
Oct 26, 2017
Look, I have no doubt there's shenanigans going on in respect of abuse of the Twitter algorithm and TK has every right to call it out for trying to damage his company. But man, the timing of this.

When you want people to be talking about Rampage (and what by all accounts may be a MOTY contender) people are now instead going to be talking about this stuff.

Could he not have held off for like, 2 days?!
I mean he promotes Rampage in the tweets. Timing is probably deliberate. People are definitely talking about it!


Oct 25, 2017
The image that its viewers are of lower income level (and lower spending habits) and thus the effect on the rates that advertisers (and which advertisers in general) are willing to pay for slots on wrestling shows. Whether it has merit nowadays or not, I don't know but that has been the challenge for the last 20 years.

Wrestling as a phenomenon has for a very long time drawn big audiences, but never has been given its due (or the monetary compensation) compared to other types of programming, due to the presumption of its audience.

(And of course I'd imagine the only major company being run by Vince may have had an effect as well.)

That's why you had the Westminster Dog Show causing RAW to be pre-empted, even when they had 4-5 million viewers.
This is why TK has made sure to mention in the past that data shows their audience is the highest earners across the wrestling companies.

He knows how the industry is seen and a lot of what he has been doing is to re-educate the fans and the networks on what makes good wrestling and why it's a valuable property.

Him being an analytics nerd and having experience with networks in areas other than wrestling is probably the best thing you could hope for. He knows that numbers talk and will no doubt have tonnes of data to sell the idea of a much bigger deal when it comes up.

Honestly I feel like this whole "what if the new network guy hated wrestling?" Is such tired bullshit because while it may not have the weight of the NFL etc, it is still a relatively cheap product that can do great numbers comparatively. The fact you apparently have the streaming platforms sniffing round wrestling and other 'smaller' sports will also help them greatly.

As for that wrestletalk article, while I enjoy watching them, they are also pretty shit for industry analysis and just parrot what has been said elsewhere.


Oct 27, 2017
Look, I have no doubt there's shenanigans going on in respect of abuse of the Twitter algorithm and TK has every right to call it out for trying to damage his company. But man, the timing of this.

When you want people to be talking about Rampage (and what by all accounts may be a MOTY contender) people are now instead going to be talking about this stuff.

Could he not have held off for like, 2 days?!
Not really. The people that are going to watch are going to watch. This won't do a single thing. Nobody is going to go oh no Tony made a discouraging remark against Bots on Twitter. Now I won't watch


Oct 29, 2017
Not really. The people that are going to watch are going to watch. This won't do a single thing. Nobody is going to go oh no Tony made a discouraging remark against Bots on Twitter. Now I won't watch

Never said people wouldn't watch due to the tweets?

My point is that the conversation tonight should primarily be about what's going on on-screen - not the owners tweets.


Aug 1, 2019
The best part of TK getting riled up on one of his coked up Twitter tirades is that once I'm done laughing at him I'll get to enjoy all the "Stand Up" people who get even more upset at him than he got at his conspiracy.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
The best part of TK getting riled up on one of his coked up Twitter tirades is that once I'm done laughing at him I'll get to enjoy all the "Stand Up" people who get even more upset at him than he got at his conspiracy.
Honestly I wouldn't put it past a real 'stand up' person with the means to create a farm of bots to do just that. I've interacted with some *real* people on twitter who... yeesh.


Oct 25, 2017
The image that its viewers are of lower income level (and lower spending habits) and thus the effect on the rates that advertisers (and which advertisers in general) are willing to pay for slots on wrestling shows. Whether it has merit nowadays or not, I don't know but that has been the challenge for the last 20 years.

Wrestling as a phenomenon has for a very long time drawn big audiences, but never has been given its due (or the monetary compensation) compared to other types of programming, due to the presumption of its audience.

(And of course I'd imagine the only major company being run by Vince may have had an effect as well.)

That's why you had the Westminster Dog Show causing RAW to be pre-empted, even when they had 4-5 million viewers.

Good point! I was only thinking of the billions WWE makes now.


Oct 27, 2017
Never said people wouldn't watch due to the tweets?

My point is that the conversation tonight should primarily be about what's going on on-screen - not the owners tweets.
Yeah what I was trying to say was that for the people that watch tonight they will totally forget about this tweet. It's only going to be about the show. The only people that won't talk about it are the actual "bots" themselves lol


Oct 26, 2017
Tony's Swole tweet got in the way of my enjoyment of the show a bit, this stuff though? Get those bots Tony! The people must know the truth.

hyped for Rampage.


Mar 10, 2019
Bots or no bots there a lot of fucking idiots on Twitter.
Yeah, a few days ago I saw people tweeting at FTR asking them to physically assault the Bucks and forcefully hold their shoulders down for a win on Dynamite. I realized then why I see people say wrestling twitter can be awful!


Oct 25, 2017

Alvarez talks about this and also includes a follow up from Tony.

Basically he has indeed commissioned an independent study that hasn't finished yet (hence the lack of full details) but they have confirmed to him that the majority of the anti AEW Twitter sentiment is boosted by bots.

Essentially there is a concerted effort to increase the visibility of anti AEW troll shit by gaming the algorithms by using bots to increase their engagement and make them more likely to show up in the trending and related tweets.

Now is this some nefarious move by a company like WWE or individuals doing it, who knows (probably the later). But either way, what he said is basically true.


Nov 1, 2017

Alvarez talks about this and also includes a follow up from Tony.

Basically he has indeed commissioned an independent study that hasn't finished yet (hence the lack of full details) but they have confirmed to him that the majority of the anti AEW Twitter sentiment is boosted by bots.

Essentially there is a concerted effort to increase the visibility of anti AEW troll shit by gaming the algorithms by using bots to increase their engagement and make them more likely to show up in the trending and related tweets.

Now is this some nefarious move by a company like WWE or individuals doing it, who knows (probably the later). But either way, what he said is basically true.

I just doubt this is entirely people being paid to do this. I can see this happening on twitter & maybe reddit, but I see the same anti-AEW and anti-WWE stuff going on on era too.


Oct 25, 2017
Is anyone seriously questioning it?

Basically you have some people who have taken the comment to mean that anyone who hates AEW is a bot and not a real person and you have other people who just don't understand how these social media channels work these days and what goes on.
I just doubt this is entirely people being paid to do this. I can see this happening on twitter & maybe reddit, but I see the same anti-AEW and anti-WWE stuff going on on era too.
I do agree that the very likely chance is that it's just a bunch or random, WWE superfan trolls who all spend their time posting and using dummy accounts to raise engagement. Essentially doing free labour to hate on a company they don't like.

Now if there is more to it then that we shall see of course if we find out more details later on. Knowing Tony I'm sure he will love to share the info once the report is done because he can't help but defend his product against hate (especially if he was justified like he would be here).

I would however not compare the anti WWE hate you get here to what is being discussed. People here don't have dummy accounts to go shit on WWE and to quote other posts to drown out the conversation. Here it's just a vocal group who (rightly in my mind) hate WWE for a variety of reasons and will gladly state that. There is a difference to what you see on social media platforms like Twitter where the algorithm is used to boost conversations that might be much smaller than they appear at first.


Oct 25, 2017
Pretty much agree with above. In fact era has actual anti AEW trolls here.
Also sometimes you see random Roman reigns avatars drop in and say weird stuff.


Aug 1, 2019

This comeback doesn't really work when the company she works for has to pump in fake crowd noise (or just outright mute the crowd) because the faces aren't getting cheered and the heels aren't getting booed.
I really hope he does not reply to that.
He will because he's a goof. Though it worked out that one time when Orton tried to flame him and Tony called him out for saying the N-word.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I really hope he does not reply to that.


Oct 25, 2017
I edited the original post to link to the Reddit story. Not sure how to copy titles from there but this was the tweet:


Nov 1, 2017

Basically you have some people who have taken the comment to mean that anyone who hates AEW is a bot and not a real person and you have other people who just don't understand how these social media channels work these days and what goes on.

I do agree that the very likely chance is that it's just a bunch or random, WWE superfan trolls who all spend their time posting and using dummy accounts to raise engagement. Essentially doing free labour to hate on a company they don't like.

Now if there is more to it then that we shall see of course if we find out more details later on. Knowing Tony I'm sure he will love to share the info once the report is done because he can't help but defend his product against hate (especially if he was justified like he would be here).

I would however not compare the anti WWE hate you get here to what is being discussed. People here don't have dummy accounts to go shit on WWE and to quote other posts to drown out the conversation. Here it's just a vocal group who (rightly in my mind) hate WWE for a variety of reasons and will gladly state that. There is a difference to what you see on social media platforms like Twitter where the algorithm is used to boost conversations that might be much smaller than they appear at first.
I'm not saying it's dummy accounts. Era is too small for anyone to waste their time doing that. There's a legit amount of anti-WWE and anti-AEW sentiment here. Which makes me think that a lot of it on twitter and Reddit is legit too.


Dec 12, 2017
I mean…say whatever you want about Tony 'Watermelon White Claw' Khan and his insane shit on Twitter BUT I wouldn't put this whole thing past the actual WWE (not some crazy #StandUpForWWE dorks on Twitter). There's ample evidence of how insanely petty that company can be.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean…say whatever you want about Tony 'Watermelon White Claw' Khan and his insane shit on Twitter BUT I wouldn't put this whole thing past the actual WWE (not some crazy #StandUpForWWE dorks on Twitter). There's ample evidence of how insanely petty that company can be.
You mean like how they used to leak the ratings to that one guy ahead of time.

that's a great way to add fuel to the fire.


Oct 25, 2017

I knew any association with Seth would turn out like this. Although the argument could be made that Becky would've still said something like this even if she weren't marred to Seth, but as a product of drinking the WWE kool aid for x amount of years. Come to think of it, not even WWE poster boy Cena would do something like this.


Nov 1, 2017
I mean…say whatever you want about Tony 'Watermelon White Claw' Khan and his insane shit on Twitter BUT I wouldn't put this whole thing past the actual WWE (not some crazy #StandUpForWWE dorks on Twitter). There's ample evidence of how insanely petty that company can be.

Will be interesting if it winds up connecting at all to the MLW anti-trust suit against the WWE. May cause more of their shady practices to come to light if they're involved here.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not saying it's dummy accounts. Era is too small for anyone to waste their time doing that. There's a legit amount of anti-WWE and anti-AEW sentiment here. Which makes me think that a lot of it on twitter and Reddit is legit too.
But that's essentially what Tony is talking about and what the report has so far found.

Anti AEW posts are being signal boosted by bots. Are those anti AEW posts legit opinions? The vast majority probably are, but how those tweets are being used to increase the conversation around AEW by gaming the algorithm is what the issue is.
I mean…say whatever you want about Tony 'Watermelon White Claw' Khan and his insane shit on Twitter BUT I wouldn't put this whole thing past the actual WWE (not some crazy #StandUpForWWE dorks on Twitter). There's ample evidence of how insanely petty that company can be.
Yep. Considering that WWE reportedly reached out to journalists to try and persuade them to cover the whole Gage/Domino's incident to sabotage AEWs sponsors, plus the historical examples of them trying to sabotage their competition, them paying for some bot engagement isn't far fetched at all.


One Winged Slayer - Shinra Employee
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
hey all i just got internet working for the first time today, we all set to watch rampage today and-



Nov 4, 2021
South Eastern PA
Pretty amped about Rampage tonight. Heard YUTA vs Mox is fantastic. Also my AEW crate is on the way. The last one was pretty fun. Got two more after this one, as I paid for a year.


Nov 1, 2017
30 minutes until history, folks. Wrestlers will exchange holds like they've never exchanged holds before. There may also be some "catch" and "joint manipulation."


Aug 1, 2019
The real thing I want an answer for is why I can repeatedly select "not interested" on specific trends and block specific names on Twitter but the platform continues to suggest those trends. I tweet about AEW maybe twice a week, and Twitter is giving me trends like "Corey Graves" and "Ric Flair". Like I give a shit.


Feb 10, 2021
I just wake up, venture into the thread to carry on what I was reading last night and then see those bizarre tweets.

What a trip.