
Oct 25, 2017
Wow, just past the first introductory exposition, and between the great voice acting, music, and characters, I feel like the warmth and charm of the game is immediately apparent and welcoming.
I feel like it's made a super-positive first impression on me.

Deleted member 2585

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm enjoying this a lot so far. The combat is pretty fun, if simple, and running through a dungeon is satisfying.

The world and characters are charming, too. I'm really liking where this adventure is going.


Oct 27, 2017
Bought it last night and I'm really digging it too! I get the feeling some of the voice acting might get grating (the battle cries for one) but it's so nice to play a Falcom game with a great localised script again.


Oct 25, 2017
Make sure you've run the configuration tool, make sure your resolution is set right, try toggling windowed/fullscreen. Barring that, try an uninstall/reinstall as it's oddly worked for a couple of people.
I will try to install it again when I come home. I tried the to mess with the configuration tool but it didn't work.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, paycheck came in so I got around to buying this. Probably won't actually play until after the 60FPS update is out though.

Wait... the fuck? This is out today?

I had literally no idea until I saw this thread. XSEED, I love you, and I love that you're bringing these games out over here, but I don't understand your approach to marketing... like, at all.

That aside, I'm buying this on GOG right now.

The way I heard it elsewhere - Now I don't know if anyone can corroborate on this, and it's mainly just been conjecture - Is that the ESA put restriction's on XSEED's ability to advertise titles they publish over some controversy surrounding Senran Kagura. Don't know entirely how true it is, beyond it being in the same vein as the "Kadokawa blacklisted XSEED" theory on why they can't get JP voice-tracks for Falcom games.


Oct 26, 2017
New Jersey
The way I heard it elsewhere - Now I don't know if anyone can corroborate on this, and it's mainly just been conjecture - Is that the ESA put restriction's on XSEED's ability to advertise titles they publish over some controversy surrounding Senran Kagura. Don't know entirely how true it is, beyond it being in the same vein as the "Kadokawa blacklisted XSEED" theory on why they can't get JP voice-tracks for Falcom games.
This sounds like something some anon completely fabricated on 4chan.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I wouldn't put any credit in this kind of rumours.

I've beaten the first real boss and the game is pretty neat so far. Bosses seem really easy though, I sure hope the difficulty will increase latter in the game.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I wouldn't put any credit in this kind of rumours.

I've beaten the first real boss and the game is pretty neat so far. Bosses seem really easy though, I sure hope the difficulty will increase latter in the game.
Well, difficulty depends a lot on how much you stuff your face with food.
If you're like me and don't eat unless absolutely necessary because maybe I can exchange them again before I really need them (I don't..), then it's fairly challenging.
Pasokon Deacon
Oct 25, 2017
Devil Halton's Trap
I find it amusing that both XSEED-blackmailed-by-ESA and Kadokawa-blacklisted-XSEED have come up as rumors at nearly the same time. Whether or not those have even a grain of truth, it's fun yet terrifying to imagine how many industry secrets XSEED's had to stay mum about over so many years. Right now I just don't want to fall into a trap of portraying XSEED as the victim to a greater conspiracy. That's an easy way to get fooled and to become a fanboy.

Ephemeroga, the Ordium Shrine boss, amps up difficulty already, so I'd say Arch Shelob's just your usual easy and straightforward starter boss. The early G-Coliseum duels are also easy, but some of the mini-bosses can catch you off-guard. I lol'd hard at the intro to the mushroom mini-boss in the first part of Gloomgeld Woods; the only other encounter which I know has a wacky set-up is the giant chicken ring at Aurone Forgetower later on.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn, I totally forgot that this was coming out already. I'm probably gonna buy it this weekend, but I really don't have time for all these games.

Anyone playing with a controller? How is it?
Pasokon Deacon
Oct 25, 2017
Devil Halton's Trap
Controller works like a charm. This game's better designed for pad play than Xanadu Next, that's for sure.

Some choice screenshots:

Claude seems...suspicious, but not Fiona. At least Theo's here for balance since Falcom just loves glasses-wearing secret villains. I also wonder why Psyche's maid, Anna, joined the journey from Arges to Ilvard. (Actually, I'm wrong: Plum works as Psyche's maid in Puck Village, and Anna probably came to Artte alongside Fiona.)
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Oct 25, 2017
Damn, I totally forgot that this was coming out already. I'm probably gonna buy it this weekend, but I really don't have time for all these games.

Anyone playing with a controller? How is it?
I've been using a controller and it works amazing. I haven't had any issues with it at all.

Really enjoying this so far! It's so charming :) I just finished up Ordium Shrine.. That boss made me use up more food than I want to admit, lol


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Looks like this thread isn't very active :/

I played the game for review and it's certainly a comfortable and charming game. I wish combat progressed a little bit more from start to finish, but I still enjoyed my time with it. There are plenty of amusing and colorful lines.

Here's a random screenshot.


And cool to see Sara here! My playthrough was mostly problem free. Only glitch I had was that once I was clicking through the G-Coliseum menu so quickly I think I confused the game in thinking I was in the menu when I wasnt. I couldn't reproduce it though.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm having issue with a thin white border appearing when forcing 8xSGSSAA via NVInspector. Setting the antialiasing fix=on didn't resolve the problem either. Anyone else have this problem?

Apart from that, the game is great! So funny and charming.

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Oct 25, 2017
I'm having issue with a thin white border appearing when forcing 8xSGSSAA via NVInspector. Setting the antialiasing fix=on didn't resolve the problem either. Anyone else have this problem?

Apart from that, the game is great! So funny and charming.

Border, you mean at the left and top of the screen?
That's something that happens in some games when forcing anti-aliasing through drivers/inspector (for example, this happens in Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus).
Unfortunately I don't know of any solution for this. I've seen people suggesting adding a black border with reshade, since that would probably be a bit less distracting?
Or maybe using a different method of anti-aliasing, such as downsampling.


Oct 25, 2017
Border, you mean at the left and top of the screen?

Yep. It's not quite apparent in a screenshot, and it's only pronounced during cutscenes and/or narration text for example, but it's there.

Or maybe using a different method of anti-aliasing, such as downsampling.

I did try DSR for a bit, and it's fine, but not without its own share of minor problems, such as shimmering on Ragna's hair or Alwen's wings. And the widget items are out of alignment with the inventory grid, for example. SGSSAA is cleaner than DSR for this game, in my opinion.

I haven't tried OGSSAA or HSAA yet since I was a bit tired last night, maybe I'll see if I fare any better with those after I progress in the game a bit.
Oct 27, 2017
The widgets are a pretty cool concept, especially since the game is pretty old yet still has a more customizable HUD than anything being lauded for its options today. While some like the
are "useless" they still kinda fun to have. I am a little worried the HUD is going to cover the screen by the end though.
Pasokon Deacon
Oct 25, 2017
Devil Halton's Trap
Keeping the HUD nice and tidy gets easier once you have most of the widgets and know which ones are actually relevant. The minimap, scoreboard, critical meter, and mailbox seem most useful now that I'm about to clear Aurone Forgetower and then Castle Moonbria.

The story's gotten a bit more interesting than I expected.

Zahar isn't merely a Trueblood, but Alwen's uncle coming back seemingly from the dead after 100 years. I wonder how much is hidden within Crystal Valley, and what the hell's going on with Thermidor. The game pulls a nice trick in raising the stakes by having you duck out of Gloomgeld, seemingly right at the end, because Montblanc or Exmachina's activated the Forgetower to produce something ominous. It's also a clever way to make vary up this chapter of the game by giving you the choice of doing the rest of Gloomgeld before getting back to the story path. Learning that I was a few levels below where the game expected me to be in Aurone was also funny; this was the first time I had to snarf down a lot of EXP-rich foods right before a boss.

Exmachina's description of herself is compelling. We don't know if she's even human or just, as she says, the puppet feeding off of Ragna's memories. I'm going to bet she's his sister given the similarity between him in the flash back and him when talking to Exmachina. Ragna going out of his way to be nice with an antagonist hints at this, and it's not like Falcom's trying to get too clever here. The twist at Witch's Hut, and how Montblanc totally chews up the following scene before her glorious victory unravels, was fun and hilarious. I feel Ragna describing his motto got repetitive, but no more than usual when he's talking aeroplanes or when he first bargained for a more equal blood contract.

Gloomgeld and Aurone are much, much better dungeons than the first two. There's more challenge, variety, puzzling, and cooler environments than just tunnels.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone got any Nvidia Inspector settings? I wanna inject SSGSS Anti Aliasing on this stat cuz them jaggies can be used a comb.


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks mate, gonna test it out later.

edit: hold up mate, shouldn't LOD Bias be -1.5 if you have it set to x8?

EDIT2: Olalala, it looks so cleaner now <3
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Oct 25, 2017
Maybe it's cuz I am playing fullscreen but I am not seeing the white border when playing. It does show up at the main menu but otherwise not there.

So far I am loving it, good old Falcom gaming goodness. It is indeed on the easy side but Ragna can't cancel his attacks with his jump so that makes dodging enemy attacks trickier and requiring me to time my actions.

Still at the first dungeon so I'll level up a bit then go back to get the other stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
If I buy 10 Ginseng, will I be able to have the chef turn them into something better?
Pasokon Deacon
Oct 25, 2017
Devil Halton's Trap
I highly doubt it. Those items only exist because you can't actually use your money to get more collectible food in the first place, so the EXP-boost items shouldn't have any interaction with Chef Huang's food exchange.

Now I'm up to Castle Moonbria, which is essentially the game's mid-way point. Listening to the ZWEI2 OST too much kinda spoiled me in one way.


Oct 25, 2017
Alright thanks, I'll grab one of them from time to time in case I need an EXP boost but not wate my food.


Oct 25, 2017
Sigh, yet nother game to join the wishlist, a list that probably has a completion time that exceeds my remaining lifespan.


Oct 25, 2017
Late game question
I am kinda stuck after the second Werewolf fight. In the level after that I maybe need some seed(?) to progress (round earth mound)? A golden meteor blocks the way to the exit and I have nothing left to explore in the level. Have I missed some item earlier which may help me here?


Oct 29, 2017
Late game question
I am kinda stuck after the second Werewolf fight. In the level after that I maybe need some seed(?) to progress (round earth mound)? A golden meteor blocks the way to the exit and I have nothing left to explore in the level. Have I missed some item earlier which may help me here?

There was a part earlier in the game that tried to teach you when you went up the snowy mountain about "Ninja Training" with a similar dirt mound. The short answer is to basically jump while on the mound when there are green plants poking out.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, Platinum. To get it, it's the requirements of Gold (Break all pots) as well as not taking damage once. I'm sure time has some slight factor into it, but I don't think it matters too much.
Welp, I feared as much.

One other question regarding monster models (of sub-bosses): do they only drop if you go through a dungeon the right way or can you use the back-entrance? (I've noticed the Mega-Slime drops meatballs regularly but cucumbers when coming from the exit).


Oct 29, 2017
That... I don't know, but I would assume they drop on death regardless of which route you take and you've just been lucky. I never really used the back routes, but that isn't a bad idea since it gets you through doors more quickly if you aren't going for a medal.

There is however an accessory that you can obtain which increases drop rates. I'm not sure if it factors into model drops or if it's just food drops. I don't really recall where I obtained the accessory either.


Oct 25, 2017
erm, how do you use the arcanum thingy? it seems pressing square when i've got some whatsits in the top left isn't enough.

anyway, you can tell someone's on the dodgy side when they have the old ??? enigma next to their name.


Oct 25, 2017
Making good progress into the game, enjoying every minute of it. It's such a pleasure when playing a Falcom game and picking up game mechanics you already familiar with and loved. As always, NPC interactions are one of the hallmark of Falcom games, and there's plenty to love here.

Pasokon Deacon
Oct 25, 2017
Devil Halton's Trap
Phew...I'm 20-and-a-half hours in, a smidgen of which was idle time, and I've hit the last stretch of the game before the final dungeon.

I've done a lot of G-Colosseum duels, treasure hunting, some snowboarding, and indulging as many NPCs as possible. For a game arguably twice the length and scope of Xanadu Next, it still feels super polished in all but a few areas; a few boss fights have varying issues, either from just residual hitboxes or a suddenly large amount of flaws in that one Castle Moonbria fight I'll describe under spoilers. The dungeon designs improve and get more challenging after Ordium Shrine, with environments becoming more unique and the variety of mini-bosses and puzzles increasing. Even the penultimate dungeon, with its perilously long stages full of pitfalls and traversal mechanics, feels great to rummage around in given how I've gotten the hang of Ragna's criticals for stunning most foes. $27 bucks feels like a great deal for a journey this fantastic.

Eventually I'll post a selection of screenshots (the folder's about to hit 4000...), but I'll summarize the wild shit that goes down:

Exmachina becomes more and more important as the game continues, but it's crazy how well Montblanc plans her trap while forgetting to thank or acknowledge the important part Exmachina played. The cat's mainly here to play the pathetic but still deadly peon role for Zahar's guard, as well as parody Corvette from the prequel. This character's still more interesting than she seems given how often she succeeds at some level, most notably in forcing Ragna down onto Ilvard to begin with (which, in retrospect, was the first and biggest mistake to befall her). Dyguld, meanwhile, is the broken record with how much he sticks to espousing his brave philosophy while laying the smackdown on Ragna. Odessa's reveal and her connection with Dyguld makes things more interesting, but rarely as funny as it gets with Montblanc. Her trying to impersonate Alwen while sucking in combat was rich, as was how Ragna incapacitated her.

Now, I think all the antagonists have fitting and expressive VA, but Montblanc hams it up better than all of them—I just wish that made up for her getting both of the worst boss fights. The Gloomgeld fight's simply dull, with 3 phases of a plant whipping and flailing you in a predictable but dangerous way (when it's not abusing a forward bite attack with a shitty hitbox!). But her Fundead Jamboree briefly sucked the fun out of Zwei: II: you face poor visual indicators for attacks (recycling at least one animation to signal multiple attacks!), attacks which move too fast and stop you from jumping to move faster if the zeds hop on top of your position, and there's no distinct second phase so much as acceleration of the same unfun, tedious crap. It's a good thing both Dyguld and Thermidor have better-designed fights to suit their presence and part of Moonbria, even if they're still on the simple side vs. great stuff like Fafnir or Ephemeroga.

Speaking of Thermidor, I figured was fishy right from the start but surprised me with how much of a Kefka takeover he pulls off. Falcom doesn't mess around with making him both the most ridiculous and frighteningly powerful of the villains, more than even Zahar, because he simply wants to break Ragna into a broken doll just the same as Exmachina. And if Thermidor has to become the greatest traitor among the antagonists to succeed, so be it. I figured Zahar would implode after trying to absorb the Gilded Demon Lord's essence despite his incompatibility, but Thermidor killing him in cold blood is just perfect. I feel Falcom's biggest success here is developing the story of Ragna and his stolen sister as well as they did, but then subverting hopes (so far) for him and Alwen to save Mia. Imagine if the villain premise from Ys: Oath in Felghana met the set-up from Xanadu Next, at least with certain tropes.

Zwei: II pulls this off while remaining funny as can be, and every moment, minor or climactic, is earned. Ragna mentoring Subaru and getting pulled into Starfall Hamlet also works out well without getting creepy or feeling like a total hot spring episode. The NPCs' reactions to plot events and how Ilvard seems to have changed for the worse are great, and I can't tire of the weird 4th-wall-leaning characters from G-Colosseum who are too wrapped up in their dumb rituals to care. (Wade's reveal as the Roalta village spirit fascinates me, probably because of how accidentally Federica points this out in a genuinely foolish way.) And kudos to Falcom for not making any villains or traitors out of anyone wearing glasses. Maurice's only the gag duel at G-Colosseum, and fighting Fiona and Claude seemed unlikely to me even during the event...and sure enough, there came an interruption.

The few twists in the plot, together with a great world and lack of self-seriousness, makes for quite the adventure. Some things also just come out of nowhere in the best way possible, like herding the zombified Roalta villagers over to Alwen so she can exorcise them (sort of).


Oct 25, 2017
Need some advice please, I've reached the 2nd village
When can I buy better equipment?

What's the best animal to buy? Or can I buy all 3 and switch between them in the dungeons?


Oct 27, 2017
somewhere in France
Need some advice please, I've reached the 2nd village
When can I buy better equipment?

What's the best animal to buy? Or can I buy all 3 and switch between them in the dungeons?

There isn't much equipment to buy, tbh. You find most of the stuff you get in chests in dungeons.
As for the pets, yeah you can buy them all and switch them at will, but they each have their own XP.