
Very low key
Oct 25, 2017
It's too long. There's a really solid 20 hour game in there somewhere but you never get to see it due to all the bloat. A better story and characters would have helped but no luck there.


Oct 27, 2017
I loved it but my only problem with it was the story. The Dana stuff wasn't very interesting and it goes on forever. Game was way too long.


Nov 26, 2017
While I didagree with most of what you said, I do think the game is bloated and exploration is boring. If you're gonna have such a big map, the traversal better be fun, because otherwise it just feels like a chore. I also think the side quests and activities feel... How to put it??? Dated, I guess???

The story gets crazy, but that doesn't necessarily means it's good.


Oct 26, 2017
I found it to be a really mediocre game in all aspects besides music.

And I honestly don't understand how people praise the combat in a world where stuff like Nioh, DMC, Bayonetta, From games, GOW exists (and probably others that I'm forgetting).

The animations are super basic and characters feel like they are skating over the surfaces while you are attacking/dodging with no sense of weight, the hit reactions feel like you are cutting through paper, combat flow is very spam based after doing the flash moves, etc...

I just don't get it I guess 🤷‍♂️

I'm gonna give it one more try personally and I don't want to seem too rude to anyone who digs the game, but yeah, this. I just don't get it. It feels like you're controlling a jittery cocaine-fueled squirrel on ice constantly hitting thin air, equipped with a million different skills that barely matter (and all have their own levels, because more is always better!) since literally all you need to do is just learn to dodge/block and you pretty much win the game.

I played Oath and Origin for the first time in early 2020 (iirc) and jumped straight into VIII from there and it has to be one of the biggest disappointments of my recent gaming memory. Up there with Cold Steel 3, actually. Modern Falcom fucking sucks, man.
Oct 31, 2017
I'm gonna give it one more try personally and I don't want to seem too rude to anyone who digs the game, but yeah, this. I just don't get it. It feels like you're controlling a jittery cocaine-fueled squirrel on ice constantly hitting thin air, equipped with a million different skills that barely matter (and all have their own levels, because more is always better!) since literally all you need to do is just learn to dodge/block and you pretty much win the game.

I played Oath and Origin for the first time in early 2020 (iirc) and jumped straight into VIII from there and it has to be one of the biggest disappointments of my recent gaming memory. Up there with Cold Steel 3, actually. Modern Falcom fucking sucks, man.
Lol legit

I'm not gonna lie, I enjoyed the Ys IX demo, but yeah. That's Modern Falcom's philosophy in a nutshell. "MORE IS BETTER. MORE SKILLS MORE BUTTONS MORE CUTSCENES MORE QUESTS MORE ENEMIES MORE COLLECTIBLES MO-" like stop. Especially when the budgets for your games hasn't increased, like, ever.


Oct 26, 2017
Lol legit

I'm not gonna lie, I enjoyed the Ys IX demo, but yeah. That's Modern Falcom's philosophy in a nutshell. "MORE IS BETTER. MORE SKILLS MORE BUTTONS MORE CUTSCENES MORE QUESTS MORE ENEMIES MORE COLLECTIBLES MO-" like stop. Especially when the budgets for your games hasn't increased, like, ever.

I'm still vaguely interested in IX since the setting/premise are much more appealing to me and the absolute anime edginess of it is kind of endearing. Gotta wait for the PC version, though.

But yeah, it's wild how different their design philosophy is nowadays. Oath and Origin were incredibly fucking tight packages and, partially because of that, insanely good games too.

Herb Alpert

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Paris, France
I played it on switch and, beyond the poor quality of the port, I really didn't like the game.
Something didn't click with me. I wanted to like it, but in the end I dropped it after a few hours.


Oct 26, 2017
Not really surprised when you said you didn't like 7, mostly likey you won't like Celceta and 9 too.

I really loved 8 and didn't want it to be finished, one of my top games from last Gen.

I loved the combat and the music, oh God that music is crazy.


Oct 27, 2017
I felt it was a giant step up after Seven. I just wish Falcom put some more effort in their visual style, the generic anime look sucks so hard. Also, the main selling point of Ys (for me anyway) is the fast-paced nature of the game; not much story and a focus on gameplay. Ever since Seven they've really gone all-out on story and I don;t like it. IX is probably the worst in that regard. Every minute you're interrupted by mind-numbingly boring story stuff. I really don't give a shit about any of that, I just wanna dash around bashing monsters, avoiding traps and looking for treasure.

That said, VIII was fantastic for the most part. I really liked the metroid-lite aspect of it and just playing the game to that rockin' soundtrack never gets old to me.


Oct 31, 2017
I enjoyed the game, but I agree with the length/story criticisms, Ys VIII (and AFAIK IX) are closer to Kiseki than ever, so the game loses the appeal of being a short/fast paced action game like older Ys titles. Ys VIII story gets interesting at some point, but the introductory chapters are really slow.

About the music and visuals, they're allright, nothing special IMO. I know that Falcom music has lots of fans, but except from some Kiseki songs, I never felt that it was that special, including music from Ys games (both classic or modern).

I still prefer modern Ys over classic Ys though, Origin and Felghana are short fun games but the gameplay is too simplistic, party-based Ys has several movesets at disposal and the newer games have fun traversal/exploration mechanics. Ys VIII being originally a Vita game is maybe one of the biggest flaws of the game and kind of breaks the exploration immersion as you are walking constantly into loading (short) screens, none of the areas feels really complete as they are broken into smaller sections


May 21, 2018
A review on this game convinced me to get it on the switch and it surpassed my expectations. Keen on Monstrum Nox to get released in Australia in a few days.


Oct 25, 2017
I dropped Ys at VIII as well, but Celceta slander will not be tolerated! The soundtrack is so good.

I loved Ys Seven but yeah, they've definitely gone downhill since. I have no interest in even trying Ys IX, and I've bounced off of the Kiseki games too. Everything from Falcom just feels so same-y at this point, and they used to be my favorite dev :(


Oct 26, 2017
They said X, not IX. Knowing the history of the series, a shake-up with X does seem likely and most people seem to be expecting it, too.
Oh, for some reason i read it ix.
I heard the new game will use the new engine, this is good, the engine they are using now is very outdated.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
I liked it but it certianly was very bloated, which you could say is just a Falcom thing at this point.

I dont mind party Ys but try to make them actual memorable characters. At least 9 from what ive played so far has went for a sillier/edgier cast but at least they stand out.


Feb 2, 2018
a Socialist Utopia
I really enjoyed it and got all castaways and 100% map. The game is fast paced and time just flies when you play it. The gameplay is tight/fun, the story was ok and the music was fantastic. I played the game on PC after it was fixed, and it was perfection.


Oct 25, 2017
I felt like I was still hitting tutorials in the amount of time it took me to beat Oath. It's unbearably long.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
the series went downhill after Origins, adding more and more bullshit doesn't make a series better.

Its like they don't even have a clue what made Ys a great series


Oct 28, 2017
Not a big fan of the party based Ys games tbh. All of them are pretty weird in terms of combat. Still think Seven is the best of the those party based ones, atleast combat wise (Didn't play IX). Ys VIII is specially bloated compared with the other games, tho i really like exploring the island.

Also never got the appeal of flash guard/move, it kind of trivializes everything if you master it vs have a hard time if you don't. Yeah, the collision with the enemies is "floaty", which wasn't a thing in older Ys games.

Still a 7/10 game imo.
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Oct 28, 2019
Just use the fast forward button. You will still know what's going on in the cutscenes. Story is great, peak Japanese off the deep end nonsense in the end.

Deleted member 33120

User Requested Account Closure
Nov 15, 2017
Your loss. I thought it was one of the best RPGs of the last several years. Fun combat, good music, interesting setting, well-paced gameplay loop.


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
I also ended up dropping YS VIII. The setting didn't appeal too much to me and I don't know, it just didn't click with me. Tried to play it twice too.

Ys VIII was my fisrt YS game. However, I am now compeltely and utterly hooked to Ys IX Monstrum Nox. I love the setting, I love the cast and I love how it is structured. The beginning of the game didn't feel like a slog, which was one of my main complaints with YS VIII.

I'm not hating on VIII, as I said, it just didn't click for me.


Oct 26, 2017
Sad you are not enjoying it OP. I finished it during the weekend after clocking 56 hours and enjoyed it inmensely. Gameplay is simple by character action game standards but crafting, exploring the island and the accesory minmaxing makes it work. However, what elevates the whole experience is how the castaway setting and the story come together as the game progresses. There is a sincere message here around life and you actually feel sad after parting ways with the NPCs you shared all those hours with (keeping the characters limited and forcing you to run into them for using the facilities or doing quests contribute to this).

Absolutely adored Dana's character arc (she is the MC after all) and the story simply hit wholly different in these trying times.

Looking forward to IX on Switch but have reservations about whether they may be able to replicate similar symbiosis between story, setting and characters.

PS. My man Sahad is broken! He dominates against mobs.
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Oct 25, 2017
I can only agree that VIII is simply too long, and that the story is a bit naff.

In spite of that, I loved the combat, side content, and music enough that it overcame the other issues and I really enjoyed the game.

From what I played of Ys IX, it addresses the things I didn't like about VIII by making the game about as long as Ys Seven, if not shorter, and vastly improving the narrative. That said, I know some people would prefer Ys to be a cutscene-free, contextless dungeon crawler, so I imagine mileage may vary.


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
I loved the game setup, from the exploration to the music to the map, the combat to the general theme of the game. 'Castaway village on a sun-drenched island' felt fresh for a JRPG.

What I didn't like was that the main party, outside of Dana, had practically zero in terms of a personal story arc in a 55 hour+ game- there were several other villagers that had a lot more to say but the others, particularly Laxia, just existed to fill dumb anime tropes. Her setup in the first five minutes was interesting in terms of 'I'm the daughter of an explorer', I thought 'ah, seeing as Adol's an explorer too, that could be interesting as they clash over how to survive'. But no. As soon as they are on the island, it's the usual Falcom bullshit of 'you've stumbled into me as I immediately needed a bath on this island of lethal wildlife!' and other tired cliches, with any thought of her having an arc based around coming into her own as a capable explorer just lost as she fills the 'sexualised young woman' slot until Dana appears in her underwear, and then Laxia is forgotten for the rest of the game. The less said about the character design of Ricotta, Dana and Laxia the better.

If they'd have had a more intricate plot exploring the other's character growth rather than just filling JRPG cliches, given that the village goal of 'escape the island' is mostly handled by the camp outside of you handling any confrontation, it would have felt a lot more rounded. Still, the combat, exploration and music mean it's one of very few JRPGs I've ever played through more than once.

B. Spaceman

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 29, 2017
I don't agree with anything you have said in your post. Honestly I really liked the castaway village stuff, how it slowly becomes more of a cozy home


The Enlightened Wise Ones
Jun 17, 2018
This was my first Ys game and I don't think that it's for me, gave it a solid 8 hours before dropping it for pretty much the same reasons