
Jul 31, 2022
HHH And the board voting to reinstate VKM
what? am i missing something? didnt vince sell all his stocks lately?

also tony thats how you take shots, not dedicating precous air time to it, just on do it on other platforms, i dont watch aew for drama i watch it for live action anime fights, the ultimate meat head anime

Wonky Mump

Oct 30, 2017
what? am i missing something? didnt vince sell all his stocks lately?

also tony thats how you take shots, not dedicating precous air time to it, just on do it on other platforms, i dont watch aew for drama i watch it for live action anime fights, the ultimate meat head anime
Stooge is referring to VKM's return in January 2023.


Nov 1, 2017
VKM sold the last of his shares he is out...

He hasn't. They're still eligible for sale but not sold, as are Nick Khan's, and his aren't sold yet either. He's also still with the company.

Sportico posted a misleading copy and paste story with an inaccurate headline of a two-week old Wrestlenomics story…on the same day as Tony Khan called WWE the Harvey Weinstein of pro wrestling. PR reaction by WWE to say "He's gone! We swear!"

He will be and the shares will probably all be sold, but the timing of the story (which happened two weeks ago) likely wasn't coincidental, and was the WWE PR office poking Sportico to post the story as if it had just happened.


You know what that means
Oct 25, 2017
It's Saturday. You know what that means. 💛🧡🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

VKM sold the last of his shares he is out...

Pointing the finger solely at Vince and separating themselves from him is a good PR strategy, but the tree is rotten to the roots. Gotta clean house.

And besides, WWE is explicitly named in the lawsuit.

Wonky Mump

Oct 30, 2017
wasnt that a coup by vince literally having all the voting power so the voting was merly a formality?
In short, yes. I'll spoiler-tag further info from memory since it's not specifically AEW talk.
From memory, he basically as majority/controlling shareholder said he wouldn't approve any new TV rights deals or possible buyout offers if he wasn't reinstated as Executive Chairman and claimed it was "critical" for him to return to maximise company value for shareholders. The board of directors had already blocked one return attempt and wrote to him telling him they didn't want him directly involved with the company directly due to the ongoing investigations and information the board had since been provided at the time, but he then used his majority shareholder status to push three board members out to make room for himself and two others he had previously removed before then pushing a vote to get himself reinstated to Executive Chairman a week later, with WWE putting out a press release saying the vote was "unanimous" and Stephanie McMahon then resigning from the company in all roles the same day.


Oct 29, 2017
So then why did TKO wait to remove him from a media facing role until the allegations were public even though they knew about the allegations?

Whole lot of one bad appleing going on for corporate officer 1 and 2 here.

Why does current board member Dwayne Johnson speak to him regularly?

30 years of paying his victims hush money under NDA with many of those in power either having direct knowledge or intentionally looking the other way

If TK had said it was like Weinstein company that probably would have been more apt.
Oct 27, 2017
I miss him so much.

Lethal Trademarked the name last year, let him feud with/annoy Jarrett or something, idk. I was especially fond of how he ran the gimmick for All In 2018 when he was fading in and out of Black Machismo. Refine that a bit and lean more into the comedy than just "Ha, it's Macho Man."

Every time I hear the Pomp and Circumstance opening to his theme I'm so sad he doesn't have the tassel pants on and he's just wearing plain black trunks.

Jay Lethal is one of the best wrestlers on the planet right now and he has basically nothing to do character-wise. I know the Elite and the new signees (rightfully) are the main story work going on right now, but this is the sort of thing that instantly pumps life into your frankly kind of burnt out lower-to-mid card.
I had that same feeling of hype followed by an immediate bout of grief missing Randy Savage as soon as that Pomp and Circumstance intro hit and blended into the rest of his theme song.

Normally I wouldn't want a tribute act like this in any show being someone's main persona but Lethal is a special case where he basically became the character. He got the blessing of the family and everything to keep doing the gimmick whenever he wants. He's an amazing wrestler that can do the Macho Man justice if he were booked as a babyface in the undercard.

If they want to use him as a singles he can be a pillar of Rampage or Collision giving us comedy gold and good matches. If they want to use him as a tag he has a built in alliance with Mark Briscoe ready to go in addition to new ideas they can try with that character. The company is very heel dominated in general and this type of larger than life cartoon character would be a breath of fresh air.

Then again babyface Macho Man at his best was still very heelish in the ring but the people still loved him.
I would love it if it wasn't treated like Toni Storm. Where everyone in the promotion kind of just plays along with her gimmick and even does the constant black and white camera. I'd like it if no one sold the fact that he was Black Machismo and tried to bring him back to reality.

The initial feud being against Jeff Jarrett would be whatever but everything after that could truly be awesome. Would love to have Black Machismo in the next Continental Classic. Assuming people like Malakai Black and Miro skip it again. Having the younger wrestlers work with someone that has Lethal's experience is really beneficial for their development. Assuming most of the injured wrestlers come back by the time the next C2 is ready to go and I think this year's tournament is going to be insane. Oh god what if they're going to merge all three of their mid-card belts in the next tournament?! Guaranteed Okada, Copeland, and let's be honest...Will Ospreay at the next one.
Oct 8, 2019
what? am i missing something? didnt vince sell all his stocks lately?

also tony thats how you take shots, not dedicating precous air time to it, just on do it on other platforms, i dont watch aew for drama i watch it for live action anime fights, the ultimate meat head anime

Stooge is conflating two seperate events that happened right after the other

One was Vince reinstating himself, adding two additional board members he had previously fired and removing three board members and followed by the resignation of two additional board members.


WWE confirms Vince McMahon is rejoining the board, stock spikes

World Wrestling Entertainment confirmed on Friday that former CEO and majority shareholder Vince McMahon will be reinstated to the company’s board.

The other was a few days later the board which included himself unanimously making him the executive chairman. This is when Stephanie Mcmahon resigned as co-CEO. The WWE Executives werent stupid, they obviously knew that Vince was a liability, but Vince doesnt give a shit about anyone but himself, so he forced his way into power because he had 80% of the vote.

CNN spelled the whole thing out.

So then why did TKO wait to remove him from a media facing role until the allegations were public even though they knew about the allegations?

Whole lot of one bad appleing going on for corporate officer 1 and 2 here.

Why does current board member Dwayne Johnson speak to him regularly?

30 years of paying his victims hush money under NDA with many of those in power either having direct knowledge or intentionally looking the other way

If TK had said it was like Weinstein company that probably would have been more apt.
Honestly I think TKO was hoping that Vince Mcmahon could get really good deals for the UFC in Saudi Arabia. I dont think anyone is under any real delusions that TKO as whole is a standup company. Dana White started a league that basically is just watching people get brain damage and then it failed because people just watched the clips of the brain damage happening instead of the actual show, so he moved it to a far right wing video platform. This was after he slapped his wife.

Dwayne Johnson is a right wing chud who endorsed Biden only because his Daughter was fairly leftist.
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Oct 29, 2017
Sure and that's sort of my point. TKO didn't distance themselves from VKM until they had to even though they knew about these hush money deals were bad enough that they had disclosed VKM as a potential liability to shareholders.

I'm pushing back against a narrative that there was one bad apple at WWE and not a system enabling VKMs behavior for decades by the people who are still in charge.

And the new parent company on top of turning he UFC into quasi trump rallys on occasion also did not distance themselves from VKM until a story they were well aware of broke publicly and they had to.

Calling WWE Weinstein may have missed the mark but calling VKM Weinstein isn't and the culture of enabling his behavior within the company is not unlike what we saw from the folks around Harvey Weinstein who either enabled the behavior or looked the other way because they didn't want to know.

This is all off topic in any event but a large amount of the IWC and wreddit seemed more concerned about TKs statement than who knew what about VKM.


Oct 29, 2017
How long before H is also gone too. Then you have these rumors of Vince starting another promotion would be interesting.

Can't wait to see what Omega does when he returns.

Nick Kahn is likely just waiting on stock price to get where he wants it to cash out stock earnings. He may well leave because getting a deal like this is why he went to WWE in the first place. He's sort of mission accomplished there. He's a media guy not a wrestling guy and him moving on to a CEO role elsewhere is probably his goal.

I doubt anyone goes anywhere and any new fed VKM tries to start will have more in common with control your narrative than even impact.


Aug 1, 2019
If I was running AEW I think I'd have a big fucking problem with people equating my company to some creeps' sexual assault emporium.


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
alas, lethal is regarded one step down from flair in terms of sex pest

also man you must have enjoyed when jay lethal + jeff jarett was week in week out just like, under a year ago. what a fever dream that time was. i was a mark for satnam singh though
Also getting Taeler Hendrix basically blacklisted from wrestling.


Oct 29, 2017
One of the things that AEW needs to take from other promotions is "major event that leads to major title shot"

The G1 tournament, Royal Rumble, etc. really add prestige to a tournament and also add to the title feeling like a "big deal".

TK needs to pick a few PPVs that are the "big event" PPVs and then market around those.

Like the CC tournament instead of leading to a belt annually should have led to a title shot at Revolution. The Gift of the Gods was a really cool dragon ball like belt. Collect all the pieces over time and get a title shot at a time of your choosing but once the belt is fully assembled it can be lost so its a major prize. Aztek Warefare could easily easily be an hour of a dynamite that leads to a title shot at All In.

I think as AEW has booked more PPVs the build towards the title matches feels smaller and less of a big deal so picking a handful of PPVs and basically saying "this is our Mania/WK" would go a long way. All In is a rather obvious one to make major.

This stuff does lead to weird moments where there are clear filler title defenses once the big match has been set at the next major PPV but that can be avoided by making the qualifying event closer to the major PPV.

Also the Gift of the gods belt is such a sick design. I'd love if TK tourned the continental championship into something like that. Like you "win" the belt but its useful to be cashed in towards a shot at the big belt.


Oct 29, 2017
TK should really look into a match like this for a show. Azteca Warfare was often Lucha Underground's best matches of the year.

I liked the match last week but holy crap you should absolutely not have the announcers acting like they dont know the rules of the match as its happening. Or even worse not know the rules.

Something like Aztec Warfare is a very cool concept. Its basically a better version of the rumble format since I think earning a pinfall or submission in the ring allows for better wrestling. Over the top royales are limited by their nature and outside of cool skin the cat spots they dont add anything to the format - where something like Aztec warfare has all the upside (temporary alliances, friends fighting each other, big men who take a lot of folks to take out, people getting the most eliminations actually feels more impactful, going the distance and being gassed) but it also allows for the match to spill out of the ring in ways that are more logical. The over the top also is always open to the accidental fuck up elimination like Batista/Cena.

LU was such a cool show, its a real shame it ended and most people never got paid but it was quality rasslin.


You know what that means
Oct 25, 2017
Pumped to hear Swerve's first interview as champ tonight.

Speaking as someone who doesn't need promos on their wrassling show to enjoy it…

…heck yeah! I wasn't initially crazy about him not getting mic time on Wednesday, but waiting until tonight was the right call imo. Plus he got to lead with his WRASSLING establishing him as a fighting champion straight out of the gate.


Oct 29, 2017
Curious to see who ends up being Swerves first challenger since Ospreay and Takeshita are off the table - is this the time to give Cesaro a swing at the main event? (no pun intended). Curious to see how the promo tonight goes since they mentioned Swerve's challenger is revealed on the next Dynamite - do they do it WWE style with several guys interrupting to set up a match Wednesday?

For tonight - not a fan of Top Flight taking yet another loss. In general im kind of perplexed by AEW's booking of alot of the younger talent lately with Fletcher, HOOK, Garcia and others all being fed to veterans who honestly don't need the wins - Fletcher especially takes more pins than a stationary drawer.

I had said I'd give the Jericho/HOOK story to Dynasty as thats as much shelf life as any Jericho feud should have - thought the booking of the end of their match at Dynasty was truly awful and nearly (but not quite) undid alot of the work Joe did to make HOOK look like a star. If this is leading to a genuine Shibata/HOOK pairing though then maybe I can tolerate it a little longer - that is the most common sense, slam dunk pairing of young star/mentor since Darby/Sting. Expecting Shibata/Taylor to be announced for tonight.


Oct 29, 2017
Swerves first defense will be Double J followed by Skye Blue

Oh god. Skye blues boyfriend is getting the male sky blue cooking. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

We've got a PPV coming up so it needs to be someone that is at that level. I don't know if you pull hanger in that fast. I doubt Cole is cleared and he shouldn't eat the loss.

Claudio is on a losing streak, Danielson is 'hurt', Kenny and MJF are hurt.

I wouldn't mind Pac but he just lost a title shot. I wouldn't mind Penta.

Fuckkkkk what if the elite give it to Jack? He can eat a loss and look good and still be elevated.
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Nov 18, 2018
Surprise Christian return to challenge for the AEW title at DoN.

The promos would be amazing, and pitting your best heel against your top babyface as his first challenger makes sense.


Oct 28, 2017
Speaking as someone who doesn't need promos on their wrassling show to enjoy it…

…heck yeah! I wasn't initially crazy about him not getting mic time on Wednesday, but waiting until tonight was the right call imo. Plus he got to lead with his WRASSLING establishing him as a fighting champion straight out of the gate.
It depends on how many people stick around after the NBA game. Dynamite is their biggest show in terms of audience, so Swerve should've lead off the show with a promo celebrating his win / setting up the next arc. The fact that he didn't is...probably not the right call unless they get a massive amount of people who hang out after the NBA game.

So, we'll see I guess.


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
I'm honestly kind of struggling to think of who would be considered a main event level opponent for Swerve to face at Double or Nothing. Most of the top talent are already in a program or are injured/taking a break.


Oct 26, 2017
what? am i missing something? didnt vince sell all his stocks lately?

also tony thats how you take shots, not dedicating precous air time to it, just on do it on other platforms, i dont watch aew for drama i watch it for live action anime fights, the ultimate meat head anime

I was very critical of how they aired the All-In footage. This is definitely more my speed! I cracked up at it.

Great publicity with him wearing the neck brace as well, and with others getting in on the fun.