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Oct 25, 2017
Tonegawa 1

Okay, first of all fuck Tonegawa. Why you trying to make this elitist prick that's responsible for the deaths of some likable characters an unapologetic badass.

Second, this just makes me want either another Kaiji season or some kind of origin story for Hyodo since he's far more interesting and it's been implied that he used to be like a more optimistic Kaiji. Yeah, I get that would be more serious while this is supposed to be a comedy, but it's not funny at all.


Oct 31, 2017
Caught the first episode of Hanebado.

I know it's anime, but that return from the small girl... come on now lol. Liked pretty much everything else (well, except one thing, but again, to be expected here).


Oct 25, 2017
Lupin the Third Part V Episode 13:

Jesus Fujiko was a badass in this episode :O

I'm not sure why others seem down on this series. I'm really liking this season of Lupin <3


Oct 25, 2017

giving Angolmois my blessing*

*previous shows to have it:
Kemono Friends
Thunderbott Fantasy


Oct 26, 2017
angolmois is having an anime?
i read the 1st volume it was quite decent, might watch this to prepare myself for ghost of tsushima :P


Oct 25, 2017
HisoMaso - 12 [Finale]

The plot is simply lousy.

Cute dragons & cute girls paired with fun antics which are framed around an actual, even if just basic, plot would've been great. As was evident on occasions. Instead, our lovely protagonists get yelled at for a dozen episodes and the reward is some nonsensical happy ending that may or may not have a message about women in workplace or so.

Really, there's no major reason to watch this other than the visuals.


Oct 25, 2017
Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online 8

couldn't stop laughing at llenn's friend getting her legs blown off. shit was crazy

Gundam Build Divers 11

Ayame's Force breaking up over progression and demands of new members is the realest fucking thing. Might be the second best ep behind the Koichi ep, each strong due to highlighting the respective character's reasons for loving and shunning GBN.

It also highlights one of the show's glaring weaknesses. Love it to death but Riku, Yukki, Momo, and Sarah are all lacking in this regard since they haven't the sense of attachment to GBN that the other two do. One could argue that the show itself is their formative experience but I think that'd be rather specious given Riku's the only one to see any real change as he blossoms into a shounen protag. Yukki & Momo are just kinda there. Hope they get a chance before long.

I will say I enjoy the midseason climax being something more existential (re: GBN) than yet another tournament.

Golden Kamuy 9

The encounter between the soldiers in the Ainu village was as intense as the episode was ugly.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017

Sells really bad. Highly doubt we will get a second season.



Oct 25, 2017
i mean disc sales aren't the end like we used to think. if manga sales get a good spike, no doubt they'll fund another 12 ep commercial


Oct 25, 2017
i mean disc sales aren't the end like we used to think. if manga sales get a good spike, no doubt they'll fund another 12 ep commercial
or if they end up making merch that sells well. As you said disc sales aren't the only thing that motivates making an anime.
I'm also assuming that you can buy them on itunes or something similar to that in japan, and more and more people there are moving to digital eps to play on their phones ect.


Oct 25, 2017
Kadokawa is known as stingy for making sequel too.
They see it as one time commercial tool when it come to anime.


Oct 25, 2017

Calamity of a Zombie Girl - movie?

I have no idea what I just watched but man do I want some more of this B movie trash in my life. That was dumb fun.


Oct 25, 2017
So it ends on a cliffhanger and another season is highly unlikely. Should I even bother watching Hinamatsuri


Oct 25, 2017
Read a couple chapter of its manga and I'm quite liking the art. So, with how unlikely a second anime season is, I can just turn to that without a worry then.


Oct 25, 2017
Anzu's arc with the homeless people and stark contrasting life afterward was really good. Hitomi and Hina to a lesser degree had their moments, too, but needed to feel much more grounded. Like, Hitomi getting the bar job was a fun premise but how quickly she got that and how over the top her 'working spree' became made it difficult to empathize with her burn out.

I picked it up just as it was completing and is the only thing I watched beside HisoMaso. It's clearly the winner between those two and nothing else looked appealing to me.

Sorry horse-girl show but as well executed as you might be, that's just not my thing.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
I recently reread the manga and I legitimately think the anime makes some of that stuff even funnier by drawing out the tension/awkwardness of a situation by X degrees. I'm divided as to whether it's better, but it's certainly different in an interesting way.

Like, the Mao castaway bit I found amusing in the manga but side-splittingly hilarious in the show.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I hate to admit it, but Hinamatsuri second season is as likely as Nichijou's


Oct 25, 2017
Calamity of a Zombie Girl
What a fun, campy, hilarious, disgusting watch. That went all the stupid places I needed it to and didn't quite expect going in blind.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm going to watch the Tonegawa anime, but how did this get an anime and not a Kaiji S3, or even a Tobaku Haōden Zero anime would have been amazing ... well, maybe it won't be that bad.
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Oct 25, 2017
Hinamatsuri is also my favorite show of the season, though I've only been watching that, Food Wars S3, FranXX, and HeroAca S3.

It's nice to have a show that legitimately hilarious one episode, then tearfully heartwarming the next.

Reminds me of Made in Abyss. Great show that has a weird focus on naked kids every now and then making it hard to recommend to casual viewers.


Dec 1, 2017
I'm going to watch the Tonegawa anime, but how did this get an anime and not a Kaiji S3, or even a Tobaku Haōden Zero anime would have been amazing ... well, maybe it won't be that bad.
Don't quote me on this but it seems that Japanese fans prefer the Tonegawa manga over Kaiji, most likely due to the latter's glacial pacing if I had to guess.


Oct 27, 2017
If you pick up an anime adapted from an on-going manga or LN and expect it to have a conclusive and satisfying ending or even a second season you're being naive.


Oct 25, 2017
Calamity of a Zombie Girl

C-tier horror trash, but in anime form. Amusing enough at least, and you gotta appreciate everybody being too stupid to live.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm only asking because I'm getting really sick of watching these shows that are glorified manga advertisements. The likelihood of me picking the manga up after watching the show is literally 0% so I generally would rather not get too invested.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm only asking because I'm getting really sick of watching these shows that are glorified manga advertisements. The likelihood of me picking the manga up after watching the show is literally 0% so I generally would rather not get too invested.

If you're concerned about that, it's best to avoid anime adapted from manga altogether. (Although even original anime don't necessarily get satisfying endings!)

Admiral Woofington

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
i dont think i have an AOTS that I'd call amazing. Fullmetal Panic would have a higher rating if I didnt only just go through 2 arcs and 2 recap episodes which takes away points.


Dec 13, 2017
Avoiding Manga/LN/VN adaptations for fear of unsatisfying endings means avoiding like 90% of anime though lmao

Sub-par endings to anime is something I've come to live with over the years. It cannot be helped when studios are adapting still ongoing source material.


Oct 25, 2017
This is supposed to be a comedy about how these background chucklefucks in the Kaiji series get through life and how Tonegawa has to put up with all that to keep his position, the whole punchline being that perhaps Tonegawa losing in the last season of Kaiji is not the worst thing in his life.


Oct 26, 2017
Disappearance is such a superb movie.

Worth checking out the director interviews.
Domo, will checki it out.

Darling in the Franxxx 23

So ... I take it all the bad puns and comparisons were already taken ? Figures.

Megalo Box END

I dunno, past the first or first two episodes something just totally didn't click with me and I can't quite put my finger on what it was. It's not even the implausible boxing and constant one hit wins juxtaposed against geared opponents though that certainly played a role. Maybe it's that I could bring myself to care about the main character, whose name, ~2 days after, I honestly struggled to recall in this very moment and felt mostly the same about the rest. Or that this rivalry left me feeling like Yukiko, befuddled. 'I finally found a worthy opponent' is such a tired trope it needs die ... Anyhow, the show mostly backtracked from the silliness with Aragaki so I don't even hold it to be a particularly bad show or anything,but the more objective flaws make it just so so and on top of that not my cup or even brand of coffee. Perhaps mananime is a false prophet after all ?
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