
Dec 15, 2017
Honestly think he just doesn't like slow storytelling wrestling. If Punk and MJF would of done Car Crash Wrestling with flips and super moves and no selling he would of given it 7 out of 5 stars. But because it's "old" school in slow and methodical Wrestling it's just not for him. Which is fair and what makes AEW great something for everyone.

Except he didn't give the Bucks match 5 stars this time. I agree with most of his ratings for a change... except MJF/Punk and Cargill/Tay should have been slightly higher.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I guess it could be but I think y'all need to take another listen. To me that sounds exactly like Cody and absolutely nothing like Excalibur. Maybe it isn't Cody but I'd be stunned if it's Excalibur. If it's Excalibur then they did something to his voice cause I've never heard him sound like that whereas I think it sounds like so many Cody promos I've heard before.

Also, in the unveil trailer for Rampage Cody is heavily featured in it and says the first two lines in it which sound exactly like the "THIS. IS. RAMPAGE!" voice from the intro (though hilariously Miro says "THIS. IS. RAMPAGE!" at the end of the trailer):

EDIT: In fact after relistening to that trailer and the Rampage intro I'd bet money on that being Cody.

I'm confused, exactly when during that trailer does Cody say THIS IS RAMPAGE?


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
My wife found a couple of our old tickets from wrestling events we've been to. Ring of Honor's show from Aug 10th, 2007 and WWE Survivor Series 2008.

Who'd have thought that a random Ring of Honor would be *way fucking better* than the gutter trash that was Survivor Series 2008.

It's interesting seeing all the talent that are now in AEW across the two events.

From ROH there's Jack Evans, Rocky Romero (occasionally), Brian Danielson, and Matt Sydal. Claudio and the Briscos may not be far away...

From WWE there's Paul Wight, Mark Henry, William Regal, CM Punk, Matt Hardy and Chris Jericho. Kind of random how all of the people we saw got to keep their names. Well, kinda. They did acknowledge Big Show was called Paul Wight pretty much all along.

Hopefully the future of ROH is bright. I'd love if they start running shows in the North East again...


Oct 28, 2017
I'm confused, exactly when during that trailer does Cody say THIS IS RAMPAGE?
He doesn't. He says the first line in the trailer. My point is it sounds like the same voice that says This is Rampage in the intro. That does not sound like Excalibur.

Here's what I'll say: If Cody debuts on Raw Monday in Jacksonville and the voice on this Friday's Rampage remains unchanged I'll concede that it's not Cody. Because if it is Cody in the intro there's no way they would keep that line read from him once he signs with WWE. But technically it's not impossible that he could still resign with AEW (as unlikely as that would be). Otherwise, I'm convinced it's Cody. Sorry, I've seemingly made a raucous in this thread with this so I'll change the subject.

Having seen where the Thunder Rosa angle goes on Rampage I'm convinced that title match should not have been on Revolution. While not a bad match it felt like a good or decent enough TV match and not like a good PPV match. Especially on that show which was long and stacked with amazing matches. That match should've happened on a show leading up to the PPV then after that match you do the Leyla Vs Rosa, Rosa wins but in the post match she's jumped and injured by Britt and Hayter.
Then on the PPV instead of the match you do a very brief promo segment with Britt that Mercedes gets involved with setting up her match with Hayter on the post Revolution Rampage which plays out as it did but now Rosa is the triumphant babyface returning from injury and she cuts a promo telling Britt that their title match will be in a cage in her home town. To me that feels like a less clumsy and just generally better way of doing the same story they did.


Aug 1, 2019
Yes, that's the one

It all started with this and you can follow his comments from there

It got pretty ugly with Mark going as far as accusing a fan of not caring about Misawa dying in the ring and posting photos of himself with wrestlers as a way to show that he's better than everyone

And now this

Never has anyone on this planet been more appropriately named. This guy wants to matter to pro wrestling so bad. What a dork.

Deleted member 6056

Oct 25, 2017

They are going to have to put a mic on this guy on the air sometime.
Honestly if he just stalks the Ass boys and tries to be their promoter on the air itd probably go over pretty hilariously. Imagine him cutting in the production booth and doin his confused banter arguing to play their theme music of ass boys that he commissioned and holding up bigger and bigger signs.

I honestly hope that Danhausen joins Schiavonne on the air as an interviewer for segments tbh. His whole gimmick is more outside the ring than in it so may as well work with him towards that goal.
Oct 27, 2017
Some good shows this week. Just finished Rampage.

The 630 from Sammy on Dynamite might be the most unnecessarily reckless thing I've ever seen.... until that 450 to the outside from Marq Quen. It's a miracle he didn't smash his face into the floor.
Both moves were extremely well executed but they make me worry about watching AEW live.

Maybe I'm just getting old but I don't want to see wrestlers get hurt as they continually try to top the last insane stunt we saw on TV. Eddie Kingston being power bombed off the apron looked horrific but barely registered. If you add in the crazy bumps from Revolution, the Spanish Fly off the stage, Sting dive, Hobbs and Lee going off the stage and probably others I'm forgetting - it's a lot of crazy bumps in a single week.
Keith Lee doing the big throw to the outside just a few days after the same move injured Orange Cassidy also distracts from the moment because this catch also didn't look too safe.

Again, I enjoyed the vast majority of the shows but I commented in the Rampage thread that I was surprised there weren't more injuries due to the amount of high impact moves. Then on Dynamite JR said the same thing. This was all before Big E got injured on an unnecessary high risk move on the outside. Accidents will happen but I don't think there's a good reason for this level of risk taking from so many wrestlers on weekly TV.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
It's hilarious that within a year AEW:

killed NXT

took their most noteworthy talent who grew tired of WWEs bullshit

bought RoH (which was a main feeder to the old NXT system)

stocked up on trainers as well as current wrestlers who also act as trainers

And now has the pipeline that WWE doesn't have anymore.
Aug 22, 2020
It's hilarious that within a year AEW:

killed NXT

took their most noteworthy talent who grew tired of WWEs bullshit

bought RoH (which was a main feeder to the old NXT system)

stocked up on trainers as well as current wrestlers who also act as trainers

And now has the pipeline that WWE doesn't have anymore.

Although a lot of these are really surprising, the one that'll always get me is the Regal firing. I, for the love of god, cannot understand why would you let this man go! Absolutely invaluable as a trainer and someone who's got extensive knowledge of the business.

Hell, imagine the AEW backstage with people like Jake, Regal, Arn Anderson... gotta be a young wrestler's dream.


Oct 27, 2017
Although a lot of these are really surprising, the one that'll always get me is the Regal firing. I, for the love of god, cannot understand why would you let this man go! Absolutely invaluable as a trainer and someone who's got extensive knowledge of the business.

There was an interesting tidbit from Alvarez the other day RE:Regal - according to his NXT sources, by the time the dismantling of NXT was underway (and I would imagine most likely due to precisely that) he'd become "totally different" from how he used to be, was not in a "good state of mind" and constantly angry, to the point where (at least some of) the wrestlers didn't really want to deal with him like before. Someone actually inferring to Alvarez that they didn't consider him leaving a huge loss at that point.
One of the same sources then offered the comparison that Regal looked "like a pig in shit" in AEW, pointing at how happy and relaxed he looked.

Speaks volumes about the strength of WWE's reverse midas touch - i.e. they can take anything or anyone in their auspices and utterly cake them in misery and bullshit to the point where they might not see the apparent value in them.


Oct 25, 2017
There was an interesting tidbit from Alvarez the other day RE:Regal - according to his NXT sources, by the time the dismantling of NXT was underway (and I would imagine most likely due to precisely that) he'd become "totally different" from how he used to be, was not in a "good state of mind" and constantly angry, to the point where (at least some of) the wrestlers didn't really want to deal with him like before. Someone actually inferring to Alvarez that they didn't consider him leaving a huge loss at that point.
One of the same sources then offered the comparison that Regal looked "like a pig in shit" in AEW, pointing at how happy and relaxed he looked.

Speaks volumes about the strength of WWE's reverse midas touch - i.e. they can take anything or anyone in their auspices and utterly cake them in misery and bullshit to the point where they might not see the apparent value in them.
I mean, the "not in a good state of mind and always angry" seems like the typical character assesination WWE tends to do with some of the talent that leaves WWE.
Oct 27, 2017
I mean, the "not in a good state of mind and always angry" seems like the typical character assesination WWE tends to do with some of the talent that leaves WWE.

You also have to think, how much in a good mood could you possibly be in back stage after seeing what became of NXT before your eyes. He was probably overjoyed to be let go.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA


You know what that means
Oct 25, 2017
I honestly did not expect Regal to come out on Wednesday as emotional/gracious as he was. He's clearly happy to be there and amongst friends.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, the "not in a good state of mind and always angry" seems like the typical character assesination WWE tends to do with some of the talent that leaves WWE.

It is of course a possibility, but this reminded me more about what Punk & Moxley (themselves) told about the end of their WWE-runs.


Nov 3, 2017
First time seeing Swerve and really enjoyed. Sorta reminds me of a bigger Lio with more charisma. Looking forward to seeing more of him.

Also, loved this

also lol at Ricky sellin that punch. Think even Lee was surprised.


You know what that means
Oct 25, 2017
It's Monday. You know what that means. ❤️

Scott Hall ❤️


Oct 27, 2017
Barnsley, UK
Mark Henry gives his exceedingly accurate thoughts on Tony Nese

"I think that Tony Nese is a hell of a talent. I would like to see Tony Nese develop more outside the ring. Tony needs more bells and whistles. He's a guy that doesn't jump off the page on the microphone. He seems like a nice guy."

"I don't want to just see a nice guy. I want to see an opinionated guy. I want to see a good guy. I want to see a bad guy. I want to see somebody crazy. I want to see somebody sadistic. Who are you going to be? Who is Tony Nese going to be? That's the question that needs to be asked to Tony Nese is, 'Who are you besides one of the best wrestlers in the game today?' How many people look like Tony Nese? Not many. He is spectacular looking to the eye. How many people can just work any match, any style, with anybody, and do it as fluently as Tony Nese? Not many. So what's the problem? The problem is identity."


Official ERA expert on Third Party Football
Nov 2, 2017
Late response, but so happy to see Swerve killin' it so far

He was someone I badly wanted in AEW back in 2019. He's just a complete package in terms of his ability and look, and I hope he can go far.