
Oct 27, 2017
bought the game used for 37 bucks

have to say, much better than expected!
at first i´ve missed the Strange Brigade dodgeroll but it is no problem after a short while. started on hard mode solo, so far no problems at all, explosives are super powerful and there are enough traps everywhere.

i think they´ve upped the presentation and polish big time, also much more to unlock and the weapon modifications are awesome.
absolutely loving the 80s splattermovie vibe with those film posters at the beginning of a chapter, really nice touch.

performance mode runs really nice on PS4Pro

i have to vent a bit, i´ve looked at the microtransactions...there are weapons locked behind a paywall (LMG for example). so far, so bad.
but now comes the real bummer: there is a season pass for whooping 35€ which will give 3(!) new levels sometime in the future.

seriously Rebellion? why are you guys doing the same shit that you´ve did with Strange Brigade, not only does this fragment the playerbase and there will be not many people buying this pass to play the 3 new levels, why the heck is the price so high? the base game has 9 levels, so 3 new levels for nearly the same price as the main game? this is ridiculous. you would have been better off with making this game a fullprice release and deliver the future content for free. this gives people a incentive to jump in because there will be something coming up in the future.

as it is, many people will take a look at that and be like "no way, i will wait for the complete edition or till the base game is in a sale"

i just can´t believe that they did the exact same again as with Strange Brigade..

And it's only season pass one.


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
And it's only season pass one.

woot? didn´t even noticed that it is the first season pass...

yeah, that´s ridiculous, i mean i understand that these days you have to make your money in other ways but these season passes are just too expensive..20€ would have been already high but 35€ is really insane, that is nearly 12€ for one level and the basegame has 9 levels and can be bought around 40€, it doesn´t make sense

and considering there will be a second season pass...the two passes together are more expensive as the base game in the end. i don´t even understand the reasoning behind it, much more people would buy those passes if they were cheaper.

or as i´ve said, sell the game for fullprice and bring the content of the first pass for free, these days you have to make an attractive package to get people jumping into a multiplayer focussed game. this way, the majority will say "well, i´ll wait for a discount or a complete edition" and the interest in the game is gone which is a shame as the game is a lot of fun.

Strange Brigade suffered immensely from this too
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Oct 25, 2017

After being out for a hot second, how is it?

Is there good replay value? Do you need the DLC to get a good amount of cosmetics?

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Game is quite the step up from the Trilogy. Feels a lot more polished and varied. There's still some obvious jank but it's okay.
May 22, 2018
Last week was horrible for me, so I picked it up on Friday hoping for a little distraction. Even though I disliked Zombie Army Trilogy, I wanted to give it a shot. I'm glad I did because I'm having a wonderful time with it.

It does have some problems obviously. There isn't much customization to the characters, the controls feel a bit floaty and loose, and the online multiplayer can be laggy. Still, even with those problems, I'm having so much fun. I think about it constantly while I'm at work, and that hasn't happened in a long time. I'd highly recommend it if one can look past the warts of the presentation and embrace the gameplay loop.

EDIT: I should add that I ended up purchasing the season pass. I really like the extra characters and whatnot, but it's the guns that are worth owning. The DLC guns level up through use and not through upgrade kits like the others. Its great to use them while hunting for collectables/upgrade kits and leveling at the same time.
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Oct 30, 2017
How's the music in this one guys? I always loved the chunky, Carpenter-esque bassy synths of the Trilogy.

Deleted member 21996

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
All these comparisons to Strange Brigade, zombie sharks and now bloody John Carpenter have shot this up my wishlist. Appealing from all directions!


Oct 30, 2017
I finally got my copy, and I'm really liking the game so far. All the little things you can fiddle with along the way are pretty cool.

The game needs a dang Canadian, though. :P


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
All these comparisons to Strange Brigade, zombie sharks and now bloody John Carpenter have shot this up my wishlist. Appealing from all directions!

it is like a game that isn´t produced anymore nowadays. it feels like from a different time but in a good way. presentation is top notch and the game is really entertaining. i think the game does exactly what it should and if someone wants a bloody romp, this game is just cool. it is arcadey and a lot of fun.

only thing is, even on hard it is somewhat easy solo as soon as you unlock more weapon mods and perks. i had to up to the enemy numbers to the amount that is meant for two players to still have a challenge and now i´ve upped to the 3 player amount. great that there is such an option at all though.

and i don´t know if there is an extreme difficulty unlocking when you´ve finished the game, i really hope so! this game needs a really punishing mode.
i am playing through it solo first before jumping into multiplayer. the levels are really long, each level has 4 chapters and a chapter runs around 20-30minutes. the collectibles aren´t easy to find at all and there is a challenge for each chapter like "kill 20 zombies with explosives" or "do 15 doublekills with your secondary weapon"

this might be a 6/10 or a 7/10 game on paper for some people. but when someone loves mindless oldschool games, zombies and blood it is easily an 8/10 in my book. i would choose a game like Dead War easily over the nowadays modern cinematic games for sure :-) it takes me back to those times where games didn´t have to be serious or telling a grand story.

and again, this game runs flawless on the Pro in 60fps mode which is also a plus. it is supersmooth.
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Deleted member 9241

Oct 26, 2017
I had some friends over the other day and secured a few more sales after showing them the game. We all *LOVE* Sniper Elite 4, so it wasn't a super hard sell. However, after play Sniper Elite 4 for so long, having a slightly different control scheme in Dead Army is beyond frustrating lol. I need to look at the control settings later because I default to Sniper Elite buttons all the time by sheer force of habit and it has resulted in my death far too many times.


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
Haven't really heard of this series. Game looks pretty ok. Might check it out at a later date.

maybe buy the Trilogy for cheap and look if you like it. that being said, Dead War is a massive upgrade to the Trilogy. better shooting, better environments, better progression(Trilogy didn´t have anything like that), better presentation.

I had some friends over the other day and secured a few more sales after showing them the game. We all *LOVE* Sniper Elite 4, so it wasn't a super hard sell. However, after play Sniper Elite 4 for so long, having a slightly different control scheme in Dead Army is beyond frustrating lol. I need to look at the control settings later because I default to Sniper Elite buttons all the time by sheer force of habit and it has resulted in my death far too many times.

i always fuck up with the stomp move on L1, i always want to press R1 and waste a grenade lol

@V_Ben: is there an extreme difficulty mode? if not, please consider patching it in in the future, game needs a seriously punishing mode with remixed enemies (for example, enemies from the later levels are already in the first level, player is receiving more damage, stuff like that)
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Apr 1, 2019
I wanted to get the Zombie Army games when they were on sale before cus they looked interesting but I got Strange Brigade instead

If this is just Strange Brigade but zombie sharks, count me in


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
I wanted to get the Zombie Army when they were on sale before cus they looked interesting but I got Strange Brigade instead

If this is just Strange Brigade but zombie sharks, count me in

it is even more polished than Strange Brigade. i think this is the most polished and technically sound Rebellion game so far. they´ve also upped the progression and overall presentation.

as i´ve said i would suggest this game to oldschool gamers, b-movie/splatter fans and gamers that don´t mind a silly romp without too many systems and bloat. it does exactly what it should and it is refreshing to have such a game in 2020. it doesn´t take itself too serious and it takes back to a time where games were about having fun and not having a message or something revolutionizing

many reviews for this game are off and criticizing nonsense like "too much fog in the levels" or "there is no splitscreen co op". or the best one "it is repetitive"

i´ve read many reviews and i am just shaking my head about them...this game is a gem in a gaming age full of GaaS, nonsense serious games and boring slogs that give the illusion of choice. this game knows what it is about and it does it in all the best ways.
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Dec 18, 2019
Depends if I can convince any friends to pick it up.

The main reason I pick a game or don't when it comes to games like these. But the problem I have now is...

1.) I have friends who are sorta casual gamers, they buy games that are overly popular and won't spend any $ on indie titles or smaller games.
2.) I have other friends who are married and have kids and they can afford it easily but they are never online anymore. No matter how hard I try. Lol

Hopefully in the near future I make friends like myself. Hard core gamers who buy any games that are GOOD and worthy of picking up and are online daily. LOL
May 22, 2018
Anyone else here getting kicked from games by the host for no reason (PS4)? It's starting to kinda piss me off considering I'm not getting downed constantly, hogging items, or blocking shots. It's almost like these dumbasses don't know how to start a private lobby and are getting mad at me for simply joining.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
I love this game because someone can put "modeled realistic CGI zombie testicles" on their resume


Oct 26, 2017
I really needed a "turn your brain off" kinda game lately so I decided to pick this up and I am really loving it. I'd never heard of this franchise before so this is my first exposure and the arcade-y Left 4 Dead gameplay is perfect. I wish there were more weapons to be honest but other than that I'm having a blast with this.


Oct 27, 2017
Got this as a gift and after really enjoying the first collection of levels in the train yard, I'm struggling to push through the Venice section. I'm guessing this is more on me than on the game though, as my main complaint is that I'm already burnt out on the 'defend this location while we shove waves of zombies down your throat'.

Given how poorly the secondary weapons control, and how useless the rifles are up close, and how weak the pistol is - it just turns into running from one side of a space to the other side and trying to get enough distance to make sniping somewhat practical. The checkpoint system is also pretty bad, sometimes setting you back dozens of minutes before the encounter you died at.

I'm also torn between wanting to explore the levels, and not wanting to deal with the seemingly infinitely respawning zombies.

Am I missing something? Does the game ever do anything beyond the "defend this point" mechanic? Is there some better load out of weapons I should be using? Or is this a matter of playing on console where the kind of precision expected is just making everything more difficult?


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
Got this as a gift and after really enjoying the first collection of levels in the train yard, I'm struggling to push through the Venice section. I'm guessing this is more on me than on the game though, as my main complaint is that I'm already burnt out on the 'defend this location while we shove waves of zombies down your throat'.

Given how poorly the secondary weapons control, and how useless the rifles are up close, and how weak the pistol is - it just turns into running from one side of a space to the other side and trying to get enough distance to make sniping somewhat practical. The checkpoint system is also pretty bad, sometimes setting you back dozens of minutes before the encounter you died at.

I'm also torn between wanting to explore the levels, and not wanting to deal with the seemingly infinitely respawning zombies.

Am I missing something? Does the game ever do anything beyond the "defend this point" mechanic? Is there some better load out of weapons I should be using? Or is this a matter of playing on console where the kind of precision expected is just making everything more difficult?

the shotgun which the asian girl has is really good up close, don´t know why you have problems...i´ve played the game on hard mode with the enemy amount for two players and never had problems. i´ve used the shotgun 70% of the game and 30% sniping. you are upgrading your weapons the more you progress so they get more powerful too.

this is no "exploring the levels" game. yes, there are a few collectibles but there isn´t big exploration at is mostly linear and very arcadey.

also, there is no infinitely spawning at all. the objectives vary but are never too complex because it is a dumb fun zombie shooter. that is also the reason they are shoving zombies down your throat.

maybe you´ve expected a different game but "not wanting to deal with zombies" in a zombie game? well, i think it is not the right game for you.


Oct 26, 2017
Fontana, California
Been playing this. I loved ZAT and this one is so fucking fun. The added stuff makes it have more depth and the levels are so good. Playing it on hard difficulty and it's kicking my ass!


Oct 25, 2017
Picked this up while on Sale and played the first level. Movement feels a tad odd but I like the shooting! I had fun and will keep playing.


Oct 25, 2017
Played this via Stadia today as it is on Stadia Pro for "free". Wanted the game anyway, so Stadia Pro was a nice surprise for me. I'm really really happy with the port. Looks really great and I'm totally amazed by the latency. In comparison to some other games on Stadia it really feels like zero latency. Really great work here. Hope the performance holds up later on, can't wait to jump back in this evening - but this time with some buddies.


Nov 1, 2017
Well, I bought the Deluxe edition on EGS and played through the main campaign, and now I own it again on Stadia!
Oh well, hope the guys at Rebellion bought themselves something nice with my money :P

That said, this will be the first real chance I have to do a latency test, to see if I can tell any difference. Kinda looking forward to see how that goes tonight.
Also I'll get to see how the Stadia version stacks up to how it runs on my i5/Geforce GTX 970 PC.


Oct 25, 2017
Playing on Stadia, game is more fun than it looks to me on noob question but how do I change my character?


Nov 1, 2017
Playing on Stadia, game is more fun than it looks to me on noob question but how do I change my character?
I think you can only do it between chapters, and the interface is super-clunky. Its something like, click on Characters, then click on characters AGAIN, and you get the list. Then do the same and double-select the new character.

BTW I did some back-and-forth testing between my PC version and the Stadia version. Graphically it looks a bit darker. That could be due to better shadows on the Stadia version (I only have a GTX970 in my PC) or just the nature of Stadia's video output. Textures seem the same or possibly better. Latency is.... interesting. Its super low either way, but when aiming it's non-existant, even with a mouse. Gunshots have that teeny-tiny slither of lag to them, but moving my aiming reticule it's absolutely bang-on!
I wonder if there are some late-pipeline adjustments being made to the video feed to compensate, or if its just because of the 'analogue' nature of moving a mouse?