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Oct 25, 2017
Btw, is it time to have the hard conversation about Thunder Rosa yet? Nyla match was good, Marina match was weird, Deeb match was great, Toni match was great, the first Yamashita match was great, but...her promos have rarely connected with me outside of the one where she didn't have her face paint on. I was hopeful she'd be able to take the ball and run with it and just deliver bangers while telling us how hard work pays off, but it's been a pretty mixed bag. Part of it is the booking and the lack of TV time, especially in the early part of her run, but part of it has to fall on Rosa herself (and on Britt's crappy "no one wants to hear more Thunder Rosa promos" line that exposes what I personally do see as a weakness, but hey, maybe don't point so hard at it).

She does need to be presented better and have more interesting stories, but yeah, her promos just haven't been hitting for me more often than not.

'K, I'll see myself out now.

(Push Toni Storm and Kris Statlander, and give the women better stories than just doing backstage interview segments. Jade and the Baddies still feel like the most interesting women's faction, and it's because they're getting to do stuff and are getting regular TV time. And because Jade and Stokely are stars who are knocking it out of the park on the mic.)
Part of the problem is as soon as there's a new champ, or a new female talent with a lot of fanfare, Britt does the usual burial promo that just grinds them to a halt. That shit needs to stop. She did it to Ruby, she did it to Thunder, she did it to Toni.

There are legit stars for the women's division that for whatever reason seem to take a step back in AEW. That's a Khan problem, and he needs to realize that maybe he's not the person that needs to be handling all of this. Hire a Mark Henry type like he did for the men's area for the women and trust the process to let it work.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
I'm not into Rosa, but the bigger problem is that there is no obvious superstar that should be leading the division in her place. Nyla's a total package, so maybe push her again!
There are a few that are more than talented and charismatic enough. Ruby, Statlander, Athena, Nyla, Shida, Toni, Hayter. I could probably name a few more, but any of them could easily carry the title and have great matches with the entire roster.


Oct 27, 2017
I think my biggest issue with the Women's booking, is that once the Champ holds the belt for a bit, it gets stale quick. The builds have generally not been great with challengers not really being built up rather than a single match and people get sick of the same type of booking, a week or two weak build-up for the Champ to win anyway. I don't think the same issue extends to the Men's division because those builds get more screen time and not just a single match or a backstage segment, and the women never get both.

It happened with Britt, where everyone(mostly) loved when she first won the title from Shida. But by month 3 or 4 we were tired of the same song and dance and ready for her to drop the belt. The same is now happening with Rosa, only we don't really have the build to the next contender yet. It also doesn't help that some of the matches have been either sloppy or there has been no chemistry between them. I think other than Deeb and Toni, none of them have been great.

Tony Khan needs to give the women more time to build-up storylines and not just on Dark or Elevation. There are too many deserving women that aren't getting any screen time. Where is Shida, Toni, Kris, Jamie, Athena, or Riho?

I agree with everything you said. Rosa and Britt are still my 2 favorite from the women's division, but they book them all the same. Even Jade's (who to be honest i'm not a fan of) stuff is already boring and old. They say the same shit every interview and it gets old fast. That wouldn't be happening if they gave all the other women time as well. It would give everyone more material to use.


Nov 1, 2017
Part of the problem is as soon as there's a new champ, or a new female talent with a lot of fanfare, Britt does the usual burial promo that just grinds them to a halt. That shit needs to stop. She did it to Ruby, she did it to Thunder, she did it to Toni.

There are legit stars for the women's division that for whatever reason seem to take a step back in AEW. That's a Khan problem, and he needs to realize that maybe he's not the person that needs to be handling all of this. Hire a Mark Henry type like he did for the men's area for the women and trust the process to let it work.

I don't think Kris Statlander would take Britt's shit. LOL

On a positive note, I did breathe a sigh of relief when I saw the graphic for ThunderStorm vs. Britt and Jamie next week. Featuring your women's champion in matches two weeks in a row isn't a thing that Tony normally does, and I hope they all crush it so I can get back on the Thunder Rosa train.

(There is a problem in fandom in general where we say we want something, then get it, then get bored of it quickly, and ask for "the next thing" like I'm basically doing with Kris Statlander, but I do want to give Rosa more of a chance because she deserves it and she IS good--even great! I just don't think the current run has hit the way it could be hitting or how most of us hoped it would be hitting by now.)


Nov 1, 2017
I agree with everything you said. Rosa and Britt are still my 2 favorite from the women's division, but they book them all the same. Even Jade's (who to be honest i'm not a fan of) stuff is already boring and old. They say the same shit every interview and it gets old fast. That wouldn't be happening if they gave all the other women time as well. It would give everyone more material to use.

LonestarZues, cut the shit. :p


Oct 27, 2017
Barnsley, UK
Best Dynamite in a good few weeks.

Three great matches in the world title match, womens title match and the main event, major long time coming announcements of Canada shows & Trios championships, Jungle Boy showing he can spit fire on the mic now, all the awesome Team Taz (R.I.P) shenanigans.

Cool stuff.


Nov 18, 2018
Jungle Boy's promo was a highlight for me. He's still not a natural promo, and his delivery at times was still awkward, but it shows that if you keep giving wrestlers promo time to find themselves on the mic, they can grow immensely. Seeing Jungle Boy cut his first great promo was really cool to see. Dante Martin's promo was the similar; it wasn't by any means a great or even good promo, but you can see a genuine huge improvement from when he first started.


Mar 10, 2019
There are a few that are more than talented and charismatic enough. Ruby, Statlander, Athena, Nyla, Shida, Toni, Hayter. I could probably name a few more, but any of them could easily carry the title and have great matches with the entire roster.
Yeah, there's plenty of potential stars, but no one at that Mox level. Because TK hasn't let anyone be established as such.

Captain C

Oct 27, 2017
If Hangman Page was the Protagonist of AEW Years 1-3, make Ricky Starks the Protagonist of AEW Years 4-6! Hell, let's have Hobbs and Starks take the place of Diesel and HBK! We'll have Hobbs win the world title first as a dominant heel, and Starks gets his revenge by winning the belt in an emotional journey to the top!


Nov 1, 2017
Yeah, there's plenty of potential stars, but no one at that Mox level. Because TK hasn't let anyone be established as such.

Statlander is right there. She's had her Becky Lynch moment with the Rampage promo before her match against Ruby. People are ready for her.

Athena also rules and could be a major player who consistently puts on bangers.

Toni Storm feels like she's finally finding her voice, and it's clear she can go.

Hell, Shida is still over and could run with a title at this point.

But yeah, it mostly boils down to Tony. He's got the raw ingredients. He just chooses to let them stagnate. Tale as old as time.

It's never just one thing, as talent still has to deliver and make the crowd care, I'm tired of talking about it already because it comes up so often in the fandom. :-/

Rooting for Ruby and Anna tomorrow.


Oct 25, 2017
If Hangman Page was the Protagonist of AEW Years 1-3, make Ricky Starks the Protagonist of AEW Years 4-6! Hell, let's have Hobbs and Starks take the place of Diesel and HBK! We'll have Hobbs win the world title first as a dominant heel, and Starks gets his revenge by winning the belt in an emotional journey to the top!
This sounds wonderful if Hobbs can handle it, but who am I to doubt the person with the two best heel turns in AEW history


Dec 15, 2017
Seems some people have made their mind up that Rosa isn't good enough to be Champion and are sticking to their guns.

For example, I thought Rosa vs Toni at Forbidden Door was great, it just didn't stand out on such a banger PPV. I read a lot of reactions since and many people (on a variety of sites) were saying that Rosa vs Toni was poor or average. It's the lowest rated match on Cagematch and it was rated a full star or more lower than all the other matches by Meltzer. I know it's all subjective but I swear these people watched a completely different match (or didn't watch it at all).


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
I had a rough journey to and from Dynamite last night, so I didn't engage quite as much as usual. I guess we made it onto TV (we were the people actually wearing KN95s during Moxley's entrance :P) but I haven't watched it back yet. We weren't home until close to 2:30 AM due to some car issues, but we didn't miss any of the show. Where we'd been lucky on Saturday to have a section in front of us that were really good at sitting down from bell to bell, last night we had a few people directly blocking the middle of our view that were not good at that at all. We had to complain to security about the woman on the floor in front of us, who stood for the entirety of the Elevation taping. Fortunately after that she wasn't a problem but it wasn't a great way to start an event after having a few issues on the way there and not being 100% sure we'd make it back home without having to get roadside assistance or staying overnight somewhere.

So yeah, I had to save my phone battery for emergencies, so no selfies, or trying to post the matchups for Elevation from me, etc.

But... good lord that first hour of Dynamite. What an amazing run of booking. The video packages. The ring work. The booking. The promos. The swerves. The title changes.

Good god we were eating. I can't wait to hear Taz's commentary for all of the above.

I was not a fan of Jungle Boy's promo though to be honest. His passion was great, but it was littered with sexist terms that should be in the dustbin by now. Even if it wasn't sexist to call someone a bitch or a pussy it's overplayed as fuck.

Jericho kept coming out and taking his shirt off. More times than you'll see on TV. I get it. He's gotten into great shape again, but the crowd were so over it by the end, and not in a good way. They did a bit for the crowd where he interrupted the 'send them home happy' promo and got a DDT for his troubles, which was probably supposed to be a pay off for all his whining and interrupting all night... but I'd have been way happier if Kingston had come out and done his 'try the veal' schtick.

From where I was in the crowd I didn't see any interference in the Garcia win, and no one in our section seemed to pick up on any Hager involvement, so I'm interested to watch that back too. Really good match though.

Rampage was nowhere near as good as Dynamite last night and there wasn't much star power in it, but it was nice to see a women's match in the final slot, and one that got decent time (at least before any editing). I enjoyed it more than the Women's title match.

My parents wanted to know how they made bodies slamming into the ring, and chops so loud. They were surprised by how hot the pyro was.

All in all it was a fun night. My travel problems and the dumb section in front of us detracted from it, but didn't come close to ruining it. And all of the FTW title / Team Taz stuff will always burn brightly in my memory as a wrestling highlight. We saw Hook win his first (of many) titles. What a great moment that was.


Mar 10, 2019
I had a rough journey to and from Dynamite last night, so I didn't engage quite as much as usual. I guess we made it onto TV (we were the people actually wearing KN95s during Moxley's entrance :P) but I haven't watched it back yet. We weren't home until close to 2:30 AM due to some car issues, but we didn't miss any of the show. Where we'd been lucky on Saturday to have a section in front of us that were really good at sitting down from bell to bell, last night we had a few people directly blocking the middle of our view that were not good at that at all. We had to complain to security about the woman on the floor in front of us, who stood for the entirety of the Elevation taping. Fortunately after that she wasn't a problem but it wasn't a great way to start an event after having a few issues on the way there and not being 100% sure we'd make it back home without having to get roadside assistance or staying overnight somewhere.

So yeah, I had to save my phone battery for emergencies, so no selfies, or trying to post the matchups for Elevation from me, etc.

But... good lord that first hour of Dynamite. What an amazing run of booking. The video packages. The ring work. The booking. The promos. The swerves. The title changes.

Good god we were eating. I can't wait to hear Taz's commentary for all of the above.

I was not a fan of Jungle Boy's promo though to be honest. His passion was great, but it was littered with sexist terms that should be in the dustbin by now. Even if it wasn't sexist to call someone a bitch or a pussy it's overplayed as fuck.

Jericho kept coming out and taking his shirt off. More times than you'll see on TV. I get it. He's gotten into great shape again, but the crowd were so over it by the end, and not in a good way. They did a bit for the crowd where he interrupted the 'send them home happy' promo and got a DDT for his troubles, which was probably supposed to be a pay off for all his whining and interrupting all night... but I'd have been way happier if Kingston had come out and done his 'try the veal' schtick.

From where I was in the crowd I didn't see any interference in the Garcia win, and no one in our section seemed to pick up on any Hager involvement, so I'm interested to watch that back too. Really good match though.

Rampage was nowhere near as good as Dynamite last night and there wasn't much star power in it, but it was nice to see a women's match in the final slot, and one that got decent time (at least before any editing). I enjoyed it more than the Women's title match.

My parents wanted to know how they made bodies slamming into the ring, and chops so loud. They were surprised by how hot the pyro was.

All in all it was a fun night. My travel problems and the dumb section in front of us detracted from it, but didn't come close to ruining it. And all of the FTW title / Team Taz stuff will always burn brightly in my memory as a wrestling highlight. We saw Hook win his first (of many) titles. What a great moment that was.
Oh yeah, I was at a Smackdown 100 years ago and the flames for Ultimo Dragon's entrance were CRAZY hot and I wasn't anywhere near them!

What I want to know is…how much Satnam action did you get for Rampage??


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Oh yeah, I was at a Smackdown 100 years ago and the flames for Ultimo Dragon's entrance were CRAZY hot and I wasn't anywhere near them!

What I want to know is…how much Satnam action did you get for Rampage??
Spoiler tagging this for you but I'm not going to reveal who won or anything. Just a few match notes about Singh.

He was used well in a couple of fun spots, but spent the least time in the ring of his team. They're protecting him well as though he's still quite clearly limited and lacking in move set right now they're only using him in things he's pretty good at doing, so he looked big and powerful and wasn't exposed.

I'm not sure what his ceiling is, but I think he's worth investing more effort in. Plenty of upside imho.


Oct 27, 2017
Spoiler tagging this for you but I'm not going to reveal who won or anything. Just a few match notes about Singh.

He was used well in a couple of fun spots, but spent the least time in the ring of his team. They're protecting him well as though he's still quite clearly limited and lacking in move set right now they're only using him in things he's pretty good at doing, so he looked big and powerful and wasn't exposed.

I'm not sure what his ceiling is, but I think he's worth investing more effort in. Plenty of upside imho.

The most important question people aren't asking (lol) is how did Sonjay look?


Oct 25, 2017
I think it's really cool how these talents that get to go back and forth to these other organizations take a lot of pride in what they're doing.


Oct 28, 2017
Singh and Dutt are such a great pairing big fan of those two. I get they have Lethal with Satnam so he has a veteran presence to learn off of but I'm ready for Satnam to beat the crap out of Lethal. Give me Singh v. Orange at All Out, have Lethal cost Satnam the win, and we get a post match beatdown.


Oct 25, 2017
One thing that had me howling during the show was Regal saying "I'm happier than a dog with two willys!" And the rest of the commentary team not knowing what he actually meant 🤣🤣🤣


Mar 10, 2019
One thing that had me howling during the show was Regal saying "I'm happier than a dog with two willys!" And the rest of the commentary team not knowing what he actually meant 🤣🤣🤣
It's weird to say that someone talking about dog penises is somehow clever, but Regal is really quick-witted and imaginative on commentary. Always a lot of fun!


You know what that means
Oct 25, 2017
Rosa's great and I don't think the recent criticism is warranted. But I will go on record (again) in saying that Stat/Hayter are the best face/heel in the division and should be tapped to carry it forward.


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
Seems some people have made their mind up that Rosa isn't good enough to be Champion and are sticking to their guns.

For example, I thought Rosa vs Toni at Forbidden Door was great, it just didn't stand out on such a banger PPV. I read a lot of reactions since and many people (on a variety of sites) were saying that Rosa vs Toni was poor or average. It's the lowest rated match on Cagematch and it was rated a full star or more lower than all the other matches by Meltzer. I know it's all subjective but I swear these people watched a completely different match (or didn't watch it at all).

Rosa vs Deeb was a contender (at least) for MOTN during the Revolution 2022 PPV. It's not really her fault that Tony Khan absolutely sucks in booking the women. The division has been an absolute bad joke for how long now? How long was the Deeb vs Shida feud missing between their encounters and the final match? Then everyone was asking why people wasn't invested on it. Having Rosa losing on Revolution with a feud that was a year on the making but was barely built in the previous weeks, just because Tony wanted that hometown win and "long term storytelling", when you could have had Rosa win on Revolution and just give them a rematch on San Antonio and NOT KILL THE MOMENTUM OF YOUR FUTURE CHAMPION.

Then Rosa is not that good of a promo, which is fine. Book her around that. Give her material that suits her. Book to her strenghts, not her weaknesses. Don't bring Britt who's the best in the mic in the division and one of the most over women to overshadow her. Give them separate storylines.

All of this would be easier if they would give the women more time. But they don't. And, somehow, we ask ourselves what's wrong with those segments feeling underwhelming and place the blame on the women themselves? when you're putting so much pressure on them because only them get to be featured in the entire show so they gotta make it count?

I don't think anyone is willingly trying to put down the few women's wrestling we get on Dynamite, but there is a bias against their matches and feuds, and people should start to check how they're approaching watching women's wrestling and criticizing it, specially on AEW.


Oct 25, 2017
I agree with Alex and SRS on the Fightful Dynamite review last night, this program needs to be where they move on from Jungle Boy and he becomes Jungle Jack Perry

Captain C

Oct 27, 2017
"Jungle Boy" Jack Perry works just fine as a name/nickname, and that way the banger theme never has to change!


Oct 28, 2017
I agree with Alex and SRS on the Fightful Dynamite review last night, this program needs to be where they move on from Jungle Boy and he becomes Jungle Jack Perry
They gave mention how JR calls him that anyway and I've always wanted him to go with that eventually. "Jungle" Jack Perry rolls of the tongue well.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Eventually we're going to get Adam Cole vs Ricky Starks, and that's going to be absolute fire (pun totally intended)


Nov 17, 2017
The situation with the women's division won't change until they get to wrestle on TV more frequently and have more significant feuds. Period. There's no creative way around it. They can't get over until they're featured more and, no, I don't really think adding Anna Jay to JAS or having Skye Blue accompany Dante to the ring is really going to help.

I do appreciate seeing them more but they really just exist as part of men's storylines, which is why Jade and the Baddies v Stat and Athena (and Willow) is so refreshing. Do more of that.

Rosa is good and her match with Miyu tonight was good if a bit underwhelming but that's no different than at least one men's match a week. All the comments about women's matches being under a microscope are 100% correct.

I think the next logical step has to be getting a third women's match on TV each week, preferably on Dynamite. There needs to be some breathing room to build up newer women.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Rosa vs Deeb was a contender (at least) for MOTN during the Revolution 2022 PPV. It's not really her fault that Tony Khan absolutely sucks in booking the women. The division has been an absolute bad joke for how long now? How long was the Deeb vs Shida feud missing between their encounters and the final match? Then everyone was asking why people wasn't invested on it. Having Rosa losing on Revolution with a feud that was a year on the making but was barely built in the previous weeks, just because Tony wanted that hometown win and "long term storytelling", when you could have had Rosa win on Revolution and just give them a rematch on San Antonio and NOT KILL THE MOMENTUM OF YOUR FUTURE CHAMPION.

Then Rosa is not that good of a promo, which is fine. Book her around that. Give her material that suits her. Book to her strenghts, not her weaknesses. Don't bring Britt who's the best in the mic in the division and one of the most over women to overshadow her. Give them separate storylines.

All of this would be easier if they would give the women more time. But they don't. And, somehow, we ask ourselves what's wrong with those segments feeling underwhelming and place the blame on the women themselves? when you're putting so much pressure on them because only them get to be featured in the entire show so they gotta make it count?

I don't think anyone is willingly trying to put down the few women's wrestling we get on Dynamite, but there is a bias against their matches and feuds, and people should start to check how they're approaching watching women's wrestling and criticizing it, specially on AEW.

We have to keep demanding better of the booking. It's becoming more important than ever if they want to retain viewers. If the booking of the female division gets any worse, I don't think my wife is going to want to keep going to shows, and I'm not going to go to shows by myself.


The Fallen
Jan 22, 2018

We have to keep demanding better of the booking. It's becoming more important than ever if they want to retain viewers. If the booking of the female division gets any worse, I don't think my wife is going to want to keep going to shows, and I'm not going to go to shows by myself.
I guess you live in the Chicago area if you're worried that someone's not going to want to go to the shows when they're in town. Where I'm at, major wrestling shows happen maybe three times a year, so we take what we can get.


Nov 1, 2017
Rosa vs Deeb was a contender (at least) for MOTN during the Revolution 2022 PPV. It's not really her fault that Tony Khan absolutely sucks in booking the women. The division has been an absolute bad joke for how long now? How long was the Deeb vs Shida feud missing between their encounters and the final match? Then everyone was asking why people wasn't invested on it. Having Rosa losing on Revolution with a feud that was a year on the making but was barely built in the previous weeks, just because Tony wanted that hometown win and "long term storytelling", when you could have had Rosa win on Revolution and just give them a rematch on San Antonio and NOT KILL THE MOMENTUM OF YOUR FUTURE CHAMPION.

Then Rosa is not that good of a promo, which is fine. Book her around that. Give her material that suits her. Book to her strenghts, not her weaknesses. Don't bring Britt who's the best in the mic in the division and one of the most over women to overshadow her. Give them separate storylines.

All of this would be easier if they would give the women more time. But they don't. And, somehow, we ask ourselves what's wrong with those segments feeling underwhelming and place the blame on the women themselves? when you're putting so much pressure on them because only them get to be featured in the entire show so they gotta make it count?

I don't think anyone is willingly trying to put down the few women's wrestling we get on Dynamite, but there is a bias against their matches and feuds, and people should start to check how they're approaching watching women's wrestling and criticizing it, specially on AEW.

The situation with the women's division won't change until they get to wrestle on TV more frequently and have more significant feuds. Period. There's no creative way around it. They can't get over until they're featured more and, no, I don't really think adding Anna Jay to JAS or having Skye Blue accompany Dante to the ring is really going to help.

I do appreciate seeing them more but they really just exist as part of men's storylines, which is why Jade and the Baddies v Stat and Athena (and Willow) is so refreshing. Do more of that.

Rosa is good and her match with Miyu tonight was good if a bit underwhelming but that's no different than at least one men's match a week. All the comments about women's matches being under a microscope are 100% correct.

I think the next logical step has to be getting a third women's match on TV each week, preferably on Dynamite. There needs to be some breathing room to build up newer women.

Yep. This is all correct.

It's important to contextualize stuff like Rosa's promos in the bigger picture of how Tony is booking her and the women in general. It's also valid to wonder if she's making these promo choices herself and if Tony is just letting her sink or swim...while asking if that's something he should continue doing if he sees that something isn't hitting the right way.

*sees P A Z eyeing this thread and scrolling past "the discourse" around all this. LOL*


Nov 1, 2017
HBK has always sucked, tho

You right now.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
I guess you live in the Chicago area if you're worried that someone's not going to want to go to the shows when they're in town. Where I'm at, major wrestling shows happen maybe three times a year, so we take what we can get.
If AEW don't cater to people like my wife who care about women's wrestling, they're going to lose viewers. Simple as. My wife feels that the women on the roster have all the potential in the world, and that a lot of them are better than a lot of the men who regularly get TV time. Seeing a trios tournament announced before women get regular tag belts really pissed her off, for example.


The Fallen
Jan 22, 2018
My problem with Thunder Rosa is that I don't get drawn to her matches since they've felt a bit sloppy and slow for the last few months. Her best match was against Deeb, but she can have a great match with broomstick. Rosa can't cut a promo that sells me on the performance gap, and with a women's division with a lot more talent in it now, it doesn't feel like she fits at the top of the card. AEW and TK do share some blame for it, but damn she's been the champ for almost half a year and I can maybe count two things I was looking forward to that had her name attached to it.


Nov 17, 2017
It's important to contextualize stuff like Rosa's promos in the bigger picture of how Tony is booking her and the women in general. It's also valid to wonder if she's making these promo choices herself and if Tony is just letting her sink or swim...while asking if that's something he should continue doing if he sees that something isn't hitting the right way.
Exactly. It's hard for me to critique the women too much on what they do when they get the chance because I have serious questions about their support backstage. Is Tony expressing any level of concern? Do they get input from experienced women (like Serena) or some of the men? Comments like what we got from QT a few weeks back make me seriously doubt that they are getting the help they need.


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
If AEW don't cater to people like my wife who care about women's wrestling, they're going to lose viewers. Simple as. My wife feels that the women on the roster have all the potential in the world, and that a lot of them are better than a lot of the men who regularly get TV time. Seeing a trios tournament announced before women get regular tag belts really pissed her off, for example.

Yes, precisely this!! A trios belt is absolutely unnecesary right now. Like completely unnecesary. Factions have been completely fine for a long time without it. But how much would a women's tag belt tournament have added to the show? Maybe that's coming, I hope so, but you have to prioritize what's lacking on the show first.


Nov 1, 2017
Yes, precisely this!! A trios belt is absolutely unnecesary right now. Like completely unnecesary. Factions have been completely fine for a long time without it. But how much would a women's tag belt tournament have added to the show? Maybe that's coming, I hope so, but you have to prioritize what's lacking on the show first.

Tony: "We sure do have a lot of men on the show. You know what we need? More men on the show AT THE SAME TIME."

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