
Digital Foundry
Oct 26, 2017
Berlin, 'SCHLAND
FWIW, one thing that is missing from the official lore (unless I've ignored it) is Chaos societies.

We know that planets and cultures tainted by Chaos can remain functional, but more often than not they put all their effort into war. How is life in a Chaos planet that has remained under the influence of a dark God long enough to become "stable"? Does Chaos see any value in actual societies? There was at least an entire alien race that venerated Slaanesh (imagine the fertility rate), but we don't really know much about that, do we?
A number of 30K Horus Heresy books shows a number of cultures that wittingly and unwittingly worship the chaos gods to various degrees. Some have more dystopian societies than others.

Magnus' home planet Prospero more or less used sorcery and had a spirituality that "kinda" was a round about way of actually praising Tzeentch. In spite of that fact it was known as one of the most beautiful, enlightened places in the Imperium - also with some amazing wine apparently.

There are a couple other cultures encountered that have chaos worhsipping elements in them, that beyond that fact, seem pretty "normal".


Oct 26, 2017
"While all of the Emperor's sons were transcendent beings, forged not just of physical matter but of psychic force, in some this quality was channelled into superhuman physicality, but others held the power to manipulate the Warp either directly or subconsciously as prophetic foresight, preternatural stealth or an aura of majesty beyond the mortal."

Shit, this is what Corax gets up to after the Scouring is done

Lorgar sold his soul for this kind of power and then Corax just shows up and wrecks him as badly as he did on Isstvan. Must be why he spent the next ten millennia hiding meditating

Corax is such a beast. Between his power claws, three headed power whip, and the heavy bolter he wields like fully automatic pistol, he has my favorite Primarch kit for cleaving through heretics and traitors.

Mr. Poolman

The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I always love seeing new people interested on WH40K and their shocked reactions when they hit to the wall of insanity that it is.


Oct 27, 2017
what do regular folk do in 40k? any cool video games they can play? do they sit around a table, rolling dice and RPing as people from the ancient 21st century?

Depends on the world.

You could be born, live, and die and never see a Space Marine or Imperial Battleship. Never no the horrors of Chaos. But, the stories follow the action so you don't see much of that.
Oct 26, 2017
Sangunius should of been warmaster
Sanguinius. It should have been him. He has the vision and strength to carry us to victory, and the wisdom to rule once victory is won. For all his aloof coolness, he alone has the Emperor's soul in his blood. Each of us carries part of our father within us, whether it is his hunger for battle, his psychic talent or his determination to succeed. Sanguinius holds it all. It should have been his..

show me your skeleton

#1 Bugsnax Fan
Oct 28, 2017
skeleton land
You don't want to be a necron. No one wants to be a necron.
Depends on the world.

You could be born, live, and die and never see a Space Marine or Imperial Battleship. Never no the horrors of Chaos. But, the stories follow the action so you don't see much of that.

it's okay, i've decided i'm going to live on a slaaneshi cult planet, but like, a far away one that isn't too messed up. just cool sex orgies or whatever. lots of cuddling and hand holding. endorphins for all.


Oct 25, 2017
it's okay, i've decided i'm going to live on a slaaneshi cult planet, but like, a far away one that isn't too messed up. just cool sex orgies or whatever. lots of cuddling and hand holding. endorphins for all.
See, it doesn't work that way. She who thirsts is, among other things, the god of excess. You will always seek more and more extreme pleasures as the ones of today and yesterday will always grow pale. Those cool sex orgies will eventually become cool BDSM orgies and then less cool BDSM orgies and then you have people actually, literally trying to eat each other while some fucker is making a flute out of some other fuckers thighbone while they are still alive. It will *always* become too messed up, cuz nothing is never enough.

show me your skeleton

#1 Bugsnax Fan
Oct 28, 2017
skeleton land
See, it doesn't work that way. She who thirsts is, among other things, the god of excess. You will always seek more and more extreme pleasures as the ones of today and yesterday will always grow pale. Those cool sex orgies will eventually become cool BDSM orgies and then less cool BDSM orgies and then you have people actually, literally trying to eat each other while some fucker is making a flute out of some other fuckers thighbone while they are still alive.
for flipping heck sake.
FINE i'll hang with the tau. they're cool and anime.

also i'm reading about your so called master of mankind. how come he's so smart but like he didn't give us videogames way back in like 8,000 BC or whatever. if he's so great why'd he hold out on us!?


Dec 20, 2017
See, it doesn't work that way. She who thirsts is, among other things, the god of excess. You will always seek more and more extreme pleasures as the ones of today and yesterday will always grow pale. Those cool sex orgies will eventually become cool BDSM orgies and then less cool BDSM orgies and then you have people actually, literally trying to eat each other while some fucker is making a flute out of some other fuckers thighbone while they are still alive. It will *always* become too messed up, cuz nothing is never enough.
the only ones who experience great sensations safely are the orks, the rest are under the threat of the lure of Slaanesh.


Oct 25, 2017
the only ones who experience great sensations safely are the orks, the rest are under the threat of the lure of Slaanesh.
Further proof that the Orks really are the big winners of most things involving 40k. Ain't no other faction having anywhere near as much fun and they've been at it for a good while.


Dec 20, 2017
if slaanesh won't let me use my fun-bits without descending into insanity, i have no need for them.

ANOTHER THING if the emperor is so smart how come he didn't see horus do his heresy huh? sounds like a big oof to me.
ain't gonna spoil it for ya, but you should find out for yourself why Horus betray the Emperor, and why the Emperor did not react in time.
Hint: he isn't the only one...


Dec 20, 2017
would living in commorragh be safer than a slaanesh cult?
No, in Commorragh, you are either a slave or a Dark Eldar. If you are a slave.... well you understand...
And even if you are a Dark Eldar, there is always a certain emptiness and rot in your souls due to prolonging your life artificially. If you go out, you risk Slaanesh, if you don't, your soul dries up.

show me your skeleton

#1 Bugsnax Fan
Oct 28, 2017
skeleton land
ain't gonna spoil it for ya, but you should find out for yourself why Horus betray the Emperor, and why the Emperor did not react in time.
Hint: he isn't the only one...
look we all have our off days, i just yknow, wouldn't claim to be the father of mankind, the eternal god-emporer, after making such a massive fumble.

okay fine, i'm going eldar. they're basically space elves right? they probably like to hang out and smoke a bowl or something sometimes.


Oct 25, 2017
I always love seeing new people interested on WH40K and their shocked reactions when they hit to the wall of insanity that it is.
I like to poke around the 40k wiki every now and then because of threads like these, and as far as I can tell, it's sci-fi with over-the-top edgelord stuff poured all over it in complete and utter excess. It's like Doom 2016's brand of tongue-in-cheek edgelord ridiculousness, but on a completely different order of magnitude.

Everything is doom and eternal horrors worse than death in 40k, and it's so over the top that I have to assume it's a sort of running joke among the series. Like, if a normal sci-fi story says "a guy gets up in the morning and has a bowl of cereal", the 40k version of it would go "a FALLEN WARRIOR WHO WAS ONCE HUMAN gets up in the morning FROM A BED MADE FROM THE SKIN OF HIS FALLEN ENEMIES and eats a bowl of cereal MADE FROM THE SOULS OF HUMAN SACRIFICES WITH A SPOON FORGED IN THE FIRES OF HELL" or something.


Oct 26, 2017
look we all have our off days, i just yknow, wouldn't claim to be the father of mankind, the eternal god-emporer, after making such a massive fumble.

okay fine, i'm going eldar. they're basically space elves right? they probably like to hang out and smoke a bowl or something sometimes.

Nah that would lead them into the path of She Who Thirsts, besides Eldar will happily kill every last man, woman, and child on any planet of any race if meant even a chance of saving just one fellow Eldar.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah, they are one of the fantasy battle races that have no equivalents in 40k. I'd imagine the Tyranids would be thematically the closest with their tactics of drowning their enemies under waves of fleshy things that bite and crazy bio-tech, but eh. The Skaven have a comical edge to them that is nowhere present in the 'nids.


Oct 27, 2017
Nah, they are one of the fantasy battle races that have no equivalents in 40k. I'd imagine the Tyranids would be thematically the closest with their tactics of drowning their enemies under waves of fleshy things that bite and crazy bio-tech, but eh. The Skaven have a comical edge to them that is nowhere present in the 'nids.
Aww lame :( Wouldnt mind see space Skaven


Oct 26, 2017
I wonder what's worse, being a chaos spawn or a run of the mill necron. Either way you are an eternally damned mindless killing machine.

Spawn by far. Tzeentch makes sure you're not mindless just so you can suffer for as long as you continue to exist:

"Chaos Spawn are as varied in shape as the plans and schemes of the Great Manipulator himself. The body from which the Spawn pupates grows vast with layers of muscle and sagging flab, enveloping the contorted skeleton and rapidly mutating organs within. Limbs elongate and multiply, fracturing along their length to allow for new movement before developing sharply articulated joints. Claws and bony protrusions sprout from deep within the creature's musculature, and internal tissues burst forth to form flapping, mucous-covered pseudopods. This biology is utterly incapable of sustaining a natural existence, yet it is given fuel by the unquenchable insanity of the being that has been transformed, for in his infinite wisdom Tzeentch allows the unfortunate mortal to retain just enough of their former intellect to experience an eternity of madness."

Herr Starr

Oct 26, 2017
I like to poke around the 40k wiki every now and then because of threads like these, and as far as I can tell, it's sci-fi with over-the-top edgelord stuff poured all over it in complete and utter excess. It's like Doom 2016's brand of tongue-in-cheek edgelord ridiculousness, but on a completely different order of magnitude.

Everything is doom and eternal horrors worse than death in 40k, and it's so over the top that I have to assume it's a sort of running joke among the series. Like, if a normal sci-fi story says "a guy gets up in the morning and has a bowl of cereal", the 40k version of it would go "a FALLEN WARRIOR WHO WAS ONCE HUMAN gets up in the morning FROM A BED MADE FROM THE SKIN OF HIS FALLEN ENEMIES and eats a bowl of cereal MADE FROM THE SOULS OF HUMAN SACRIFICES WITH A SPOON FORGED IN THE FIRES OF HELL" or something.

One of the great things about WH40k is that it's absolutely massive and can be just about anything you want it to be, within reason. One story might be all about cosmic horror, Lovecraft style, while another is slapstick comedy, and yet another is about someone surviving in the realm of cutthroat politics. Chaos has a tendency to go over the top, but the rest of the setting can be far more restrained. Even Chaos can hold back in many cases. If you read the Night Lords series of novels, for example, you'll see a legion of Chaos space marines that are quite self-aware and who, mostly, try to avoid the "gifts" that Chaos offers them.

I've run a couple of WH40k RPG campaigns, and the only times I really dial up the crazy is when I want to emphasize the cosmic horror inherent in the setting. The rest of the time it's been about the characters navigating a world that has so many people living in it that individual humans are nearly worthless, and them trying to stake out some kind of a claim in the midst of all that.

WH40k is absolutely massive in scale. It's not just one thing, it's a million different things.


Jul 17, 2019
I always wanted to know just where the f the Emperor was during the Golden Age of Technology? Humanity was at its apex, to the point where Eldar and EVEN DA ORKZ signed non-aggression pacts with them. Was he just looking around going, "Yay science bros!" and thinking his job was done?

I mean after the Iron Men war kind of wrecked everything it makes sense that the Emperor would just say "Enough of this shit, I'll do it myself", but what was he up to before that? Did that dummy BUILD the Iron Men? Would the Emperor have created some kind of incredible killing machine race to do his dirty work, only to have it turn around and kick over his sandcastle? He would NEVER do something like that!

I bet he did it.
Oct 26, 2017
I always wanted to know just where the f the Emperor was during the Golden Age of Technology? Humanity was at its apex, to the point where Eldar and EVEN DA ORKZ signed non-aggression pacts with them. Was he just looking around going, "Yay science bros!" and thinking his job was done?

I mean after the Iron Men war kind of wrecked everything it makes sense that the Emperor would just say "Enough of this shit, I'll do it myself", but what was he up to before that? Did that dummy BUILD the Iron Men? Would the Emperor have created some kind of incredible killing machine race to do his dirty work, only to have it turn around and kick over his sandcastle? He would NEVER do something like that!

I bet he did it.

I think the emps was, during that age a man behind the scenes plucking strings. It all went to shit. And he realized he can't just sit aside anymore. The psykic awakening of the species is nearing and to prep humanity for survival he needed to directly take the reigns.

Also golden age humans made Chrono vores. Robots that literally ate space time and warp Jesus, no wonder Orks didn't want to fight them


Sep 3, 2019
I thought Horus betrayed the Emperor because Lorgar corrupted him

Horus didn't freely choose to betray Emps

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User requested account closure
Nov 12, 2017
I thought Horus betrayed the Emperor because Lorgar corrupted him

Horus didn't freely choose to betray Emps
It was Erebus, Lorgars lackey and universally hated asshole, to plant the seeds of chaos. Eventually It took the 4 chaos gods themselves to fully turn Horus when he was in a coma like state after being mortally wounded.


Jul 17, 2019
I am trying to remember now but I think the seeds were planted already and the stabbing with the corrupted dagger was only successful because of the earlier seeds of doubt.

It didn't help that the Emperor kept the Primarchs out of the loop on the Webway project. He basically ghosted his boys, and they all took that a bit personally. The knife twisted after he installed a bunch of dinky mortals as the Terra Lords instead of his kids.

If he had literally just told Magnus, his psyker-homey, what he was up to under the mountains, a lot of the tragedy would have been averted.

But I don't think Emperor REALLY grasped human emotions, outside of as abstract concepts, and so couldn't get how his slights to the Primarchs, not considering their FEELINGS on the matter, showed he really didn't know how individuals ticked.

Also didn't he burn the last Catholic priest alive or some shit after they failed to convert each other?

(Gods I love 40k lore)


Oct 25, 2017
It didn't help that the Emperor kept the Primarchs out of the loop on the Webway project. He basically ghosted his boys, and they all took that a bit personally. The knife twisted after he installed a bunch of dinky mortals as the Terra Lords instead of his kids.

If he had literally just told Magnus, his psyker-homey, what he was up to under the mountains, a lot of the tragedy would have been averted.

But I don't think Emperor REALLY grasped human emotions, outside of as abstract concepts, and so couldn't get how his slights to the Primarchs, not considering their FEELINGS on the matter, showed he really didn't know how individuals ticked.

Also didn't he burn the last Catholic priest alive or some shit after they failed to convert each other?

(Gods I love 40k lore)

IIRC the priest chooses to die. The Emperor doesn't actually kill him. Also I mentioned earlier that his love for his children was the cause for not telling his children anything and that was his biggest error. As love leads to the webway project being destroyed as well as his death and being installed in the golden throne.
Oct 26, 2017

fine, imperial guard. those guys must rock.
Think WW1 style tactics (mass charging heavily fortified emplacements for example) on a galactic scale. "Cannon fodder" is putting it lightly.
Oh, and in case you have second thoughts, there are commissars whose job it is to execute anybody showing signs of weakness in order to stiffen the resolve of the rest of the troopers.

A commissars job is to be a greater source of fear than the enemy itself


Jul 17, 2019
IIRC the priest chooses to die. The Emperor doesn't actually kill him. Also I mentioned earlier that his love for his children was the cause for not telling his children anything and that was his biggest error. As love leads to the webway project being destroyed as well as his death and being installed in the golden throne.

I wonder what his plan was for the Golden Throne. Was he always planning to be permanently plugged in? Or would he have asked Magnus?

He's a lot like a 50s stereotypical dad: loves his kids, is really SHIT at expressing it