
Oct 25, 2017
So that sub is the length of a person and/or child. But say if there's a bend in the tight spaces of the cave then it won't be able to turn the corner.

Exactly, it seems like a much poorer option to go with (or even a viable option in this case), at least if you have the kids in the water they can manoeuvre themselves through tight spaces of which we know there are some, you need the flexibility to make these dives.

I'm sure if the spaces were larger it may work but the only people it would really benefit would be the rescue divers in case of the person being rescued panicked and put everyone at risk. I would think climbing into a tube like that would instantly panic most people though, they'd then have no chance of survival if anything went wrong with one of the divers carrying it.
Feb 1, 2018
Well at least those white people feel like they did something.

Uh, been going on for many pages. So a rich guy has an idea and a prototype that they aren't going to use. I don't see the big deal, considering they eont risk using it and this is probably just publicity stunt by him. Of course some people here are falling for it.

Pro tip: Bashing elon musk and his projects doesn't make you sound intelligent- just bitter.

I see it A LOT on OT lately and it's really pathetic.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I'd rather have someone take a second to ground the conversation by calling out this obnoxious American tic than just running wild looking to blame and talk about suing someone who is currently going through an awful ordeal (that they're handling in a very decent, self-sacrificing manner).
Well I'd rather we keep the generalizations out of this thread. They don't do anything to provide discussion whether they're warranted or not.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
More than you'll ever accomplish mate, why make it about race ffs it's about peoples lives

Is it? Cause I don't see the guys in that video anywhere near what's happening in Thailand.

What I do see is Elon Musk who yet again is very publicly butting into a tragic situation offering lofty solutions way too late in the game. It's great they were able to make their little people-submarine, but AS YOU SAID this is about those kids and getting them the fuck out of there, which Thailand seems to already be doing right now. Not their stupid fucking technology.

And really guys? Why bring race into this? Ask yourself, why does Elon think Thailand needs his help?


Oct 25, 2017
Is it? Cause I don't see the guys in that video anywhere near what's happening in Thailand.

What I do see is Elon Musk who yet again is very publicly butting into a tragic situation offering lofty solutions way too late in the game. It's great they were able to make their little people-submarine, but AS YOU SAID this is about those kids and getting them the fuck out of there, which Thailand seems to already be doing right now. Not their stupid fucking technology.

And really guys? Why bring race into this? Ask yourself, why does Elon think Thailand needs his help?
So wait, other people outside the situation shouldn't offer any insight as to what they think might work? That's an interesting take. Pretty sure he was simply offering some possible solutions. Nothing wrong with that at all imo. But I rather look at the positives in things like this rather than trying to see what I might have an issue with like many others in this thread.


Oct 28, 2017
Limerick, Ireland
Is it? Cause I don't see the guys in that video anywhere near what's happening in Thailand.

What I do see is Elon Musk who yet again is very publicly butting into a tragic situation offering lofty solutions way too late in the game. It's great they were able to make their little people-submarine, but AS YOU SAID this is about those kids and getting them the fuck out of there, which Thailand seems to already be doing right now. Not their stupid fucking technology.

And really guys? Why bring race into this? Ask yourself, why does Elon think Thailand needs his help?

Then you are lost...

Dynamite Cop

Oct 25, 2017
Read through the topic. He tweeted about flying to Thailand and people here are acting like he's going to save the day with his swimming pool prototype.


Oct 25, 2017
That is bigger than 3-Mars Bars End-to-End though. Lol.

As noted here:


That chokepoint is terrifying

Deleted member 19739

Account closed at user request
Oct 27, 2017
This is fantastic news! I hope the rest of the kids and the coach are able to be safely rescued. Does anyone know how long it took to rescue the first 4 kids? I know they had to swim 1 km underwater
Oct 25, 2017
Is it? Cause I don't see the guys in that video anywhere near what's happening in Thailand.

What I do see is Elon Musk who yet again is very publicly butting into a tragic situation offering lofty solutions way too late in the game. It's great they were able to make their little people-submarine, but AS YOU SAID this is about those kids and getting them the fuck out of there, which Thailand seems to already be doing right now. Not their stupid fucking technology.

And really guys? Why bring race into this? Ask yourself, why does Elon think Thailand needs his help?

You're making some really idiotic posts.

Glad to see that a few of the kids made it out, hoping the rest to get out safely as well.


Oct 25, 2017
Is it? Cause I don't see the guys in that video anywhere near what's happening in Thailand.

What I do see is Elon Musk who yet again is very publicly butting into a tragic situation offering lofty solutions way too late in the game. It's great they were able to make their little people-submarine, but AS YOU SAID this is about those kids and getting them the fuck out of there, which Thailand seems to already be doing right now. Not their stupid fucking technology.

And really guys? Why bring race into this? Ask yourself, why does Elon think Thailand needs his help?
Why is this annoying you? Whatever Elon's motives are, his help, anybody's help, is welcomed. He has money and resources and is surrounded by bright minds. Thailand might not need the help, but you never know in dire circumstances when outside assistance might be necessary to save children's lives.


Oct 25, 2017
Is it? Cause I don't see the guys in that video anywhere near what's happening in Thailand.

What I do see is Elon Musk who yet again is very publicly butting into a tragic situation offering lofty solutions way too late in the game. It's great they were able to make their little people-submarine, but AS YOU SAID this is about those kids and getting them the fuck out of there, which Thailand seems to already be doing right now. Not their stupid fucking technology.

And really guys? Why bring race into this? Ask yourself, why does Elon think Thailand needs his help?
Can you explain why you want anyone who can offer help to stay out of it? Do you think the Thai government is doing this alone?


Oct 26, 2017
Why are people upset over that Elon Musk chap?

Maybe some day down the line the mini-sub he's developing will be put to use. Maybe they may resort to it at somepoint for this.

On topic. Been following this story the last few days. Glad to see some of the kids are out and a rescue of everyone is viable.


Oct 25, 2017
This is fantastic news! I hope the rest of the kids and the coach are able to be safely rescued. Does anyone know how long it took to rescue the first 4 kids? I know they had to swim 1 km underwater
Reports on CNN stated it took around 9 hours after they went in to get them out even though they projected it would be closer to 11.

"Previously, the entire round trip through the cave network was thought to take about 11 hours. But the first of the four boys emerged from the cave entrance about nine hours after a team of 18 international cave diving experts went in to retrieve them."


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
So wait, other people outside the situation shouldn't offer any insight as to what they think might work?

Correct, as there are professionals in the country that this is happening handling the situation. If they need help they will ask for it. Elon Musk if anything is only causing distraction.

If he really wants to help, he'd do it in private, and only when he actually has something he can deliver in a timely fashion, that has been fully tested, with a history of results. Again this is about people's lives, not a hastily put together science fair project. You can't just go "ok we will try this thing that they put together in a few days" when the possible outcome is "kid is dead forever."

Elon acting like he's going to save the day after 2 weeks is annoying because it's a fucking publicity stunt.

My man.


May 15, 2018
My take away from this Elon musk situation and race issue is white people being the savior having to be the hero complex

I'm not saying this is what Musk is trying to do or white people in general but that's what I'm sensing from the post who brought him up

On topic hope the second rescue operation goes as smooth as the first


Oct 25, 2017
So wait, other people outside the situation shouldn't offer any insight as to what they think might work? That's an interesting take. Pretty sure he was simply offering some possible solutions. Nothing wrong with that at all imo. But I rather look at the positives in things like this rather than trying to see what I might have an issue with like many others in this thread.
I am somewhat curious, do you think he is the only person leveraging their own or others' expertise, insight and resources to the situation, or rather do you think he is the only one doing so on Twitter very publicly?

From reading the thread, I don't think anyone is suggesting that no one external should provide assistance.


Oct 25, 2017
Correct, as there are professionals in the country that this is happening handling the situation. If they need help they will ask for it. Elon Musk if anything is only causing distraction.

If he really wants to help, he'd do it in private, and only when he actually has something he can deliver in a timely fashion, that has been fully tested, with a history of results. Again this is about people's lives, not a hastily put together science fair project. You can't just go "ok we will try this thing that they put together in a few days" when the possible outcome is "kid is dead forever."
Ah okay, so you're just simply stuck in your ways for hating Musk for whatever reason based on your response to the other quote. Got it. That's all I need to know.

Your mindset is very negative in this response, but it makes sense now.

Deleted member 19739

Account closed at user request
Oct 27, 2017
Reports on CNN stated it took around 9 hours after they went in to get them out even though they projected it would be closer to 11.

"Previously, the entire round trip through the cave network was thought to take about 11 hours. But the first of the four boys emerged from the cave entrance about nine hours after a team of 18 international cave diving experts went in to retrieve them."

Wow, that is pretty long. I am just worried that it took about 9 hours to get the strongest kids out + they are waiting 10-12 hours before the next rescue mission + it might take longer to rescue the weaker ones. It is going to take at east a couple more days, and there is always the possibility of rain next week.


Oct 25, 2017
Elon acting like he's going to save the day after 2 weeks is annoying because it's a fucking publicity stunt.

He already sent some of his team there, everyone was working on tons of different solutions to try and save these kids, some on the drilling option, some on the diving, musk on this specific pod, there's a lot of people involved helping the local governement! He started the thing before they actually started to make the kids go out!

They probably won't need his help in the end thankfully, but i don't care that it's a publicity stunt or not if it actually saves lives in the end!

that's what matters, who cares about praises or not


Together, we are strangers
Oct 25, 2017
Please move on from this Elon Musk derail. Neither Musk nor his plans are part of the ongoing rescue operations and these arguments about him invariably devolve into petty fights.


Oct 25, 2017
Do we have any sources confirming this ?

They could be giving them advise maybe but so far from what I have seen it's mostly Thailand navy seals in the rescue operations in the videos

There are thirteen foreign divers and five Thai Navy Seals doing the escorting, per ABC's (The American one, not the Australian one) reporting.


Jan 10, 2018
Is it? Cause I don't see the guys in that video anywhere near what's happening in Thailand.

What I do see is Elon Musk who yet again is very publicly butting into a tragic situation offering lofty solutions way too late in the game. It's great they were able to make their little people-submarine, but AS YOU SAID this is about those kids and getting them the fuck out of there, which Thailand seems to already be doing right now. Not their stupid fucking technology.

And really guys? Why bring race into this? Ask yourself, why does Elon think Thailand needs his help?
Ah okay so it would be better if he did nothing at all, gotcha


Oct 25, 2017
Wow, that is pretty long. I am just worried that it took about 9 hours to get the strongest kids out + they are waiting 10-12 hours before the next rescue mission + it might take longer to rescue the weaker ones. It is going to take at east a couple more days, and there is always the possibility of rain next week.
Didn't they say they took out the weakest first or was that the wrong info, that's what I thought they'd said. Which would make sense to me as they are the ones I'd think should wait the least.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know for sure so we have any sources confirming this ?

They could be giving them advise maybe but so far from what I have seen it's mostly Thailand navy seals in the rescue operations in the videos
CNN says it's 50 foreign divers 40 Thai divers.
Not sure if all of the divers in the actually operation are Thai.
In any case, does any of this matter? The important thing is to get the kids out safely, no matter who or how.


Oct 31, 2017
Tokyo, Japan
I'm so so glad boys have been saved!! With some of the things about the choke point and the difficulty even for professionals, I was bracing myself for casualties and my heart was in my stomach, but it looks surprisingly doable! Those boys are going to have quite the story to tell. I wonder what they think of suddenly being the focus of people all around the world. I also wonder if they'll be traumatized by the experience, or being as vivacious explorers as they are, want to start taking swimming or diving lessons. I think if I were in such a position seeing the divers after ten days and then being rescued by them, they'd seem a bit like these amazing godlike figures. Then again, I've never been in a position remotely like this.

I still have a knot in my chest for the other boys, particularly if the weakest are coming last. It is still quite a monumental undertaking and things could still go wrong, so I'm still worried but much more hopeful based on the relative ease the first group made it out. The world will breathe a sigh of relief if they can all get out safely. So happy imagining them eating their fried chicken. As a mom myself of slightly younger kids, I couldn't help but place myself in their parents' position in my mind and have been following the story with horror and vague hope since the beginning.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm so so glad boys have been saved!! With some of the things about the choke point and the difficulty even for professionals, I was bracing myself for casualties and my heart was in my stomach, but it looks surprisingly doable! Those boys are going to have quite the story to tell. I wonder what they think of suddenly being the focus of people all around the world. I also wonder if they'll be traumatized by the experience, or being as vivacious explorers as they are, want to start taking swimming or diving lessons. I think if I were in such a position seeing the divers after ten days and then being rescued by them, they'd seem a bit like these amazing godlike figures. Then again, I've never been in a position remotely like this.

I still have a knot in my chest for the other boys, particularly if the weakest are coming last. It is still quite a monumental undertaking and things could still go wrong, so I'm still worried but much more hopeful based on the relative ease the first group made it out. The world will breathe a sigh of relief if they can all get out safely. So happy imagining them eating their fried chicken. As a mom myself of slightly younger kids, I couldn't help but place myself in their parents' position in my mind and have been following the story with horror and vague hope since the beginning.
It seemed like at least some of them were in high spirits, if not all. I was talking with my mom last night about this and she was also relating to us and other kids in our family like you mentioned. It's obviously very easy to do and it gave her quite a bit of anxiety imaging what these kids have had to endure. She was beyond ecstatic this morning at the new of the 4 of them getting out.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm so so glad boys have been saved!! With some of the things about the choke point and the difficulty even for professionals, I was bracing myself for casualties and my heart was in my stomach, but it looks surprisingly doable! Those boys are going to have quite the story to tell. I wonder what they think of suddenly being the focus of people all around the world. I also wonder if they'll be traumatized by the experience, or being as vivacious explorers as they are, want to start taking swimming or diving lessons. I think if I were in such a position seeing the divers after ten days and then being rescued by them, they'd seem a bit like these amazing godlike figures. Then again, I've never been in a position remotely like this.

I still have a knot in my chest for the other boys, particularly if the weakest are coming last. It is still quite a monumental undertaking and things could still go wrong, so I'm still worried but much more hopeful based on the relative ease the first group made it out. The world will breathe a sigh of relief if they can all get out safely. So happy imagining them eating their fried chicken. As a mom myself of slightly younger kids, I couldn't help but place myself in their parents' position in my mind and have been following the story with horror and vague hope since the beginning.

Try to look at it this way: They'll have more time to rebuild their strength and prepare for the trip, and will have the benefit of working with divers who have already successfully escorted the others through the cave.


Oct 27, 2017
Who gives a fuck what someones motive is? Surely the end goal outweighs that, if my house was on fire I wound't give a toss if the people who put it out where dicks or saints.


Oct 26, 2017
why'd that magazine/article decide to use mars bars as the unit of measurement? lol

operation should be restarting soon right? anyone have any updates of how the weather is currently?


Jun 19, 2018
Wow, this is such a feel good story, hope everyone make it out alive.

For shame though, how did this thread turn into a race war?!


Jun 19, 2018
Doubt that drawing is accurate, the kids would have had trouble getting in there at all.
I doubt it's accurate. But if the cave was getting filled up from entrance side(and not water coming through cracks), the second body of water wouldn't be there until the water have covered the first peak. It would make sense that when their return route was flooded they went deeper into the cave and stayed in the highest point before the flooding situation got much worse.