Deleted member 1726

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
So yeah, I just fired up some Fortnite as I'm back playing it and on the loading screen for BR up pops the beta loading screen and I'm thinking is this really still classed as a beta at this point?

You could possibly argue the save the world mode is but I'd have a time arguing that the main mode of battle royale is still beta.



Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
May 25, 2018
So yeah, I just fired up some Fortnite as I'm back playing it and on the loading screen for BR up pops the beta loading screen and I'm thinking is this really still classed as a beta at this point?

You could possibly argue the save the world mode is but I'd have a time arguing that the main mode of battle royale is still beta.

If it's in Beta it's clear that things will keep changing. Not everything is solidified.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
R6 Siege ranked playlist is still in Beta after almost 5 years.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like the only thing keeping it technically in Beta is STW. Not really sure what else they could do with BR since major changes would still happen even out of beta.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Seems like it's just a side effect of the save-the-world mode being what Fortnite originally was. If it started out as battle royale, I'm sure it wouldn't be beta anymore.


May 12, 2018
I think the word beta implies that the game is still in flux and you shouldn't take stuff for granted.

I also think this mostly applied to Save The World which is still extremely WIP.


Oct 25, 2017
Beta/Early Access/Etc mean nothing anymore.

There are games like DayZ that spend years in an "unfinished" state before hitting 1.0. Some never do.


Oct 25, 2017
The PvE is still in beta.

As for the BR I can't imagine it is considered beta.


Oct 25, 2017
It's labeled as "Beta" so when the player rate drops, they announce the "complete" version and "re-release" the game and get those users back :)


Oct 25, 2017
You mean Early Access OP.

BETA means soon to be finished retail product in Epic's eyes, which weirdly they've already sold countless copies as is an Early Access retail code bonanza

The game keeps changing BR and StW, so they keep using Early Access as Google used any fn digital product as "Beta"
They get to rake in money, get people to playtest, if shit breaks down, pull out the "We are in Early Access" trap card ad nauseum

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
I have always defined alphas and betas of video games as builds of said game prior to public release. Once it's available on a mass scale , a game is no longer in beta. Unless of course a games beta was leaked online and distributed before it was finished. In which case that would remain the beta build, even if the developers finished it and released their newer version.

As for Early Access, it's a term that's been abused to high heavens in the past few years. I personally consider Early Access to be a load of baloney. But hey, call it what you will.


Oct 27, 2017
In Agile development, isn't everything a perpetual beta?

It really depends on the company and the flow of its CI/CD pipelines. But generally speaking, even for products whose development is based on agile methodology, there are still GA/stable releases at the end of each cycle.


Oct 25, 2017
I came from the future. Ranked is still in beta in 2020.
Actually they said a few months ago that the main reason ranked is still in beta is due to the sight misalignment issue and some other minor things, so once that's sorted out they'll be comfortable removing he beta tag. But also said that they kind of have gotten attached to that beta marker lol.


Oct 25, 2017
My guess is their marking point for "Full Release" will be when Save The World mode goes F2P sometime this year.

But yeah, it doesn't really mean anything more than something for them to point to when the game isn't working as intended.
Jumping on a zipline or flipping over a plane has a random chance of flinging you to your death? Early Access!


Oct 25, 2017
I realize that, but they still keep changing the UI, progression, etc.

I've owned StW since the day it came out, I am very aware of the content haha

That's true, and there's a bit update coming soon with heroes that is really (potentially) going to shake things up.... so the beta tag could still be valid.

Deleted member 1726

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Those saying it's early access, didn't it leave that? I'm sure when I started playing the screens said early access, now it says "beta"


Oct 25, 2017
Those saying it's early access, didn't it leave that? I'm sure when I started playing the screens said early access, now it says "beta"
This is the loading screen right now (on PC).


I think it used to say Beta when Battle Royale first launched, but it's said Early Access for the better part of 2018 to now.


Oct 25, 2017
London, United Kingdom
The term beta in it's old context has been thoroughly broken, most likely because the game in its early state became wildly popular and therefore profitable before the product and design teams had a chance to finalise their initial vision. I can imagine the product has essentially been held internally hostage by the business & marketing teams in the company.

It's been pretty fascinating to have watched the game evolve.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I always find it funny when they sell game content in beta/early access games. Fortnite, ARK, you name it. They don't want to finalize anything but your money spent on it is final enough for them.

The game has been stable and feature-complete for many months now and they're allowing people to spend thousands of dollars of in-game consumables (Save The World) and cosmetics (Battle Royale). The game is so "done" they are literally just experimenting at this point: 4K 60fps, crossplay and crossprogression, replays, tournaments, creative mode, literally everything is there so they have the time to mess around with teleporters, wacky cars and random shit. They are only ignoring the official 1.0 because the money's rolling anyway and they can use it as a blanket excuse when they fuck something up. "Oh but it's a beta". Yeah right.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Playstation Home literally never left beta afaik


Oct 25, 2017
Games as a service are essentially going to be in flux forever, and 'beta' doesn't really make a lot of sense technically speaking.

How many of these MP "betas" that come out 2-3 weeks before release are actually just demos?

Basically all of them, a real beta would be still be broken as shit generally.

Dark Ninja

Oct 27, 2017
Im sure they keep it in early access because it lets them get through the Playstation and Xbox patch system and costs. Which allows them to update the game as frequently as they do without paying as much as it would be if it were out of Early Access.


Oct 25, 2017
dota 2 was in beta for like three years
it doesnt mean anything

its like somebody else said upthread. they get a second wind when they eventually announce its out of beta and has officially released

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
Im sure they keep it in early access because it lets them get through the Playstation and Xbox patch system and costs. Which allows them to update the game as frequently as they do without paying as much as it would be if it were out of Early Access.
Is there any truth to this? Never thought about a loop hole like that before.