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Oct 29, 2017
I can see Sanders, Warren, Harris, and even O'Rourke bringing these things up. The latter 2 seem more conventional in the substance of their politics, particularly O'Rourke, but I think in terms of style, they seem willing to be bold. IDK about the others.

Bernie would be in the best position to nuke him from orbit on stage. He could easily paint picking Abrams as establishment already looking past having to be nominated, and Abrams as a token pick compared with the diverse staff of women he's hired.


Apr 19, 2018
He'll legally have to report his numbers soon, so having your website say you can get to the debates doesn't actually get him to the debates. Saying he has enough money/donors does the opposite of favor him if he doesn't have that money.

Hes probably got the donations lined up just because lying about it and then having your lie publicized a few weeks later is incredibly stupid. But then again maybe Yangs like a gambling addict and is absolutely SURE he will have the donors before filing time so whats the harm in saying hes got them now?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
You can do it yourself, unless maybe the tweet got deleted because it was already fixed
No, what they're saying is that the number reported is true, but there's a glitch that changes the number based on date/time. Not that it doesn't change when you change your date/time, but that the fact that it does is a glitch but the numbers themselves are real.


Apr 19, 2018
No, what they're saying is that the number reported is true, but there's a glitch that changes the number based on date/time. Not that it doesn't change when you change your date/time, but that the fact that it does is a glitch but the numbers themselves are real.

Yea its just a busted website, would be funny if his numbers were fake but like I said earlier it would be incredibly stupid to fake those numbers since theyre compelled by law to release them every quarter. Just a funny thing to laugh at to Take my attention off Stacey Abrahms (please be smart enough to turn Bidens offer down!!!!)
Mar 9, 2018
Bernie would be in the best position to nuke him from orbit on stage. He could easily paint picking Abrams as establishment already looking past having to be nominated, and Abrams as a token pick compared with the diverse staff of women he's hired.
Maybe. I think the establishment angle can work to Sanders' benefit. I think it it can work too because it's an actual, real danger for Biden in doing this. It feels like Biden is trying to choke the field, trying to suppress the primary. I think it will antagonize many people, particularly in the Sanders wing.

And anyway, Harris probably would be well positioned, too. She's a black woman , and has tacked left mostly in the primary. Despite some of her record, I think she could be uniquely positioned to attack Biden on his record with black women and black people in general more broadly.

Warren already showed she is willing to go there to some level when she said virulent homophobe Mike Pence is not a decent person, disagreeing with Joe Biden.

I think it would be good if people brought the claws out.
Oct 25, 2017

A Rolling Stone journalist and author canceled one of his two appearances at a humanities festival in Chicago on Saturday after backlash over a memoir he co-wrote in 2000, which critics say recounts his sexual harassment of female employees.

The 47-year-old Taibbi has come under fire in recent days after an NPR journalist asked him during an interview about the memoir, "The Exile: Sex, Drugs and Libel in the New Russia," which chronicles his time as the editor of an English language newspaper in Russia.

The book, co-written by Taibbi and another editor at the paper, Mark Ames, contains passages seemingly detailing mistreatment, sexual harassment and even assaults of their female staff and other young women.


Independent Developer
Nov 25, 2017
he also states he's a friend of Sirota's, so forgive me if I don't unilaterally believe his word on the subject. I think we'll just have to wait until the smoke clears up on this.

Well the journalist of the article isn't really helping the credibility of his side either with shit like this:



Oct 29, 2017
I think it would be good if people brought the claws out.

Agreed on everything you said.

I'd also like to point out that if Abrams were smart, she would say no to this. She is going to be completely dragged by the left in an ugly primary fight, and the right because...well, they're the right.

This is not going to be some smooth coronation. Nobody is going down without a fight.


Independent Developer
Nov 25, 2017
He has clarified that on his twitter.

That's not the issue though. The man made an article about the lack of transparency of another journalist and posts a tweet with the date cropped out, only to 'correct' the date with an incorrect date. The journalism is just straight up sloppy.

When the article is predicated on a presumed timeline, one would hope that getting the dates right would be something the author is competent at.

EDIT: And how the hell did he mistake CHRISTMAS DAY for the 27th anyway?
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Oct 26, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Bernie didn't go in 2016, no reason to expect he would've done so this time around when the tide has definitely started turning.


Oct 27, 2017
Abrams is a great VP candidate. But it's unfair and shitty for Biden to pick her before getting the nom. So he gets a second person to help compensate for his weaknesses, but none of the other candidates do at this point?


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
Abrams is a great VP candidate. But it's unfair and shitty for Biden to pick her before getting the nom. So he gets a second person to help compensate for his weaknesses, but none of the other candidates do at this point?
Most likely the other candidates who get the nomination would pick the second runner up or someone else who came close as their VP nominee. Can't really announce them as your VP at this point
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