
Oct 25, 2017
Holdo was a much welcome character since Leia didn't have any friend to interact with in the OT aside from the 3 people who wanted to bone her (Luke, Han, Lando).


Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Here's a thread from one of my favorite authors, Scott Lynch. I'm gonna copy and paste the text, since Era only allows 2 embeds, but I'll link it for anyone who wants to see it.

I want everyone to think on it whenever you argue how logically sound and consistent the OT is.

YODA: Into exile, you must go. A strategy, have you?
OBI-WAN: I'll take baby Luke to his dad's homeworld and give him to his dad's only living step-relatives.
YODA: A small heart attack, I seem to be having. So be it, Kenobi. At least well-loved, young Luke Lars will be.
OBI-WAN: Lars? Oh no, we're gonna call him Skywalker.
YODA: Motherfucker, remember the name of the guy we're trying to HIDE this kid from, do you?
YODA: At least tell me- a pseudonym YOU have?
OBI-WAN: Well-
YODA: Going to call yourself Kenobi, you are?
OBI-WAN: Yeah basically.
YODA: *sighs* Harsh, Tatooine is. Bringing clothes, are you?
OBI-WAN: I've got a big pile of my old Jedi uniforms.
YODA: (looks up from half-empty bottle of vodka) Listening I am, keep talking.
(Obi-Wan departs)
(Yoda sighs and calls Senator Bail Organa)
YODA: Took the decoy baby, dumbass did. Safe, you must keep the chosen one.
ORGANA: No worries. She'll be perfectly protected here on Alderaan. We'll get her into boring stuff like debate club and student council.


LUKE: You know, I've been thinking about our arrangement--
UNCLE OWEN: Beru and I have been discussing it too, Luke. We've had a pretty good harvest this year. We think we can get by if you want to transmit your application to the academy now.
LUKE: Gosh, I'll do it right away!
(An Imperial facility, weeks later)
BUREAUCRAT: Here's the latest list of applicants for pilot training at the academy, my lord.
DARTH VADER: Good. (flips pages) These look solid. Especially this kid from Tatooine, this guy Sk-- oh my god.

Lol! That's frigging great. XD XD


Oct 26, 2017
There are scenes in this that will be very rewatchable on Blu-ray. That whole throne room sequence along with the cutaways to the FO pursuing the resistance has that Star Wars editing magic I appreciate so much about this series. You have Williams score set to driving edits between action beats and dramatic reveals. It's reminiscent of scenes like the TIE attack or Death Star run in the first film. Or perhaps the throne room/Endor battles are the closest comparison.

TFA didn't really nail that imo. It was edited like a JJ movie (ie Star Trek). I cant quite put my finger on it, but it's more like a series of pans conservatively edited together rather than a more driving editing style.
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Oct 25, 2017
TFA is mostly very well paced and edited until things move away from Takodana. At that point it moves too fast to Starkiller. There's good stuff in-between, like the Rey and Kylo interrogation, but it definitely needed some more padding there.

Otherwise I didn't think it felt edited like a "JJ movie," just, you know, a movie :p

That being said, TLJ was longer so it had more breathing room, but overall a better edited film for sure.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
TFA is mostly very well paced and edited until things move away from Takodana. At that point it moves too fast to Starkiller. There's good stuff in-between, like the Rey and Kylo interrogation, but it definitely needed some more padding there.

Otherwise I didn't think it felt edited like a "JJ movie," just, you know, a movie :p

That being said, TLJ was longer so it had more breathing room, but overall a better edited film for sure.
TLJ is easily the tightest edit of all three new films. TFA trips over its feet in the second and third act (and Maz just disappears??), and RO has that awful blitz of planet hopping and exposition in the first act. TLJ is relatively consistent. There's a couple weird cuts, though, like the cut from slapstick with Finn ("Where's Rey?") to Ahch-To. That always strikes me as jarring. I also wish we'd gotten that deleted scene with Finn and Phasma. No one's seen it, obviously, but based on the description it sure sounds final-cut-worthy.
There are scenes in this that will be very rewatchable on Blu-ray. That whole throne room sequence along with the cutaways to the FO pursuing the resistance has that Star Wars editing magic I appreciate so much about this series. You have Williams score set to driving edits between action beats and dramatic reveals. It's reminiscent of scenes like the TIE attack or Death Star run in the first film. Or perhaps the throne room/Endor battles are the closest comparison.
The editing in the third act (third of fourth) is really exceptional. It's the classic Lucas split -- three or four groups of heroes caught in peril as the film goes back and forth between them. I don't think Lucas ever did as well as Johnson, though.


Oct 27, 2017
The Force Awakens' editing style is something I really liked about it. For example, I specifically loved that it doesn't do the typical Star Wars thing of constantly flitting between five different final battles at the end. TFA sticks with the lightsabre fight from start to Rey getting the lightsabre, then cuts to the aerial fight for Poe's entire trench run, then back to the lightsabre fight until it's finished. I rewatched the Prequels recently and those movies feel kind of like you're a security guard with a monitor that's set up to switch between all your different security camera feeds on a timer, because they cut without rhyme or reason. I remember watching Attack of the Clones, and when Anakin rides off to go and save his mother I felt like the movie might have been about to break out into something genuinely good; Anakin blasting through the inhospitable terrain, with the binary suns in the background and Duel of the Fates playing... but then the movie just cuts away to some worthless scene of Obi Wan on Geonosis. It's so ham-handed, and they're all like that. It's like they're edited on a timer, not for dramatic reasons.

The Last Jedi does something different again, which is having those multiple simultaneous scenes (in this case Rey and Kylo's tug'o'war, Finn and Rose about to be executed and the Resistance's lifeboats being shot down), but having them all build in intensity towards the same climax of Holdo's lightspeed ram (timed to when Phasma says "Execute", no less).


Oct 27, 2017
But you're there, Seeya.



Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
I feel like TLJ would be a great film to have extra editions. I know people hate being milked for cash, but I think an "alternate Rian Johnson cut," or an "Extended Edition," cut of The Last Jedi would be of interest to some of us.

I imagine someone on line is going to cut a version with all of the deleted scenes edited back in. Might as well get an official version. It's not necessary, but it's be cool to have.

I thought the editing in TFA was pretty solid overall. The editing in Rogue One I feel was the weakest, and the editing in The Last Jedi was mostly solid, with some weird choices here and there. The final two acts of the movie (I feel it's a four act movie, but I could be wrong?), were perfect, in my opinion. The build up of tension, and the intersecting of all of the disparate plot elements was really well done.


Oct 25, 2017
I wish they'd edit in the dice scene from TFA that got Rian to put them into TLJ but then got deleted before the movie came out.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
This is the only deleted scene that really rankles me: http://www.slashfilm.com/star-wars-the-last-jedi-deleted-scenes/

Phasma originally had another badass moment. The scene took place chronologically after she battled Finn on Snoke's ship, right after he smashes the hole in her helmet. A group of stormtroopers corner Finn and he tries to get them on his side, saying that they can join him and escape Phasma's grasp, just like he has. Finn says that she's really a coward who sold out the codes to Starkiller Base. He pleads with the First Order squad to escape with him. The stormtroopers all look at each other…and in a moment borrowed from a Sergio Leone western, Phasma pulls out her blaster and guns down all six or seven stormtroopers herself before they have any time to react. It felt like a tribute to a classic western shootout, but for whatever reason, it didn't feel right in that moment of the movie.
Really strange omission. Finn needs every shred of development he can get, and this strikes me as pretty crucial. Especially going into Ep. IX.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (24H): Incitement
What happened to him here anyway? Seems like he had a breakdown and quit?
Mod called him out on his bullshit and he ran away with his tail tucked between his legs.

Seems to have pulled an Amirox too and edited all his posts here, LOL.

Make no mistake. I love TLJ and defend it, as my post history will show. By even I couldn't stand the vitriol the guy threw out before a mod stepped in.


Oct 27, 2017
Mod called him out on his bullshit and he ran away with his tail tucked between his legs.

Seems to have pulled an Amirox too and edited all his posts here, LOL.

Make no mistake. I love TLJ and defend it, as my post history will show. By even I couldn't stand the vitriol the guy threw out before a mod stepped in.

All because he got a warning? Not to be gossipy but I'm totally going to be gossipy, do you have the post where it went down? I remember him getting warned twice and then everything seemed normal for a few weeks before.... poof

Reven Wolf

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Mod called him out on his bullshit and he ran away with his tail tucked between his legs.

Seems to have pulled an Amirox too and edited all his posts here, LOL.

Make no mistake. I love TLJ and defend it, as my post history will show. By even I couldn't stand the vitriol the guy threw out before a mod stepped in.
I'm on .the same boat, he went too far in a lot of the posts, which isn't good and contributed to the aggressive atmosphere that was here.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
This is the only deleted scene that really rankles me: http://www.slashfilm.com/star-wars-the-last-jedi-deleted-scenes/

Really strange omission. Finn needs every shred of development he can get, and this strikes me as pretty crucial. Especially going into Ep. IX.
Cutting the Rey scene is baffling. It is ultimately the very core of Luke's disillusionment with the Jedi.

Assuming it got cut for time, it goes to show how poorly they adjusted this story to fit multiple plotlines when clearly it's the Luke/Rey story that was the focus of their intentions, with everything else as an afterthought.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
Cutting the Rey scene is baffling. It is ultimately the very core of Luke's disillusionment with the Jedi.

Assuming it got cut for time, it goes to show how poorly they adjusted this story to fit multiple plotlines when clearly it's the Luke/Rey story that was the focus of their intentions, with everything else as an afterthought.
I believe it was cut because Luke was just flat out wrong. Story group felt his lesson flew in the face of established precedent, and I guess Rian came around to that.

Anyway, we know why Luke is disillusioned. It's mostly guilt. I'm glad they cut that scene, because in the final film we have a character who's completely accurate in his assessment of the Jedi but completely misguided about how to deal with it.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah know, I REALLY hate how the prequels made the Jedi a bunch of smug little shits and that in the end it was kinda necessary for them to be destroyed so someone could start over.

I wish they had remained the paragons of peace and justice who's destruction was an immeasurable tragedy and setback for the galaxy. I always expected something akin the death of King Arthur and Camelot. But instead we got the downfall of the Knights Templar.
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Dec 30, 2017
User Warned: Don't use inflammatory words to insult other users.
Mod called him out on his bullshit and he ran away with his tail tucked between his legs.


Stay not knowing what the fuck you're talking about, "El Bombastico"

Star Wars threads tend to die down without Bobby lording over everyone with his smarter-than-you bullshit.

Patience is a finite resource and stupid fuckholes are in abundance.

But if you really wanna credit me with that much influence over the shitpoor excuse for "discussion" being mourned here go right ahead. Someone not posting live from an embedded location inside their own colon might instead come to the conclusion the thread's dead because the film dropped out of the top ten and anyone even halfway rational is probably sick to death of litigating the 3 millionth argument over mary sues and how every female character in the series needs to justify their adequacy as story elements before they can do anything.

Stay thinking about me when I'm gone and getting brave enough to take your swings when you think I'm not looking tho.
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Oct 27, 2017
The Jedi being shitters in the PT was worth it for TLJ and Punished Luke.

And the memes.

I'm hoping Rey doesn't take everything in the SACRED JEDI TEXTS to heart when she's kickstarting her new Jedi Order. Sick Force powers, lightsabres, warrior of light, keep the peace; keep all that good stuff. But I'm OK with her tearing out the page about not being able to make emotional attachments or have friends or whatever. The dress code can go, too. Also, flips? Don't need'em. If we can make it through this trilogy without a single flip I'll be a happy man (I guess Rey did a roll in TFA, but I can handle that).


Oct 27, 2017
Well in a lot of ways they were the antithesis of the spirit of the OT. A literal group that only solved things by dueling with lightsabers.

I completely get that. I guess I kind of view that and the smugness as unintentional failures in execution. It's like the prequel trilogy is actually a part of the greater multiverse, and the one we saw drew a short straw.

That's rich, Ha! You pop up with a TLJ hot take even In threads where I'm avoiding TLJ stuff.

Thread is dead people. Let's move on.


If your disposition can't take people discussing box office performance then steer clear of threads dedicated to box office performance.

People can discuss what they want, my man.
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Oct 30, 2017
I completely get that. I guess I kind of view that and the smugness as unintentional failures in execution. It's like the prequel trilogy is actually a part of the greater multiverse, and the one we saw drew a short straw.


If your disposition can't take people discussing box office performance then steer clear of threads dedicated to box office performance.

I mean. My complaint is against you talking about it, not the discussion itself. I guess I should've said that. You barely post anything else in that thread about other movies. And yet, the instant TLJ pops up. That's what is "rich" to me.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
What is it about the PT Jedi that makes them stupid bad etc?
I mean on a real-world level, it's a shitty organization that demonizes human attachment and shames children in need of empathy. "Ugh, this kid is worried about his mom who was left behind as a slave. No thanks. Get over it."

Within the fiction? The movies frankly don't get into it at all. Other than acouple throwaway lines from Yoda suggesting Jedi are becoming more arrogant and full of themselves, we don't see any actual evidence of this. Almost like the Prequels completely fail at making whatever point they intended. People can point to the Clone Wars series for examples, and that stuff is canon. But it also doesn't really count considering the CG show came years after the prequels were over, and don't dictate anything about how those movies are told.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean. My complaint is against you talking about it, not the discussion itself. I guess I should've said that. You barely post anything else in that thread about other movies. And yet, the instant TLJ pops up. That's what is "rich" to me.

Well ok then.

Has it occurred to you that other people are in no way responsible to mollify your emotional imbalances?

This is what, the fourth time you've come into the thread to ostensively talk down to people? Having now progressed to outright pressuring others to end a discussion by means of claiming false authority, and transparent use of disarming language preceding the command that is now explicit as opposed to implicit?

'This thread is dead people, let's move on' :)

I'm just wondering how many more pages until you drop the facade.

As far as the Box Office threads are concerned, I've recently made as many posts about Jumanji and Captain Marvel as I have TLJ.

If you have a problem with that you should feel free to contact Kswiston who runs the threads. As he and I are currently discussing A New Hope's original theatrical run, he shouldn't be hard to find.
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Oct 27, 2017
I mean on a real-world level, it's a shitty organization that demonizes human attachment and shames children in need of empathy. "Ugh, this kid is worried about his mom who was left behind as a slave. No thanks. Get over it."

Qui Gon: "Ey, I won this slave kid in a bet that I cheated on and took him away from his mother to bring him to see you. Kid's got midichlorians for days. Anyway, I guess I own this child now so can we get him set up with a bed or something? I callously left his mother to die in slavery (did I mention the slavery?), and he's got this mysterious evil aura around him, but I think he'll probably be fine."

Yoda: "Like nine this child seems to be. Seven, the cutoff age for admissions is. Back to his nightmare life he must go; clear are our workplace rules on this matter."


Oct 30, 2017
Well ok then.

Has it occurred to you that other people are in no way responsible to mollify your emotional imbalances?

This is what, the fourth time you've come into the thread to obstensively talk down to people? Having now progressed to outright pressuring others to end a discussion by means of claiming false authority, and transparent use of disarming language preceding the command that is now explicit as opposed to implicit?

'Come on guys, this topic is dead, let's move on' :)

I'm just wondering how many more pages until you drop the facade.

When it comes to the Box Office threads, I think I've recently made as many posts about Jumanji and Captain Marvel as I have TLJ.

You tend to go for hurtful personal attacks in arguments suddenly. Don't do it. You are smart, you can avoid them.

And no Seeya, me being the third, fourth, fifth, person to say the thread is dying or has been dying for a couple of days doesn't mean I'm trying to prove something to you (or to whomever).

And it was only the second time i point that out :p (I honestly think, but I'm sure you will spend the next couple of minutes verifying that), and after others also pointed out that the discussions were turning redundant. Which they are in my opinion. And I don't think most discussions here are worth a thread for TLJ and can't be continued in the Star Wars OT at hangouts.

Or maybe they are? I guess the Blade Runner 2049 and other individual movie threads are still active from time to time. Although that doesn't mean they aren't "dead" either.

For how long did the Rogue One and TFA thread remain active?


Oct 30, 2017
Qui Gon: "Ey, I won this slave kid in a bet that I cheated on and took him away from his mother to bring him to see you. Kid's got midichlorians for days. Anyway, I guess I own this child now so can we get him set up with a bed or something? I callously left his mother to die in slavery (did I mention the slavery?), and he's got this mysterious evil aura around him, but I think he'll probably be fine."

Yoda: "Like nine this child seems to be. Seven, the cutoff age for admissions is. Back to his nightmare life he must go; clear are our workplace rules on this matter."

That... yeah, it's a horrible lesson to teach in a kids movie.

Pop Culture Detective on YouTube did a recent video on this. A lot of his arguments were exaggerated in my opinion, mostly because I don't think Lucas knew what he was doing when he wrote the Jedi philosophy in the prequel era, and at the end, the prequels were in fact about how the old Jedi Order failed boys like Anakin by teaching them to simply repress emotion.

But it was still a shitty message. Too many people failed to pick up on the overall lesson of the prequels (because they were pretty bad) and think that's how Jedi should behave.

Reven Wolf

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Qui Gon: "Ey, I won this slave kid in a bet that I cheated on and took him away from his mother to bring him to see you. Kid's got midichlorians for days. Anyway, I guess I own this child now so can we get him set up with a bed or something? I callously left his mother to die in slavery (did I mention the slavery?), and he's got this mysterious evil aura around him, but I think he'll probably be fine."

Yoda: "Like nine this child seems to be. Seven, the cutoff age for admissions is. Back to his nightmare life he must go; clear are our workplace rules on this matter."
YdaY: "A total bitch, he is. Still cares about his mother he does! A whole day and a half, it's been! "


"This guy are sick" of the One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
YdaY: "A total bitch, he is. Still cares about his mother he does! A whole day and a half, it's been! "

I mean I don't think the concept is bad. The idea being that those strong with the force and overemotional tend to become enticed by the dark side and well pretty mich become super powerful and evil. E.g is Yoda had said no we might not have had an empire in the first place and those young ones might still be around...

But ultimately poorly conveyed.

Reven Wolf

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I mean I don't think the concept is bad. The idea being that those strong with the force and overemotional tend to become enticed by the dark side and well pretty mich become super powerful and evil. E.g is Yoda had said no we might not have had an empire in the first place and those young ones might still be around...

But ultimately poorly conveyed.
But the thing is the concept in the PT is that there's no emkemot. That any emotion is bad. It literally says that gaving any atracattac at all is not ok and will result in downfall.

In the OT what was expressed was the concept of control. You can have emotions as long as you control them not the other way around.

One reason I love KotoR 2 is that it explores this concept thoroughly.

I feel that the negative aspects of the PT at least gave good writers the opportunity to test it apart and tell interesting stories outside of the PT.


"This guy are sick" of the One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
But the thing is the concept in the PT is that there's no emkemot. That any emotion is bad. It literally says that gaving any atracattac at all is not ok and will result in downfall.

In the OT what was expressed was the concept of control. You can have emotions as long as you control them not the other way around.

One reason I love KotoR 2 is that it explores this concept thoroughly.

I feel that the negative aspects of the PT at least gave good writers the opportunity to test it apart and tell interesting stories outside of the PT.

I would say that this is one thing from tge OT that is definetly retconned to fit the narrative. The only allusion to it in the OT is Yoda's 'too old to begin the training' and like Obi Wans desert robes becoming the quintessential Jedi garment and every sith having a Darth. It absolutely feels like what was an off the cuff comment from Yoda to simply neglect responsibility to train Luke becomes central to the Jedi belief in the PT.

With that said I think you kind off have to seperste them a little bit in respect for what they attempt to convey and in PT and the canon going forward they try to drive this Jedi = No Emotion or 'Peace' (which has popped up in other media like say Equilibirum?) and Sith = Live by your Emotions.
I would argue that simplifying it so pretty mich ruined the Jedi canon but that's bygone. In the context of the story Jedi with emotion can become mass murders. Similar to Mage's in Dragon Age where they are kinda feared because any of them can become Demons because of their abilities and as such are controlled.