
Oct 27, 2017
This going to cause massive issues with racist shit and anti vax garbage which they already mostly ignored.

I get downvoting bombing and such but this should not be an across the board change.
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Oct 27, 2017
I don't think this is a good move, essentially it means that viewers cannot actually glance at what the general reception towards a video might be, this is annoying when looking for helpful information like tutorials or disastrous in the case of misinformation about topics like vaccinations.

When the gauge to measure the quality of content is only shown as positive then people won't have cause to distrust what they are being presented with, Facebook is a great example of how no one seems to be critical of the information that is posted.


Sep 14, 2019



Oct 25, 2017
Straya M8
I'm not totally against this, most news stories about Covid that aren't Antivax get thousands more dislikes than likes, it takes some power away from them even if I realise that Google are only doing it for selfish purposes.


Oct 26, 2017
This is definitely one of those 'causes more problems than it solves' type of executive decisions

Does it? They A/B tested it, and it didn't cause much outrage or feedback. Particularly with the way people watch YouTube anyways, it's not explicitly needed.

For a very long time now, the like/dislike button has only been useful for a user's personal YouTube recommendations and to provide feedback to the creator.


Nov 6, 2017
"The company says the change is to keep smaller creators from being targeted by dislike attacks or harassment, and to promote "respectful interactions between viewers and creators." The dislike button will still be there, but it'll be for private feedback, rather than public shaming."

If this was really the reason, they could've just hidden the dislikes for channels that have fewer than X subscribers, or for new channels.
This clearly is just another move to please the big companies.


Oct 27, 2017
this is probably just "Disney/WB got mad at us for showing how much people don't like some of our trailers". Cowards.

Dislikes are more used as a weapon by alt-right than against them, so I'm fine with it.

I understand people using the dislikes to gauge instructional videos but they are such a tiny proportion of videos.

I'd say this is far more a reaction to public health videos and PSAs being bombarded than it is Nintendo or a movie trailer.


Nov 6, 2017
I never look at dislike numbers, so I agree with this. Dogpile negativity by haters is useless.


Nov 4, 2018
Anyone remember 12 years ago when YouTube had the 5 star rating system before it was replaced with likes and dislikes? Loved the 5 star system personally. Youtube used to be so awesome back in the infancy of the site between 2005-2012. YouTube has never had competition. If only Veoh and Dailymotion had become actual threats to youtube back in the day we would have alternative sites that could compete with YouTube now. I remember when Google tried to forcefully Integrate Google + into youtube and got a ton of hate for it.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone remember 12 years ago when YouTube had the 5 star rating system before it was replaced with likes and dislikes? Loved the 5 star system personally. Youtube used to be so awesome back in the infancy of the site between 2005-2012. YouTube has never had competition. If only Veoh and Dailymotion had become actual threats to youtube back in the day we would have alternative sites that could compete with YouTube now. I remember when Google tried to forcefully Integrate Google + into youtube and got a ton of hate for it.
I do...yep I'm getting old!


Oct 25, 2017
This going to cause massive issues with racist shit and anti vax garbage which they already mostly ignored.
I'm a bit confused by what world people were living in to think the dislike button did anything to help with that. The algorithm serves the racist / right wing shit to the racist / right wing people. The hard right political commentators on youtube have the same 99% positive like/dislike ratio as everything else.


Oct 25, 2017
This sucks. Usually the only times I see people even care about likes/dislikes is when people are protesting something. Creator's can easily ignore backlash of this form now.


Nov 6, 2017
If you are clicking on something just to give it a dislike, you are helping the creator. Don't give clowns the traffic. You can usually tell by the title and thumbnail if a video is bunch of garbage. The best thing you can do is ignore it and not click. The creator doesn't care about dislikes, they just want people to click. Don't take the bait.


Oct 25, 2017
As a YouTube content creator I'm okay with this, but I'd also be okay if they didn't do it as I never felt threatened or negative about getting dislikes. Dislikes help promote videos in the algorithm just as well as likes do.


Oct 25, 2017
Ehh, I like them for identifying random commentary under the guise of clips/highlights and other forms of clickbait-y fuckery.


Oct 27, 2017
Lol this isn't a good idea at all. The dislike bar can be used as a good indication if the video is of a low quality (outside of targeted videos). Tons of videos are clickbait, have harmful information, or are just downright poorly made. Watching the content in full isn't ideal and the dislike bar can help with those expectations. Comments could be used but a lot of them time they are just memes or extrodinarily toxic. The dislike bar at least has a purpose for non targeted videos. Also it makes the metric of likes less relevant. Some channels just have a lot of subscribers and some the subscribers like every video so having a lot of likes doesn't really let you know the quality of the content. Reddits upvote system has downvotes so you can atleast imagine that if the score is high theres a ratio to it. This new likes system sounds like its just hiding the dislikes and they wont affect the ratio shown making the number nearly irrelevant. Take away likes altogether and keep the ability for favorite playlists if you're going to do that.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Lol this isn't a good idea at all. The dislike bar can be used as a good indication if the video is of a low quality (outside of targeted videos). Tons of videos are clickbait, have harmful information, or are just downright poorly made. Watching the content in full isn't ideal and the dislike bar can help with those expectations. Comments could be used but a lot of them time they are just memes or extrodinarily toxic. The dislike bar at least has a purpose for non targeted videos. Also it makes the metric of likes less relevant. Some channels just have a lot of subscribers and some the subscribers like every video so having a lot of likes doesn't really let you know the quality of the content. Reddits upvote system has downvotes so you can atleast imagine that if the score is high theres a ratio to it. This new likes system sounds like its just hiding the dislikes and they wont affect the ratio shown making the number nearly irrelevant. Take away likes altogether and keep the ability for favorite playlists if you're going to do that.
The negative feedback information still exists and is provided to the person creating the videos, it's just not publicized for people to use as a dog piling metric.


Oct 25, 2017
People have a right to know what other viewers think and the general sentiment of video being watched. Bad idea. 👎 for YouTube.
Oct 25, 2017
new jersey
i swear some people on era will celebrate getting rid of anything if it was used by the alt-right

dislikes were useful for videos on instruction, and just knowing if a video sucked ass


Oct 27, 2017
"Give this comment a thumbs up if you dislike this video"

This will now be the new top comment for every major youtube video.


Jan 27, 2018
Not a fan of this, for a lot of videos like tips for a video game or solution to fix an issue in a PC game, the dislike bar can give you a quick idea if it works or not, now people will have to read the comments if the creator even keeps them open.
It's pretty obvious big corps have been complaining to Youtube about this for a while, they don't like public criticism, how dare they dislike the original cut of Justice League! Our product was perfect!


Prophet of Regret
Dec 7, 2017
Now I'll have to watch an entire 10+ video to know whether it is a good Excel/Python/R/etc tutorial?

Meh I guess I can start reading comments.

Honestly this is the one thing where I think dislikes were useful for me.
Any troubleshooting video or tutorial it's the first thing I look at.

But for everything else... It's just mob behavior most of the time.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
In awe so many here think this is a good idea.

Yeah I can understand how it can be used maliciously.

But I've been saved from wasting my time on soooo many shitty videos by the dislike ratio, especially tutorials / guides and stuff like that.

For example, what about all the lecture videos online that go on for hours and hours and sometimes you NEED those for your studies and it's immensely helpful to know beforehand if this video is a waste of time or not.

Stoney Mason

Oct 25, 2017
i swear some people on era will celebrate getting rid of anything if it was used by the alt-right

dislikes were useful for videos on instruction, and just knowing if a video sucked ass
And it sucked for a lot of other things and some people are sick of it since it was often used as a target of harassment. People have different opinions on the topic. Imagine that.

Why doesn't this forum use an upvote downvote system for posts and threads since it's obviously a universally great idea to save time.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Do not like this at all. This will force me to the comment section to see if a instructional video or an Easter egg video for example is legitimate or not. It also makes it harder to judge the public mood on a new game or song. Because before I could just pop in see the radio and then back out because it would be obvious if it was fake or misleading.

I don't like this one bit. I hope they revert the change.


Oct 29, 2017
Osaka, Japan
I can see the pros and cons for keeping or removing the dislike button.
Hmm, not really sure which is better.
But, I do wish they would keep it.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
I have never found this to be the case.

The comments were a far better indication of quality, usefulness, and how much people dislike the video. More importantly, comments provide context, which dislikes do not.
They were a good measuring stick though.

Having to go into the cesspit that is the YouTube comments should never be required.


Oct 27, 2017
Great, should give more crap content creators views and ad revenues since you'll need to sit through a video to know if it's trash or not.


Oct 28, 2017
They were a good measuring stick though.

Having to go into the cesspit that is the YouTube comments should never be required.
Like you said, in the best case scenario it can be used as a measuring stick and it saves you a few seconds of scrolling through the comments at most.

Going back to the idea of tutorials, the context is more important to me when I'd be looking for something like home repair tutorials that a like/dislike ratio can't tell me, especially since it may need to be just the one person in the comments that knows what they are talking about to serve as a good companion or counter to the video. That saves me much more time than seeing a like/dislike ratio.


Oct 27, 2017
Brigading is kind of crap to be honest. I've said this with user reviews as well. If the publishers of videos can still see the reaction that may be good enough, but piling on culture online is excessive and generally non productive and gives disproportionate (perceived) power to the worst elements of online communities for momentary gratification.


Oct 27, 2017
The negative feedback information still exists and is provided to the person creating the videos, it's just not publicized for people to use as a dog piling metric.

It doesn't help me immediately as a viewer though (outside of hoping eventually they take the feedback to improve). I use the dislike bar myself and it is actually useful to know this video is about to waste my time. It is not a perfect system, but when its being used properly, and it is used properly in a lot of places, it can save a lot of time. I can watch some of video realize oh right this is why its being disliked so much and dip out vs wading through the video to find out on my own just to dislike it afterwards to let the creator know it sucks.

An example that I've done is, a video is an educational tutorial thats trying to help me accomplish some task. If video has an unusual amount of dislikes, I watch a bit of how it starts then skip through to see if they were warranted or if the video is just wasting time somewhere. I'll also sometimes dip into the comments to see if theres some obvious general consensus that is going on before even watching it. Sometimes I'll find that it isn't warranted at all and then watch it in full, but most of the time its someone who doesn't know what they are doing, explains poorly, has low quality, or even worse made the video with a fake headline for clicks and sometimes these videos are 30+ minutes long. Some videos are longer than necessary for simple tasks and can be summarized elsewhere. The dislike bar can help with this. It is obviously not useful when you see vaccine video and you're an antivaxxer and you're just hitting dislike, but those are targeted videos where comments and likes will be totally useless anyway. Unfortunately now content from anti vaxxers will now be shown to have a bunch of likes with no visible dislikes so it could appear that the information is legitimate inadvertently.

I feel like the likes system should be totally abolished if you're doing this. It'll help the creator still, but it might also make people engage with the system less in general.


Oct 30, 2017
So, in a futile and meaningless gesture toward combating online toxicity, they're going to remove a useful heuristic for judging a video's practical value? Cut the full picture of audience feedback in half?

Mission Accomplished

Seriously, now any time I want to watch a tech tutorial or computer tip, I'll have no fucking idea if it's generally reliable before losing a bunch of time. And no, comments aren't a replacement for dislikes. I've watched probably 100+ videos on assorted Windows issues. The comments don't consistently reflect the like/dislike ratio.

Hopefully users will make "Like this post to thumbs-down the video" comments as needed. In fact, I might have to do it myself.
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Oct 25, 2017
This is like Netflix removing the rating system. It's just not in YT's interests monetarily to allow anything that might dampen views or 'engagement'.


Oct 26, 2017
YouTube already prioritizes highly engaged and situationally relevant videos in its search results.

- YouTube

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

And, yeah, I rely on the comment section or, honestly, the top comment more than ever.


Jun 11, 2021
Not a good move, how about just give the people the option on weather or not they want the dislikes visable or not? I want my vids to have dislikes shown and I don't care if its dislike bombed. Stop taking away options!!!


Oct 30, 2017
Not a good move, how about just give the people the option on weather or not they want the dislikes visable or not? I want my vids to have dislikes shown and I don't care if its dislike bombed. Stop taking away options!!!

Sorry readers, you're just gonna have to guess whether I liked this post or not.


Oct 27, 2017
Fucking stupid idea
I wanna see whether a video sucks ass or is clickbait. Dislikes help with that

also stupid of google to try to remove negativity. I get that you should promote positivity, but this isnt the way to do it. How about focussing on your algoritms. Also, criticism is good for everyone. If I see tons of dislikes on something I feel strongly about, I am more inclined to think about the other side.

stupid stupid move