Oct 25, 2017
Futuristic/Cyberpunk Open World Game: Happening thanks to Cyberpunk 2077

Metal Gear Rising 2: Probably never, or if it does it probably won't be made by Platinum.
Dec 6, 2017
Bloodborne was basically a wet dream fantasy of a game that I only halfway knew I wanted until it was announced. Then it dropped and somehow was even better than my expectations.

Dream fulfilled.

Darth Smurf X

Oct 25, 2017
Hoth, WI
A direct continuation? probably not all that likely. A new Knights of the Old Republic game altogether? I'd say the chances are quite high. The Star Wars franchise is super popular and will likely continue being so & KOTOR one of its most successful sub-IPs. It's not hard to imagine someone, one day, thinking that it's time for a new Knights of the Old Republic game.

Fine. 4%.


Oct 26, 2017
Advance Wars with Days of Ruin quality of balance, but Dual Strike's amount of variety and fun. 0% chance.


Oct 27, 2017
as a kid i always wanted a mario and sonic platform game where they would work as a team a-la banjo-kazooie...it definitely got more possible lately but still unprobable.


One Winged Slayer
May 22, 2018
A proper Paper Mario game like the first two.

It's been like fifteen years since TTYD, and they still refuse to make it.
Apr 9, 2019
I want an anime fantasy game, in the vein of Ghibli films or Hoshi wo Ou Kodomo, made by From Software, directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki. Could even be a Ghibli X From Software collaboration.

A bunch of beautiful vistas, expressive characters, likely a young female protagonist going on an adventure, and weird shit like this:


This is 100% my dream game, followed by a From Software and Tsutomu Nihei collaboration, and a Karas videogame adaptation.

The only one with any chance of happening is probably From X Nihei.


Does not open from this side.

Why do I not recognise these screenshots? What is this from?


Dec 4, 2018
Witcher-like LEGACY OF KAIN

Likelihood: If SE is ever well managed: 70%; Current SE: -50% "not GAAS enough"


Oct 25, 2017
A truly great cRPG designed around 4(or more!) player co-op.

Original Sin 2 is great and absolutely the closest we've ever gotten, but it's clear that co-op was not the intended way to play and the experience leaves a lot to be desired.

It seems likely that something like this could be possible in the next 3 or 4 years, but wether or not it would get made is another question.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
I'd say RDR2 and Bloodborne have gotten as close to my 'dream games' as possible.


Oct 26, 2017
Jet Set Radio 3 is at the top of my list. But modern Sega basically only makes Yakuza and Sonic games. So yeah.

Mega Man Legends 3 is another. I think this actually has a better chance than JSR3 because Capcom at least seems to be making Mega Man games again.

Hotel Dusk/Last Window 3, a third game staring Kyle Hyde would be another dream come true. But this one is next to impossible because Cing went bankrupt and closed down. :/

Then there's Half Life 3 and Portal 3....lol

Also what's the deal with the game industry and the number 3? At least we're finally getting Shenmue 3, which just a few years ago would have been on my list too.
And there's also No More Heroes 3 which might actually get announced at E3. But yeah, seems like it's hard for a lot of IPs to make it past a second game.

Deleted member 15395

Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
I want a Xenosaga remake and all the 3 games worth of content that monolith never got to make. With the Xenosaga remaster nowhere in sight I'm not holding my breath for an actual remake.

Kat Bailey

Host - Axe of the Blood God
Jan 5, 2018
A new X-wing or TIE Fighter game. Seems unlikely given that EA has the license and those games are niche and hard to monetize.


Oct 31, 2017
PS5 sequels to Demon's Souls and Warhawk PS3

Likelihood: LOL/10


I'll take a proper Dragon's Dogma sequel too.


Oct 27, 2017
Mount and Blade Bannerlord. Still have my doubts this game will ever be released and if it is it most likely won't live up to half of what is promised.


Oct 27, 2017
Legend of Mana 2. That game was magic in a bottle. I want it to keep everything the same, except maybe have a modern non-linear open world setting instead of a convoluted artifact placement system (heresy, I know).

Also a new Monster Rancher.


Persona Central
Oct 25, 2017
Persona 5 Arena. Developed by ASW, with their trademark 2.5D style Guilty Gear Xrd introduced. With the gameplay systems of coordinating with your persona that made Persona 4 Arena great, while introducing refinements from what they've learned in 7 years.

5/10. Some think it's inevitable, but I don't see it that way. There's a high chance that ASW is now too busy with grander projects after FighterZ and GBFV, and that Atlus would need to depend on another developer or not do it at all.

Virtua King

Dec 29, 2017
I've had a lot of my biggest dream games answered with Streets of Rage Remake & SoR4, Sonic Mania, Shenmue III, Rodea the Sky Soldier (Wii), Valkyria Chronicles 4, and potentially Metroid Prime 4, so I'm happy about those. As for other ones:

New Dark Forces/Jedi Knight
New X-Wing/TIE Fighter
New Panzer Dragoon or Saga like game
Age Mythology 2
Mega Man X9
Skies of Arcadia 2
Virtua FIghter 6

I think X9, VF6, and maybe AoM2 have a chance, but the others will probably just get remasters/remakes of previous entries, and Disney & EA will never make a non-canon Star Wars game, (not that I would expect it to be good either).

Akita One

Oct 30, 2017
A fighting game SRPG...where you move units around a map with positioning and placement being important ala Fire Emblem/FFT, but when you hit attack, you switch to a mode with Tekken/Virtua Fighter mechanics that solely decide the outcome of the battle.

Project X Zone was close but the "fighting" was just button mashing that didn't amount to anything important. Quest mode from the Tobal games was also close, but to rudimentary with the RPG elements.

My other two dream games are coming true with Borderlands 3 and the inevitable Super Mario 3D World 2: Electric Boogaloo

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
A game based around Final Fantasy XI's Beastmaster (BST). It will not exist, so I will make it in Dreams :(

Rndom Grenadez

Prophet of Truth
Dec 7, 2017
Breath of the Wild x Majoras Mask. Weird characters, different gameplay from BotW. Proper dungeons. Decent likelihood but certainly not a sure thing.
Last edited:


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Ronin Warriors beat 'em up. Still holding onto the dream 20 years later. 0%
Nov 1, 2017
Straight away i can think of two: One i would die for is Secret of Mana 3/Seiken Densetsu 4. But for gods sake not done in the same way that the recent SoM remake was, cause that would be a travesty. SD3 was so good with the expansive roster of characters and multiple interweaving storylines and i miss that style of Zelda-ish combat. Were it to ever happen though (and it's highly unlikely, SE hasn't got a clue what to do with the Mana franchise frankly) i would have to insist on pixel art.

Power Stone 3 is another one. It's a cruel irony that fucking Capcom of all companies, never one to shy away from doing yet another sequel or porting their existing back catalogue to every god damned system under the sun has completely let this franchise rot. It's even weirder when you think of how successful Smash Bros is. I know they're wildly different games but Power Stone 2 and Smash Bros are both very much what you would consider "party" fighting games. I would want a theoretical PS3 to veer more towards the over the top 4 player craziness of PS2 rather than the somewhat less flashy PS1. Or hell, have it the best of both worlds: Make 4 player matches crazy and bonkers and have a 2 player variant that is more the items off, Final Destination only, no fun allowed type of game mode.

As for the likelihood of this happening? Probably no chance, but never say never. Had i asked myself this question before the start of this gen Killer Instinct would have been on the list and out of nowhere not only did that classic franchise return it came back with one of the best fighting games ever made so frankly anything's possible.


Nov 2, 2017
PGR sequel. Closed track. Same car handling. Same kudos system.

Team based Shadowrun RPG with Xcom-like tactical combat.


Feb 13, 2019
Mother 4 - a magnum opus game for Itoi Shigesato exploring end-of-life, nostalgia for youth, & a glimpse toward a future one will never see.

Chances of happening? Probably much lower than I would hope but I can dream. Old age does cause artists to look toward the past so maybe we'll be blessed by one more go-around from this man.
Apr 8, 2018
Sleeping Dogs 2: Chances of this happening are low, but if the movie is still coming out I guess Square Enix doesn't see this franchise as completely dead?
Far Cry Blood Dragon true sequel/remaster: Chances of a true sequel seem low, but I could see a remaster potentially happening. Would be a cool E3 surprise, but I doubt it'll happen since FC: New Dawn released a few months ago.
AAA Stranger Things game: I could see this happening in the next few years. Still bums me out we'll never get to play the Telltale ST game, so I hope it's sooner rather than later.
AAA Game of Thrones game: Kinda boggles my mind this hasn't happened yet (unless the Telltale game counts as AAA?), but I could possibly see it happening in the next few years. Would be cool if the GRRM x From Soft game is GoT (or even set in the ASOIAF book universe), but I guess the rumor is that it's a new IP.


Aug 31, 2018
Inside your house
An Elder Scrolls game that leans into the more batshit lore elements. Or one that takes place in Akavir. The Elder Scrolls' setting is just so interesting and has some seriously crazy lore. Most of the games (Morrowind not withstanding) ignoring that in favor of being fairly generic fantasy seems like a bit of a waste.

Klonoa III - I mean MAYBE with the resurgence of platformers maybe namco would make a new one or partner with nintendo to co create a new one.

Also this.

I think the most we could realistically hope for is a port or collection of some kind. I mean, platformer franchises with even less notoriety than Klonoa have gotten modern rereleases (Kao the Kangaroo, for instance), so I don't see why we couldn't at least get that.


Oct 30, 2017
Stargate RPG ala Mass Effect

If I were a billionaire, I would buy the licence from MGM which does nothing with this goldmine IP....


Oct 25, 2017
1) Horizon Zero Dawn sequel - A sure thing

2) Futuristic city open-world RPG - Cyberpunk 2077

3) An investigative journalist game with photography as the main mechanic. Lots of sneaking/spying, some light combat and chases - maybe someday

Ronnie Poncho

Oct 27, 2017
Splinter Cell...

A wrestling game that has the production quality of WWE games but recognises the 'fakeness' of wrestling. So a game less about beating someone up and more about creating a dramatic and engaging match, while managing the entertainment behind the scenes. I hope Koei are working on a game like this as they move away from WWE. I have heard good things about Fire Pro though. It wouldn't need a license because every wrestler could be player-made. A wrestling game entirely around user-generated content would be interesting for sure.

AAA Game of Thrones, perhaps an RPG in the vein of Elder Scrolls. Shocking that the only GoT games that I've seen (apart from Reigns) have been awful.

Max Payne 4

A spaceflight/rocket simulator, in the vein of Kerbal Space Program but more about building ships and managing flights rather than operating them all by hand. I want this one so much I'm almost prepared to try and make it myself. Sort of the flip-side of Surviving Mars.

Stargate RPG ala Mass Effect

If I were a billionaire, I would buy the licence from MGM which does nothing with this goldmine IP....

Oof, that'd be amazing.


Oct 31, 2017
BotW with a more unique setting, a better variety of permanent tools and longer dungeons. I expect at least 2 of the 3 things to be in the next Zelda game, so yeah everything is alright.