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Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
something like the two popes is oscar bait - bad cheesy simplistic film that superficially tackles a "worthy issue", like the post or the darkest hour or the kings speech or the theory of everything or whatever that code cracking one is and everyone's fav green book. cinema that only old middlebrow oscar voters enjoy.



Oct 27, 2017
nah... maybe "oscar aimed" at most. like, The Irishman (imo movie of 2019) was more oscar bait by metric


May 30, 2019
Only going to see this next week because of Roger Deakins and his cinematography. Couldn't care less about the one shot gimmick.


Oct 27, 2017
Going to see it in a couple of hours.

Only thing that really irks me is how it's being promoted as a one-shot film when it's only been edited to appear that way. What they've done seems impressive in its own right without gilding the lily.
Still a big achievement though, as it consists of many long takes in very elaborate sets and often with a lot of extra's or action going on. I also think you should not only consider the achievement in itself, but the reasons why it is shot this way. I found it really effective in taking you along on this journey with these two characters and (especially in the second half) driving home the timelock without every showing the clock itself. It's the changing light and the distances and the action that makes it so tense in the end. I think that's why it's lauded for being a one shot movie.

That said, the hidden cuts are often quite noticable if you have an eye for it (but most audience members won't notice), and the technique has it's narrative limits (sometimes you crave for an insert or a reverse shot).

Oh, and even without the hidden cuts, it's actually TWO shots, lol.


Oct 28, 2017
Saving Private Ryan is saccharine syrupy shite compared to this film. And even this one has elements of laden moralising and heart. It's about as "Oscar bait" as Dunkirk.
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Oct 27, 2017
Judy is a better example of an Oscar-bait movie. Biopic about a Hollywood star who is fighting her demons caused by an abusive past (but with song and dance numbers!). Bored me to tears.


Oct 29, 2017
I really do not like the "this whole movie is one continuous shoot" concept of filmmaking. Its just way too much. Birdman was a goddamn nightmare because of it. It's this like that? Unrelenting, frantic and exhausting? Being a war movie makes me think it will be.
Oct 27, 2017
I'm interested mainly for the cinematography. WWII movies are typically a snooze for me but after hearing about Deakins being involved my ears perked up.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly I'd probably say that would be Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. It's one of my favorite movies of last year but a movie about how awesome Hollywood was with that cast is definitely set up to win those folks over.

Really, oscar bait can mean pretty much anything lol


Oct 28, 2017
I really do not like the "this whole movie is one continuous shoot" concept of filmmaking. Its just way too much. Birdman was a goddamn nightmare because of it. It's this like that? Unrelenting, frantic and exhausting? Being a war movie makes me think it will be.

It's not as relentless as Birdman, which basically has one speed. Despite aspiring to the single take it has many parts where it decides to slow down the narrative. Feels like much more of a journey than Birdman. It certainly is exhausting but not because it's frantic, it also gives time to levity and relief.

Emergency & I

Oct 27, 2017
Thought it was exceptional. Saying it lacks substance makes me believe you didn't understand the substance being captured.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a damn good movie, and it felt like a fitting companion piece to that WW1 Peter Jackson documentary.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
I don't like that people dismiss films with amazing visuals as if it doesn't count for anything. Film is an audio visual art form.

Imagine pointing to an abstract painting and saying 'It's just style'.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't like that people dismiss films with amazing visuals as if it doesn't count for anything. Film is an audio visual art form.

Imagine pointing to an abstract painting and saying 'It's just style'.

On the other hand it can also be expected for truly acclaimed films to have style and substance. I can't speak to 1917 yet, I'm seeing it in two hours.


Jul 6, 2019
I can't believe this thread title exists for the same year that had Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. It's almost impossible to have a more Oscar-baity movie than that. (I love the movie, but it's a movie with lots of big names attached, about the film and TV industry, in the 1960s, and Oscar voters just love movies about themselves and what they do.)

Seeing 1917 tonight and am pretty excited. Didn't know it was a one-shot type of movie until this thread though.
Oct 28, 2017
Sam Mendes is a highly overrated director.

These hyped-up virtuoso cinematic gimmick movies are always empty technical exercises that critics eat up come awards season and no one ever watches them again.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm wary of movies that try do to the whole thing in one take because it seems like it could just be some Everestian challenge by the filmmakers to say that they did it. I'm seeing it tonight so I want to give it the benefit of the doubt, and maybe there's something to be said about watching a moment of World War I with one continuous perspective, but I still have my suspicions. One takes should be a tool to be used, not something that should be a gimmick or an accomplishment in itself.

The Marvelous Mrs Maisel uses one takes often, but weaves them so well into the stories and action that you don't realize you're watching one most of the time. The metaphorical seams are intended to be invisible, and only the story and visual enhancing effects of the one take - not the one take itself - is meant to come across.


Oct 27, 2017
Walter Chaw did not care for it:

1917 could be set in any war because it's not about anything. Not everything has to be about something, of course, but 1917 appears to be studiously about nothing. What it is, though, is awesome! Just really awesome! Like, holy shit, is it cool. There's not a minute, I don't think, where I wasn't trying to figure out where the hidden edits were and how they set up specific shots. I thought about it a lot and, God, the moment in the rain of cherry blossoms after that trip down the waterfall? PHEW! Right? You guys, it's so fucking cool. It's probably CGI, but what if it isn't? What if there were people in the trees with buckets of petals, waiting to get the timing right?

He didn't care for Dunkirk, either:



Apr 14, 2018
I tend to peek into theaters to see a glimpse of the different movies. With 1917, just from 30 seconds, I wrote off seeing it. The british soldier man was holding some baby in a cave.

Wow the human cost of war, that's great thanks for telling us about it


Feb 20, 2019
I'll always have a hard time understanding why REGULAR people tend to be so overly-critic instead of just watching and possibly enjoy a movie.
What's the point of trying to find gaps and mistakes and whatnot in a movie that a lot of people worked on it? It's like overthinking what you could've said to your date at the right moment after all has been said and done and stressing and finding all the mistakes done instead of just moving on.
I enjoyed the movie by the way.


Oct 27, 2017
Reading this thread, I certainly feel more of an urge to watch it. Feels like it's going be a bit like Dunkirk where so many things are amazing but the characters and story are somewhat shallow. A great film, but not really begging for a second viewing.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Aug 21, 2018
This film had it's wide release this week and heard a lot of good things about it. So I watched it today and felt like it was overhyped, more flare And stylish with no substance.

It felt like a take on Saving Private Ryan but only missing the heart and what made that film actually good.

As you kept on Watching the film, the more I realized that it was trying too hard for it's own good.

Considering that I watched Parasite just last week, let me tell you that Parasite swept the floor with this film in all fronts. Thus 1917 was a film that played it safe and made me realize that instead of going for an Oscar, Filmmakers should take risks and bring something new to Hollywood.
Haven't seen the film yet. Hopefully will this week. But from the moment I heard the entire film is made to look like it is one shot I have been kind of uninterested. Like this gimmick has been done before. It is not that interesting especially since you know it is just done through editing.
Oct 28, 2017
Haven't seen the film yet. Hopefully will this week. But from the moment I heard the entire film is made to look like it is one shot I have been kind of uninterested. Like this gimmick has been done before. It is not that interesting especially since you know it is just done through editing.
Yea, at least Dunkirk had the triptych with the added novelty of non-linear editing with the stories converging at the end


Oct 25, 2017
I haven't seen it, but the trailer heavily reminded me of the opening of Spectre which was a bunch of empty posturing.

I'll probably give it a go on video, but ehh.


Oct 27, 2017
Haven't seen the film yet. Hopefully will this week. But from the moment I heard the entire film is made to look like it is one shot I have been kind of uninterested. Like this gimmick has been done before. It is not that interesting especially since you know it is just done through editing.
like many have said that's it's like a video game, as you get familiar to how they do it and you just wait for the next part,

first the characters encounter some type of action, they finish that part, it slows down and they have dialogue, they finish talking and they're in front of the next place that gets them ever so close to their objective, rinse and repeat.

This format makes it so bad because they make the characters do something dumb And felt rather too unrealistic that it takes you out of the film.


Oct 27, 2017
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Haven't seen 1917, but you bring up Parasite, which is funny because for me that was a movie that after I saw it was like 'that was it?' I expected so much more interesting things going on with the hype from almost everyone :(


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Aug 21, 2018
Is this going to be another year where I like the Best Film Oscar the least out of all the nominees? I don't think that has happened since Crash. Hurt Locker was close but luckily Avatar was nominated that year.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
The more descriptions I read of this film, the more certain I am that this is merely yet another of those expensive, self-aggrandizing, extended technical exercises which flatter the nerds who jizz over it enough to disregard the fundamental emptiness and bankruptcy of its vision. In short, totally not my cup of Oscar-bait.