
Oct 25, 2017
Hi I'm Melody and I casually play metal guitar.

My primary guitar is a rather inexpensive ESP LTD M-10, which seems to be their entry grade model as far as I can tell. I'm south paw but I play right handed, which probably doesn't help my situation but it's too late to change now.

I've been playing sporadically since 2018 and I am not even close to comfortable with the fretboard and any chords.
Anyway nice to meet you~
Would you consider getting Rockband? You can get the 2014 version and it will come with a cable. It will run on fairly shitty PCs too. If you are not comfortable with chords yet, like I was for the longest time, there is a great arcade section in the game that will help you. The minigame is called Castle of Chordead. It will help teach you chord progressions in different keys.

Once you feel like you've memorized the first 2-3 progressions, start to look at older songs because they are fairly simpler. Learn how to play something simple like Ain't No Sunshine by Bill WIthers. It's basically four chords. Then you will start to feel more confident with chords.


Jun 14, 2023
Yes it is... a RS820CR.
I'm going to tell you the same i tell every guitar player that asks me about it... Yamaha flat out priced the (old) Revstars wrong. It should be priced a couple of tiers up as it goes toe to toe with guitar MUCH more expensive. A month ago i took mine to a guitar tech (i've been praising the Revstar to the guy since i bought it). Dude services guitars and hands out a certificate for the work done, and mine had "One of the top 3 guitars i have ever worked in the shop" hand written in the back.

Goes without saying, i love mine to pieces.

Sounds about right if my history with Yamaha is anything to go by. That's the exact model I could've bought for £450 as well, but sadly I missed out & bought something else.
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Nov 13, 2017
Would you consider getting Rockband? You can get the 2014 version and it will come with a cable. It will run on fairly shitty PCs too. If you are not comfortable with chords yet, like I was for the longest time, there is a great arcade section in the game that will help you. The minigame is called Castle of Chordead. It will help teach you chord progressions in different keys.

Once you feel like you've memorized the first 2-3 progressions, start to look at older songs because they are fairly simpler. Learn how to play something simple like Ain't No Sunshine by Bill WIthers. It's basically four chords. Then you will start to feel more confident with chords.
Did you mean Rocksmith? I'm guessing so by the 2014 part in your post. I second that reccommendation.

I don't think I would have started playing guitar without that game. It's a great way to learn and practice, especially with the mini games, lessons, etc. Finding a new song I like and learning new chords from that is super fun. It's always more motivating for me to learn the chords through a song I enjoy rather than just finding a list of chords and practicing them without context.


Oct 28, 2017
I really don't need another guitar but I saw this beautiful 2015 Epiphone Les Paul Standard Plus Top Pro Honey Burst on Craigslist. It was up for about a month at $400 then it dropped to $300 and I jumped on it. Clearly it was only played a few months in 2015 and never touched again. It was pretty gross, but after I cleaned it, polished the frets, oiled the fretboard, restrung and set it up it's basically back to its 2015 brand new form again. Not sure if I'm gonna keep it. I have this bad habit of rescuing neglected guitars I don't need, especially if it's a good deal. Once I fix them up I kinda lose interest.


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Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, that song I have more trouble with the fingerpicking, but I almost have that song down. I'm looking for songs around that level with different chords, fingerpicking. I just feel like my repertoire of things to practice is limited and the songs I stumble across end up all being the same general stuff, but I'd like to expand my skills beyond it. I don't know if I am making sense haha.
Did you mean Rocksmith? I'm guessing so by the 2014 part in your post. I second that reccommendation.

I don't think I would have started playing guitar without that game. It's a great way to learn and practice, especially with the mini games, lessons, etc. Finding a new song I like and learning new chords from that is super fun. It's always more motivating for me to learn the chords through a song I enjoy rather than just finding a list of chords and practicing them without context.
yes. I personally think that learning actual songs through Rocksmith needs to be reevaluated. I haven't tried the new subscription version of the game but all of the guitarcade games are rock solid.


nøthing but silence
Oct 25, 2017
From 'quake area to big OH.
I've been bad and haven't touched in weeks after struggling with the d. If I could hear something I think it would help.

Still piecing things together and stick between the valeton and sonicake pedal thing. Similar price, similar specs and I think made by the same company. Sonicake matribox is newer and says it's white box to model and has USB c. The valeton is all metal, has a few more cabs/amps and is USB b and costs a little more.

I'm sure either are way more than I need right now, but I'm still stuck. 😬


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
I need to get back into playing, have a electric guitar and a bass guitar.

Kinda was looking at pedal boards before my break, anyone got any good pedal board building tutorials?


Oct 27, 2017
Interested to hear from the thread on this:

On average, how much time would you say you play a week? And what percentage is practice vs playing for fun?


Oct 26, 2017
I started taking lessons at the beginning of the year. In the last 9ish months my playing and timing have improved beyond belief. It's reinvigorated me to be honest. I never had the discipline to be self taught nor the discipline to follow along with a program like JustinGuitar. I think I needed a sense of accountability, which having a teacher provides.

Interested to hear from the thread on this:

On average, how much time would you say you play a week? And what percentage is practice vs playing for fun?

I aim for 30 minutes of practice daily. That practice largely involves whatever my teacher has assigned. Depending on my workload at my job, I may be able to squeeze in another half hour where I just play for fun. Which would be just trying to write some riffs or melodies and recording them into GarageBand. I'm still trying to wrap my head around all that though.


Oct 27, 2017
I played a lot in my teenage years but then kinda stopped. Still always had a guitar in the house but would only pick it up sporadically. During covid got right back into it and once you could see people face to face started getting lessons.

Two years later and I have come on so much. Timing is a massive thing that I had never concentrated on and I've made big improvements from where I was. Lots of room for improvement though.

I'd say I play on average 60-90 minutes a day. Usually most of that is practicing for my lessons and sometimes I feel like I miss just playing for fun. But it's hard working a job and having kids and all the real life shit that gets on the way. Still really enjoy just putting on a Spotify play list of songs I know how to play every once in a while and blasting out tunes without thinking too much for an hour or two.

Wishbone Ash

One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Any recommendations on selling off some guitars? Last time I tried a decade or so ago it was almost all lowballers and a hassle via Craigslist and Facebook.

I have 5 or 6 I'm thinking of letting go. I know Guitar Center will offer me nothing for them, and I'm hesitant to ship them, so local seems the best?

Supa Necta

Oct 25, 2017
Terrible time to sell gear unfortunately. I've sold about 20 guitars in the last year. I use craigslist and FB marketplace for stuff under 1K and Reverb for more expensive stuff.


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah I'm seeing a glut of gear pile up on craigslist and marketplace lately. Not much is moving either. Even worse, my local Guitar Center has been getting flooded with used gear and they've started getting very selective about what they take, which I'v never seen before. They used take any old beater. We may be just around the corner to 2016-2017 level buyers' market prices.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
I've seen a lot about covid-era buyers unloading their gear which is flooding the used market. Good for buyers, not so good for other people looking to sell or companies.

Reverb prices seem often especially hilarious. So often you can buy something new for less than the cost of buying used once you factor in shipping, since the new stuff is coming from retailers with "free shipping." Doubly so on accessories and pedals and such where shipping is massively inflated. Was checking various sites to price a daisy chain power cable and there were sellers wanting like $15+ shipping for a $8 cable. Expected them to be from France or UK or something but nope. US seller.


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
Haven't really checked the used market in a while. I had thought about selling one or two to maybe fund a new guitar purchase, but since I'm in no hurry maybe I should wait. I have an old 80's Ibanez Roadstar II and an Epiphone Explorer I was thinking of selling. I don't play the Ibanez but I kinda like the Epiphone despite also have a Gibson Explorer.

I've never owned a high end guitar, and I kinda want a Kauer Banshee. Its a boutique builder, and the Banshee is their take on a Gibson Firebird. But unlike a Firebird I can get this with a ton of different options, and its a bit better proportioned/weighted so it should play better as well.

Monsieur Paul

Oct 27, 2017
Hi all, messy post incoming, I don't know if I should post it here or in the Music production OT so I apologize in advance if I'm in the wrong thread.

So, My 2 sons and I have been playing music (classical piano) for quite some time.
My eldest (16) is still playing piano, but started electric guitar since last year, my youngest (11) has been less enthusiastic with piano (to say the least...) and is now learning drums and vocal.
I want to learn bass guitar to play with them and my goal is to create a setup in our basement for playing all together. I'm not interested in music recording nor live concerts, I just want to be able to have a guitar, a bass, a drum kit and a keyboard playing together with minimal fuss, no ear loss and for a low price, no less!
What we have right now:
  • Instruments: An electric guitar, an electronic drum kit (Alesis nitro mesh), and electronic piano (a Casio Privia Px-150). I don't have a bass yet, but I've been very not subtle about what I want for birthday/christmas. In addition, Santa may also bring an acoustic drum kit, that's an ongoing discussion with Santa's SO.
  • Audio outputs: An Orange crush 12 guitar amp, and a bluetooth portable speaker that was laying around for the drum kit.
  • Audio interface: A Yamaha AG03 audio interface/mixer and various iPad and Mac.
The first question is related to the audio ouptut. On one hand, I believe I shouldn't/couldn't plug all instruments on the guitar amp, on the other hand I don't want to manage (and buy!) differents amps and speakers for each instrument if possible.
My first thought is to go full digital: all instruments plugged to an iPad (ideally the same) that will manage fx and mixing and output it to a single powered speaker. Does it make sense? If so, would a cheap powered speaker do the job? Or would a bass amp be a better/cheaper solution ?


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
You really need to make sure whatever you run a bass through is bass-compatible. Running a bass through a speaker designed for guitar frequencies in a guitar cabinet/combo amp can absolutely destroy the speaker. The issue is with the low frequencies, so the opposite is technically okay. But a guitar through a bass cabinet or combo amp might not sound good even if it does work. It's just not tuned for the right frequencies.

Running into an audio interface, ipad, and then a regular speaker would probably be fine though. An analog/acoustic drum kit could easily overpower your speaker though. Drums are loud.
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Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
I've been messing with my bass more, a Yamaha TRBX305. Still has the stock strings on it and I've been thinking about replacing them.

After some searching around I think I am going to start with just a new B string. I'm just not really into that 5th string. The tension is too low making it flabby and muddy. And I get inharmonicity on that string above the 7th fret or so.

The Internet seems divided on the value of "taperwound" bass strings but there seems to be at least something of a majority that agree they are at least good for B strings. So I'm probably going to go with a tapered .135 D'addario prosteel. The increased tension, inherent greater brightness, and tapered ball end should help solve most of my issues and maybe make me not want to just trade in this bass that I otherwise like for a 4 string.

Actually now I'm thinking I'm going to go with Stringjoy Rangers. Their strings are listed as having more tension at the same gauges, and I'm seeing some comments that seem to confirm that. I sent an email with some questions and they replied a little vaguely, but implied that, yes, their strings have more tension due to different manufacturing, materials, etc, and that the Rangers are have a little more tension than the Signature sets. Specifically the total tension for a 45-130 set is roughly 217lb (Signatures) vs 225lb (Rangers).

The .125 Signature is listed as having more tension than a .130 D'addario, in both nickel and steel winding. So that makes the .045-.125 Ranger set look really appealing and is probably what I'm going to try. Lot of good stuff here - B string will be slightly smaller but still slightly more tense, the D string will be less tense and better match the rest of the set, the stainless steel wind for a bit more brightness, and the whole set should fit my existing nut slots without needing any work. Seen some horror stories about broken nuts when putting heavier gauges into these Yamahas since the nut material is so hard and rigid, and cut specifically for the stock gauges.
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Oct 25, 2018
Finally got my bass, a Sire, got a 10ft cable and I'm waiting for my tuner and amp, it's a clip on one but hopefully that will work? It's a Boss Tu-02.

I have gotten a Bassbuzz course in the meanwhile, since I couldn't find bass local teachers.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
I have a clip on tuner which worked fine for guitars, but it just didn't track bass. A and E were iffy and it was a struggle to get anything to come up for B. Ended up going maximum overkill and got a TC Electric Polytune mini on sale. Really good. I hope to never need another tuner tool again.


Oct 25, 2018
I have a clip on tuner which worked fine for guitars, but it just didn't track bass. A and E were iffy and it was a struggle to get anything to come up for B. Ended up going maximum overkill and got a TC Electric Polytune mini on sale. Really good. I hope to never need another tuner tool again.

Ended up making it work! It was a bit confusing at first but it's good to learn how to properly tune an instrument, haha.

Now I'm just waiting for the amp, got a Zoom B1X or something like that since people told me I could use headphones with it instead of a usual speaker type of amp, hopefully it goes well.

Also did my two first lessons and I am having issues when I change notes on the frets (there's a bit of a buzz when I release, even if my finger is towards the end of the fret) but I have just read that it can happen usually and that on the amp it might not be heard, and not using an amp might give me the unfortunate issue of plucking the chords too hard. So I'm going to wait two days until it arrives.


Oct 26, 2017
Kind of a silly question but I'm at the strumming pattern part of Justin's course and when he talks about down strums vs up strums he mentions hitting all the strings on the down strum.

That means hitting all the strings in the chord and not literally all the strings right?


Oct 28, 2017
Kind of a silly question but I'm at the strumming pattern part of Justin's course and when he talks about down strums vs up strums he mentions hitting all the strings on the down strum.

That means hitting all the strings in the chord and not literally all the strings right?
Yeah. If you're playing an open D, for example, you don't want to be playing the low E or A strings.

Lil Peanut Brotha

Motion Graphics Artist at Riot Games
Oct 25, 2017
I decided to sort of go back and try to learn electric guitar from square 1. In the past I would learn a tab and brute force it, but not know if I was doin git right, and didn't understand the fretboard at all. Using justinguitar and starting with grade 1 has been great, even though a lot if it is fairly easy for me, I still pick up basic things I never knew.

One thing I'm wondering about; are there any good YouTube channels or courses on amps? I want to find something that teaches me the core ideas on types of amps, and how to use them with my knobs to shape sounds. I guess something like the process of how to build a sound type rather than jumping to some existing preset if that makes sense?

Monsieur Paul

Oct 27, 2017
You really need to make sure whatever you run a bass through is bass-compatible. Running a bass through a speaker designed for guitar frequencies in a guitar cabinet/combo amp can absolutely destroy the speaker. The issue is with the low frequencies, so the opposite is technically okay. But a guitar through a bass cabinet or combo amp might not sound good even if it does work. It's just not tuned for the right frequencies.

Running into an audio interface, ipad, and then a regular speaker would probably be fine though. An analog/acoustic drum kit could easily overpower your speaker though. Drums are loud.
Thanks for the advice! I feel a bit ashamed for the late answer as I wrongly assumed I have put this thread on watch and was waiting to be notified... Yeah, an acoustic drum kit might be a problem as we have an acoustic Hi-Hat and this thing is loud.


Jun 14, 2023
I decided to sort of go back and try to learn electric guitar from square 1. In the past I would learn a tab and brute force it, but not know if I was doin git right, and didn't understand the fretboard at all. Using justinguitar and starting with grade 1 has been great, even though a lot if it is fairly easy for me, I still pick up basic things I never knew.

One thing I'm wondering about; are there any good YouTube channels or courses on amps? I want to find something that teaches me the core ideas on types of amps, and how to use them with my knobs to shape sounds. I guess something like the process of how to build a sound type rather than jumping to some existing preset if that makes sense?

First of, congrats on rediscovering the hobby! I hope you enjoy it.

What hardware are you using? What I tend to do for any amp is turn the Bass/Mid/Treble to 12 o clock/half way, play a bit, & see if where it needs a bit more oomph & adjust as necessary. Certain amps have famous sounds dialed in that stray far away from anything neutral like that, so if you're after something for a specific amp then you can probably find something with a search, but I do think the best thing you can do with any piece of hardware is set everything to halfway, seeing how it sounds, & tweaking to taste/experiencing how changing a setting affects the outcome.

For a beginner do you recommend 09-46 strings or 09-42?

Either's fine. 42's will be a smidge easier to play in the lower registers if you're lacking in hand strength, but it won't be a big difference.

Lil Peanut Brotha

Motion Graphics Artist at Riot Games
Oct 25, 2017
First of, congrats on rediscovering the hobby! I hope you enjoy it.

What hardware are you using? What I tend to do for any amp is turn the Bass/Mid/Treble to 12 o clock/half way, play a bit, & see if where it needs a bit more oomph & adjust as necessary. Certain amps have famous sounds dialed in that stray far away from anything neutral like that, so if you're after something for a specific amp then you can probably find something with a search, but I do think the best thing you can do with any piece of hardware is set everything to halfway, seeing how it sounds, & tweaking to taste/experiencing how changing a setting affects the outcome.

Even knowing to start halfway is helpful When tweaking, thanks! I got a trial of amplitube so I don't even have a physical amp since I'm in an apartment. I figured I can explore a lot more digitally and if I really want something later I can get what I really like.

Guitar-wise I have a Stratocaster (Japanese).


Oct 26, 2017
I'm planning on treating myself to a new guitar soon (well, maybe 2 if I can offload two others that I don't play).

I'm wondering if anybody has any experience with the PRS SE Custom 24 or EPS LTD EC-1000? I'm trying to decide between those two. The stuff I'd like to play is usually in the stoner/doom/metal/rock space. I'd like something with a bit of versatility and I see that both of these guitars offer coil splits.

Oh, and the other guitar I'm hoping to pickup is a Reverend Sensei RA. My main guitar is currently an Epiphone Tony Iommi SG Custom. I'm just loving the SG shape.

I really don't need another guitar but I saw this beautiful 2015 Epiphone Les Paul Standard Plus Top Pro Honey Burst on Craigslist. It was up for about a month at $400 then it dropped to $300 and I jumped on it. Clearly it was only played a few months in 2015 and never touched again. It was pretty gross, but after I cleaned it, polished the frets, oiled the fretboard, restrung and set it up it's basically back to its 2015 brand new form again. Not sure if I'm gonna keep it. I have this bad habit of rescuing neglected guitars I don't need, especially if it's a good deal. Once I fix them up I kinda lose interest.



What did you use to clean the pickups and bridge? My guitars aren't as bad as the original photo but they're getting there.


Jun 14, 2023
Even knowing to start halfway is helpful When tweaking, thanks! I got a trial of amplitube so I don't even have a physical amp since I'm in an apartment. I figured I can explore a lot more digitally and if I really want something later I can get what I really like.

Guitar-wise I have a Stratocaster (Japanese).

I've heard good things about Amplitube but haven't tried it myself as of yet. Don't fall for the physical hype when digital/modelling exists unless you have a crazy amount of money to drop on an attenuator (which preserves the sound of the amp but allows for a real volume drop) & all the amps to get the sounds as you want.

If you want go further than the 50% & tweak to taste route you can almost certainly find guides for each amp model in Amplitube on YouTube, & if not the models themselves then the actual amps they're based on. Really though, the best way to improve your sound once it's acceptable to your ears early on is to keep playing rather than tweak for days.

I'm planning on treating myself to a new guitar soon (well, maybe 2 if I can offload two others that I don't play).

I'm wondering if anybody has any experience with the PRS SE Custom 24 or EPS LTD EC-1000? I'm trying to decide between those two. The stuff I'd like to play is usually in the stoner/doom/metal/rock space. I'd like something with a bit of versatility and I see that both of these guitars offer coil splits.

Oh, and the other guitar I'm hoping to pickup is a Reverend Sensei RA. My main guitar is currently an Epiphone Tony Iommi SG Custom. I'm just loving the SG shape.

What did you use to clean the pickups and bridge? My guitars aren't as bad as the original photo but they're getting there.

Isopropyl alcohol on a cotton bud clears up that sort of gunk easily. Just be careful not to overuse the IPA since you only need a little bit.

I've tried plenty of PRS SE's & my experiences with all of them have been fantastic, though the jump between the SE & the Core is pretty noticeable. I see you're considering buying two guitars, but have you instead though about buying one core PRS model? For the price of two SE's you could probably pick up a used Core (at least you can in the UK).

(It definitely doesn't look as cool as having a rack of guitars though)


Oct 30, 2017
I'm planning on treating myself to a new guitar soon (well, maybe 2 if I can offload two others that I don't play).

I'm wondering if anybody has any experience with the PRS SE Custom 24 or EPS LTD EC-1000? I'm trying to decide between those two. The stuff I'd like to play is usually in the stoner/doom/metal/rock space. I'd like something with a bit of versatility and I see that both of these guitars offer coil splits.

Oh, and the other guitar I'm hoping to pickup is a Reverend Sensei RA. My main guitar is currently an Epiphone Tony Iommi SG Custom. I'm just loving the SG shape.

What did you use to clean the pickups and bridge? My guitars aren't as bad as the original photo but they're getting there.

I've used a LTD EC-1000 as my main guitar for nearly 15 years and never had a problem with it


Oct 25, 2017
I need a practice amp to play in my condo and I don't plan I cranking the volume all the way up or high at all. Should I go with the THR10ii or THR30ii?


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
I need a practice amp to play in my condo and I don't plan I cranking the volume all the way up or high at all. Should I go with the THR10ii or THR30ii?
I have all three of the original THR amps (but 10C has been loaned out for a while) and they are plenty loud enough for apartment/bedroom practice and sound great through headphone output too. Aside from more powerful speakers, I think the only difference in the THR30ii is a physical switch to change the amp selection between the original/C/X modes. The 10ii still has all the models (though they are slightly different than the original THR series) but requires you to use the app to swap modes. Probably not worth the price increase.

I mostly use a THR10X. Even though it's the high gain variant, it still has a good clean model, a bass model that can also work as another clean model, and a flat mode you can run a preamp-style pedal into.

(Edit: I guess the 30ii also has the wireless functionality built in that the base 10ii doesn't, but IMO it's not worth the cost and you still have to buy the guitar-side accessory separately. If you care about wireless, you could get a different solution for less and not have it be restricted to just the THR.)
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Oct 25, 2017
I have all three of the original THR amps (but 10C has been loaned out for a while) and they are plenty loud enough for apartment/bedroom practice and sound great through headphone output too. Aside from more powerful speakers, I think the only difference in the THR30ii is a physical switch to change the amp selection between the original/C/X modes. The 10ii still has all the models (though they are slightly different than the original THR series) but requires you to use the app to swap modes. Probably not worth the price increase.

I mostly use a THR10X. Even though it's the high gain variant, it still has a good clean model, a bass model that can also work as another clean model, and a flat mode you can run a preamp-style pedal into.

(Edit: I guess the 30ii also has the wireless functionality built in that the base 10ii doesn't, but IMO it's not worth the cost and you still have to buy the guitar-side accessory separately. If you care about wireless, you could get a different solution for less and not have it be restricted to just the THR.)
Thank you! Yeah not interested in wireless at all. There is a wireless version of the 10ii but it only $50 cheaper than the 30ii which at that point I might as well get the 30ii if I were interested in playing wireless. I guess changing the mode through the app is not a big deal to me.


Aug 28, 2019
Hey guys I'm new to the world of guitar. In the last month and a half I've been starting my guitar journey with the help of justinguitar. Something that's started happening in the last week or two is I've been getting some wrist pain in my fretting hand. I see all kinds of videos on youtube about how you need to keep your wrist straight but unless I'm putting all my focus on my wrist it starts bending once I start playing in particular when I'm doing finger stretches on the low e string. Is there any advice for how to deal with this issue?


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
Hey guys I'm new to the world of guitar. In the last month and a half I've been starting my guitar journey with the help of justinguitar. Something that's started happening in the last week or two is I've been getting some wrist pain in my fretting hand. I see all kinds of videos on youtube about how you need to keep your wrist straight but unless I'm putting all my focus on my wrist it starts bending once I start playing in particular when I'm doing finger stretches on the low e string. Is there any advice for how to deal with this issue?

I also had this problem when starting but don't anymore, and honestly I can't really think of why it stopped.

You do need to focus a little on keeping your wrist straight. It might also help to pull the neck up a bit closer to you, as that changes the angle your wrist is at a bit. Maybe also try to use a lighter touch when fretting if possible. Less force might ease the strain a bit.


Aug 28, 2019
I also had this problem when starting but don't anymore, and honestly I can't really think of why it stopped.

You do need to focus a little on keeping your wrist straight. It might also help to pull the neck up a bit closer to you, as that changes the angle your wrist is at a bit. Maybe also try to use a lighter touch when fretting if possible. Less force might ease the strain a bit.
Thanks I'll try these when I practice later today.


Oct 26, 2017
Got a dream amp on route for delivery, extremely rare unit in Brasil... Traynor YBA-1 BassMaster.
This will be my second EL34 amp, first time i didn't gel with it but after testing a Traynor couple of years back, i couldn't stop lusting after one.

I am a happy boy


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Hey guys I'm new to the world of guitar. In the last month and a half I've been starting my guitar journey with the help of justinguitar. Something that's started happening in the last week or two is I've been getting some wrist pain in my fretting hand. I see all kinds of videos on youtube about how you need to keep your wrist straight but unless I'm putting all my focus on my wrist it starts bending once I start playing in particular when I'm doing finger stretches on the low e string. Is there any advice for how to deal with this issue?

what is the gauge on your guitar strings? acoustic?


Oct 25, 2017
What do you think of the Pacifica 612? I'm thinking picking one up as an upgrade to my starter guitar I got from Amazon.