Nov 2, 2017
Jesus, I don't doubt it. The two guys on either side of me up in the nosebleeds almost came to blows over screaming "I WANT YOU SKYE" Awful.

Everyone in that arena who was wasted must be millionaires, the beers are 20 bucks each.


Oct 26, 2017
Finished Dynamite late. Definitely enjoyed the no dq Copeland King match. Definitely hated Swerve's ghosted jobbers laying him out which made it back to back weeks of Swerve getting jumped. Schiavone announcing Hook's return seemed to get almost no reaction. Mixed on Danielson joining the Team AEW anarchy in the arena, was definitely wrong on one slot going to Garcia theory....would have made sense here. But Tony did say he wanted Danielson taking over if something happened to him and it's a big match so it makes more sense. Trent already has the out of the shadow angle against Cassidy and it really wasn't needed for the Mogul Embassy as well.

edit: They really could have done something special with a Team AEW build and they didn't bother because it doesn't matter. It's a big arena match with big names. I wouldn't put FTR here, it's too much " they are the bucks rivals so they are here." And they didn't bother trying to work Danielson as taking over for Tony first, it's just based on that one quote most people probably didn't read. Hopefully the next Wolves Nuggets game is good.
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Oct 1, 2018
Weird episode of dynamite. Think the main event saved it. Swerve stuff is weird, we are making him the ultimate ultimate underdog now by having 7 or 8 folks against him?

Loved the Deeb/Toni segment.


Nov 19, 2019
Anarchy without Mox? That's against the rules.

Crossing fingers for him and Hangman being a part of it.

Conrad Link

Oct 29, 2017
New Zealand
Oh my lord, Willow 😍

I hate her because she beat Queen Julia... but she's really great. Comes off genuine in what she says, so confident in her 'character' and makes you want to cheer for her. And of course can go in the ring. I also really love seeing people rise from jobber status and getting to show the world what they can do. If Athena's talents weren't just being wasted in RoH I'd love them to feud on regular TV.

Please be careful in the arena brawl match Bry-D you sicko. :'(


You know what that means
Oct 25, 2017
It's Thursday. You know what that means. ❤️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
Nov 5, 2017


Disgusting the women have to deal with this. Apparently, this happened to Sky recently and Aubrey, after the match, told security to kick the guy out. He put up a fight... while his kid was sitting there.

Reminds me when I went to Collision this past summer (Ricky's Owen Cup celebration with the million fireworks at the start). I was ringside and Toni vs. Sky, the stuff that was being said about them was horrible. Better yet, my wife was sitting right next to me. Losers had no shame.


Oct 25, 2017
So, going by Cagematch, that was Harley's 22nd professional match ever. And you know what, it really wasn't that bad. Green? Yeah. Embarrassing? Nope. And I kind of hope there is more in ring stuff with her.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017


Disgusting the women have to deal with this. Apparently, this happened to Sky recently and Aubrey, after the match, told security to kick the guy out. He put up a fight... while his kid was sitting there.

Reminds me when I went to Collision this past summer (Ricky's Owen Cup celebration with the million fireworks at the start). I was ringside and Toni vs. Sky, the stuff that was being said about them was horrible. Better yet, my wife was sitting right next to me. Losers had no shame.

Folks are especially gross to saraya. I was at the raw years ago when she announced she had to retire and some stupid pig fucks were screaming "saw you naked" and other vulgar shit. Ban all these stupid fucks from all future events.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
I see the same fuckers saying the same shit on social media to ladies like Saraya and especially Skye. I'm going to Dynamite in early June with my son, and I can already tell that I'm going to have to restrain myself from breaking someone jaw when they say gross shit.

I know wrestling is fake and they're not really hurting each other... but when Brody King hits his finisher I still think he's killed a guy.

I jumped out of my chair when he hit that ganso bomb on the ladder at Full Gear because I thought he damn near killed himself and his opponent. I had the same reaction to Chuckie Ts Awful Waffle.


Mar 12, 2020
I'm really enjoying all the chaos the Elite are reaping every week and all the little segments with them backstage.

Must say, despite his villainous ways.... I really enjoy Don on commentary as well ...


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
Dear Bryan Danielson,
Please don't get a concussion in a stupid arena brawl and rob Nigel McGuinness of his chance to face you at All In Wembley.

A dude who travelled to Forbidden Door 2022 and was sad you couldn't be there due to being concussed at Anarchy in the Arena at Double or Nothing 2022.
And also so you can finally have a Blood n Guts/Wargames match under your belt.


Nov 1, 2017
Ode to Dynamite - May 8th, 2024

Taz! Where art thou? Your digressions we miss
But the show must go on
Here's OC and Trent--and one Don Callis!
A battle just fine, perchance a tad long
With a post-match beatdown
As Kris tags along
But who is the good and who is the bad?
The only thing certain is that Trent is mad
Wouldn't you be too if you were no longer a hero?
And you were caught following that turd Ben Shapiro?

Next we had Bucks, Okada, and Jack
Stealing shows, stealing parking, for both they have knack
Then cut to Kenny in a hospital gown
Still looking good despite a sad frown
A promise of chaos fit for goddess Athena
Who will team up at Anarchy in Arena?

Ah, then 'twas time for the Prof to appear
Looking so dope in gear that was sheer
Is she face? Is she heel?
And what of Toni's alignment?
Feels like TK could've reviewed this assignment
But the words were fine and there was heat, I confess
I just hope Tony knows we want to cheer Timeless

Cut to Lexy backstage
OC and Romero
This wasn't money
But worth a dinero

Then Hot Girl Graps
With Harley and May
Dropkicks and forearms
All that to say
'Twas a solid performance
And a chance for Mariah
To be teased by her friend
(Or her lover?!) Shirakawa

PAC and Jay White bumped into each other
PAC was actually dry
And not dripping with water
Is Death Triangle dead?
Are the trios alive?
Can a Bang Bang Triangle
A division revive?

Swerve's house was next
A segment so blessed
With Christian and fam
And the Embassy test
What a turn!
Who saw it coming?
A really hot angle
With some Elite cunning!
This day, Swerve was down
But he's just waiting his turn
Who can he trust now?
Let's wait and then learn.

Speaking of CHAMPIONS
Willow is here!
She sounds so darn comfy
With a mic near her ear
"Are you ready, Mercedes?"
She asks with steel in her eyes
A face and a force
That fans can't deny

Then Rocky and Switch
Came out and went at it
But I was in the kitchen
So I didn't quite catch it
Not every segment has to be super hot
Sometimes some filling isn't for naught
And hey!
We got PAC running back on the scene
Scaring off Ass Boys and looking quite mean

Growing takes time, I'm sure you'd agree
But don't take it from me
It's The Learning Tree!
An act that is funny and a little bit silly
Complete with a Redwood that we call Big Billy
An enjoyable session under the shade
As Jericho continues to master his trade

Ah! Joe of Samoa is found in the back
Pre-taped calisthenics getting back on track
What a damn beast, get him in a program
Or just have him wreck fools and then casually choke them

Now it's time for the King
to battle with Copeland
For that TNT thing
Blood and splashes
Wounds and gashes
A four-star war
Leaves two warriors sore
By the way, here's something nifty
Cope's going hard and the dude's over fifty

Speaking of star power
Here's Mercedes
She talks a big game
About the division of ladies
She promises change
But what could it mean?
I just know I'll be booing
If she pins our champ clean

Oh, hey! Cope is back
And so is K-O-R
They'll battle on Saturday
And no doubt draw stars

Then it was time for the Elite to return
And to wish Kenny well
With a sarcastic turn
But hark! Who is this?
Why, it's FTR daughter and FTR gun
But they're not alone
They've got Eddie Kingston and Bryan Danielson!

This is where we end
It's clear where we're going
A company war
With no signs of slowing

This was an episode of battle-line drawing
Of post-match attacks and a fair bit of jawing
But at the end of the day, I have nothing to shun
As I left this show saying "Know what? I had fun."

Grade: But I digress.
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Oct 27, 2017
Copeland vs Brody was great. Really solid Dynamite overall. Hopefully we get a Jay White vs PAC match and a BCG vs Death Triangle match out of their interaction on the show.

Wonky Mump

Oct 30, 2017
Ultimate Edition makes it sound like the final form. If they're doing one character DLC release a month then that would take us to the 1 year mark of the game's release.


Oct 27, 2017
I think Orange Cassidy might be one of my favorite wrestlers right now. Dude sells like he's going through god damn torture and he's great at it, then his offense is usually so sudden and fast. Something about his matches I've really liked. I think he's instantly become a guy for me that I'm excited for a match of his regardless of whether I know the opponent.

That Omega orchestrated match doesn't sound crazy interesting off hand without Kenny involved. Besides the no rules aspect.

Deeb promo bad. Dweeb indeed. Glad Toni interrupted.


Disgusting the women have to deal with this. Apparently, this happened to Sky recently and Aubrey, after the match, told security to kick the guy out. He put up a fight... while his kid was sitting there.

Reminds me when I went to Collision this past summer (Ricky's Owen Cup celebration with the million fireworks at the start). I was ringside and Toni vs. Sky, the stuff that was being said about them was horrible. Better yet, my wife was sitting right next to me. Losers had no shame.

I was on the lookout for these guys instantly because I saw this, and it's hilarious you can see them jump out at her yelling the instant she walks by.

I want to see Maria and Saraya wreslte. That punch on the ramp was the best spot of the match. Also, I don't know what the Maria and other girl whole thing was at the end.....but I'm for it?

Ok. Holding your belts up with a bat with them hanging on them is my new favorite way belts have been held. I don't like these guys right away, but the belt hold...perfect.

Think this is the first time I've actually seen Swerve despite hearing his name a lot. Call me crazy, he kinda looks like a ai blur between Edris Elba and Kendrick Lamar.

Drake continues taking L's hahaha

I kinda feel bad for Austin from Big Brother lol does dude get to talk or wrestle? lol Nevermind he said "Muahhh" when walking back up the ramp.

Damn, swerve looked like he legit had a black eye while laying there lol

The young bucks remind me of knockoff Ozzy's from survivor.

Despite how he carried around the belts, Switchblade oddly didn't seem to pull me in for this match.

God, Samoa Joe is cool.

So ready for more Jericho after that Shibata match.....well that was a match...

I've seen them talk about an Ospreay match coming up at the ppv but I haven't seen him since the Danielson fight. What's his whole thing or apponent since then? Or is he just like a big match type guy?

No notes during Copeland match. Was too engrossed. I like Copeland.

Yeah, I oddly think Orange Cassidy and Adam Copeland have been my favorite wrestlers that I've watched multiple great matches of in such short amount of time. At least they stand out so easily as matches in my memory.


Oct 27, 2017
I posted before the end. Eddie and his drunk uncle look coming out all angry and wanting to fight actually worked so well for him. Also Danielson coming out oddly had me hyped too. More interested in this Anarchy match now.


Oct 27, 2017
I've seen them talk about an Ospreay match coming up at the ppv but I haven't seen him since the Danielson fight. What's his whole thing or apponent since then? Or is he just like a big match type guy?

he won the gauntlet match on the Dynamite after Dynasty, so he'll challenge Roderick Strong at the next PPV (in 2 and a half weeks)
he's still based in the UK so it may be that they gave him a week or so off. his spouse is wrestling for NJPW this saturday, I'd imagine he's back in the US now and will appear next week again.


Oct 27, 2017
he won the gauntlet match on the Dynamite after Dynasty, so he'll challenge Roderick Strong at the next PPV (in 2 and a half weeks)
he's still based in the UK so it may be that they gave him a week or so off. his spouse is wrestling for NJPW this saturday, I'd imagine he's back in the US now and will appear next week again.

Ah ok, I was just late to watching the weeklies after seeing his match and missed it. Thanks!


One Winged Slayer - Shinra Employee
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I think Orange Cassidy might be one of my favorite wrestlers right now. Dude sells like he's going through god damn torture and he's great at it, then his offense is usually so sudden and fast. Something about his matches I've really liked. I think he's instantly become a guy for me that I'm excited for a match of his regardless of whether I know the opponent.

you should track down OC's (likeliest) finest match, and one of AEW's oldest breakout matches: revolution, 2020.

the setup: OC vs PAC. one is angry. the other is not very angry.

what results is probably one of the finest comedy matches in wrestling, deadass; There's a point where you can visibly see both wrestlers are having super fun. This clip alone highlights some crazy fun energy.



Don't dream it, be it
May 2, 2018
Folks are especially gross to saraya. I was at the raw years ago when she announced she had to retire and some stupid pig fucks were screaming "saw you naked" and other vulgar shit. Ban all these stupid fucks from all future events.
I really wish security was more on top of this. These performers don't deserve this crap.


Oct 27, 2017
you should track down OC's (likeliest) finest match, and one of AEW's oldest breakout matches: revolution, 2020.

the setup: OC vs PAC. one is angry. the other is not very angry.

what results is probably one of the finest comedy matches in wrestling, deadass; There's a point where you can visibly see both wrestlers are having super fun. This clip alone highlights some crazy fun energy.


The walk away and build up to the tiny kick absolutely killed me. Have to track down the match. Stopping there.

Edit: with AEW having a more smaller and digestable history, some sick part of me is wanting to see how doable it is to just start at the beginning.
May 22, 2023


Disgusting the women have to deal with this. Apparently, this happened to Sky recently and Aubrey, after the match, told security to kick the guy out. He put up a fight... while his kid was sitting there.

Reminds me when I went to Collision this past summer (Ricky's Owen Cup celebration with the million fireworks at the start). I was ringside and Toni vs. Sky, the stuff that was being said about them was horrible. Better yet, my wife was sitting right next to me. Losers had no shame.

Of course many of the twitter replies are as shitty as you would expect


Oct 27, 2017
The walk away and build up to the tiny kick absolutely killed me. Have to track down the match. Stopping there.

Edit: with AEW having a more smaller and digestable history, some sick part of me is wanting to see how doable it is to just start at the beginning.
If you're interested, Fite/Triller has everything.

I watched a few of the early Dynamites and it's kinda rough. 😂
Nov 2, 2017
you should track down OC's (likeliest) finest match, and one of AEW's oldest breakout matches: revolution, 2020.

the setup: OC vs PAC. one is angry. the other is not very angry.

what results is probably one of the finest comedy matches in wrestling, deadass; There's a point where you can visibly see both wrestlers are having super fun. This clip alone highlights some crazy fun energy.


OC getting Pac to crack during the match was a treat.
Oct 27, 2017


Disgusting the women have to deal with this. Apparently, this happened to Sky recently and Aubrey, after the match, told security to kick the guy out. He put up a fight... while his kid was sitting there.

Reminds me when I went to Collision this past summer (Ricky's Owen Cup celebration with the million fireworks at the start). I was ringside and Toni vs. Sky, the stuff that was being said about them was horrible. Better yet, my wife was sitting right next to me. Losers had no shame.

I saw this clip and thought it was just Saraya joking with the fans in the over the top way she does. Sad to hear a bunch of fans were being genuinely trash.