
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah it's tricky for sure, Sean Gunn always nails his parts so its not like he's being cast out of nepotism alone. If he weren't James' brother, he'd probably still be cast because he likes working with him and likes what he adds to the roles - which is what every other director on the planet does when considering cast.

Yeah. He's also often relegated to joke roles, he's done a bunch of motion capture kind of stuff, etc. He's not being picked to star in a role he's wrong for. There are a lot of directors who love working with the same actors over and over. Is it that much different than the Coen's working together as a team most of the time? Is it somehow different if one is in front and one is behind the camera if both are doing their jobs well?

Plus, I'd argue his best and most recognizable role is in Gilmore Girls and to the best of my knowledge James Gunn had nothing to do with that so it's not like he's the only reason Sean has a career.
Oct 27, 2017
I feel like as long as filmmaking is considered an art form, you should be able to work with whoever you want. This isn't setting unqualified people in charge of corporations because of nepotism, this is just making a moving picture with people you enjoy "playing" with.

The problem really is allowing more people to pick and choose the folks they want to play with.


Aug 13, 2020
I don't really like the guy, but if you watch the clip it's not nearly as bad as it reads.

Was watching it and waiting for him to put his foot in his mouth because he always came off as very defensive about how Shazam performed at the box office and with critics and I was surprised he seemed to be over it. The Sean Gun comment is just a joke after not realizing he was in the DCEU and then the interview names two different roles he had played. The OP title seems like he's annoyed he's not still in it and is mad that Sean Gunn is which just isn't the take away from clip IMO.
Pretty much. It's a very low-key response in tone after the interviewer starts bringing up the very minor roles that Sean played in the other DC movies that Levi had forgotten about since they're barely existent.

I get people's distaste for Levi, but this is a bit of a "bitch eating crackers" moment.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, yeah he's kinda right, but unless its like a completely horrible casting who cares. Even if DCEU wasnt axed, its not like he was sticking around as shazam for long anyway with how bad the second movie did so no reason to get salty.

Aside from that this guy seems like a prick. It's kind of funny how much of the main cast of the DCEU turned out to be kind of assholes.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm excited about the new DC, and I have no interest in Levi being anywhere near it.

There's a decent chunk of people out there who think actors they've heard of are somehow owed the ability to work on big productions after behaving stupidly, as if everyone has a right to do any job they want. There are probably thousands of good actors struggling to get noticed who could do the role as well or better. Why is someone like Levi more entitled to a role than they are?

Part of being a movie star is people wanting to work with you and and audience that wants to watch you on screen. If you say or do things that negatively impact those things, you aren't a movie star. Guess what, if you keep leaving surgical tools inside of your patients and causing them to die, you don't get to be a doctor anymore. If you fail to use evidence, witnesses, etc. to help your client, you don't get to be a lawyer anymore.

Mocha Joe

Jun 2, 2021
TIL James Gunn has a brother and was also a character in GOTG (I don't know the character name sorry)

Double 0

Nov 5, 2017
Sean Gunn was getting steady work well before James Gunn was a thing.

Get a fucking job Zach.

Mr. Poolman

The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Mikaela Hoover might also get a role.

Directors simply have their favorites and people they can work with.


Dec 5, 2017
I mean, yeah, but Sean was an actor before James put him in his movies and its not like James is giving him starring roles, just weirdo characters that are fun to see.

I just consider this the same as Wes Anderson having his pool of actors he always works with, or Mike Flanagan bringing his wife Kate Siegal and Rahul Kohli along with him on all his projects.


Oct 25, 2017

Yeah sign me up for those choice roles

I want to see Zach getting in a neon green onesie for a decade getting pet by bautista

What's really funny is most everyone just thinks/knows Rocket is Bradley Cooper just like how Groot is Vin Diesel so it gets even dumber


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
I looooooved Chuck when it was airing so I was a big fan of his.. then was blown away by Shazam to be honest -- it far surpassed any expectations I had. A shame he has either turned into or at least put it out there that he's just a real piece of shit basically. Didn't watch Shazam 2 due to the poor reviews.

Sean Gunn's best role will always be Kirk. A classic.



Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017
Sean Gunn gets small rolls. I don't see it being any different than when Directors have a small group of friends that always make it into their movies (see Wes Anderson, Edgar Wright, James Gunn again)


Oct 25, 2017
I like him a lot in Chuck (I like almost everyone on that show) but he's not doing himself any favors lately. Still hope he successfully resurrects Chuck, though.
Bring back Chuck, except Chuck and Casey both died in the interim years. I actually used to think Baldwin's character was kind of funny until I found out he was just playing a fictionalized version of himself.
Turns out Hollywood is a business where people take care of other people they like.
The amount of nepotism in Hollywood is nuts. It doesn't mean that the people who have benefited from it are inherently bad, but it's always crazy to look someone up and find out they're a third or fourth generation actor.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
He was the worst part of the Shazam films (which was apparent even before we all knew he was a dipshit) sooooo...

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
The amount of nepotism in Hollywood is nuts. It doesn't mean that the people who have benefited from it are inherently bad, but it's always crazy to look someone up and find out they're a third or fourth generation actor.
Right, like just play the game and you'll be golden. Look at Favreau, very mid talent but he just keeps getting work because people like him.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 16, 2017
Sean Gunn gets small rolls. I don't see it being any different than when Directors have a small group of friends that always make it into their movies (see Wes Anderson, Edgar Wright, James Gunn again)
It's not except that it involves capeshit, which is serious stuff.


Sep 15, 2022
He's not wrong, what he says isn't as bad as the inflammatory headline, and he's a dickhead. All above are true and this thread is being weird about it.


Dec 5, 2017
TIL James Gunn has a brother and was also a character in GOTG (I don't know the character name sorry)
He was Kraglin, the funny space redneck who inherits the cool flying arrow from Yondu. (He was also Rocket's mocap actor)

Then he was that freak Weasel and that freak Calendar Man in The Suicide Squad.

So I don't know how much nepotism is actually at play when Kraglin was already a recurring character and Weasel was just a mocap character that was in the movie for all of 3 minutes.


Nov 15, 2017
Casting people you know or are familiar with is perfectly acceptable. IF Sean Gunn were some actor who does a piss poor job and had no career outside of his brother's work, people complaining may have a point. But he's a perfectly fine actor and had a career all his own as well. This is no different than Mike Flanagan working with a lot of the same actors in multiple projects (including his wife, who completely nails every performance she gives in his work).

Zach Levi is just being petty and I don't believe any of the nepotism complaints are coming from a place of good faith.


Feb 21, 2023
This guy is a dickhead, but he ain't wrong in this case. James is basically proping up his brother's acting career


Oct 25, 2017
Sean gets small roles, does them very well and most importantly, isn't a dick head to my knowledge. Who the fuck cares? He ain't batman.


Oct 25, 2017
Like said in another thread, doubting JG casting skills is madness levels at this point. We are in 2023, after the entire cast of GotG and Peacemaker/Suicide Squad happened. We've seen this history more than twice by now.

Dude more than earned the benefit of the doubt and by a BIG margin.

Here is the guy who saw Freddie Stroma as Vigilante, Dave Bautista as Drax, Daniela Melchior as Ratcatcher 2 and so many others playing complete nobodies who turned just perfect fits.


Oct 25, 2017
It'd be one thing if Sean Gunn was playing multiple huge heroes in multiple DC projects but like, he was Weasel dude. It's not like he was Aquaman and got recast as Batman.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
This quote makes it sound like Sean Gunn is playing fucking Batman.

He's playing Max Lord - an also-ran Lex Luthor on his most competent days. Even aside from the ways Levi sucks, is this seriously the part he wants to get petty over?


Oct 27, 2017
I liked when he cast his brother as Weasel in suicide squad and then killed him within the first 7 minutes
Feb 16, 2022
Levi's been really annoying to say the least but I don't get the "he's so salty" takes, he was even kinda defending Sean here saying the other roles were more like cameos and voiceover stuff so it's fine for him to get cast as Max Lord too? Like yeah he could've been feeling salty inside, but based on what he said and how he said it, it doesn't track IMO. Wonder if people are actually watching the clip or just reading the quote lol.

This quote makes it sound like Sean Gunn is playing fucking Batman.

He's playing Max Lord - an also-ran Lex Luthor on his most competent days. Even aside from the ways Levi sucks, is this seriously the part he wants to get petty over?
That's the thing, based on the context of what he's saying it seems like Levi's not taking any issue with it at all and in fact is on Sean's "side".