
Oct 25, 2017
I'm surprised no one tagged me here, I'm probably era's biggest The Order shill. </3

The Order is personally my favorite new IP this gen, it's not without flaws of course but I loved the setting, the characters, lore, characters, designs, etc. Maybe it's because I don't play many games with shooting elements but I enjoyed the gameplay/fights too. So much more that could be added/improved for a potential sequel but at this point it's pretty much never going to happen sadly.

As for Ryse I own steam but not had the chance to try it out yet. I remember seeing the premiere of it years ago and it always looked a little interesting.
Apr 4, 2018
Vancouver, BC
I liked Ryse, but I don't think it's unfair to give it 3/5 or 3.5/5 stars.

It was good, looked amazing, had a solid story with good characters. The combat was fun and it felt good to tear through barbarians, but it was fairly simple.

I would have loved to see both games get sequels. Ryse especially, since I have no doubt they would have improved the combat and it would have been longer and more epic.
Nov 30, 2017
I thought Ryse was the worst game I had played until I played the Order. Both games had design choices that made them so goddamn terrible, if not unforgiveable.

With Ryse, the fact that every single kill had to be a QTE is literally the worst idea ever. You cannot have a 6-8 hour campaign and force the player to do a QTE like a 1000 times over the course of it. The actual game wasnt that bad. you had some good setpieces, boss fights at the end were fairly decent, there was a lot of gameplay sections unlike the fucking order, and I kinda liked the four different stances thing that they had going on. Just the QTE stuff was so bad i can simply never get over it.

The Order had better gameplay but there is only like 2 hours of it. I remember actually timing some of the non playable chapters and almost 45 minutes passed by once before i even pulled the trigger. either walking or cutscenes. entire chapters were cutscenes. the werewolf fights were atrocious and they make you do them like three times. which wouldnt be that bad if that wasnt like 30% of the gameplay. i am pretty sure out of the 12-15 chapters in the game, only 5 have real level progression where you go in explore and area and get into gunfights. the rest are basically walking sections or cutscene only chapters. and that to me is unforgiveable.

I can forgive games like Big Rigs or Anthem. bugs happen. games are rushed. But these are design decisions. Someone at Crytek thought that we need to have a QTE in a melee action game where you will kill 1000 people. Someone at RAD thought making an 6-8 hour campaign with 2-3 hours of actual combat was a good idea.

Seeing as how both games pretty much killed the studios in that they no longer make AAA games, I am convinced that these two are the worst games ever made.

The problem with ORDER was it was a tiny studio (think like only 15 people when AAA games required hundreds at this point) trying to make a AAA game with only experience doing already established franchise on a portable. Crytek already had developed 3 AAA games so they really have no excuse.


Mar 2, 2019
I didn't play The Order, but Ryse still is one of the best looking games I've seen this gen... The story was really cool and the gameplay was fun, but nothing amazing. I think people went too hard on it because the expectations at the start of the generation were sky high and Ryse was just an okayish game.
Oct 27, 2017
Las Vegas
The problem with ORDER was it was a tiny studio (think like only 15 people when AAA games required hundreds at this point) trying to make a AAA game with only experience doing already established franchise on a portable. Crytek already had developed 3 AAA games so they really have no excuse.

I know Crytek has had their fair share of issues over the years but I honestly feel like they might deserve a break in this case. Let's not forget Ryse was originally a 360 Kinect game that they had to turn into a more traditional action game in time for the launch of a new console. I can't imagine their task was anything but challenging.

Deleted member 224

Oct 25, 2017
The Order had QTEs in its tutorial. The game has tutorials for its QTEs. Then more than half of the game is cutscenes. Then there's that ending.

Ryse is equally bad, but at least we've mostly forgotten it.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Jul 6, 2020
Personally, I really enjoyed The Order, it was something different.

I understand why some didn't like it and they have a fair argument. Haven't played Ryse yet, was thinking about completing it before Series X releases to get rid of my backlog.


Nov 3, 2017
Haven't played the order, since it's not on PC..
Ryse is an impressive tech demo, reminds me of PS2, The Bouncer, beautiful eye candy, everything else is trash..


Oct 27, 2017
I got both pretty cheap so I was never particularly concerned over their length.

Ryse I enjoyed enough to play through twice. Really liked the setting.

The Order didn't leave much of an impression. Technically proficient but rather forgettable.


Oct 27, 2017
i knew what they were at the time, graphic demos (more or less). Ryse moreso than Order which strove to be more of a "game"

so with that in mind they were okay. i actually wouldn't mind firing up Ryse again if i had the time/hard drive space


Oct 27, 2017
Lima PerĂş
Never playe the order and enjoyed Ryse, beat them, 3 times (ostly because there was nothing else to play in launch windows. I wish there were more good looking games with roman setting.


alt account
Aug 28, 2019
Ryse was garbage. Only positive thing I can think of was the graphics
The Order had a legitimately amazing setting and ideas, wasted n a mediocre game


Nov 8, 2017
I never played Ryse, but I enjoyed The Order. Beautiful game that did lack a bit in the gameplay department, but still was a good experience.


Oct 26, 2017
Clemson, SC
I enjoyed and beat both.

In fact, I enjoyed both more than TLoU, for example. Much cooler settings. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Oct 27, 2017
I bought Ryse for $5.99 a couple of years back on Steam and for that price the game was definitely worth it. I don't mean that in a knock either. I actually enjoyed the game. The Order I dropped really quickly.

EDIT; Apparently I played a bit on Steam, but started over and finished it on Xbox lol.
Last edited:


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I beat both. Neither one is a good game. The Order looks better, Ryse has a better story.


"This guy are sick"
Apr 8, 2018
I liked both. Neither is great, but they're also pretty short and are mechanically decent. The settings probably saved them for me.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
The Order was really disappointing but that's mostly due to my hype going into it. Bought the collectors edition with the statue and everything. I wanted to love this game, but upon the first few minutes of that super slow crawling section in the beginning there were many red flags. Ultimately it was just ok. Absolutely still one of the most beautiful games this gen and it's look has not been replicated yet. Would love to see an RE1 remake using the same visual philosophy with that soft filmic/grainy look. Its biggest failure to me was those repeated boss encounters and how the exploration was just padding to reward you with the scenery.

Ryse on the other hand, I bought for maybe 20 bucks expecting to hate it. It was probably one of my biggest surprises of this gen. Absolutely beautiful game, and it was IMO the first game that actually looked next-gen. It was always what I showed off to people coming to my house to see the new consoles. The gameplay was pretty fun (in the vein of the Arkham games), especially at the highest difficulty. I actually ended up beating this game twice. The cutscenes/acting/ and direction were also pretty great so early in the gen.

I would love to see both of their universes explored and expanded upon. I do think both of them were more harshly judged than they deserved. I believe it was due to timing. Both came out before any of the big hitters on the consoles did and they were propped up more than they needed to be. Either way, I enjoyed Ryse more but I also really love The Order's universe and aesthetic. I would love to see both games make some sort of comeback. I mean c'mon Watch Dogs spawned a franchise and people hated that game (I didn't).


Oct 28, 2017
Ryse: very repetitive, dull gameplay and encounters, stunning to look at, wasted potential on the story/setting.

The Order: not so great game design decisions, some cool set pieces and crazy attention to detail, disappointing story... kind of an all around mess. Probably went trough troubled production.

I don't remember Ryse being hyped as much as The Order so I'm more upset by the Order failure.


Nov 15, 2017
The Order 1886 is still something that hasn't been surpassed in terms of that type of filmic cinematic quality. The materials, lighting and filmic lenses/aspect are insane.


Nov 2, 2017
Two nice tech demos. If they stayed in the over longer, might have had potential to be ongoing franchises.


Nov 19, 2019
I got The Order for free and played Ryse via Gamepass, and they're thoroughly mediocre. They deserve their status of being forgetten, and no amount of "But they're so pretty tho, plus think of the potential!" is gonna change that.


Oct 26, 2017
I actually really enjoyed The Order. Instantly fell in love with the look and the setting.
Wish the game were more varied overall, and the narrative more fleshed out, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a good time with it.


Oct 26, 2017
The Order deserves a sequel. Tons of potential and RAD knew what needed to be better. Too bad that dream is dead, this IP had tons of potential we'll never see realised because of a poor first entry. But hey, Knack got a sequel!


Oct 25, 2017
The problem with ORDER was it was a tiny studio (think like only 15 people when AAA games required hundreds at this point) trying to make a AAA game with only experience doing already established franchise on a portable. Crytek already had developed 3 AAA games so they really have no excuse.
Pretty sure RAD had at least 50-60 people on the team. they had made two gow games that were 6-8 hours long with most of them being gameplay. i truly believe the problem with the order was the direction from the top. which is why i hate it the most.

Deleted member 19767

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I really liked the Order as a concept. It was less interesting as a 3rd person shooter, but it wasn't bad. Less QTEs, better 3rd person shooter mechanics, same concept - I'd be there day one.

Never played Ryse, but I remember the first gameplay demo being pretty impressive. Can't say the setting interests me at all though.


Oct 25, 2017
The Order had/has a lot of potential. Obviously the concept and the graphics behind it were cool, but the gunplay actually wasn't bad. It just needed more and better combat scenarios to flesh out the game. A sequel could've easily fixed those shortcomings.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
Ryse was boring never played the order 1886 but it did have the best meme at the time. I sold my xbox and only had a ps4 at the time and this video was hilarious i still remember the controversy behind the game's length lol

This meme template is so good lol.


Oct 30, 2017
Beautiful visuals looking for a decent game is how I would describe them, I guess. I've played both and had to admit that there wasn't much there and what was there, was average to mediocre.


Nov 6, 2017
The order is one of the worst games I've played in the last 10-15 years. It's up there with lair actually as a game that I was hyped for and had major buzz from being a Sony exclusive then fell flat on it's face. The order is still absolutely stunning to look at, but holy shit what a pathetically bad game. Forced unskippable cutscenes that make up entire chapters if the game... This is not an exaggeration. Forced walking sections in an already incredibly short game. There must be a total of about 1 hour of gameplay if you take out the forced walking, and a lot of that gameplay is forced insta death stealth segments. Everything about this game is poor game design, on rails, poor pacing, woefully short, repetitive enemies, horrendous ai, etc etc.

The setting is very cool and the guns were neat as well. The gunplay really felt pretty solid too they just blew it in every other aspect


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 29, 2017
They were both fun and good games. But didn't quite realise their potential. If sequels were announced of both id be interested. However if that's the last we ever see of them, then so be it.
Oct 25, 2017
The Order was abysmal. It's like the pilot episode of a mediocre TV show if that TV show also had bad stealth sections and some terrible Lycan AI and boss fights.

I spent $8 and still felt ripped off.


Oct 28, 2017
Ryse was a mediocre button mashing game. The order was far better than the critics said. A solid 8 game


Jun 20, 2018
Never played the order but ryse , i really love this game and really really want a sequel ! ( By the same dev...)


Nov 16, 2017
I enjoyed Ryse. Not a GOTY contender, but a great looking game, with a fairly enjoyable "Gladiator" athmosphere. With a better combat system (which was not that awful, just too simple to get you entertained for hours), it could have been a really cool game. That's why I wanted a sequel, because I think there was tons of way to improve on what looked to me a fine base.

And I didn't play The Order, so I can't tell anything about it.

Deleted member 22585

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
I actually really like both games.

Ryse had a good fighting rhythm and for me, was fun and interesting. Even the story was fine, the game never bored me. Also, looked bonkers on PC.

The Order was one of the games I enjoyed the most this gen. Very cool setting interesting story and characters, lovely world, amazing visuals. Gameplay was fine, I didn't have any problems with the stealth sections, they were rather easy and predictable.
BUT this is only valid for the first playthrough. I can't imagine playing it again. Replaying some chapters to get the platinum trophy was a chore. The pacing and some forced walking sections were fine during the initial playthrough, but annoying the second time.
Would love to see a sequel. Great foundation.