Do you still care about the MCU?

  • never cared about these movies anyway

    Votes: 162 12.3%
  • don't care anymore due to 2020 happening

    Votes: 113 8.6%
  • End Game/FFH was the MCU finale for me, don't need more

    Votes: 287 21.7%
  • can't wait for the next one (and they should have kept on going)

    Votes: 263 19.9%
  • can't wait for the next one (but the MCU needed a time out)

    Votes: 495 37.5%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
This thread is weird. The OP feels like their from another timeline where the pandemic isn't happening.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm still on the train and looking forward to the next one. Didn't vote though because the options don't fit. The main reason they're on this extended break is because of Covid so it's not like they could have kept going. Black Widow would have been out in May otherwise. That said, a bit of a break probably won't hurt but I wouldn't say it needed it.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm so over superhero movies. In fact I was never into them. Superheroes have to be the lamest popular thing yet and it's such an over-saturated market at this point. Sick of it, can't wait for a new thing to become popular, Anything really.


Don't dream it, be it
May 2, 2018
I definitely miss going to see MCU movies in theaters. But whenever they start again I really hope they make more effort about inclusivity and take more risks.


Oct 25, 2017
I was already losing interest in them after Endgame so idk.

ATM they feel like a representation of the status quo pre-pandemic, both in terms of how clearly packaged they were and general politics stuff, so that turns me off of them more than before too.


Oct 27, 2017
I thought I was growing tired of the MCU movies but it turns out I just needed a break. Can't wait for the next one!


Weight Loss Champion 2018: Biggest Change
Oct 25, 2017
Sounds odd to say, but I think the Pandemic did these movies a favor. It gives the franchise time to breath, generates increased hype as fans continue to wait to see the first post-Infinity Saga film, and gives writers / directors / cast members more time to flesh out their stories / ideas / performances.

I'm way, way more hyped for Black Widow now than I thought I'd ever be in March.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Perfect timing on their account for a timeout. Endgame was so good it's a good time for a break too before the next phase.

And Black Widow is just unfortunate in every way, should have been released before Endgame anyways :P


Oct 27, 2017
A break is fine but there's too many things you can do now that you have this roster. The build to a new big bad could be done a lot better.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a film, you go to see it in the theater for two hours and it's done, every six months. I'm not seeing what the huge "Woah so oversaturated I just can't keep UP" thing is.


Oct 30, 2017
I won't be satisfied until I see Doom done justice on film.


Nov 8, 2017
I'm significantly less interested in the franchise post-Endgame, but I'll still watch the new ones. But because of that I didn't feel remotely sad or annoyed about delays.


Oct 25, 2017
Not ultra hyped for black widow(mostly cause the trailers look dull) but I'll still watch it at some point.
I'm excited for Shang Chi(Asian representation), Black Panther 2(Black Panther 1 is far from my favorite but Wakanda is dope), F4(Cause Dr.Doom), Thor 4(cause Taika) and XMen(curious about how they're going to handle them) whenever that happens.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm dying to see the MCU Xmen and Fantastic Four. I've been waiting patiently for 20 years for an Xmen movie that actually respects and celebrates the team I grew up with. I can wait a little longer.

Me too - can't wait to see how they will fold them into the MCU and who will be cast. I kinda hope that they will just start with Krakoa and go from there.

This. The entire premise of this thread is dumb.

Same. Of course the break had to happen with the world situation but It's something I would have been happy to see when it was supposed to come out.

The whole premise of the thread/poll is dumb, but I don't think it's fair to accuse those voting that option (myself included, full disclosure) of voting under a context that said premise is going out of its way to ignore.

This thread is weird. The OP feels like their from another timeline where the pandemic isn't happening.

I realized for myself that I would like to watch another Marvel movie again and for the first time in years, there was nothing immediate on the horizon nor was there trailers for anything or any marketing events. I was in the loop for the past ten years about the MCU and atm there's just nothing going on there.

I was interested in what the community over here thought about that. No agenda going on with this thread, just interested if people here miss the MCU or were invested in it to begin with. And of course I am aware that this wasn't a choice by Marvel or a strategic decision and that the pandemic has crashed the cinema market like any other industry around.
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You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017

The collective blue balls for blockbusters would be more pronounced than ever.


Nov 14, 2017
I still think falling to capitalize on Black Panther with a decent turnaround time for the sequel was a huge mistake. The film was massively more popular than the first (or second) outings of IM/Cap/Thor.

I think the good news with the time off and Endgame being what it was, the new movies will be almost a soft reboot. All of the villains (sans Mordo) will be new, cosmic scale events will be fresh, the Avengers (or other super teams) can completely reset their roster, and with FF/Xmen, the conflict motivations change. A lot of different directions they can go, and they aren't really obligated to follow the model of the big team up film if they don't want to for a long time.


Oct 27, 2017
I still think falling to capitalize on Black Panther with a decent turnaround time for the sequel was a huge mistake. The film was massively more popular than the first (or second) outings of IM/Cap/Thor.

I'm sure the next Black Panther solo outing will be huge! I respect the decision that they didn't fastlane a second movie, stuck to their release plan and also waited for Coogler to be able to come back.


Nov 8, 2017
i dont think they lost any momentum, but even if they did, once BP2 comes out i think theyll be fine, and Xmen vs Avengers will probably be the only film i can think of that has a slim chance to dethrone Endgame


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Black Widow is the perfect movie to skip cinemas and just release on D+


Oct 30, 2017
MCU will do fine.

The break is nice because Endgame really did need some breathing room. It has a heavy ending with so many beloved characters reaching the end of their arcs. It is like ending your favourite TV series or books, you have to sigh and take a moment to decompress and work through what you just experienced.

I hope they took this down time to look over their upcoming schedule and really nail down their overarching storyline because they are 100% going to chase that Iron Man to Endgame arc again.

With Black Widow I hope they delve deeply into Black Widow's psyche and the importance of family. Some people didn't put it together that her sacrifice in Endgame was important to her character and I don't think it was explored enough through the movies (She was never a focus really, always a supporting character). If they really nail that down it will be a nice addendum.


Oct 28, 2017
Voted that a time out was good, but I think if circumstances were different (ie. no pandemic) they would have been fine to keep going. It does feel that enough people feel satisfied with Endgame marking a more formal ending point that they do have "start over" or at least do some more legwork to convince some audiences that what they have instore is still worth sticking around for and getting invested in. I think if GotG3 wasn't delayed out of 2020 due to Gunn being fired, it would be easier to maintain the momentum. I also think if Black Widow and Eternals would have been able to release as planned that more people would be slowly coming over along with how Far From Home already started that process despite people saying they were done a couple months before but then want to see what happens for Spidey.

On the whole though, I don't think they needed a time out and the pandemic throws a significant monkey wrench in the timing of everything because they were on the precipice of releasing a ton of content with Disney+ and 2021 was looking to have more movies/shows/content than the MCU has ever had in a single year and now the delays sort of stifle their plans which seemed so thoughtfully laid out.

That being said, I think that the absence will only cause more demand for the next films since there are many fans that haven't tired of these films and there are many more ideas and characters people are excited for on the horizon. I think the break will make many people appreciate the MCU even more. Hell, when the U.S. first went into lockdown, there was immediately reminiscing on the theater experience and specifically in regards to how people reacted to Endgame. That is one of the biggest arguments for movie theaters and the MCU is at the heart of that blockbuster theater experience for many people and it would potentially be one of the biggest losses for many if theaters all died due to the pandemic, not just because of the loss of that experience for the MCU films alone, but, predominantly for many people, that experience (more than most films today) exemplifies the best aspects of the theater going experience.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Not in a rush, a break was needed but the next one up is Black Widow, so my hype is dulled for obvious reasons.

Looks like they're gimping Taskmaster as well, which is just a massive no-no for me. He'd body Widow in a 1v1 fight any day


Oct 27, 2017
Me, basically:


And I enjoy these films; I usually try to see them opening weekend. They just haven't left enough of an impression on me that I actually miss them.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Nov 17, 2017
I feel satisfied with Endgame. If they come up with a fresh, new angle on the X-Men and Fantastic Four, then I'll be interested again.
Oct 30, 2017
The success of MCU also depends heavily on the momentum of rapid connected releases and saturation marketing.

Loss of interest to covid was inevitable. The movies are nothing amazing and its not like time is making them better.


Oct 26, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
I'm much more keen for Black Widow now than I was back in April tbh.

I'd wager the long delay will only help them in the long run. People will be excited for it again, rather than just taking another MCU film each quarter as a given.


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
None of the poll choices really work for me. I enjoy these movies on their own -- I don't think they need a time out per se.. movies in general have just stopped coming out so it was inevitable. I have no clue how long it will take life to sort of get back to normal where people are going to the theaters regularly, but whenever that happens I don't suspect they'll have a significant fall off due specifically to the time between releases.

I also don't try and claim them to be better than they really are like a lot of people do. Most of them are *incredibly* disposable even if I really enjoy them.


Oct 25, 2017
richmond, va
for me it has always been a case of i'm not really looking forward to the mcu movies but i will watch them when i get a chance, they're fine entertainment

the only ones that ever stuck out to me much were iron man and cap first avenger

anyway, if they make more and explore new heroes i will keep watching them eventually


Oct 30, 2017
The desire to see the MCU decline in popularity is starting to border on desperation.


Oct 27, 2017

The Disney+ series are going to crank the hype machine back up, big time.


I believe the MCU has at least 2 more "Infinity Saga" left in it. They can do the Fantastic 4, Dr. Doom, Wolverine, X-Men/Mutants, Silver Surfer, Galactus.. not to mention, Spiderman alone has a treasure trove of characters and villains to explore. If they can keep playing ball with Sony and keep Tom Holland on board, the Spiderman films will always be a huge success.

I'm not the most well versed in Marvel knowledge, but if they can take something like Guardians of the Galaxy and make it a knockout success, they can take any obscure Marvel property and run with it.

Me personally, I'd love to see more off-Earth, cosmic Marvel films.


Oct 27, 2017
The break was needed. Looking forward to the Disney+ shows and can't wait to see how it progresses. I'm most curious about how Falcon transitions into being Captain America. The super soldier serum was a huge part of Caps character and seeing him go toe to toe with the heavys was awesome. Maybe if I read the comics it would make more sense, either way I trust Marvel to make it work.


Feb 3, 2019
I dunno, I'm not really invested in MCU but enjoy a superhero movie every now and then. Though I realised when watching Infinity Wars that you kinda need to watch them all to understand what is happening lol. It was a good but sorta confusing movie the first time I saw it.

I'd hate for it to be impossible to just want to watch one movie about like Captain Marvel, only for it to be hard to understand because I didn't see the new Thor movie or something. Or even worse: because I don't want to subscribe to Disney+


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Your poll options make absolutely no sense. The MCU isn't on a break. Everything got railroaded by the pandemic, and your two affirmative poll options don't in any way reflect the reality of the situation (should have kept going? Are you serious???).

The premise of this entire thread is flawed because of your poll options. You needed to think this one through.