The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
Hate to say it but yeah, this is exactly right. I love the actual mechanics of the fight, but it's too easy, Calamity Ganon's design is super lackluster, as is the setting of the fight, frankly. I wish it stayed in the throne room.

Beast Ganon is the flipside of the coin. The environment it takes place in is amazing, the design is great, the fight is a fucking cakewalk, a complete victory lap, mechanically. Should've been outstanding but the boss feels like it doesn't work properly. He doesn't target you, he doesn't fight you, he just kinda wreaks havoc.

...Yanno, if that was the intention, that's kinda interesting.
To be fair, if you do most of the side quests and prepare your self very well, it isn't hard but that's the premise of the game. It's as hard as you want it to be. (Dark Beast Ganon on the other hand was more of a visual battle than the proper boss because he was ridiculously big)


Oct 25, 2017

Not here to re-litigate all of Sunshines many failings. But that final level/"boss" fight was just a cap on the whole unpolished game. Talk about anti-climatic.

Yep, and another poster said it was just like any other bowser fight. And thats simply not true like I said in my second post:

I usually count their final stage with their final battle, and even then all bowser fights in mario, 2d or 3d are better than him taking a bath and you using a non mario attack to kill him without really touching him. And still SMW, SM64, SMG1 and 2, NSMBwiiu, 3dland, 3dworld and SMO all feel appropiately epic or have a fun mechanic like his battle being an actual stage.
And that final volcano stage, that stage has to be one of the worst thibgs to even be in a mario game.
So in summary, yeah, I would say thats VERY different to the majority of Bowser's showdowns. Being 3 hits its not what makes one of thrm bad or good, is everything that surrounds it.

If you actually think, a ton of bowser showdowns (counting their final stages, or not) are pretty climatic and epic. Music, theme, mechanics... a lot of them feel incredibly special and a great end.

Not sure if I agree with NSMB and 3D Land having better finales (because I forgot those games) but I agree on the rest.

Corona Mountain was an awful level and kind of accentuated the worst parts of Sunshine.
NSMB was pretty normal (and a tribute to the original), I was talking only about NSMBWiiU, with Bowser destroying the stage and you needing to escape. I think this one is even more fun in multiplayer becuase is incredibly chaotic with every one running for their lives.
SM3dland was the first time that made Bowser fight being a mario stage (and still, theres a stage before it), so thats what pretty cool to see, as it uses the strongest part of Mario that is mario's jumping mechanics on a stage.

And yeah, the rest of the games are amazing in that respect. Sometimes they seem just easy, but everything surrounding them feels incredibly satisfiying and climatic:

Its like Koizumi really learned from his mistakes on Mario Sunshine and delivered in spades in all of his games after that :D


Oct 28, 2017
No, I get it. The mage dolls and genomes can't fight fate, etc etc, necron represents fate/death. Like, I get it, it's just not explained or introduced well. Necron as a concept comes out of nowhere. It's connected thematically but not explained well enough in the narrative. And I wouldn't mind that so much if the rest of the story were as abstract. It's like if the final boss of FF7 was MOTHER NATURE or something like that.

Don't tell me I don't understand 9's themes lol

He is not just a villain that can be introduced. He's clearly not Sephiroth, Ultimecia or Kuja. If he's death incarnated, he was introduced at the moment the first character died : p

Like, Kuja used Ultima and destroyed the crystal, what happens next? It was something that never happened before in this universe, who would explain that? It's impossible to get what was really going on in the end, or if the hill of despair only existed in Memoria, or if the crystal hidden in memoria was the actual one, but imo it's better than explain it like dunno, when Ultimecia is first cited at some point of the end of disc 2 in FFVIII.

Mother Nature being the final boss in FFVII wouldn't make any sense lol Tho the Meteor would be interesting.

Maybe they should have just called him Death.

He was Eternal Darkness in the japanese version afaik. I agree that Necron is a silly name, Death would be probably better. Before Necron was a thing, Hades was supposed to be the final boss, which would justify the criticism that it was just a random dude in the end.

Slim Action

Jul 4, 2018
The final boss of Wolfenstein II is just two slightly bigger versions of the dudes in armor you've been fighting the whole game.

You don't even have to fight them, you can run right past them, climb a ladder, and bam, you're done.


Oct 27, 2017
Dying Light, just qte and not even playable in COOP
Demon's Souls, but it got its reasons and fits perfectly within the story
Dark Souls, Gwyn was pretty meh for me, the OST felt too out of place and the fight was over in like 2 seconds, it was all very awkward. That moment fell flat on the nose for me
Horizon Zero Dawn, super meh, just another one of the boss machines we've seen a thousand times before
I guess Dark Souls 2 aswell, because the fight just felt anticlimactic and not memorable at all (even moreso the real ending fight)


Oct 26, 2017
Jecht is the final boss, he's Yu Yevon's "armour" in the story. You can't die in the bosses after that because they're just story set pieces. Yu Yevon is just an insect, trying to survive, under neath the armour and all the worship.

You can't die against Jecht either, he dies in 2 hits. Incredibly deflating with that amazing music for it to be over pretty much instantly.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
You still had to fight though and it was Pointless.
I don't think it was pointless because you're meant to feel Yuna's grief and he keeps trying to cling onto the different aeons to survive, and you have to kill them all and the last encounter being against an insect God is subversive for an RPG, and suits the story that the Yevon religion is full of shit because that's all their God is, just an annoying bug you have to put down.


Jan 19, 2019
You can't die against Jecht either, he dies in 2 hits. Incredibly deflating with that amazing music for it to be over pretty much instantly.
??? Not sure what you mean there. Braska's Final Aeon is a tough dude unless you're extremely overleveled or over-geared. I cheesed him with Doublecast Flare/Ultima and Copycat though.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't like the waves-of-normal-enemies-but-more-of-them encounters. Control, Bioshock Infinite, Arkham Knight... It's a real trope in Western AAA games at this point. I didn't like the tank in Horizon ZD, either.


Sep 8, 2018
Lan Di. I mean when I saw we could fight him I did expect we were not going to win, but I didn't expect it to last 30 seconds. Would have wanted an actual fight with different phases where he overpowers you at the end.


Oct 28, 2017
If it was a scene and not a battle, the player wouldn't feel how weak Yu Yevon actually was. It was a great way to demonstrate it imo.

Gameplay wise it's as pointless as the final Cloud vs Sephiroth battle.

That fight had at least the omnislash and didn't take as long.

But I assume you guys are right. I just thought it was tedious to fight every Bestia.

Mr. Poolman

The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Souls' Gwyn was a chump that took me less than 10 hits to kill.
Dark Souls 3's Soul of Cinder was the same shit all over again.

The final bosses are my least liked parts of Dark Souls games.


Aug 23, 2018
Recently, the one from the Outer Worlds

I just talked her out of doing the battle...

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
You can't die against Jecht either, he dies in 2 hits. Incredibly deflating with that amazing music for it to be over pretty much instantly.
Sounds like you did all the side content and had hilariously overpowered characters, which is great fun to see the boss go down so easily but it doesn't make Jecht a bad final boss, it just means Penance or Nemesis then becomes your ultimate challenge and Jecht becomes an amusing battle. It was a brilliant feature in old school rpgs and BOTW that you can over power yourself. Lulu's teddy can defeat the final boss on her own lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Lan Di. I mean when I saw we could fight him I did expect we were not going to win, but I didn't expect it to last 30 seconds. Would have wanted an actual fight with different phases where he overpowers you at the end.
Well the problem is, Ryo is still laughably weak compared to any of the Kung Fu masters he's met so far, not being able to hit most of them, and since Lan Di is stronger than all of them, there's no way the fight would have been long. Frankly I'm amazed that we got even 30 seconds worth of a fight, there was no way in heck Ryo would be able to land a hit on him, and the fight certainly illustrated that well. I'd have rather his bodyguards/lackies be a trio of bosses (rather than a quick QTE each) instead in terms of final bosses, as I loved the designs, but although I have many issues with 3's finale the final fight wasn't one, it was presented as it should have been - Ryo still being hopelessly outclasesed. Just wonder how they'll have him overcome him in the future though, because I doubt anyone wants another game that is essentially a training montage that's light on plot!

As for my pick, Its Yakuza 6's
Baby Iwami. I mean, I have issues with 4's final boss (great choice, bad fight) and 5's (bad choice, absolutely amazing fight, best in the series) but Iwami manages to be a bad choice and a pretty average fight. I'd honestly not even have an issue with that if the game wasn't the last Kiryu centric title... Just feels like a bizarre letdown...
I mean, its not as if 6 even lacks great choices for final bosses - Someya with some retooling of the plot would have been amazing but instead he gets to be the penultimate boss (but hey at least that was amazing!)
Nov 17, 2017
Calamity Ganon. Breath of the Wild does an amazing job of building it up to be this huge threat. You constantly see the state of Hyrule Castle as you explore through the game. You're told need to free the Divine Beasts to stand a chance. I mean, Ganon destroyed Hyrule! This should be the strongest most terrifying version of him yet.

But he's pathetically easy and just a rehash of the game's bosses up until that point. The final phase is particularly bad as he poses no threat to you, just slowly firing lasers that you'd have to be standing still to be hit by as you shoot his glowing hit me lights. Ganon should have been summoning guardians to the field to attack you, attempting to crush you, spewing malice in your path. You should've had to use the climbing mechanics to get on top of him and strike his weak points. It was so underwhelming.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
Final boss in Shenmue 3 is the leader of the red snakes. The rest are just interactive cutscenes.


Oct 25, 2017
That dude from Halo 4. Literally a one button QTE.
Guilty Spark too.

But its a bit unfair to rip on Halo for this considering the series is not about unique boss fights. In fact, At most you have rare big units like the Wardens from Halo 5 or the Scarabs from Halo 3.

In fact, I recall Bungie saying they purposely avoided boss fights in Halo CE because their design focused around nailing that "30 seconds of fun" encounter design vs having trash mobs and some big boss like other shooters had.


Oct 27, 2017
Speaking of Dark Souls 2, the Scholar of the First Sin is also really lame. He doesn't even move, he just teleports from place to place. In short, an easy target.

I don't make games for a living, but I have a feeling having an unmoving final final boss was a cost-cutting measure.


Sep 8, 2018
Well the problem is, Ryo is still laughably weak compared to any of the Kung Fu masters he's met so far, not being able to hit most of them, and since Lan Di is stronger than all of them, there's no way the fight would have been long. Frankly I'm amazed that we got even 30 seconds worth of a fight, there was no way in heck Ryo would be able to land a hit on him, and the fight certainly illustrated that well. I'd have rather his bodyguards/lackies be a trio of bosses (rather than a quick QTE each) instead in terms of final bosses, as I loved the designs, but although I have many issues with 3's finale the final fight wasn't one, it was presented as it should have been - Ryo still being hopelessly outclasesed. Just wonder how they'll have him overcome him in the future though, because I doubt anyone wants another game that is essentially a training montage that's light on plot!

Yeah actually, you're right. This is thematically a great fight, I think I'm just upset we didn't get an actual final boss haha
Oct 27, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
That's part of why it was underwhelming to me, though. You take down Trilla, the big bad of the game, only for her to immediately be cut down by someone who is a complete stranger to the main character. It just kinda soured it in retrospect, for me, and ruined the sense of finality. It'd be more like if you beat Mother Brain in Super Metroid and SAX popped up out of nowhere, landed the finishing blow, and chased you off.
A solid counter argument
Jun 24, 2019
I loved BotW but Calamity Ganon was very disappointing. It was too easy and the build up for the "big bad" ended up worthless.

Whatever the fuck that thing was in Persona 5 (vanilla). The boss before it and itself is so lame, in both concept and execution.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
I don't think the one button QTE bosses fall into this category. I think the players disappointment there comes from the lack of a boss fight, not the fact that the boss fight was of poor quality.

A lot of folks have this weird expectation that every game should have a final boss, but if you look at something like Uncharted, which doesn't have boss fights throughout the game, then why would you expect a boss fight at the end of the game? I wouldn't call Uncharted 1's ending a disapointing boss fight, you literally just walk up to Rafe and press three buttons.


Oct 25, 2017

Lore-wise, maybe Necron(FF9)? It's too out of left field to resonate with the rest of the story and just feels sorta out of place.

Not to say its design isn't neat. The setting is cool anyways.
My game erased after I lost my first match against this dude. I wasn't even hyped about beating him so I didn't restart until years later.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah actually, you're right. This is thematically a great fight, I think I'm just upset we didn't get an actual final boss haha
Shenmue 3 has a final boss, the leader of the red snakes who is the main antagonist of the second half of the game. Ideally he would have had a lot more to him, but I think Shenmue 3 felt like a charming game with a lot of cut corners because of its budget.


Jan 2, 2020
Kingdom Hearts 2 has the greatest finale to any videogame ever so my expectation for KH3 was sky high. Compared to what I wanted xehanort is incredibly underwhelming. Here's hoping ReMind gives me what I want!


Producer of Manifold Garden
Oct 26, 2017


May 11, 2019
Heroes of Might and Magic III Shadow of Death

You play as the villain (Sandro) first and realize how incredibly OP his artifacts are. You then spend a good chunk of the campaign to build your heroes and assembling your own artifacts only to meet a watered down version of Sandro at the very end. Incredibly frustrating for what is otherwise a GOAT game

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
Kingdom Hearts 2 has the greatest finale to any videogame ever so my expectation for KH3 was sky high. Compared to what I wanted xehanort is incredibly underwhelming. Here's hoping ReMind gives me what I want!
I think that's it, KH 3 has a cool final boss compared to most games but rather brief for a final boss in this series. Maybe they should have done a new form specifically for the ending where he combines with 13 incarnations. The old man version didn't seem to excite people.


Oct 25, 2017
TIL people didn't like the Calamity Ganon fight.
In terms of underwhelming mechanically I'm going with Soul Reaver 2.
Raziel obliterates his mortal self with the combined might of the physical and spiritual forms of the Reaver with zero threat of death as he's functionally invincible during the encounter

It's a fun power trip but completely removes all tension from what should have been an incredible encounter.