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Oct 27, 2017
Jesus that looked PAINFUL.

I hate that for these taped episodes they've inserted breaks in to the non-US versions. Although it is giving me sympathy for people who watch this on US TV every week and how bad an experience that must be.


Mar 10, 2019
I think I'll understand if Sammy just decides to not get up after that splash


Oct 25, 2017
Sammy about one setting on the razor away from the R9 haircut.

Also top 3 themes in AEW

1) Jericho
2) Hangman
3) Darby


Oct 27, 2017
The Scorpio Sky vignette is exactly the content they should have more of these days. Great way to feature the wrestlers that can't be there.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think they're going to have to pick a southern state if they want to tape next month. Much/most of the country is looking to ease restrictions here in the next few weeks. If it's not against the law or legal guidance to tape shows, they're going to do it. I don't think that's "carny" because every pro sport is gearing up to do the same. Regardless, they would likely pick Florida or Atlanta anyway because that's where they have studios to tape at.
Yeah, I guess I just think it's too soon regardless of what the government is saying...
Is there a reason why it has to be live for PPV? Hasn't TNA run taped content as PPVs before?

I can't think of a single reason why you would need to do any empty arena wrestling live.
True, I was just thinking whether 'live' is built into the contract like some of the Raw and Smackdown stuff, but what the hell do I know.
Not really posting on this site anymore ( for a lot of reasons) outside of a couple of threads, I just wanted to extend to everyone in here all my positive thoughts and well wishes. I hope your lockdown lives are going well and everyone is staying safe and healthy.

I just started my home workout and I was gonna put some sports videos on in the background and then I was like oh my gosh Dynamite! starts in a few minutes. I'm so happy and thankful that I have that positive appointment viewing feeling again in my hobby life. I did miss it. Stay safe!
Protect those positive thoughts dude, we all need them! Stay well yourself!


Oct 27, 2017
If they had known about MITB at time of the taping they could have made some fun jokes about AEW's corporate ladder.


Oct 26, 2017
Not really posting on this site anymore ( for a lot of reasons) outside of a couple of threads, I just wanted to extend to everyone in here all my positive thoughts and well wishes. I hope your lockdown lives are going well and everyone is staying safe and healthy.

I just started my home workout and I was gonna put some sports videos on in the background and then I was like oh my gosh Dynamite! starts in a few minutes. I'm so happy and thankful that I have that positive appointment viewing feeling again in my hobby life. I did miss it. Stay safe!
Get swole, dude! Stay safe.


Oct 27, 2017
"You know what suicida is spanish for? I don't know, but he almost committed suicide doing that."


Oct 25, 2017
A very different match than their previous one but still good. Glad Darby has something else in his arsenal to win other than the Coffin Drop.


Oct 25, 2017
Yo that finish was great. However, RIP Darby.
There are 3 things that are certain in life..

1. Death
2. Taxes
3. Cody Beats Darby
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