
Nov 3, 2017


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It looks like Cupertino needed to set the example. Thank you Cupertino.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Really dumb that Apple had to make the first move for everyone else to follow suit.
Either way, good riddance.


Oct 27, 2017
Not trying to defend him, but its logical that it took so long. The internet is a hotbed of pro-neutrality, free spreech and unlimited information. As a company, to limit someone's right to express themselves in their medium of choosing whatever their content, they have to be ready for any form of criticism and outrage. All 4 companies doing so in unison suggests a united front for this action, and I hope to god they do. Because those 3 points I mentioned will surely be covered by the right in these or more ways:
-Why silence someone like this?
-Why should net neutrality exist when the platform owners themselves are censoring content themselves?
-Why are these companies taking a politcal stance against us?

This is gonna be the big one, I truly think so. Its finally gonna move people off their asses and hopefully make these companies understand that support from the consumer base will only come when the moral compass is not completely fucked.

Nah. Dude should have been exiled right after his Sandy Hook theory. Fuck that.


Oct 26, 2017
There is some weird shit on YouTube. I often fall asleep to let's plays only to wake up and auto play has subjected sleeping me to hours of trump speeches.


Nov 3, 2017
Simply more proof that Apple > Google.
As someone who no longer use anything Apple and switch from Apple to basically all the competition,
No argument at all.
i may have given them shit for their shitty practices and what I found to be their subpar products, at least they are not totally moral bankrupted for ubber capitalist assholes.
Cheers to Apple, the best of the alphabet megacorps by a huge margin.

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
YouTube (and others) only did it when Apple did it because it would only make them look bad to allow him a platform while someone else finally didn't. Had Apple not done it, I bet these companies would be perfectly content with keeping InfoWars around. YouTube is one of the more prominent example of giving shitty people a platform so long as they bring in enough traffic for revenue. Facebook is another.

nature boy

Oct 25, 2017
Kinda amusing seeing 1st Amendment fundamentalists going nuts over a company exercising their 1st Amendment rights


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Sooo... I just read stuff around the net and this guy said USA created a "gay bomb" and already experimented it on Afghanistan... to turn people into homosexuals that don't want to fight... ok...

Next president of the USA incoming?
Oct 25, 2017
Sooo... I just read stuff around the net and this guy said USA created a "gay bomb" and already experimented it on Afghanistan... to turn people into homosexuals that don't want to fight... ok...

Next president of the USA incoming?

He's been around since the mid 90s. Came into the light a lot more during Obama's presidency and really skyrocketed during the Benghazhi & Sandy Hook shit.
Oct 30, 2017
"I don't like Trump but the censorship of Infowars by the elites is going to make me vote for him."

The slippery slope argument really fails here. There's years and years of flagrant ToS violations by Infowars and mountains of evidence that they're spreading damaging lies that they know are lies.


Oct 27, 2017
Hey, here's Infowars' take on this (aka Book burning, election tampering, the REAL COLLUSION):


– Infowars is widely credited with having played a key role in electing Donald Trump. By banning Infowars, big tech is engaging in election meddling just three months before crucial mid-terms.

– With the Infowars ban, Apple, Facebook , Spotify & YouTube (Google) have all now ascribed themselves the power to remove people & outlets from their platforms based on their political opinions. This power will be abused time and time again to meddle in elections.

– The ban also sets the precedent that the mere charge alone of having committed "hate speech," with no specific examples even provided, is enough to memory hole an individual or group's digital presence.

– The ban is just part of a wider censorship purge that also use stealth censorship, shadow banning and algorithmic manipulation to hide and bury conservative content.

– Apple also chose to shut down Infowars after we repeatedly criticized them for working with and selling data to the Communist Chinese government. Just a coincidence, I'm sure.

For conservative media outlets who don't speak out because they don't like Infowars, we have a message for you – you're next.

Facebook banned Infowars after lobbying by both CNN and Democratic Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL). This isn't "just a private company," this is brazen political censorship.

This is the outcome of the left refusing to debate their ideas and simply no platforming their adversaries instead.

This is the modern day electronic equivalent of book burning.

This is throwing dissidents in the Big Tech gulag because their voices were becoming too loud and having too much influence.

This is the purge. This is election meddling and COLLUSION.

It will only intensify unless lawmakers act now to introduce a Digital Bill of Rights and treat social media giants as telecommunications companies who are forbidden by law from discriminating against people and media outlets based on their political opinions.


Oct 27, 2017
What's sad is that these tech companies seem to have been waiting for someone to initiate the first take down. How can these massive companies be afraid of the backlash from a bunch of conspiracy theorists?


Oct 25, 2017
It's amusing to see conservatives on Twitter try to defend keeping AJ on these sites by saying free speech lol.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
Oh. I am crying. Please more fallout from this and more companies take a fucking responsibility in the shit they allowed. Principles and EVIDENCE based things should be allowed to be mainstream not shit from Alex jones and his ilk. Fuck him, and fuck all others like him spewing garbage.


Oct 27, 2017
Now if we could get conservative talk shows off our radio waves I'll be thrilled.

Johnny Blaze

Oct 29, 2017
Google has to copy everything from Apple don't they.

Won't say good going g Google but "about damn time", they just, as always, copy Apple first, while that vile POS had 4 years to make money on their services.


Oct 25, 2017
Funny that Apple was the company with the balls to just straight up ban them. The rest were just doing the bare minimum for appearances.