do you feel like you made the right decision back then?
AF: Oh yeah, I think so. You get to be—going back to that community theme—Being part of a community of developers, especially because everybody is on it now, right? Everybody at EA other than the Sims and a couple of the mobile titles are on it. And that is powerful, it is good to be part of a group of like-minded folks who are eating all the same dog food, you know? That's a good place—
[Jason and Kirk laugh at the idiom]
AF: It is! It's a good place to be, and—credit to the Frostbite team, how they keep so many diverse titles on one engine, everything from FIFA to Anthem. is amazing to me, like, there's so many

You gotta really wonder what those ambitions were given the current result, there's nothing ambitious on Anthem.

JS:Yeah, it just feels like Frostbite has just caused so many problems for BioWare that, looking back at it…
AF: Yeah, I hear that and I get that. Certainly we would look at things and say, "Oh man, we've got a lot of work to do with this," but it's tough, right? Because it's also true that the titles are ambitious; they're meant to be ambitious. So, we go, "I don't know; is it the ambition of this thing that is causing this, or is it this specific technical issue that's causing this?"


Oct 27, 2017
Fuck, apparently with the Interceptor, there's a component that lets you reload on dodging, without you having to do anything!


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
My consolation is that I can spend the rest of the year playing other, actually good EA games that I skipped.
You initially subbed for a year for Anthem?

But yeah, Origin Premier is good value. Lots of games to play, not only newest EA games but also third party and indie games too. I'm glad I only sub for a month, there's no way I'm extending it, let alone buying the game after this. Maybe later next year, at 75% off.


Nov 7, 2017

Just got to the tomb trails

this is set up simply to eat away at the 10 hour trial for access members. What a shame.

How far into the game am I story wise?

Dog of Bork

Oct 25, 2017
You initially subbed for a year for Anthem?

But yeah, Origin Premier is good value. Lots of games to play, not only newest EA games but also third party and indie games too.
Mostly, yeah. I wanted to play other games afterwards though, so I figured worst case scenario I wouldn't be completely screwed. Too bad most of my friends already dropped the game.

At least Path of Exile gets updated soon.


Oct 26, 2017
Holy shit.

I just ran the game for the first time sine the patch, double checked my settings hand't changed, and Fort Tarsis is running at 20fps, with GPU utilization at a mindblowing 10%

I just can't....


Oct 27, 2017
United States
Seems like this new patch has fucked up damage or health values for javelins? On normal any of the boss-type enemies was doing so much damage that if I got hit once I immediately had to fly off and hunt for repairs else I would die. Seriously would strip all shields and down to 1% hp. Pre-patch could take 3 or 4 hits from one easily. Other people pointing it out in the subreddit too. Makes the game pretty fucking frustrating.

Yeah something is not right. I am getting fucking destroyed by pretty much everything. I fly into a world event and my shields are down and I am at death's door in seconds, it certainly was not like that earlier.


Oct 25, 2017
May I ask why so many people are choosing the Quickplay option instead of just picking the mission then hitting start?

I've never used it and don't know what the difference is.

Two reasons. One, it allows you to replay older missions. Two, more important is you get bonus XP for Quickplay, because it's meant to fill out Missions and Strongholds where a party member dropped for whatever reason.

Dog of Bork

Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit.

I just ran the game for the first time sine the patch, double checked my settings hand't changed, and Fort Tarsis is running at 20fps, with GPU utilization at a mindblowing 10%

I just can't....
What are you, some kind of peasant trying to run the game on a 4 core CPU? Let me guess, no hyperthreading?

Come back when your CPU starts with an "i7 9" and ends with a "k", kid.


Oct 27, 2017
i THINK my performance has gotten better? able to hold above 60 now while flying around in free roam. even in tarsis, when approaching my javelin (that corridor with the vendors) used to dip down to 55ish, now at 60-61. seems like the most improvement comes in during heavy firefights, no longer dropping to 30-40s.


Oct 26, 2017
Reading some of the stuff on reddit and it seems for many the patch has made things worst. Is it possible for them to revert/pull the patch? With the game launching on Friday having a worse experience is just going to make things worse for them and the future of the game.

Dan L

Tried to PM someone for a tag
Oct 28, 2017
Regina, Saskatchewan
haha so I just quick played a mission its the first temple of dawn one. it was bugged and the mobs just kept spawning we were in there for 20 mins and just killing wave after wave, and no voice audio or anything and the sound mix sounded flat like it was missing any environmental cues or anything you got the gun audio and the mobs voices occasionally but nothing else. frame rate was trash and then it just crashed to desktop. That is the first crash I have had in the game besides the open demo. This patch is garbage. I hope they pull it and fix it.

bbq of doom

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah something is not right. I am getting fucking destroyed by pretty much everything. I fly into a world event and my shields are down and I am at death's door in seconds, it certainly was not like that earlier.

Yeah, I'm not sure what they did with the difficulty but GM1 is a fucking bear and I'm 450ish in my gear score.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
they had 6 years and Destiny/Division to look at

what is their excuse
sums up my feelings on all of this.

It's not like they had to tread new ground or re-invent the wheel. They had Warframe, Destiny, Destiny 2, Diablo 3, Path of Exile, Torchlight 2, Elite: Dangerous, and Monster Hunter World to look to for a foundation to base and iterate their game off of. With all the lessons those games could teach about what players want and enjoy. All of those games provide exceptional examples, as they are all some of the best games on the planet.

This is what they came up with. I once questioned whether anyone on their staff played any of those games. I continue to wonder.

Deleted member 34618

User requested account closure
Nov 27, 2017
they had 6 years and Destiny/Division to look at

what is their excuse
And Warframe, and Diablo, and Phantasy Star Online, and Guild Wars, and the scores (possibly hundreds?) of Korean multiplayer instanced action RPGs. You could also arguably include Monster Hunter and it's dozens of clones as well.
You gotta really wonder what those ambitions were given the current result, there's nothing ambitious on Anthem.
I'm genuinely curious about this. Nothing in the game or earlier marketing material seemed ambitious about this game. Destiny at least did have genuinely ambitious plans that they talked about, even if many of them never made it into the game like seamless space travel, seamless matchmaking and switching between Co-Op and PVP game types as you progressed through a mission. Seamless transitions between public and instanced areas did make it into the final product which is still pretty unique (the only other game I can think of that also did this was, ironically, Bioware's own SWTOR).

Maybe they did have some big secret plans they were never able to talk publicly about, but based on the studios output over the past several years I suspect it was just a horribly managed trainwreck from the start.


Oct 27, 2017
You initially subbed for a year for Anthem?

But yeah, Origin Premier is good value. Lots of games to play, not only newest EA games but also third party and indie games too. I'm glad I only sub for a month, there's no way I'm extending it, let alone buying the game after this. Maybe later next year, at 75% off.

Anyone who picked up origin premier to play anthem, give Opus Magnum a shot. Such a fun indie puzzle game.


Oct 27, 2017
Have BW said whether only having four players per server, was a design choice, or, as a result of some kind of limitation?


Oct 25, 2017