
Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Watching the new transfer has made me remember this great truth.

So few action movies today ooze this much style in every moment, every shot, every frame. The Wachowskis were simply operating on another level compared to so many action directors today. If you really look at the picture you can tell they were working in an exacting manner, and carefully storyboarded every scene and in my opinion executed them to perfection.






Everything is impeccably shot and framed in a way that is truly memorable. Iconic, even. But what I really love is the clarity. Trinity's first action scene is shot in a darky-lit room, with basically only the cops' flashlights serving as light sources. Yet everything that goes on is crystal clear. You see everything that Trinity is doing, you see her actions and her reactions. There's no bullshit shaky-cam that a lesser director would use to try and hide a double or an actor's poor attempt at the choreography. No rapid-fire quick editing without any sense of direction or orientation to mask a director's inferior talents. The Wachowskis make this movie flow perfectly and look exciting and gorgeous without any handicaps or compromises.

And this is just the first five minutes of the movie and I didn't even pick the really memorable moments from this initial scene.

The Matrix in a way almost seemed to be on the verge of being left by the wayside(no thanks to its not-as-well-liked sequels), but hopefully the new 4K release brings it back on the forefront when people talk about great action movies, sci-fi movies, or just plain great movies period. Watching it again for the umpteenth time, it honestly feels like a breath of fresh air compared to so much of the stuff that passes for blockbusters in this day and age. Someone somewhere else said this movie was dated. Fuck no. Feels as new as it ever did.
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The Walnut King
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
Love The Matrix so much. One of my favorite sci-fi movies of all time. Granted, younger me was stupid and I had to watch it twice to really understand it.


Oct 25, 2017
Jett, you're a man after my own heart.

Everything leading up to Neo meeting Morpheus is the perfect example on how to craft mood. The shot of Neo meeting the car at the bridge underpass, with the rain trickling down is amazing.

Rad Bandolar

Oct 25, 2017
I was living in Japan when it was released and flew to the States to see The Phantom Menace on opening day. I saw TPM once and The Matrix five times before I went back. That movie felt like it was made just for me and I was raving about it when I got back. It's still one of those few movies that I can always rewatch and enjoy, no matter how many times I've seen it.

The 4K/UHD is really well done. Great film grain and the colors look about right. I highly recommend it.


Oct 28, 2017
I was living in Japan when it was released and flew to the States to see The Phantom Menace on opening day. I saw TPM once and The Matrix five times before I went back. That movie felt like it was made just for me and I was raving about it when I got back. It's still one of those few movies that I can always rewatch and enjoy, no matter how many times I've seen it.

The 4K/UHD is really well done. Great film grain and the colors look about right. I highly recommend it.

I have the exact same experience barring the flying from Japan. I saw Matrix so many times in theaters and only saw Star Wars once. I remember watching it for the first time...driving home..discussing the film with my girlfriend and we both agreed to turn the car around again to see it again. It was an amazing film.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Los Angeles
The awesome framing of shots is a great example of using comic book artists for your storyboards and actually leaning on their comic skills.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
Jett, you're a man after my own heart.

Everything leading up to Neo meeting Morpheus is the perfect example on how to craft mood. The shot of Neo meeting the car at the bridge underpass, with the rain trickling down is amazing.
Yep, that scene is amazing. I remember walking out of the theater being blown away. Went in basically blind about what I was going to see. Just doesn't happen nowadays.


Oct 25, 2017
Wachowskis peaked with this one

As much as I like Bound and appreciate some of the stuff in Speed Racer, this movie is just so fine tuned in comparison.

Will always be an action classic. Rewatch it every once in a while. Looking forward to seeing this new transfer
Oct 31, 2017
Yeah the whole movie is full of shots that are iconic. It's basically shot-after-shot, scene-after-scene of iconic filmography, no doubt. Definitely one of the major signs of a great movie. I mean, the movie just burns images into your head.

They definitely don't make big action blockbusters like this anymore, for sure.


Nov 3, 2017
I saw it day 1 with my now Ex-wife, it was date night and she is a big Reeves fan, i had no idea about the movie lol...loved it...


Oct 27, 2017
I vividly remember seeing it with a friend in the theatre and asking after "was that movie as incredible as it seems?". It just kinda came out of nowhere to become a classic.


Oct 25, 2017
Makes you wonder what went wrong with the sequels... and everything else the Wachowskis did.


Oct 28, 2017
Makes you wonder what went wrong with the sequels... and everything else the Wachowskis did.

I always felt this was and should have been one film. I liked the open nature of the ending. The only good thing to come out of the sequels was the Animatrix.

EDIT: I haven't seen Cloud Atlas...but Sense 8 is pretty ambitious and has a strong following. In some ways it feels like a semi-return to form.


Oct 31, 2017
Anaheim, CA
yes they are really good directors. sometimes they get a little too artsy fartsy (jupiter ascending anyone?), but definitely their style is amazing.

as opposed to crap like this

Oct 27, 2017
It's in my top 10 best movies of all time. It really is incredible. They haven't approached this level of success since, in fact, most of their stuff is pretty bad. But for this one movie, perfection all around.

Hyun Sai

Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, I can rewatch the first opus anytime, it has aged that well.

Too bad the sequels were garbage even when they aired.
Oct 30, 2017
Yeah, the movie is a beautiful shot; the framing, lighting, lighting composition, and editing are all so pretty.

Star Wars was supposed to be the big one that year, and The Matrix released in March of 1999, I was so unprepared for what to expect, it was one of the most mindblowing movie experiences in my life. There was nothing like how I felt coming out of the theater back in 1999 the first time. Pure magic.

It's a shame that the popularity of something like The Bourne Identity films seemed to have help influence the complete antithesis of action filming that The Matrix showcased, with shakey cam, closes up, and rapid editing.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
The awesome framing of shots is a great example of using comic book artists for your storyboards and actually leaning on their comic skills.
Indeed! It looks so much like a comic book, despite not being one.

And it looks better than every comic book movie ever made.

Yeah the whole movie is full of shots that are iconic. It's basically shot-after-shot, scene-after-scene of iconic filmography, no doubt. Definitely one of the major signs of a great movie. I mean, the movie just burns images into your head.

They definitely don't make big action blockbusters like this anymore, for sure.

I honestly could endlessly gif this movie. RIP data limitations and slow computers.







Oct 27, 2017
One of my top 5 film experiences easily.

I went in not knowing shit about it outside of Keanu dodging bullets, and it was a great experience.

It is hard to have that sort of experience these days. To go out to a movie theater with just a basic knowledge of a film... No Rotten Tomatoes or IMDB setting expectations.

It is really hard to surprise anyone these days. The original Matrix was a total surprise.


Oct 25, 2017
The movie's gorgeous from a technical standpoint. I can't think of another film from the 90s that was this slick. Perfectly digestible action with beautiful, iconic imagery. There's so much kinetic energy to the film and it's paced just about perfectly. Sporadically cutting into extreme closeups to highlight and emphasise moments is incredible. Like that closeup in the OP of Trinity's eye slowly looking up as the cop approaches from behind. Or the iconic Morpheus glasses, pill in each eye. That moment when the agent fires at Trinity on the rooftop right as she sprints toward and then jumps over the building ledge, sound of a police car siren blarring from below is a perfect example of this. I remember my 9-year old self being instantly enthralled from that moment on.

Makes you wonder what went wrong with the sequels... and everything else the Wachowskis did.

You can see the problems that undid the sequels present as somewhat benign, dormant issues in the original film. Neo's a stoic, hollow asshole with blank, passionless expression but it works, because he's a distant, existentially broken man who feels like his life is missing so there's some character stuff at play. But when you keep all these characters in such a stiff emotional state and spread it over another couple of films it really starts to grate. They stop feeling like human beings and that's especially troubling in a film series where humanity is a theme.

Like, rewatching this yesterday, it's clear The Wachowskis have a fondness and passion for telling intricate, twisty, philosophically probing stories, but don't really know how to tell a strong, human-level, emotional story. The heart of the film is supposed to be the Trinity/Neo subplot, but it's completely and utterly incompetent. At no point in the film is there even the slightest dramatically rich, emotionally charged moment between Neo and Trinity. And I'm not levelling this at the chemistry between Reeves and Moss - which is actually quite good - it's the script that literally gives no reason as to why these two characters would bare any sort of emotional connection, let alone love each other. They don't laugh together, they don't mourn together, they don't grow together. It's these sorts of clunky elements of the original film that become more glaring in the sequels.

Likewise, the potentially dull philosophical riddle-talk and musings characters often fall into in the original were always rooted in a dramatic hinge. Going on that first 40 minute journey with Neo and learning about this crazy world around him is extremely compelling. The first 40 minutes of Reloaded have the same number of scenes of people sitting in chairs waxing philosophical, but there's no dramatic momentum at all, so you're left with a bunch of stoic assholes talking in circles wearing sunglasses at night time.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I still remember the font for the subtitles used the first time I watched The Matrix in theaters (in a non-English-speaking country). That's how much of an impact this thing left on me.

This is undoubtedly one of THE most ICONIC moments in all of science fiction (and the Matrix is filled with moments such as this, good lawd), in every way. Up there with the likes of 2001's Stargate sequence as far as I'm concerned.

I'm sorry, but your faves can't even.
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Cosmo Kramer

Prophet of Regret - Chicken Chaser
Oct 28, 2017
Seeing this in the theater, knowing nothing about it it blew my mind, it was an experience. One of the most perfect movies ever made, it might not be your cup of tea(such people exist?) but it is evidently a labor of love and a group of really talented individuals at the top of their game.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
It is really hard to surprise anyone these days. The original Matrix was a total surprise.
You had to hand it to the marketing team, the trailers managed to show plenty of cool stuff out of context but the actual plot of the film was something of an unknown until you saw it. I remember people asking after I saw it 'so what is the Matrix?'. Can't imagine I would have had as good a time if this had of had a Terminator Genisys level trailer.

I adored Matrix at the time, still do, seeing the behind the scenes stuff and how much of the stunts/fights the actors did is impressive to this day.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I saw this in the theatre when I was 12 years old. All I had seen beforehand was the 'Nobody Can Tell You What the Matrix Is' promo trailer.

Had no fucking idea what I was walking into. My mind was blown. Once it hit DVD, I watched it over and over and over and over.

Being 16 and waiting in line opening night for Reloaded, my friends and I had somebody offer us $100 each for our tickets. There was no fucking way we weren't seeing Reloaded that night.


Nov 7, 2017
That opening scene absolutely blew me away when I saw it in the theater. The camera work was amazing in general and so many movies copied them, with Mission Impossible 2 being the most ridiculous. I still quote this movie fairly regularly "he's beginning to believe".

Makes you wonder what went wrong with the sequels... and everything else the Wachowskis did.

Cloud Atlas is a bit uneven as a film but it's incredibly ambitious and probably one of the most memorable movies for me of the past decade. I haven't seen Speed Racer but there's a following.
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Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, it's an incredibly well polished movie all around, especially the visuals.

Time to rewatch it, I think. I'm getting funny feelings just watching those gifs, I know what I'm doing before bed.


Oct 26, 2017
I watched it in my 8th grade class at the end of the semester. Blew my mind and instantly became my favourite movie ever.

They need to make a new one with a legitimate director like how BR2049 was treated. The universe is just so intriguing.

As good as the ending was it ruined the sequels before they started, neo should have had some weaknesses. But anyway it was clear it was a one hit wonder but the wachowskis. They are trash.
Oct 27, 2017
Saw it the same day it came out with my friends, still my favorite movie ever.

Agent Icebeezy is in homage to Agent Smith.


Oct 27, 2017
I had no idea what to expect when I saw it in the theater back in 1999. All I knew was what I saw in the early trailers, and that it was getting rave reviews from the critics.

I was a cynically 21 year old, and the movie blew my freaking mind. I was so, so impressed with The Matrix. Before that film, I had almost given up on Hollywood movies in general. Films like Boogie Nights, Happiness and Requiem for a Dream were these lights at the end of a dark tunnel that was the latter part of 1990s American cinema. The Matrix and American Beauty definitely pulled me out of that funk....and quick.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm really happy to hear this :) I had a suspicion it was a timeless classic.

I was deep into Matrix stuff 1999-2003 (obv the first is king), but I skipped it on bluray... and I am so ready to jump back in.

tbh I am waiting for the sequels/Animatrix on UHD. Of course the sequels are not as good, but I still loved the whole package, warts and all. There are some amazing sequences in Reloaded that I just want to re-watch for the viserca over and over.


Oct 25, 2017
all of these gifs are fantastic. Really gives across comic book framing vibes. Have my 4k disc at home, will watch at the weekend.


Nov 13, 2017
Is there a Bluray release with the corrected colour grading? I really want to watch this again.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
You can pick out any one scene or shot and just stare at it. It oozes with style.

If people haven't watched their first film Bound watch it asap. It takes the gangster genre and turns it on it's head and it's sexy as hell.