
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if he had a permit to sell that hot chocolate? Someone should call the cops to be sure.

edit: Beaten,.

Real thoughts: The parents are clowns for pushing their own agenda on their child who has absolutely no idea the scope of his or the presidents actions. It's fucked up.


Oct 25, 2017

Shitty parents having stupid influences on their kids is unfortunately not new.

Yup. This was in 1992.

Oct 29, 2017
Reminds me of a couple kids I knew when I was little. We were 3rd or 4th graders, and they were trying to get me to boycott Heinz Ketchup for being "pro-abortion". Nevermind that the three of us had no idea what an abortion actually was.

And in 2nd grade, the teachers took the class to a George HW Bush rally and a lot of them became Bush fans because they got campaign buttons. Also liked repeating a pro-dukakis chant from some demonstrators there, lol.

Yep. Children parrot and "support" things because they're young and impressionable. They like the big red hat that says AMERICA. They like the president going WALL WALL WALL because it's an easily digestible thing that they can understand.

I naively think they'll grow up, get an education, and realize the error of their ways, but sadly statistics say otherwise. Growing up in a house of alt-right fuckwads is very, very likely you to turn you into one.


Nov 9, 2017
The admission of influence from the parents makes me sick to my core. This child will grow up being fed hateful things and join in on the hate of his parents.


Oct 30, 2017
kids dont play bullshit,

my 5 year old neice is taught that heaven is such a wonderful place, and that you goto heaven when you die

so one day she comes to me and says "i cant wait to die", my 5 year old niece said this to me, i flipped my lid (not at her)

if you tell a 7 year old someone is going to rape mommy unless you build a wall, the kid is going to want to build the wall, its that simple

the logic of kids is very simple, they dont play bullshit, whatever you put in is whats coming out

Deleted member 9100

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Oct 26, 2017

Yup. Completely and entirely his fault. What a piece of shit. How could he not know better? I mean he's 7 right?

Definitely not the fault of the shitty parents pushing their agenda on him. It's cause this 7 year old is an asshole. He probably pushed his pro trump agenda on them and brainwashed them.
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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Hope he has a permit for that shit. Also, is the hot chocolate white?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Yup. Completely and entirely his fault. What a piece of shit. How could he not know better? I mean he's 7 right?

Definitely not the fault of the shitty parents pushing their agenda on him. It's cause this 7 year old is an asshole. He probably pushed his pro trump agenda on them and brainwashed them.
I called him a little asshole, I didn't say I was gonna punch him or some other shit. Chill the fuck out.
Jan 29, 2018
Kid has no idea what he's doing. Fuck those parents.

And honestly, fuck that CBS affiliate for reporting on it. They know the kid didn't come up with this himself or understand the complexities of the situation, and now this kid can be linked to his dumb hot chocolate stand forever.


Oct 28, 2017
This is how it gets done, Trump knows a lot about hot chocolate, not a lot of people know that, he's got people who know hot chocolate working for him, time to increase tariffs on all foreign hot chocolate buyers and ICE has been working very hard to detain undocumented hot chocolate buyers, because let's face it they're just going to steal and rape the hot chocolate anyway.

Official White House photo showing Trump visiting the hot chocolate stand to yell about productivity.

Should be a picture of trump in that stupid golf outfit after the "national emergency"


Oct 31, 2017
This isn't too surprising. I live in MA, and my 9 y/o has classmates that say "build the wall".

Trump is the tumor that's making the cancer really, really fucking obvious.

Deleted member 1635

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Oct 25, 2017

"racism will end when all the old people die"

Little did we know racist people can procreate too

This is absolutely not evidence that this kid is going to grow up to be a racist. I imagine a good portion of the posters on this forum had parents with shitty/racist beliefs growing up, but that doesn't mean the kids grow up to be the same.


Oct 28, 2017
This is absolutely not evidence that this kid is going to grow up to be a racist. I imagine a good portion of the posters on this forum had parents with shitty/racist beliefs growing up, but that doesn't mean the kids grow up to be the same.
Yeah the kid still has a chance but with parents like those....... It's a really small chance


Nov 12, 2017

"racism will end when all the old people die"

Little did we know racist people can procreate too

I don't know that this kid really knows what he's doing. It's more telling if the kid grows up as a racist as opposed to a 7 year old being manipulated by his parents.

My parents are very religious yet I'm non religious as it gets, as an example.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
This kid's mind has been deliberately poisoned before he even reaches double digits, his parents are assholes.


Oct 26, 2017
For all those shitting on a fucking 7 year old, remember, this kid really has no idea what he's doing and is just projecting his shitty parents. Go easy on the kids guys...


Oct 31, 2017
Really sad to see how his parents have already starting instilling hateful ideas and that people have given him over $1000 already.


Oct 26, 2017
Won't feel bad if he's ostracized. Hopes he wises up that his parents are shitbags as he matures and gains better critical thinking skills.


Oct 25, 2017
My kid uses part of his allowance to save up to buy food for the local food bank.

He is 9. He, on his own, determined Trump is dumb and a jerk and his wall is crazy talk. All on his own. We try to guide him in terms of asking why and asking him to think his thoughts through and support them. He's great and doing great and this is the last thing he would ever think of selling shit for.

These kinds of stories suck


Oct 27, 2017
I give the kid props for motivation, although having kids around his age I question whether they'd go to such efforts to raise money for a similar, and actually worthy, cause.

He'd be much better off raising money to fund his post-secondary education. Of course, it wouldn't get near as much attention and his parents wouldn't be pushing him to do that. Keeping the brown people out, though, now that's what you should be focused on as a child.


Oct 26, 2017
I went to a bunch of museums in DC a few weeks ago and I have never seen so many kids wearing MAGA hats in my life. At the holocaust museum alone it was like 10 kids wearing them (not together). It's insane.
I've heard they just sell those MAGA hats like crazy all over DC. I know they're a hate symbol to some, but I think they're just kitschy souvenirs to those who aren't properly informed.


Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I wonder if there are Fairy Tales books for kids where GREAT LEADER the coolest and strongest president ever Donald Trump has to save the world from all those bad guys who are trying to ruin America?

At this point it wouldn't shock me that someone has made something like this

Look at all that economic anxiety

Those V-BUCKS are getting harder to earn, think on the poor kid


Oct 24, 2017
I genuinely feel bad for him. I have a 5 and a 2 year old. They're sponges at a young age. It's just learned behavior.