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Traded his Bone Marrow for Pizza
Oct 25, 2017
I can't say I really like his movies but what I can appreciate is that they don't look like anything else and I appreciate that

Avengers just looks like another movie

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
This topic also ignores that his two biggest flops, BvS and Justice League, weren't actually his fault. Even if you still don't like the Ultimate Edition it's a much better film than the theatrical cut. And Justice League was a Frankenstein's monster of that same type of studio editing and Whedon's own ideas. Dude got to release one DC movie to theaters that was actually his.

Ayer got fucked on Suicide Squad too.

Thank god WB didn't give a shit about Wonder Woman or they would have fucked that movie all the way up as well.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't get it either, OP. He has an entire industry making concessions for him and a entire legion of "fans" that constantly make apologies for him.

Like out of ALL the directors out there-THIS is your guy?? It's a cult of personality.


Oct 25, 2017
I agree the thread has a pretty lame premise but between this and the actual cut thread; when did Era gain such a big Snyder defense force? Or has it always been lurking in the shadows waiting for this day.


Nov 12, 2017
This is a really mean spirited thread OP.

Look, I get it. A lot of his movies aren't great and I think BvS is one of the worst comic book movies of the past decade. But 300 and even Watchmen are pretty great and Man of Steel has a lot of positives.

It's one thing to target his movies but you single him out as an individual and dedicate a thread to it as if he's never seen success from his work.

This is no better than the awful Star Wars and MCU bashing threads we keep getting around here. Really hating the change in mood on this forum. Maybe I'm too sensitive but it felt like we used to have more fun conversations without putting each other down.

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
I agree the thread has a pretty lame premise but between this and the actual cut thread; when did Era gain such a big Snyder defense force? Or has it always been lurking in the shadows waiting for this day.
People notice people shitting on things for the sake of shitting on them and tend to defend those things more than they otherwise would.


Mar 18, 2018
I agree the thread has a pretty lame premise but between this and the actual cut thread; when did Era gain such a big Snyder defense force? Or has it always been lurking in the shadows waiting for this day.

Snyder's a poor director, I do not like a lot of his output.

But for all the time this site has existed the Snyder hate train has been so aggresive it's genuinely annoying now.

I remember having a discussion in a Marvel thread about a year back. No one mentioned Snyder. Had nothing to do with him. But someone quoted me and wrote "found the Snyder fan".

It is constant. Absolutely worse than the DC fans in return.

And it's also the same posters. Every thread. I see a DC thread I know exactly who's gonna be in it starting arguments and I'm always right.


Oct 25, 2017
John landis might be luckier. He killed three people and still managed to get work after that.

Tho he was cursed with a shit son, so maybe not. Who knows.


Oct 27, 2017
Hasn't his wife been an influential exec at Warner for a long time?

Dawn of the Dead was the bomb though, yo.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Dawn of the Dead is an exceptional remake and that's all that matters.
Oct 27, 2017
I agree the thread has a pretty lame premise but between this and the actual cut thread; when did Era gain such a big Snyder defense force? Or has it always been lurking in the shadows waiting for this day.
I'm sure it gained one right around the time this place started to become toxic about him. Some users here get weirdly personal when it comes to Snyder.

Deleted member 15311

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I agree the thread has a pretty lame premise but between this and the actual cut thread; when did Era gain such a big Snyder defense force? Or has it always been lurking in the shadows waiting for this day.
Defence force? I didn't see anything of sorts, no one is defending the guy with everything.I didn't see many movies from him but the ones i saw (300 and Watchmen) i really liked.Why is he so disliked by the way? Does is it have to do how he treats comic book licences or something?


Oct 25, 2017
I agree the thread has a pretty lame premise but between this and the actual cut thread; when did Era gain such a big Snyder defense force? Or has it always been lurking in the shadows waiting for this day.

i think it's just the framing of the OP. Like BVS and JL are both garbo but saying the guys whole career is luck shows a pretty big misunderstanding of how Directors get work. (Outside of just being white)


Oct 25, 2017
He's got a vision, can't deny that lmao. I think his actors love him and studios do as well?


Layout Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Bothell WA
What was the last Superman movie returns? And if I'm remembering it didn't even do to hot. How'd MoS be considered underperforming to that?
Superman Returns pulled in 391 when it was all said and done. So yeah, Man of Steel didn't under perform. I'm sorry, but some dumbass studio exec that gets quoted saying he believes it'll cross a billion does not mean WB as a whole expected it to. I never saw that from any news source when it was coming out.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
He's a good director for his specific style, he's good to work with, his movies make money, and he's not a diva. Studios like him even if you don't


Nov 6, 2017
I don't get it either, OP. He has an entire industry making concessions for him and a entire legion of "fans" that constantly make apologies for him.

Like out of ALL the directors out there-THIS is your guy?? It's a cult of personality.

The only reason he has a legion of fanboys is the mcu vs. dceu wars. Prior to that there weren't passionate Snyder fanboys outside of those passionate about the material (mostly watchmen)


Aug 12, 2018
What was the last Superman movie returns? And if I'm remembering it didn't even do to hot. How'd MoS be considered underperforming to that?
I think having Nolan involved meant WB expected MoS to do TDK/TDKR numbers which was always a dumb expectation. If they had done Man of Steel 2 and it reviewed better, than it might've crossed the billion threshold.


Nov 12, 2017
Snyder's a poor director, I do not like a lot of his output.

But for all the time this site has existed the Snyder hate train has been so aggresive it's genuinely annoying now.

I remember having a discussion in a Marvel thread about a year back. No one mentioned Snyder. Had nothing to do with him. But someone quoted me and wrote "found the Snyder fan".

It is constant. Absolutely worse than the DC fans in return.

And it's also the same posters. Every thread. I see a DC thread I know exactly who's gonna be in it starting arguments and I'm always right.
I agree and it's shitty.

Call it karma but it's happening with the MCU on this forum now. Every single thread or mention is met with a flood of comments questioning the tastes of anyone who compliments an MCU movie. Like you, I've been singled out and insulted more than once. It's made me reflect on some of my own comments in the past. I have a lot of valid issues with what Snyder has done with DC but I need to be better about how I address it. There is nothing wrong with loving something that other people don't.

I've had similar regrets in how I spoke of the SW prequels when I see how people who like the sequels are treated.


Oct 27, 2017
I like his style and approach when it comes to directing. It's unique, and he's incredibly good at nailing visceral action scenes. One of the best in modern times in that regard. I have no issues with him having clout.


Nov 8, 2018
He's got an aesthetic — and it worked wonders for 300, less so since — and I didn't mind Man of Steel, which I thought was probably a better take of Superman than we'd get.

Having just finally watched Sucker Punch tho — I have no idea what the hell the point of that was beyond just making a genre jumping spectacle for the hell of it, and he wrote it.

Seven of Nine

Oct 27, 2017
He also has a dedicated fan base, and he mostly directs genre movies that tend to do well on dvd and rental.

I don't enjoy his movies either but they are definitely pulling in some money for WB, and he is apparently a great person to work with. He works hard, and delivers a consistent product that can be sold.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
No good filmmaker could possibly make a movie like Sucker Punch or BvS

A truly bad one couldn't either. I wouldn't call him mediocre, he has incredible vision. Just...not good.


Oct 27, 2017
300 is the only good thing he's done and I say this as someone who likes his Dawn of the Dead despite its stupid zombies.


Jun 22, 2018
His daughter committed suicide

also Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman are worse and keep getting work


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
I mean he has a stylish eye (whether or not you enjoy that style), and people seem to universally enjoy working with him.

Unfortunately his final products pretty consistently result in these nihilistic faux-intellectual messes, and his interest in directing Ayn Rand's Fountainhead paint his worldview in a bad light.


Oct 27, 2017
The only films that he has directed that I truly enjoyed were Watchmen and his Dawn of the Dead remake.
300 was easily the dullest thing I had seen in a long time when it was released, and it just looked like a glorified, and excrutiatingly long music video.

Barrel Cannon

It's Pronounced "Aerith"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Better than watching a Polanksi movie
+1 to this. I'd take MoS, Watchmen and 300 any single day over anything Polanski touched. Would rather support someone who hasn't been confirmed to be a total waste of life.

I haven't dug anything Snyder made since 300 and watchmen but I find everything he made somewhat watchable for the spectacle of it all. That combined with the fact that he seems like such a nice guy makes me willing to go check out his films.


Oct 27, 2017
This topic also ignores that his two biggest flops, BvS and Justice League, weren't actually his fault. Even if you still don't like the Ultimate Edition it's a much better film than the theatrical cut. And Justice League was a Frankenstein's monster of that same type of studio editing and Whedon's own ideas. Dude got to release one DC movie to theaters that was actually his.

Nah, BvS's successes and failures are on Snyder. Every movie has studio interference. Snyder is working with a studios money and IP. If Snyder couldn't edit down his vision to 2 hrs and 30 minutes than he's a sloppy director.


Oct 30, 2017
Antalya / Turkey
Short answer:
Dude makes great looking dumb films that try to be deeper than they actually are which people like.

Slightly longer answer:
He never rejects putting some of both political and religious commentary in all his films and although he almost always fails at doing so, some do enjoy his style.
Also all of his work has superb cinematography.
Snyder is a strange filmmaker.I dislike most of his films but i have some respect for him.
I wouldn't necesarrily call him a bad director because he never makes a "not-interesting" movie. However him also being an edgelord Ayn Rand fanboy prevents him from ever becoming a great director imo.
As for his filmography, even his worst movies has a lot of redeeming qualities. Sucker Punch has incredible action set pieces and great visuals. BvS has incredible performances coming from Affleck and Irons and also looks amazing. Snyder is clearly very talented man behind the camera and as a filmmaker he has the skill of crafting beautiful movies. But he desperately needs better scripts and also he really needs to stop aggresively inserting his nihillistic world view in every single film he makes.


Oct 26, 2017
The guy lives rent free in your head, huh OP?

Anyway I feel he'll benefit greatly from producing more stuff for streaming services.


Oct 25, 2017
As I pointed out in another thread on a subpar writer:

when you deliver a product on time, on budget and generally easy to work with then studios are willing to give you projects

It's not a huge mystery or luck

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
Nah, BvS's successes and failures are on Snyder. Every movie has studio interference. Snyder is working with a studios money and IP. If Snyder couldn't edit down his vision to 2 hrs and 30 minutes than he's a sloppy director.
Not every film gets a hatchet job the way BvS did, though. It wasn't even competent editing. If you're cutting things to save time you excise sub plots. You don't just cut the subplots short.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
We don't allow reaction threads, per the FAQ. Discussion can be taken to one of the threads about the Snyder Cut news.
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