Which Javelin is your go to choice/main when playing Anthem?

  • Ranger

    Votes: 199 20.2%
  • Colossus

    Votes: 254 25.8%
  • Storm

    Votes: 330 33.6%
  • Interceptor

    Votes: 200 20.3%

  • Total voters


Thanked By SGM
Oct 25, 2017
Yea im not picking this up anymore. Glad I did the month of Premier, but Im just going to wait a awhile now.


Oct 28, 2017
São Paulo - Brazil
What worries me the most about the future of Anthem is people denying criticism of the game when its clearly in a rushed and unfinished state. That will make things harder for the devs to see the issues and things will only start to happen when the player base dwindles, at that point EA can just tell BW to cut and run and release minor updates with a skeleton crew. Yeah, Destiny, Division, these games had rough launches, but the studios behind them were in for the long haul, they had no choice but to fix their game.

Andromeda was a game meant to exist for a long time, with mtx for multiplayer, planned expansions, all the same talk we hear about Anthem. But six months down the line the game was dead and buried and EA cut all ties.

But Andromeda didn't die because people denied criticism. And as far as we know EA cut its loses basically as soon as the game was released, you could even say it was stillborn as it became a joke even before the official release. So Anthem is a very different case, not to mention a very different type of game too.
Oct 30, 2017
The boss gets crushed by a strider in a cut scene when he gets to the last 1/5 of his health bar. Just immediately to cut scene / splat. The thing comes out of nowhere and topples right onto the guy.

lmao, really? well at least i can set the bar low.

Its shame because, one of the things they keep reiterating is that its got BioWare story feel.


Alt account
Dec 5, 2018

That was the whole point I bought the damn game. How could BioWare Edmonton fuck up this bad? They had plenty of time and resources.
err the entire point ofthis game was to move away from characters and story and make a long lasting loot based multiplayer game


Oct 27, 2017
The part of the ending people are complaining about is such a tiny issue. People focus on the weirdest thing.


Dec 26, 2017
There's some hyperbole flying all through this threads.

The story isn't bad at all so far from what I've seen. The NPCs in Fort Tarsis are done quite well and are entertaining.

The combat and mission structure is quite literally par for the course for this genre. The AI is no worse than Destiny. In some ways I'd say its better as Anthem enemy AI actually pushes you and flanks you. Destiny AI tends to play hide and seek at best. Destiny's enemy animations are better though and that goes a long way towards perception.

Bioware has to deal with the bugs. Audio bug is quite annoying and connection losses and CTDs should absolutely be addressed before the 22nd. That's the most important task. Getting all ghese bugs as close to eliminated as possible as quickly as possible.

The story feels very tired to me. We get a bunch of jargon thrown at us for a masked bad guy chasing a sci fi macgufiin story. I played this in destiny 2 already and it was boring then too.

I hope it gets better but 6 hours in and i'm bored.


Lead Developer
Aug 20, 2018
I am a huge fan of Bioware and like Anthem. I think its off to a solid start but anybody who is out here defending the game's bugs is in denial. There are a ton of bugs and many of them quite serious. Allowing people to try this game out when over a 1000 bug fixes are pending in a day one fix is ridiculous. This seems like EA going every game must have early access no matter what even though the devs probably know its a bad idea.

People have different tastes and this kinda game is certainly polarizing especially for folks who are used a certain kind of Bioware game. A lot of folks here are exaggerating how bad this game is imo. I am going to say a lot of that is down to bias. Whether its EA hate or the hate for GaaS games. The story is not earth shattering but its good for a game like this. I am having a much better time that Destiny or even early Warframe. Games like this will evolve over time and get better now whether EA gives it a chance to evolve is the big question.
Feb 4, 2018
They should've taken the resources that went towards voicing and animating a lot of the side characters and spent that on the main story. I like some of the side characters, but a lot of the conversations are a bit too long for me. Not quite Andromeda-length but close.


Oct 27, 2017
Mass Effect 3 levels of wtf?

No, it's worse. Depsite being so polarizing, at least ME3 had an ending.
After you defeat the main antagonist, they basically joke about the job being finished and how you only signed up for one when it's mentioned you have more work to do. Chuckles by everyone. That's it.


The Old Guard
Oct 24, 2017
I am a huge fan of Bioware and like Anthem. I think its off to a solid start but anybody who is out here defending the game's bugs is in denial. There are a ton of bugs and many of them quite serious. Allowing people to try this game out when over a 1000 bug fixes are pending in a day one fix is ridiculous. This seems like EA going every game must have early access no matter what even though the devs probably know its a bad idea.

People have different tastes and this kinda game is certainly polarizing especially for folks who are used a certain kind of Bioware game. A lot of folks here are exaggerating how bad this game is imo. I am going to say a lot of that is down to bias. Whether its EA hate or the hate for GaaS games. The story is not earth shattering but its good for a game like this. I am having a much better time that Destiny or even early Warframe. Games like this will evolve over time and get better now whether EA gives it a chance to evolve is the big question.

I don't think the early access is a problem, but if you're going to do early access, put out your day one bug fixes on day one of early access. Otherwise, don't do early access.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
So uh, ive just been hitting escape through all dialog and npc chatter... I don't really care about lore and story, just loot and gameplay.

Can anyone give me a breakdown of the story lol. Make sure you spoiler for others :p


Oct 25, 2017
I had claimed a marksman rifle preorder and just finished the incursion where you get to the hangar and now my preorder weapon and another time have disappeared, no longer equipped and no longer in inventory wtf... the legion cosmetic armor is still equipped however and I can't seem to access the shop in the hangar. how the hell do I get back to fort tardis?


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
No, it's worse. Depsite being so polarizing, at least ME3 had an ending.
After you defeat the main antagonist, they basically joke about the job being finished and how you only signed up for one when it's mentioned you have more work to do. That's it.



Oct 27, 2017
No, it's worse. Depsite being so polarizing, at least ME3 had an ending.
After you defeat the main antagonist, they basically joke about the job being finished and how you only signed up for one when it's mentioned you have more work to do. Chuckles by everyone. That's it.

The ending in anthem is loads better then ME3. No question.


Lead Developer
Aug 20, 2018
I don't think the early access is a problem, but if you're going to do early access, put out your day one bug fixes on day one of early access. Otherwise, don't do early access.

Haha that is the TL;DR what i was trying really trying say. I can understand the patch not being able to get through platform cert on the Xbox quickly enough but on Origin I dont see a reason why the patch didnt go in.


Dec 13, 2017
As I expected...the story is pretty much abysmal/non existent. I'm glad I didn't waste the money on this game. The E3 trailers were so God damn misleading. What was one of my most anticipated games is in fact a literal joke...sad man. The Bioware of Old is gone. Donezo.


Nov 16, 2017
I don't think the early access is a problem, but if you're going to do early access, put out your day one bug fixes on day one of early access. Otherwise, don't do early access.

I agree. But there had to have been a difference of opinion in the dev process - EA is the one that wants Premier subs to take-off for a consistent revenue stream whereas I'd have to think Bioware would rather spend time patching out game-breaking bugs.


Nov 19, 2017

That was the whole point I bought the damn game. How could BioWare Edmonton fuck up this bad? They had plenty of time and resources.

It's really, really not that bad. It is as well-written and engaging as any of the enormously loved CW superhero shows and other fandom-centric geek properties. The world-building and lore-writing hints at a cool neo-feudal world (that you don't fully see in-game) and the cutscenes are also often very epic and at the level of Mass Effect. The moment-to-moment character writing is cutesy banter a la every Marvel movie and post-Buffy team-based geek property. It's fine to dislike that kind of thing but most game writing isn't even as competent as this.

bbq of doom

Oct 25, 2017
I am a huge fan of Bioware and like Anthem. I think its off to a solid start but anybody who is out here defending the game's bugs is in denial. There are a ton of bugs and many of them quite serious. Allowing people to try this game out when over a 1000 bug fixes are pending in a day one fix is ridiculous. This seems like EA going every game must have early access no matter what even though the devs probably know its a bad idea.

People have different tastes and this kinda game is certainly polarizing especially for folks who are used a certain kind of Bioware game. A lot of folks here are exaggerating how bad this game is imo. I am going to say a lot of that is down to bias. Whether its EA hate or the hate for GaaS games. The story is not earth shattering but its good for a game like this. I am having a much better time that Destiny or even early Warframe. Games like this will evolve over time and get better now whether EA gives it a chance to evolve is the big question.

Given your experience and whatnot, can you think of any credible reason as to why they wouldn't push that patch before the global launch?

Seems like a massive oversight and, tbh, an insult to those with Origin Access.


Oct 27, 2017
I had claimed a marksman rifle preorder and just finished the incursion where you get to the hangar and now my preorder weapon and another time have disappeared, no longer equipped and no longer in inventory wtf... the legion cosmetic armor is still equipped however and I can't seem to access the shop in the hangar. how the hell do I get back to fort tardis?

There's a door in the hanger that goes back to the Fort.


Oct 31, 2017
No, it's worse. Depsite being so polarizing, at least ME3 had an ending.
After you defeat the main antagonist, they basically joke about the job being finished and how you only signed up for one when it's mentioned you have more work to do. Chuckles by everyone. That's it.
You forgot about the
Unceremonious introduction to a new enemy faction (to be added later) with just a dead body being revealed on the table. Had no idea what was going on with that.


Oct 27, 2017
No it isn't. The endings of ME3 were stupid, but primarily because they basically ignored everything you did up to that point. The way it was presented however was leagues beyond the ending of this game.

The only issue with the ending is one scene. Other then that it's totally fine. The ending didn't ruin 2 previous games worth of lore. The anthem ending just seemed rushed.
Oct 30, 2017
Let's be real here. Does that actually mean anything nowadays?

As i wrote this, I did flashback to ME3 ending, Andromeda, and maybe DAI (I barely remember that game) that maybe the "BioWare feel" doesn't really exist anymore. I mean when i define how i feel about BioWare based on games i played a decade ago, then you cant really define BioWare the same. You are only as good as the last game you make when it takes years for them to be released. So your are right.


Oct 27, 2017
You forgot about the
Unceremonious introduction to a new enemy faction (to be added later) with just a dead body being revealed on the table. Had no idea what was going on with that.

Yeah, that shit.
I actually thought that was just some "Guess what's coming in the DLC?" and not really the actual ending. Can't wait for the Protehans!!!!


Oct 28, 2017
There is early access like a steam game that isn't finished and then there is this kind of early access. This version is like the 3 days Ubisoft is giving with Division 2. It's early play of the finished game. Does anyone think Ubisoft will save the day one patch for after the 3 days? Of course not. If there was even a day one patch for Anthem it should have been on the 15th. The 15th was release day.


Oct 25, 2017
A dramatic character turn later in the game had me just laughing at how lame it all was. This is like a better looking/animated Andromeda with how bad the storytelling is.


Oct 25, 2017
I've only used 2 hours of my 10 hour trial. I'll wait for the day one patch.

I know I said performance on the 1X is much better when compared to the demo but, after spending a bit more time with it, I don't think it's performing as well as it needs to be. It needs work for sure.


Nov 19, 2017
and this is what bioware games have become...anthem will be a day never for me for this reason alone

I mostly care about character and story and am indifferent to loot and raids and multiplayer content and I'm really enjoying the game and haven't had any game-stopping bugs.

I mean, someone who skips all the dialogue and story is ignoring like a third or more of what the game is offering. It was sold as a story-driven co-op action rpg and that's what it is.


Oct 25, 2017
Sounds like BioWare needed to work harder at hiding the loading screens like Destiny does. I haven't played Anthrm myself yet though so I can't speak from experience.

I think the game would be less miserable to play if the loading screens were quicker, but that wouldn't solve the core problem with the design. I think the game is fundamentally disjointed and flawed from a design standpoint and there's no easy/quick fix. It was designed to be a single player story game and a multiplayer loot shooter and it just completely falls on its face in both regards because it's trying to be both. There shouldn't be a first person town mode at all. I can not figure out why on earth they thought this was a good idea. If the writing/story was good and the loading screens were tiny and you didn't move in hyper slow motion that would all help the game be less of a chore, but it'd still have the fundamental problems. I am skeptical this game will be good any time soon or ever.

I can not understand how they fucked this up so bad, because it's not complicated. Making an MP loot shooter isn't that hard to figure out. Lots of games have done it. I don't know how you mess it up this bad.

I realize that's subjective and some people like it as it is now. Just giving my 2 cents
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
I don't think the early access is a problem, but if you're going to do early access, put out your day one bug fixes on day one of early access. Otherwise, don't do early access.
This is fair, I agree.

Overall it's definitely not perfect and the bugs need to be dealt with, but the gameplay loop really scratches that itch for me. Flying is so damn fun and the combat is right up my alley. Personally it feels much more fun to play than destiny or the division. They're all good games IMO, even if none is perfect.


Nov 16, 2017
That's just your opinion, literally. The early access was a method to get people to fork up more money - it's nothing other than a business practice.
It's not a pre-release version, this is the release date. Loads of games do it now "pre-order or buy x edition to play x days early".

Also you really don't understand how feedback and public review works do you? If a game is shit, people are going to talk about it.
If it's good, people are going to talk about that as well. If it's really shit, lots of individual people are going to talk about it a lot.

I understand you're having a hard time resolving that concept and are getting tired of people complaining but each and every person has that right.
Edit: Even if that means 100 pages + , there are millions of people playing it and how many people on this forum?

We also paid money for this we can't get back.

Please tell me, what hard earned cash you payed for Anthem specifically, that you can't get back?


Project Lead
Aug 31, 2018
Second day of playing brings more mixed feelings.

On one hand I have just finished the Fortress of Dawn mission and I found myself greatly enjoying it. Story beats mixed with a boss fight, mixed with a somewhat unique mission type proved to me that when Anthem works it is a great experience.

What kills the enjoyment for me though are the underlying systems of the game. The biggest offender is the character progression. It is 100% gear based, which is not a problem in itself but because the loot in Anthem is really bland it makes the whole thing fall apart. The open world is the second problem. It feels shorehorned into the game. There are no surprises here, no lost sectors, eidolons, fishing... As it stands I think I would prefer a mission based approach with smaller, varied maps instead of what we got.


May 11, 2018
I mostly care about character and story and am indifferent to loot and raids and multiplayer content and I'm really enjoying the game and haven't had any game-stopping bugs.

I mean, someone who skips all the dialogue and story is ignoring like a third or more of what the game is offering. It was sold as a story-driven co-op action rpg and that's what it is.

i enjoyed the gameplay in both betas aswell but i grew up playing the old classic bioware games and this game has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING of what bioware is known and loved for. Where is the actual BioWare part of the game that makes it a "BioWare" game?


Nov 16, 2017
I don't understand? Actual Money.

You paid for a Premier Access subscription I take it? You're upset that one game being provided to you early before it's worldwide release date, as part of that said subscription, did not meet your expectations?

So you're out what, $15.99?

The point I'm making is that you didn't pay for Anthem specifically. If you preordered Anthem, you can still cancel, as you'd have the right to do.
Oct 30, 2017
I don't think the early access is a problem, but if you're going to do early access, put out your day one bug fixes on day one of early access. Otherwise, don't do early access.

Yeah i feel that they didn't take the right approach here. How many people are walking away from this game now? I enjoyed what i played of the demo even though it felt a bit empty at times, but its a bit discouraging to read through the early access impressions when its something i am looking forward to.


Oct 27, 2017
Haha that is the TL;DR what i was trying really trying say. I can understand the patch not being able to get through platform cert on the Xbox quickly enough but on Origin I dont see a reason why the patch didnt go in.

But at least BW could come out and say, "yes we know that x,y and z are issues, but the patch coming on the 22nd will fix them", or "we're aware of x,y and z, but and are still working on fixing them". Anything to show that they are aware of the issues, and have fixed them, or they will be fixed, but not by launch etc? I know not everything is fixed, or can be fixed straight away, but at least be transparent; people didn't get the game for free, and are at least entitled to know that the devs are sympathetic and are working on fixing them, and if they've been fixed, then why they haven't been patched yet (even if it's like you said, and it's still waiting certification)...


Oct 30, 2017
Based on i'm reading, Anthem has nothing that makes him a ''Bioware game'' or just a good game. Disappointing.


Oct 25, 2018
Going to try to unlock Storm now. Hopefully I can take some good screenshots of how my Interceptor looks.

JediTimeBoy Have you checked Twitter and Reddit? Because they have.