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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Gf got a meteor shower tonight, so it's us with a couple of friends just wishing under the stars for a while. This game is pretty adorable haha.

Ex Lion Tamer

Oct 25, 2017
How does someone on another account on the same switch get the axe crafting recipe? I got it from talking to Tom Nook but she doesn't have the option.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Today's progress report:
  • Met Molly the Duck and Nate the Bear on the mystery islands and invited them to live with me (I currently have Sylvia the Kangaroo and Leonardo the Leopard)
  • Museum is under construction, will be ready tomorrow.
  • Paid off the house, put in an order for expansion by tomorrow
  • Nook's Cranny is under construction and will be ready tomorrow
  • Have a bunch of fish, fossils, and bugs on deck for Blathers tomorrow.
  • Met and rescued Gulliver.
  • Now have pears, cherries, peaches, oranges, and coconuts on my island, as well as some bamboo shoots.
Missing KK Slider this Saturday evening, but I hope I can see him by next week.

Deleted member 18521

Oct 27, 2017
Is there a way to mute conversations in this game?

Deleted member 54073

User requested account closure
Feb 22, 2019
Man I really wanna play this but with RE3, DOOM, FF7, TLOUP2 and GOT coming out in the next few months (hopefully!) then my schedule is jam packed! Maybe at some point later in the year.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Before the game released there was a mixture of anticipation/worry that because it was 15 years since my last played AC, I wouldn't like it as much. 3rd day over heading into my 4th tomorrow and this game completely has me hooked.

I've just now managed to get my things done for the day with upgrades/new things planned for tomorrow and I can finally start Doom Eternal. Did not expect this game to have this kind of grip on me.


Nov 2, 2017
I no the game literally just came out, but how do you think it will be supported moving forward by Nintendo?

Besides the Seasonal Events what else do you think we will get?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I dunno what zen like state I entered this evening but I got 100 fish catches in a row without missing one. I even got enough money to pay off my next home expansion. I'm gonna go lie down now.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone got some oranges to spare? I have some cherries and coconuts that I can give in exchange.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 1, 2017
Why the fuck did Nook tease me by letting me build one bridge but now the recipe is gone.

When do I get the option for as many town projects as I like? I need bridges EVERYWHERE.

Deleted member 16908

Oct 27, 2017
The deserted island I just visited didn't have a villager on it for me to invite. Is this just something that can happen, or is it because I already invited 3?


Oct 25, 2017
So I'm thinking about buying this (first time) but I had some questions.

So far, I've only seen people in one room tents and houses. Are there more complex, multi room, houses later on?

In one of the old ACs the villagers would nag you about missing a few days. Is this still in the game?


Oct 25, 2017
The online is sooo weird. Like what's the need of the flight information BS whenever a new passenger arrives?


Oct 25, 2017
I have a fishing question. I've seen another poster ask this earlier, but no one knew the answer.

I'm having an issue where small river fish get away even if I hold A after the ploop sound and visual. I know I'm doing the exact same timing, and it's always the tiny river fish that does it. Anyone have any idea? It keeps ruining my catch streak.


Oct 27, 2017
One new rock will respawn every day until you're back at the max number. So if you only broke one, by tomorrow it'll be like nothing happened, except it'll be in a different place.

But you mentioned getting 3 material less a day, and I just wanted to point out that materials from rocks are timer based. The quicker you hit them repeatedly, the more you'll get out of them. What most people do is put something behind them to reduce the recoil, usually digging a hole works, but placing furniture probably works too.

I've been using my proper axe to hit rocks rather than a shovel, I don't know if it makes a difference but I've gotten a lot of iron ore from it, and no stones.
I had no idea about this one, I-ll try tomorrow!!, thanks!.


Cranky Ghost Pokemon
Oct 26, 2017
I have a fishing question. I've seen another poster ask this earlier, but no one knew the answer.

I'm having an issue where small river fish get away even if I hold A after the ploop sound and visual. I know I'm doing the exact same timing, and it's always the tiny river fish that does it. Anyone have any idea? It keeps ruining my catch streak.
Is it every fish in that size or just some of the time? A lot of the rare fish are hard to catch because they bite for shorter periods.


Oct 25, 2017
So apparently you can't store turnips in your house storage? Does this mean you *HAVE* to carry them in your inventory until you sell them? Can I just drop them in my house and they won't disappear?

Deleted member 224

Oct 25, 2017
Could you elaborate?
You can spoiler it if you want.
It's not a huge deal, I just don't want to upset any purists who want the next few days to be blind

Nook has you build a visitor tent on your island. Villagers then show up at the tent, and you can invite them to move to the island.

Tyrant Rave

Has A Pretty Cool Jacket
Oct 25, 2017

place is coming along well. added a tin can to the floor. just need some better flooring/walls to really make it great


Oct 25, 2017
Does anyone else HATE that some of the cool wall designs make your windows disappear? Like, I want a cool jungle wall but without windows my house just becomes a dungeon.


Jan 11, 2018
So I'm thinking about buying this (first time) but I had some questions.

So far, I've only seen people in one room tents and houses. Are there more complex, multi room, houses later on?

In one of the old ACs the villagers would nag you about missing a few days. Is this still in the game?
1. Yes. Houses in past games have had a maximum of six rooms, and I'm in the process of adding a second room right now.
2. We wouldn't really know if villagers nag you for missing days (because no one has missed days yet), but I would assume that that is still the case.
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