
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly feel like for most series, not only AOT, animes are usually better received than their manga counterparts. Presentation can do a lot, mangas, and novels in the same way, ask their reader to do a lot more.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I assume the problem some people have with the ending is that somewhere along the line they stopped noticing that Attack On Titan is some dumb ass shit.


The Three Eyed Raven
Oct 27, 2017
well well, the reactions so far are a lot more positive than what I was expecting


Oct 27, 2017
After watching this episode, I bet 90% of the outrage over the manga years ago was over the Eren/Armin scenes that was misenterprenated because there was a lack of nuance in text and people ran with it. (For what it's worth, I was a ok with the manga)

And I feel like manga readers are disappointed that anime onlys won't wollow in the same despair for years haha. Come tomorrow "AoT" and "GOAT" will be trending on Twitter.

Flame Flamey

Feb 8, 2018
After watching this episode, I bet 90% of the outrage over the manga years ago was over the Eren/Armin scenes that was misenterprenated because there was a lack of nuance in text and people ran with it. (For what it's worth, I was a ok with the manga)

And I feel like manga readers are disappointed that anime onlys won't wollow in the same despair for years haha. Come tomorrow "AoT" and "GOAT" will be trending on Twitter.
Nah, Eren calling himself an idiot, and Armin instead thanking him for showing him the outside world, saying they'll be together in hell, are changes from the manga, and I think they improve that scene a lot for me.


Oct 27, 2017
Nah, Eren calling himself an idiot, and Armin instead thanking him for showing him the outside world, saying they'll be together in hell, are changes from the manga, and I think they improve that scene a lot for me.
I can't wait for next week's discussion based on the finale episode:

"Did the author always mean this and he was shocked at how people interpreted the manga so he spelled out his intentions more clearly in anime?"


"Did the author add text to the anime to change his intent due to backlash of the manga?"

Find out next time on......

Flame Flamey

Feb 8, 2018
I can't wait for next week's discussion based on the finale episode:

"Did the author always mean this and he was shocked at how people interpreted the manga so he spelled out his intentions more clearly in anime?"


"Did the author add text to the anime to change his intent due to backlash of the manga?"

Find out next time on......
"The animators are Eren/Armin shippers so they made their final scene super heartwarming."

I thought for a moment they might kiss at the end, would have been great.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't wait for next week's discussion based on the finale episode:

"Did the author always mean this and he was shocked at how people interpreted the manga so he spelled out his intentions more clearly in anime?"


"Did the author add text to the anime to change his intent due to backlash of the manga?"

Find out next time on......
This reminds me a bit of how R07 rewrote the flow of several scenes in the last two parts of the Umineko manga adaptation.


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished watching it, yeah that was pretty good. MAPPA really nailed all the action scenes, all of those were really well done except for maybe the weird directing when Falco first shows up.

I do think all the dialog changes were mostly an improvement. I was morbidly curious to see what would happen if they kept the Eren/Armin conversation one-to-one, but they made the right choice to change it. Also one of my biggest complaints from the manga was that all of those revelations in that conversation come so fast that there's barely enough time to process it, so I'm glad they not only changed some of it, but also extended it.

Still kind of hate how the final scene before the epilogue is Mikasa crying about Eren at his grave though lol

s y

Nov 8, 2017
Well, that was about as bad as the manga lol.

I'm not surprised by anime-onlies liking it. Most I know only care about the fates of characters rather than the story making any kind of sense. Even the ones I've seen that didn't like the ending only dislike it because Eren died.


Dec 19, 2022
Well, that was about as bad as the manga lol.

I'm not surprised by anime-onlies liking it. Most I know only care about the fates of characters rather than the story making any kind of sense. Even the ones I've seen that didn't like the ending only dislike it because Eren died.
To be fair if you get the characters right thats key imo. I dont mind the Lost ending because the character focus worked(...for Jack etc maybe not for some of the others). If you at least nail the emotional catharsis for the character arc or ending I think a lot gets forgiven. IT feels like a lot of the vitriol towards Game of Thrones is to do with the endings of pretty much all characters bar one or two.

I havent looked into the overall reactions much here or in other well discussed places bar Titanfolk(who are full of trolls) but it seems reasonably positive? I am glad. The series for whatever strange reason has had such an impact on me over the years. The only anime I have kept up with.


Oct 25, 2017
I actually only watched the first final movie today, too.

Gotta say, the rumbling was done better justice than I anticipated. That's about where my personal praise ends, though, but I've just not been very fond of the Mappa Team's work here, with the exception of 2-3 brilliantly directed episodes. Still, given the struggle that's working at Mappa, I gotta give credit for finishing this series relatively quickly; it's a gargantuan task, after all.

I feel like the altered/added scenes between Armin und Eren are almost more clunky, as the intent was always clear to me, but I'll take it if it means we don't get any "woah, Armin thanked Eren there which means Isayama is actually pro-genoicide!!!11elven!" smart takes.

Oh, and I also got quite emotional with a good bit of crying here and there. But that happens the more I reread/rewatch overall good stories and characters the more invested I just end up feeling.


Oct 25, 2017
One stark difference I found surprising was how hallu-chan wasn't as clearly shown in the anime.



Don't think I would've made that connection there had I been anime-only.


The Three Eyed Raven
Oct 27, 2017

Titanfolk in shambles?

It's not exactly breaking records, but people seem to like it?
And without the one piece fanbase spamming 1s and 2s it would be >9.

Ending reception by the anime community has been overwhelmingly positive. I expected it to be more positive, but not this positive.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017


Mar 1, 2021
somehow managed as a anime only to not get spoiled on anything for all these years
i thought this was pretty good while the post credits were more bleak and depressing than the final in some ways i liked it quite a bit have no clue what all the hub bub was about from fans for years so i can't really say what was different

part of me wonders how the finale would've been if it wasn't overtaken by mappa though with what we know of the studio i think they did a good job

i'm quite sad but happy this damn thing is finally over !


Oct 25, 2017
Rewatching it now I noticed for some reason they cut out the bit of dialog where Gabi talks about seeing the centipede thing appear from Eren's neck the first time he was decapitated and speculates about it being the true form of the founder titan or the power of titans. I wonder why that got cut; it's kind of important since it's the first time anyone else learns about it and otherwise they should have no idea what it is when it shows up later

Loan Wolf

Nov 9, 2017
Enjoyed the anime ending more than the manga. Manga did a good job framing the theme of breaking the cycle of the Titans while the anime expanded more on human nature and conflict; I can see the anime industry greenlighting an adaptation post AoT of the world after the Titans: That post-credits sequence gave off NieR Automata vibes


GOTY Tracking Thread Master
Oct 26, 2017
Not surprising given the small changes in previous Seasons. Isayama often tries to fix some of the things from the manga in the anime like the political thriller arc. I've been saying from the beginning that the ending is fine albeit rushed and that the anime with the voice acting, direction, music etc could make it a lot more better even if it's 1:1.

Can't wait for the Reddit thread to go nuts though 🍿
Specially those hoping for an alt ending.
Pretty much nailed the prediction. I'm actually surprised a lot more people (including myself) are very happy with the ending.

Damn feels sad to see another great series come to an end. And next year ends Haikyuu Anime and possibly MAH 🥲


Nov 13, 2019
I have read a Reddit thread on the manga and anime differences and can understand why manga people didn't like it. Essentially killing whole characters. Armin thanking Eren for the genocide is wild stuff

To me it was a great story and MAPPA did a great job knowing what was needed to be changed. The VA killed it

I'm not sure I want a sequel. This being my first anime after Naruto I think why this worked is because I found the characters (especially the main 3 friends) written so good on top of a story full of twists and turns.

I liked how the writing made it that we have a seemingly happy end with no characters dying while also it being really bleak? The Jeagerrists and the whole people gonna be people in the end hit me.

I wanted to buy the manga box, I have loads of merch for AoT but I won't know knowing how the ending is and it will sour me on my favorite character.. But if they decide to release a blu ray set of the whole show I will buy that I think.

I wonder what the manga maker will do next. He isn't that old so will he take another swing at it?
Oct 27, 2017
If he ever returns, I hope he takes care once again to meticulously craft a story plan with a set ending or goal in mind, so that he doesnt end up writing himself into a corner. He kind of already did with some parts of aot towards the end, when it became clear that a lot of loose threads would have to be wrapped up quickly in order to end the series on time... and then the flying falco deus ex machina happened, zeke got convinced to help in a couple pages, etc.


GOTY Tracking Thread Master
Oct 26, 2017
8.6 on IMDB is honestly better that I was expecting given people's reaction to the manga ending (which I thought was fine). Saw the entire anime before watching the last episode and I haven't felt this satisfied in an overall series since FMA Brotherhood. Will read the manga again now with the anime in mind. Maybe even give no Requiem a read lol


The Three Eyed Raven
Oct 27, 2017
8.6 on IMDB is honestly better that I was expecting given people's reaction to the manga ending (which I thought was fine). Saw the entire anime before watching the last episode and I haven't felt this satisfied in an overall series since FMA Brotherhood. Will read the manga again now with the anime in mind. Maybe even give no Requiem a read lol
And it's an 8.6 with review bombing, you can see that the score of individual countries without it is 90-91.

That's wild compared to what we were expecting, most YouTubers reaction has been stellar too, a LOT of crying lol


Nov 4, 2017
Fly and volume 35 are out.
Levi's short story is framed as a story he tells Gabi and Falco after the Rumbling (not much of a framing device, really: that's only revealed at the very last panel). It shows how Levi first awakened his Ackerman abilities (and why he holds cups the way he does). That apparently happened on the very day Kenny left him?
All in all, it's not much (as expected for 18 pages), but I'll take that over those uninspired, flavorless spin-offs any day, personally.
Oct 27, 2017
...was it ever supposed to be a thing in the fandom? That's kinda disturbing. Thought it was obvious that one of Kuchel's clients impregnated her and Kenny became a father figure to Levi because he was the only adult figure in his childhood period.


Nov 4, 2017
No, it was just the main rumor floating around for the past few months.
Which is weird, considering how easily you could debunk it. We already knew the short story would be 18 pages long, not 49 like the "leak" claimed, we already had the drafts for the first few pages, which completely conflicted with said "leak"... and that's without even getting into the tone of the thing, the whole "incest" nonsense.


Oct 27, 2017
So some manga folks really thought "incest" was going to be in play in Levi's backstory? That's what some of them gathered from the past chapters of the manga? Hmmm, that explains a lot.
Anyway, thanks for the head up, gonna go read this right now, if I can.
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